Resampled001B6E94 February 24, 1928. THE WEST VAN NEWS BRYAN EXPLAINS WHY KING WAS DISSIISSED; CLAIMS ACTION JUSTIFIED The dismissal of Game War- den and Provincial Constable King of North Vancouver was the subject of a vigorous speech in the Legislature on Tuesday afternoon by J. M. Bryan, Lib- eral member for North Vancou- ver, during which he condemned the attitude of the leader of the opposition toward the dismissal of the officer, saying that the leader of the opposition had not investigated the cause of the dis- missal before he made the charge that the constable was taking action against too many Liber- als. Says Details Sordid "I asked the leader of the op- position if he had made any in- vestigation, but his reply was in the negative," said Mr. Bryan. "I have the record of this man, not only as regards the South African war, but since he came to America, and the details are too sordid to read to the House. But I have the record here, for any member who would like to see it. He was appointed game warden under the provincial po- lice in 1922 for North Vancou- ver." Mr. Bryan proceeded to make a series of charges against King's character, and said that his dismissal had been requested by a petition following an indig- nation meeting. The man's army record was also reviewed by Mr. Bryan. Sechelt Appointment "It is an insult to the gallant members of this House," contin- ued Mr. Bryan, "to call this man a veteran of the Great War." "The reference by the third member for Victoria (H. D. Twigg) to T. D. Sutherland, game warden at Sechelt, is typ- ical of the attacks by the oppo- sition. T. D. Sutherland won a D.S.O. and two bars, a M.C. and bar, and was colonel at 26--the youngest colonel in the Great War. The third member for Vic- toria does not make straightout attacks; he makes insinuations that are worse. Colonel Suther- land is the type of man he would hold up to t'e attornty-general to make an investigation on, and his leader espouses the cause of a man of the type of King." 5 Whimsical Review ~c Won t you let me get you a glass of water, Mr. Snooker?" Mr. Snooker: "It's very atten- tive of you, Jacky, but why do you want me to have a glass?" "Because I heard father say you drank like a fish, and I want, P. . tu see." "Now, my son, tell me why I punished you." ~~ FA.CTS Worth Knowing Boy (indignantly): "Oh, gee!r I First you pound the devil out of ,'p".P" me, and now you don't know what you did it for." a oI An engineer, while explaining IBlwaatlaaaaBKaaaaKIwaawaxwaaa waaama Coffee stains can: be removed by rubbing in pure glycerine; leave for half an hour, then wash. Buy beef suet, as far as pos- sible, in one piece, and several days before it is required, so that it may be hard and there- fore easily chopped. If a pinch of salt is sprinkled on coffee before the boiling wa- ter is added the flavor will be improved. a Water in which potatoes have been boiled is excellent for re- moving stains from silver. The less fat there is in pastry the quicker it will cook. Meat is most nutritious when roasted, most digestible uqten boiled or stewed. a ~ If sauce has had to stand for some time before use, put the pan containing it into a larger one with hot water; cover the sauce with a lid; and no skin will be formed. a ~ a Mutton suet should not be used for 0 dish that is to be eaten cold. a ~ Do not use soda to clean alum- inium. A little pumice powder on a damp rag is most effective. (dj 4?p+~ the operation of a machme in a factory, got so annoyed at the '~g "'7 interru i ns of a tain mpt o cei an c~)y " that he refused to continue and 4, h™&t'„»,: 'walked away. "Who is the fellow who pre- tends to know more than I do about that machine ?" he asked another man. "Oh, he's the man who invent- ed it," was the answer. "Is this called a fast train?" demanded an irate passenger. "It is," answered the guard proudly. "Well, in that case, do you mind if I get off to see what it is fast to'?" a o "How did you screw up cour- age to propose to the rich Mrs. MacTavish, Sandy'" "Losh, mon, 'twas awfu'! I'd sworn I'd do it come Monday nicht, so I took her for a ride in a taxi, «nd wi'ne eye on the meter tickin'wa' had her won' ~ at the end o'alf a crown." 1 I I i. I 1 8 9 5~ ii ls 5I it Ol he r o ~ o I "My poor husband was a won- derful artist," sighe&1 the land- '~~, 'ady, as she hacked away at the pie crust. "and always said he found inspiration in my cook- ing." "A sculptor, I presume," said the gloomy boarder, surveying his bent fork. t he t? cf itb sf 50'55 cf Prof.: "I believe you missed my class yesterday." Student: "Why, no, I didn', old man, not in the least."--Bob- cat. a ~ He: "There is something I i' like about you." V» She: "What?" He: "Me." f P;? "You know, little girl, I'd go ,I 'a-. through anything for you."~pC "How much have you got to go through?" g4'he doctor had jttst been vis- f-'ting an Irish patient, and as the man's wife was showing him out he said to her: "Your husband' not so well today, Mrs. Maloney. j -x Is he sticking to the simple dietI prescribed?" "He is not, sorr," came the reply. "He says 'he'l not be after starvin'imself to death;ir,'ust for thc sake of livin' few ~»y "-.years longer." r + " A humorist staying at Strat-ford-on-Avon asked the landlady one day:.~4""IVho is t'his Shakespeare I I hear so much about down here? Was he ever a great man?" To this jocular question the 5(ac') landlady made serious reply: "Lor', sir, 'e worn'hought nothing on a few years ago. It' the Americans as 'as made 'im what 'e is." a ) gP "But hasn't your husband had ?any treatment for his deafness?" "Not yet. You see, he's wait- ing until the children have fin- ,ished their piano lessons." ~. i "I'e just been reading some lg~'„ statistics here --every time I breathe a man dies." "Gosh, man! Why don't you use Listerine?" a r a Jack (for the third time): o I News Gleams There weren't any snubbers on the old-fashioned buggy. The snubbers were those who rode in carriages. The difficulty m upld'ting drama is that those who want it purer don't patronize it much anyway. There is a vaccination to pre- vent almost everything in kids except the desire to answer back. Still, if the nations were square enough to make the League work they could get along without it. It develops that Rockefeller golf really is excellent, but we can keep on making jokes about the poetry. CLASSIFIED ADS LOST--Black Gordon Setter Dog. Haa brown spots on back. Phone K. A. Ray, West 30L. FOUND--A small aam of money on Marine drive. Phono West 53R3. WOMAN IVANTS HOUSEWORK-- Phone West 335L. 'IVANTED--Salesman for treat van- couver to sell house numbers. Phone West 308 for appointment. FOII SALE--Used Furniture of allkinds. Good range $ 16. Tablesfrom $2. Norman'a Furniture Ex- change, next to West Van. Garage. TO RENT--From 1st April. fUBymodern 6-room bungalow, 2319 Ma-rina Drive, all fenced, apples, cher- ries, blackbernca and raspberries; good woodshed and well-built shedfor trunks, ctc. Apply at above address, or phone West 669R. FOR RENT--Three-roomed fur- nished house. Full plumbing. Moderate rent. 2063 Esquimalt GET West Vaa. Elcctnc I ncaa on Radio I acuum Irons aad all elec trical appliances. Agents for Mar- coni Radio. FOR RENT--Unfurnished Five-room Bungalow on Waterfront at Alta- mont. Phone Lcyland, West 63RL NEW5IAN gi ROBBINS -- Baildcra and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalaominiog, chimneys built. 28th and biarinc. Phone West 74RI. HEMSTITCHING--Plain. white.. 