Resampled001B6E94 THE WEST VAN NE)VS I'AIIK CONTROI. TO Rl'. EXTENI)EI) Hon. T. I). I'attullo, minister of lands. announced in the IAgis- lature lVednesday afternoon that it was proposed to empolver the government to exercise the pow- ers vested in the parks boar&I under the act, where parks ivere not administered by n parks board or where such boards had ceased tn function. He intro- duced ne&v amendments to the parks nct for ivi&lcr authority in leasing of park areas and speci- ficaoy for cancellation of the As- siniboine park reserve. The new legislation, sir. Pat- tullo explained, did not involve control of Strathcona, Iliount Hobson or Garibaldi parks nor has it any cffect upon Dominion parks in the raihvay belt, these being administered by the fe&l- eral government. The people could rest assured that they woukl ahvays have park space no mntter what gov- ernment was in power, blr. Pat- tullo continued. The public in- terest would be safeguarded. Prompt Delivery Smith 's Grocery lVo Deliver A. IIARVEY SMITH, Prop. 2&ah AND MARINE, Opp. Duodsrsee Hsii. Phono WEST lsu GHAIN RED AN9 WHITE sToRE Specials for Friday and Saturday &sire. Draper of the Dundarave Bakery, ivho has been having a few days'oliday m Vancouver, has now returned home. Roberts'etter Meats Financial Report Shows More Revenue SHO)V HEALTHY GROWTH than the previous year, when 83.66 per cent. was collected. )Vater rates also exceeded the previous year by $ 1,500, an in- crease accounted for by an a&1- ditional 114 connections having been installed during the year. License collections shoived a falling off. Less lvas received in 1927 than in the previous year for dog licenses, $26; trade licenses, $61.60, and poll tax, $931.8?. The municipal sinking fund now shows a satisfactory sur- plus, which the security interest deposited to that account with the regular annual levy will more than maintain in future, it was stated. Deficit Shown Although a larger number of passengers was carried on the ferries, there was a deficit of $6,148, being greater by $3,861than the previous year. This was accounted for by improve- ments in the service costing roughly $ 1,000 more per month, and to reduction in fares. This is more apparent than real, the treasurer points out, and should be eliminated by the rapid build- ing up of the district. INCREASE liV COI,I.ECTIONS Increased municipal assess- ment. improvement in public ser- vices and a substantial increase in revenue from all sources for the first month of the year, are indicated in a statement made by Councillor J. T. IVatt, chair- man of the finance committee of West Vancouver council. Assessment Gains The total assessment for 1928 stands at $6,992,142, compared ivith $6,382,287 last year, an in- crease of $609,855, he says. Add- ed to this is the value of trans- portation services, ferries and buses, $ 116,630, and the Caul- feild and Vghytecliff water works $66,000, making a grand total of $7,174,772. The Municipal Act gives power to borrow 20 per cent. of this total, $ 1,434,- 954. Of this, $ 1,043,500 has al- ready been borrowed, leaving a balance still available .of $391; 454. Total revenue from all sources for January, 1928, shows a sub- stantial increase compared with the corresponding month of last year, he pointed out, but tax ar- rears collections are down about $500. IVater rates are in ad- vance,,and trades licenses are re- sponsible for much of the in- creased revenue, being three times greater than the amount collected in January, 1927. Housing Planned The soldiers'ousing depart- ment, he declares, continues un- satisfactory, and an effort will be made to bring it on a reason- able basis as soon as possible. The board of works estimates are still under discussion by the council, he stated. This depart- ment spent $52,000 last year, ex- ceeding its estimates by $ 16,000. sfost of this excess was expend- ed on thiarine Drive, he pointed out. There is an excess of assets over liabilities amounting to $699,691 over previous years, notwithstanding the liability in- curred at the bank of $35,000, according to the annual financial statement for 1927 presented by James Ollason, treasurer. This temporary indebtedness, he points out, is offset in part by $8,129 due by the government, while an amount sufficient tn meet the remaining $27,000 should be realized from disposal of lands within the public util- itics area now served by the re- cently established high level bus route. 14th and lilarine West 190 IVhere Service and Quality Count IVE DELIVER 9:30--East 25th Only 11(30--from Capilano to Caulfeild 3:30--East 25th Only Saturday, Feb. 25th PR13IE STEER BEEF Poi Roast. puy Ib .. 15e Oven Roast, from por Ib „20c Rolled Rib Oven Roast, Ib, 28e Boiling Beef, lb. 13e Pork Legs ifrout) . 18usc Veal Oven Roast, ib . 22c NE)V ZEALAND LAMB Shoulders, lb. 25e Rib sud Breast, nh .. 