Resampled001B6E94 Our NEW PHONE NUMBER IS West 456 Day or Night Marine Motors bfarine Drive at 22nd Street WEST 456 GOOD BREAD is the most satis- factory thing at meal time. Stratton's Bread IS GOOD BREAD. PHONE WEST 27 And Our Delivery bfan Will Call F. R. Franklin Carpenter and Contractor 2503 Bellevue Are. Phono West 59L2. WEST VAN Restaurant 1421 Mavias Drive at 14th St. Public Phone bVest 611-0 The busy bank manager was writing in his office when a very pompous gentleman was shown in. "Take a chair, please," said the manager, not looking up. "I suppose that you are aware that I am Count )Veserstetn," said the visitor. The banker went on writing and said quietly, "Oh, in that case, take two chairs." THE West Van Nees Published Every Friday H. HODGSON aad F.F.LOVEGROVE Pab)ishcvs Phones: West 412LWest 363 Bosiacss aad Editorial Office: 1361 Marina Dvirs Mail Address& P. O. Bos 101, Houybova, B. C. 61.00 ~ year by mail or «amav, News stands sc pcv «opy. ADVERTISLVG RATES ON APPLICATION Lunches & Teas We have a dainty tca room in which to serve you. Reasonable prices. Quick, courteous service, Have you tried ouv Home-made Piss and Pastvics1 Mrs. DRAPER 2435 ht ARINB DRIVB Nasl nuaaarave Hall. Nerf PNONfi West Sae L. O. L. TO GIVE DANCE OVI THE 6TH MARCH L.O.L. IVo. 2990 will give a dance in Dundarave Hall on Tuesday, Marche 6th. Dancing will last from 9 to 12, and the music will be provided by a four- piece orchestra. A good time is assured to all. Come and bring your friends. Tickets 35 cents. The regular meeting of the lodge took place last Tuesday night in Dundarave Hall, when there vvas ia good turnout of members. It was announced that the new $85,000 ot~hanage in New Westminster would be completed next month, and the children would move in about the end of &51arch. This will be the seventh orphanage built by the order in Canada. PUBLIC LIBRARY COMblISSION REPORTS Report of the Public Library Commission for the period from October 1, 1926, to December 31, 1927, was presented to the Legislature Tuesday. The commission bas supervi- sion of an library activities in the province. There are at pres- ent six public libraries, 23 pub- lic library associations, and about 270 travelling library sta- tions. From the travelling libiary department, 386 collections of books, containing 34,322 vol- untes, were sent out. Incomplete r 'is show 16,962 borrowers, vyho read 94,619 books. Tbe open shelf department, a collecuon of about 7,000 vol- umes of non-fiction, lent 6,633 volt&race by mail to 2,222 borrow- ers. Hnneymoon Hardup--If things don't go hetter with us, darling, I suppose your father won't see us starve? bfrs. Hardup--No, poor dear, his eyesight gets worse every day. I i) A SPECIAL IN Cotton Crepes Standard Quality g O Per yard I For econnmy in Dr) Goods. try Grigor's. Ynu get Honest I Service, Reliable Goods and Fair Prices The Little Store of Big Values gl It WGrigor's Dry Goods Store ,'I 1540 ltfarine Drive between 15th and 16th gIa WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH BI)IF)Ca 20th aad Bsaoiman, Honybsra Sunday Ssvvica at 11.30 ~ . m, Subject February Kith -CIIRIST JESL&S" Sunday School at 10.00 ~ . m. Testimony hfvstiag svsvy Wsd- nssday at 0.16 p.m. St. Stephon'o Church 22nd street near iblarine First Sunday in Lent (Feb. 26): 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Morning Prayer. 3:00 p.m.