5c yard silk and colored lee yard.Pcarcc'a Drygooda, 14th Street and biarinc Phone West 144 MODERN ELECTRIC WIRING AND LIGHTIiNG--Gct our prices. Trade in your radio for new model. North Shore Electric. Phone N. 79. FOR RENT--Five-roomed new houseat Ottawa and 16th, two acres ofland (cleared). very suitable for chickens. Good water supply. Ap- ply Bccmer, 14th and Clyde, FOR SALE--McLaughlia Auto in cx- ccllcnt condition, or trade at a bar- gain price. Bccmcr, 14th and Clyde. WANTED--Insurance Agent for the Municipality of West Vancouver to represent old reliable insurance company. Apply Agent, care of West Van. News. WINDOIV BLINDS slada to order and installed. Estimates free.Pcarcc's Drygooda, 14th Street and biarinc. Phone West 144. VACUUDI TO RENT--Scc West Van. Electric. Phone West 106. FOUNDATION, CEMENT WORK, Landscaping, Septic Tanks, Gener- al Contracting. T Barnott Resi- dence Phone Ivcat 672R. GEO. HAY 1405 blariac Drive 315 Cordova W. West 21 Scy. 1260.Men may be able to fly faster than the birds, but it would still be very unwise for a human be- ing to challenge a fish to a race across the English Channel. The reputed dangers of pros- perity bother the ma)omty of us just about as much as the dan- ger of being bitten by a lion if we ever got lost in an African jungle. It takes a great man to for- mulate a theory into which the universe will fit neatly; it takes a greater man to look upon su- blime chaos and accept it. They say a man loves a wo- man for her virtues, and that a woman loves a man for his faults. Each despises the quali- ties the other loves. The meanest man we know of is the warden who put a tack on the electric chair. Quite a Help Mistress (severely) -- If this occurs again, Mary, I shall be forced to get another servant. Mary--I wish you would, mum. There's quite enough work for two of us, and well you know it. FOR RENT--A furnished bungalow by the season, at 29th Avenue and Marine Drive. Secure this home early. Phone Fairvlcw 555 X. FOR SALE -- THREE 51INUTES from the ferry; 2 fifty-foot garden lots, fully cleared, with fruit trees, berry bushes. There is a largo hen house on each lot. A bargain at $760, tcnns. Savory 41 Duval, 1429 Marine Drive. Phone West 340. FOR SALE--Cow manure, well rotted, 2 yards $ 6.00; 4M yards $10.00.Phone West 74L2. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundarave. "WILLOW DENE COTTAGE" Kings Avenue, Dundaravc, to rent. Five rooms, full plumbing, open fireplace, laundry tubs, beautiful situation, Adults only, $30.00. B. R. Harrison, West 404L. Large Cleared Lot, in garden, 200 feet from Manna Dnvc. Fall pncc only $376. Furnished aad Unfurnished hlodcrn Suites and Houses. We still have some very desirable modern furnished and unfurnished houses for rent. R. P. Clarke gc Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. Fifty-foot lots at 6155 each to close out estate. Terms if desired. Con- vcnicot location. Cheapest lots in IVcat Vancouver. Seafront home, West Bay, four rooms, verandah, $3500. Terms. Third cash, balance arranged. Large waterfront lots on blulf within mile of Glcneaglca Golf Links, 75x 500. Paved road at back. Good buying at $ 1550. Terms. A Woman's Logic Mrs. Jones cast an entirely new light--and, it may be, a wholly reasonable one--on the problem of woman's dress the other night. She and Mr. Jones were awaiting callers, and Mr. Jones surveyed her new gown rather critically. "Isn't it a lit- tle extreme?" he suggested. "A little short and low cut?" "Well, I don't know," said Mrs. Jones, "they are coming to see me, aren't they--.not the dress?" Fiscal Agents: R. P. Clarke R Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. 823 Hastings St. W. Scy. 483, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. West 651L ONLY $ 100 CASH--First payment, large Marine drive corner, business section; balance $900, easy terms. FINE LARGE LOT--110 feet front- age, fcw blocks from ferry. Snap, $450. IVEST VAN. INVESTMENT CO. Notary Public West 102 Tomorrow afternoon and even- ing, and again on Monday night, the Hollyburn Theatre will show a feature film, "The Life of Lord Nelson." The British Admiralty actively assisted in the produc- tion of this. It is a splendid pic- ture and you should see it. Reg- ular prices. Ten million years of mental development, ending at last in a man who is interested in ankles. Birds are lucky things. They can get back north in the spring without walking. The wor&i "moron" isn't insult- ing. It's no disgrace to be as smart as a normal 12-year-old kid.