25e idtiuu. lb. ~ 35c Lugs, Ilh 35e Ayyuhiyo Bacon, by ibo piece, poy lb....... 28c Pure Beef Dripping, Ib 15e Head Cheese, lb... 15e NEPTED GEli POTATOES Puy 100-lb. Sack . 51.60 Rhubarb, 2 Iba 25c CONTRACTORS AGAINST BILL Le(&see. Celery, Coul&nosey, Spinach Apples--Cooking sud Eating Vigorous opposition to the ar- chitects'ill was planned at a meeting of about 30 local con- tractors IVednesday night when Charles J. )Vhite, solicitor, was appointed to oppose the measure at Victoria. Co-operation of a number of Victoria contractors has been assured, it was report- ed. The contractors declare that the proposed bill would force 85 to 90 per cent. of all plans pre- pared in Vancouver to go through the hands of an archi- tect. At present the regulation is that architects must be called in for all buildings to cost $ 10,- 000 or more. Under the new proposal, any man erecting a building for anyone else must secure the services of an aivhi- tect. Only persons erecting build- ings for their own "exclusive use and occupancy" may dis- pense with the architect's ser- vices under the amendment. Contractors opposing the bill state that 85 to 90 per cent. of permits issued in Greater Van- couver are for amounts less than $ 10,000. They state further that the change would mean great in- convenience to builders in coun- try districts who could not pro- cee&l to erect, a house or a barn without calling in an architect from a distance. The )Vest Vancouver Bible Study Class will meet next Sun- day as usual at 3 p.m. in Amble- side Hall. RABBIT FUR FAR51 IS NEIV INDUSTRY In order to test the possibili- ties of rabbit fur farming on the mainland of British Columbia, a rabbit farm has been established at Haney by David Spencer Ltd. The stock there now comprises 250 breeding Chinchilla rabbits, around 100 Blue Beverens, and smaner numbers of French Sil- vers, White Flemish, Silver Blacks. Himalayans and Black Dutch. Col. Victor Spencer in an in- terview on Monday said the farm is an 'experimental departure from which it is hoped to derive data and information based on actual accomplishment illustra- ting the possibilities of fur rab- bit farming and rabbit fur man- ufacture in British Columbia. This is, we understand, the farm with which C. N. Barton is connected. Collections Increase The percentage of current tax- es collected was 81.57 per cent. of the total levy, which was ap- proximately $30,000 greater Alum in the last rinsing water restores the color of faded ma- terials. FINEST SEEDLESS RAISINS--2 pounds for . 2le FINEST RFCLEANED CURRANTS --2 pounds for 27c ASSORTED SANDWIC'H BISCUITS--Pey pound ................ 2ne HUNT'S FANCY SPIINACH--2's, per iin ........... &nc EGGS---Fresh Pullet Extras. 2 doz. for 75c FRENCH CASTILE SOAP--3 large tablets for .. 23e FINE SHELLED &VALNUTS--Poy pound . sse FINEST ShIYRNA FIGS--2 pounds for .... 23e lVILD ROSE PASTRY FLOUR--10-lb. sock Ior ..„...„ .. Cye ACADIA COD FISH--Poy pound carton................... Ige "QUAKER" PORK AND BEANS--2 tins for ........ Isc February 24, 1928. Satisfy Your Appetite There Is a difference in all eatables, but in nothing does the ditferelhce show more than In Iv)eats. Sigh Quality Limhet is Cheapest in the end. West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine L I M I 7 E D Phone West 115 Residence I'hone'Vest T681 FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, PIRE INSURANCE, ETC. 17th Street see JOHN LAWSON Phone West 55 If yon Can't Stop, Don't Start Watch Your Brakes THIS IS THE KEYSTONE SERVICE STATION FOR RAYBESTOS BRAKE LINING West Van Garage Ambleside Phone %Test 130 M. WILLIAMS 16(h sod MARIIVE, AninLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR SUIT NOW Come ssd seo ouy Psiioyuu. Large selection io choose from Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs and and I'ressing Alterations CITY PRICES We Call Foy sud Deliver. I'HONE lVEST 20. b 'RI u "Iyus end Iyuv CHtloo H,Avs ruu ~ Ihutnw Ihel teonweI hn Ie. Iurninu Oul I ahl~ Ihle lnnnl nnd Ilwl I hnd Ihm when ynu an been In nnn Ih e ynu' um lebw her ewnthm ~ O uf w I eh ubee I mu bvurry u n w your hahl bdl nu wells Ihe rundle Elerolet Iy le the eheupert Illus rntu rtte hnure. Phone Your Order West 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET PHONE WEST 3 CLOSED THURSDAY AT I O'LOCK WB DELIVER LUMBER'~ Prices syo reduced in sii grades from 83.00 (o Qyr.oo por 51 Tsko sdvsuisgo of the pyonosi low pe&eon sud so(ieipsio Cu(uyo noudn. Voi. Sol Tb& uh)' not b bsllh. bsn I Holly not d ball 'f iiii lieu. quent himpl glad, sion hall I inter( ccusil IUIC jo(ih I CUCS(I Ai roe(i( the I snd t mitt& vcnic nituy for d no in, as tl floor I)'I1( limit if th hall, platf feet speal such their ccrts dune iiccdl of ga out publi Tb very roun( wbic clear to bt hall, uchu( wuUI I do nu ll tcd. even wbic'I with ruoie to sv of c( 'Uilj( anne& whlcl Altb( &Iny j ul ou to ua 'n th ccilin aboui bind Pictu 6 bnl On beig) Proba ually cnnn& OUt n of py Qour, from must the 1 8UI ( Ambi