Resampled001B6E8A THE WEST VAN NEWS February 17, 1928 pcb&u~ RIGHT AT Tot'R DOOR--AND WE CHARGE RO MORS I FAST DELIVERY SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALS $ 1.00 Emulsion Cnd Liver Oii 76c Nujoi $ 1.00 Wale&bury's Cod Liver Oil ......... 85c Vacuum Bottles............. 60c Pepsodeu& Tooth Paste $ 1.00 Lis&eriue .... 86e )gellis's Food 60c 8-nx Olive Oil Ioc Lifebung Soap. l for S6e Feeuamints .. Goc )iccny's Cod Liver Oil Tablets 116c Horner's Cascara, l-nx...... $ 1.26 Euos Gpc Dav Dream Rouge.. 6Sc ~ Spc Pnmpeiiau Rouge ........ Isc 59c i 7&is alayheiliue ...... 59e 95e Pevnxioe Pnudev ............ 7lc 89& &Pc Peroxide .............. SSc &pc J 85c &'ntv's Fare Pnwdev.... 59c c ~ 20c \Va&erman's Ink......„1lc Sec I $ 1.25 Ho&we&sr Bn&tles ......... 89c 89c ~ Gpc Rnhevtsou's Patent Barley &9c 59c 86c So&ex .............. &9c 39c aoc 'Vngue Tno&h Brush ....... Soe 29c 75c Cai-Bis-)Ia ................ Gpc 2lc vac Cheeses&&& Face Powder .. lzc Sac Go-&vail )iaxda Immps...., Szc ~9c szc &0-Ws« hiaxda lamps .... Spc 21c $ 1.00 Ohridgc's Lung Tnuic ..... 71e 98c Goc Dr. Black's Bronchitis Slc Remedy .............. $9c Money to Loan on First Mortgage at current rates. Let us finance the building of your new home in )Vest Van- couver. London & British North America Co.s Ltd. 51ortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street West Phone Sey. 6285 Local Representative;--F. X. Hodgson, bVest 665R bVe would like you to phone for a Demonstration THE NEW CHEVROI ET NORTH SHORE MOTORS, LTD. OLDSMOBILE AND CHEVROLET DEALERS 135 First Street West, North Vancouver. (Represented in West Vancouver by H. C. OSBORNE) Phones West 628Y North 1186 One Quart f v Kiddies drink PRascR'Ital.LD' I LKfor Safety ecdl the Frc)ser Valleti Man fo-oornn&) morning A ham WagOnOn, eoeyy street- every morvnng 9 Quarts for $ 1.00 Phone North 122 ORPHE)&SI THEATRE RESERVATIOTUS West 'Vau. Agents C P. R. Te)egrsphx aud Can. Pae. Exp. Sioney Order Lesag'e Drug Store Prescriptions Filled By Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices