West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Feb 1928, p. 4

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Resampled001B6E94 THE WEST VAN NEWS I'ebruary 24. 1928 rsbrss The Utmost in Value This business is built on Socio&ac&ion. Wc caaaoc afford &o have diaaaiiafiod cuatomoca. Hence wc iakn no chancco on carrying cheap quality goods. We give full caine and the best value on every pncchaae. For Reliability Try Ucccawood'a Greenwood s GROCERY We deliver West 16 (Eaiabiixhcd over 7 Yea&a) C. J. Overington 14th and Marine Barber For appointmcnt PHONE IVEST 135 Hollyburn Theatre TO-MGHT Friday, February za- Dorothy Hackaii and Jack hiuihaii in "Smile, Brother Smile" Saturday htaL and Evc., aad hioaday, Fein 2o, 27 "NELSON" Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The IVest Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside Amblmido Tea Rooms Peery Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp asd Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, aam J. M. Morgan Phone West 173 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO Phone Seymour IOI HARROV BROS. 8c WILLIAMSON( $ IIIIeral Qirertf)rs North Vancouver Parlors 122 IVest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 [Us?ful1'ecipes l MASONS GIVE A SUCCESSFUL DANCE ames, were sent out. Incomplete r - Is show 16,962 borrowers. who read 94,619 books. The open shelf department, a collection of about 7,000 vol- umes of non-fiction, lent 6,633 volt&Dies by mail to 2,222 borrow- ers. There was a large attendance at the dance given on Tuesday night by King David Lodge, A. F. and A. M., in the Hollyburn Pavilion, which was prettily de- corated for the occasion. The 51eridian orchestra supplied the music, and the floor was crowd- ed with dancers at every num- ber. Refreshments were served during the evening, and it was I a.m. before a very enjoyable social event was brought to a close with the singing of the na- tional anthem. Honeymoon Hardup--If things don't go better with us, darling, I suppose your father won't see us starve? 5frs. Hardup--No, poor dear, his eyesight gets worse every Personalo hire. F. X. Hodgson will be one nf the artistes at a musicale to be given in the manse nf St. John's United Church. Vancou- ver, on Friday evening, 24th of afarch. ~ ~ ~ hire. Ed. Bryer of New West- minster ives a guest on Sunday of hlr. and Slrs. J. H. I'aterson. 16th and Marine drive. ~ ~ ~ Nrs. Flaherty, who has been living in the city for some time. expects to iwturn shortly to her home in Caulfeihi. ~ ~ ~ hire. Burton Forster an&i her chihlren, ivho have been living at the Fortune Cup Inn for some months, have moved into Mrs. Forster's home at 17th nnd sfathers. o ~ ~ Chnrlie fiierrick. 21st nnd Bel- levue, ivho is a manual training teacher at Ocean Falls, is here due to the necessity of his un- dergoing an operation. ~ o ' R. R. Bartlett, driver for the West Vancouver Lumber Co., last week fell off the truck while loading lumber in the Vancou- ver Lumber Co.'s yar&l in the city and injured his back. He is at present coniined to the house as a result of the acci- dent. ~ o George Kane of Portland, Ore- gon, has been visiting his moth- er, hbs. hVilliam Kane, 12th and Marine drive. ~ o Nrs. P. A. O'Farrell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Georges, at Caulfeild. ' o F. Harrison, 17th and Hay- wood, who drives for Ed. Black, is suffering from blood-poison in the hand. o ~ Mr. and Mrs. E. A. IVillsher, e5th and Kings, have moved to Englesea Lodge, Vancouver. v ~ Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbertson and family have taken the Spratley cottage at 22nd and Marine drive. I o The salaries of the five mem- , bers of the finance department of the municipal hall were rais- ed $5 per month by the munici- ; pal council at their special meet- ing on Friday night. o Mrs. Mary E. Williamson has taken out a permit for the con- struction of ahouse at 23rd and Kings avenue. John Harte has completed the addition to his house at 16th and Esquimalt. ~ ~ o Nr. and Mrs. Macdonald of Vancouver have rented the Stratton house on Bellevue. Nrs. john Harte, 16th and Es- quimalt, who has been ill for some weeks, is much improved in health. c Jacob Stern of West Bay, who has been on a trip of some months'uration in the South, has returned to his home. L. O. IL A. The L.O.R.A. will hold their next general meeting at Dun&la- rave ilail