--Confirmationclass 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. On Sunday morn()Ig the rec- tor will begin a series of sermons on the Sermon on the Mount, and in the evening a series on the "bien )Vho Crucified Christ." At the mid-week Lenten ser- vices Thursday night at 8 o'lock the rector will give a series of addresses on the "Meaning oi'rayer." The A.Y.P.A. will meet next Tuesday night in the parish hall. Members of St. Stephen's &chose work takes them daily to the city are reminded of the noon-hour services being held each day at 12:15 at Christ Church. The Junior B football team held Knox Ke&visdale to a score- less draw last Saturday, but lost the round in view of their de- feat the previous week. The Junior A team have entered for the cup ties and expect to play their first game Saturday, tak- ing the I p.m. West Vancouver ferry to the city. A great deal of useful work in underbrushing and clearing the ground has been done recently by voluntary labor at St. Fran- cis'hurch, Caulfeild. The choir hopes to render for the third successive year on Good Friday Stainer's "The Cru- cifixion." St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benediction, 7.30 p.m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. 1Veso Vancouver Bible School Each Sunday at 3 p.m. Amblcsids Hall, Mar)as at 14th loader MR. PERCY KING You are Invited. United Church 21st street near Marine Minister, Rev. A. M. O'Donnell Sumlay Services: 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Morning )Vorship 7:16 p.m.--Evening )Vorship Next Sunday the minister will preach at both services. In the morning he will preach on "Jesus in Capernaum"; in the evening, "Excuses." Morning: Anthem, "They That Wait" (Elvey). Evening: Anthem, uHow Beautiful Upon the Mountains" (Smith). Solo, "Guard Me While I Sleep" ()Varrington), Nr. A. J. Addy. Last Sunday evening an inter- esting service was held in the United Church when two stu- dents, Messrs. Addyman, Broach took charge. A solo was sung by Mrs. Eager aml the choir ren- dered another. A very enjoyable evening was spent in the church last Friday evening, when Mr. J. Haydn Young gave an illustrated lecture on "Through the Heart of Scot- land." Mr. Young gave a racy instructory talk on "Perth- shire." Messrs. McDonald and Lowden sang Scottish songs and Mr. Porter directed the lantern. Quite a substantial sum was re- ceived towards the funds of the )Voman's Association. The first meeting of the offi- cial quarterly board was held in the lower hall on Wednesday evening, when plans for the year were made and discussed. The Mission Circle held their monthly meeting last Tuesday, with the president in the chair. Mrs. Falls gave an interesting talk on her work in China. Sev- eral new members joined. Cull,DIIEIV'8 I ARTY blrs. J. Il. Robinson, 17th and blarine Drive, gave a chiklren's party at her home on Tuesday afternoon in hnnor nf Douglas Watt. The children hnd a thor- oughly good time singing, danc- ing and playing games. Those present were Douglas Watt, Vic- tor Smith, Ion Brown. Desmoml Elgar, Dnreen Elgar. Peggie Chishnlm, Arlster Grigor, Dick Sagar. Nary Iin&tgsnn, Don Col- vin, Ixlis Colvln. Pat Je(fertes, Joan Jefferies. WEST VAiVCOUVER I.An(F8'HOIR The Empire concert produced by this tnlented aggregation at the Auditorium of the Inglewood High School on Friday, the 10th Februnry, will rank high as n treat to the muslcnl critic, and 0 most successful spectacle, stim- ulating alike to patriotism and that appreciation of bright nnd tuneful singing. The lnrge au- dience were immediately aware that 0 performnnce of excellence and merit was being submitted, aml were not laggard with hear- ty signs of their approval. With the entree (at the grand finale) of the British Grenadiers, the plaudits v.ere long nn&l sustain- ed, the performance ending in a great burst of enthusiasm. Amongst so many sterlnig per- formers, it is almost invidious to make distinctions, it is with pardonable pride we state that all soloists are members of the choir. Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, con- tralto; Miss Anne Ritchie, so- prano; Mrs. Fre&l. Stainsby, con- tralto; Mrs. Howard Leggatt, soprano; Mrs. C. Donohoe, so- prano. The national dancers comprising the Misses Brv&lone- Jack, Doreen Elgar, Freda Rush, Mary Edington, were most suc- cessful. The Poi song and dance, led by Mrs. Burling, proved to be unique and intriguing. The McIntyre quartet, leader and of- ficial pianist, Miss Margaret'c- Intyre, supplied the orchestral an&I were heard to advantage in their selection of British nation- al airs introducing the Pa- geant. Prof. J. 51. Morgan, con- ductor an&I director, produced 0 performance the acme of musi- cianship. In a few well-chosen words he proudly acknowledged the hearty co-operation and as- sistance received from every member of the choir, "Britan- nia," Mrs. Hugh Hodgson; stage manager, the president, Mr. W. McQuaker. "I hear that the crowd hooted you when bou appeared at the Royal theatre." "False, my boy, false." replied the tragedian. "All false. There was no crowd." ANGLING CLUB ON NORTH SHORE Monthly meeting of the B C Anglers'ssociation will be held Friday at 8 p.m. at the Cotillion Hall. New all-year-round regu- lations are being considered for ao streams and dead lines and limits will be discussed and for- warded to the provincial organ- ization. Efforts will be consid- ered to form a strong angling club on the North Shore. &5Iem- bers will be asked to volunteer assistance in the work of placing the hatchery troughs at Beaver Lake. Baptist Church 15th and Duchess Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each )Vednesday at 7.30 p. m. The C. G. I. T. meets every Friday night at 7 o'lock. Lead- er Miss I. Brealey. All teen age girls welcome. Father--)Ven, Jo'hn, I'm dis- appointed in you, I thought you would have got married long ago. Eldest Son--Well, you see, it' this way. father. Marriage is like throwing a stone in th' water-- it starts with a small ring an&I ends in a family circle. Was Hard Hit Irate Housewife Ain't you &hs same msn 1 gave s mince pls to last Christmas? u Tramp &bitterly): uNo, mum, 1'm oot, an wot s more, the doctors say 1 ncvov will be again.u Fifteen-Dollar Pie 1-2 cup sugar. 2 tablespoons flour, I 1-2 tablespoons melted butter, juice one lemon, I egg yolk, 1-2 cup milk, I egg white, few grains salt. biix sugar and flour, add melt- ed butter, lemon juice. egg yolk slightly beaten, milk, egg white stifFly bea'(en, and salt. Bake in one crust and cover with merin- gue or not. as desired. Trade and Dog Licenses All persons liable for above are nntified to obtain same at once. Failure to comply will render those responsible liable to pros- ecution. Signed: JAS. OLLASOiV, Municipal Clerk. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER et BBO N( Op& b(scb beth da)IS to cry fof'.Mfslf I,StiVVS orgss „ 40&0 43 pm 11 'A syste isustiol , mmit'nitiate',„vs t& bisfcl fores&& of sll 41 their I 74 bl mss (m (oll sgv BI Bish srsflysi sided I'lcclon masts & iy pret& silos i voter" LIFB 0 70 'omol blosdsy Tbestfe atm, uLi film bas British l ssslvIcd scclaime here, ssig B.N.,40 of the I British convince Britain i goed 48 Nelsor vivid an in the p Cevtsisl) ssvsl be life that est era & been con The cl son by I one wbic of all wb frail pb) spirit an human, piety of by bh.}, ) lolls ssi seSS. Linked tion, 3 I naval iati ed the k filmed, b tsculgv tl battle It wooden I, strsggks ingly vivi isg, OVCI 4 the Sbado victor 40&i emotions tremehdo& is as oob intelligent The Ipll anxious t WOOdes )II 004 di444) the mes tome to bi IctThe carafe]iy, of the pic eaaels placablo I were o&nd British adl Nor ba mant& .'leeted ll fe fol ths b oftiy ill 0( b "0 ia atgether )tmarl It +"ctbls cidenh,l n. t)ors 1 (00 iy Il Prod octio„h