on Thursday evening, hlarch 1st. Following the meet- ing there will be a whist drive an&i dnnce. hVEST VAiV. I'I.AYFRS WliV AT BAIPSILVTON The Badminton tournament put on last week by the Sixth Field Company, C.E., in the North Vancouver Drill Hall, was most successful, and the hVest Vancouver players carried oif a number of honors in the handi- cap events, the winners in which were as follows: Men's handicap singles: 1st prize by George Sparting, 1st, J. D. Siddons; 2nd, T. Jermyn. Ladies'andicap 'singles: 1st prize by Gen. A. D. NcRae, M.P., 1st. 5liss E. Gill; 2nd, Miss Arch- er. Men's handicap doubles: 1st R. i51cNaughten and P. IVar&l; 2nd, H. Booth and Finney, Ladies handicap doubles: 1st, Miss R. Matheson hnd Miss B. Matheson; 2ml, Miss Turner and Miss Curtis. hiixed handicap doubles: 1st, Miss Ritchie and Finnie; 2nd, Miss 51illard and Booth. HOSPITAL I'LANS CONSIDERED The possibility of making the proposed new hospital a full three-storey building was dis- cussed at a meeting of directors on Wednesday night, when pre- liminary plans for the structure were presented by IV. Bow, ar- chitect.' rough sketch of the exterior showed a two and one-half storey building. It was suggested by Mayor George H. Morden of North Vancouver that a full third storey be added with a flat roof garden for the use of con- valescent patients. In the opinion of the architect this would cost approximately $ 10,000 if unfinished inside. It would provide accommodation'ortwelve additional beds if re- quired at a later date, he stated. He was requested to bring in estimates at a later meeting on a plan of the type suggested. A committee consisting of Miss Gladys Currie, hospital ma- tron, Mr. Bow and Ald. H. E. C. Anderson, was appointed to in- terview provincial hospital au- thorities in Victoria on require- ments of the proposed building. PITMAN COLLEGE TO GIVE ANNUAL DANCE The principal, staff and stu- dents of the Pitman Business College, Vancouver, are holding their annual dance and reunion this evening from 9 to I, in the IVomen's Building, Thurlow street. A large number of past and present students, including many from IVest Vancouver, are expected to be present to enjoy dancing and old-time games. The committees in charge of recep- tions, entertainments and re- freshments report that they are fully prepared to give everyone a good time. NOT SO BAD Here are two slang words that are being worked overtime in London right now: "Marabout" is one, and it is used to describe anything old- fashioned or dowdy. It is a very elastic word, however, and at the Kit Kat Club it was heard applied to everything from one' enemies to a drink of which someone did not approve. It is a noun. The other word is a synonym of "marabout" and is used both as a noun and an adjective. It is "cagmag," a variation in "cag- maggy." We Forgot Lani week, when coiling you of onr ovcvice we Iocsoi iho new scales io wc&ah the baby, Brin&& baby any time. S i& I'RT& I i. a qaniiacy Pad ai isc while they iaat. &I o send To escamo, c«hvc C. I'. R. oc C. N. Ii. Diaponooca io iha C. P. IL hiodicai Aacociaiion WEST VAN PlARNACY The Sioco o& So&a&co I ron&pi Dc&ivory I hone W 37 CHIROPRACTOR Next io Siva&ion Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleslde ~ iao at Vancouvor Phone IVoa& 3SS Roberta A, Vass D. Cv Ph. C. Gcadna&o ot Palmer School hiovomonta of the limbs call into play iho services of ihouaanda of nerves. The will io move and the power of motion depends upon these ncrvca. CHIIIOPRACTIC WILL HELP YOU Announcement Dr. Dorothy Miller M.B., Ch.B. (Glasgow) L.M.C.S. has now opened an office in the Royal Bank Bldg., 17th and Marine, in the suite formerly occupied by Dr. Stainsby. Hours: 2:30 to 5 pm., or by ap- pointment. Phone West 393 Announcement Dr. G. E. Bayfield M.D.C.M. wishes to inform the public that he has opened a downtown office in the N E IV H A V BUILDING corner Marine Drive and 14th Street. Phone West 343 (Res. and Off.) Office Hours: Afternoon - 2:30 to 4:30 Mormng 11 00 to 12 80 Phone West 343 at any time Tronghton 8 Sarrow I ocal Agents CUNARD, ANCHOR and ANCHOR-DONA I.DSON I.l N ES Dundarave IVest 83 IIacm ing 'l Tss nUI Van&au Ii ph! Nigh& ' I Phoae I West I IIII Icris 8i Wi Peag The People the gn article cc'a pa and pr charge m viii .The Bt Poc poop TSIRD Pho lVcsi y Pho "TII, (Noa,nd «on oi Satiird Wg II CRILII which aSI Ici hn on&can ho&&oak'"c illa& 5- ~ '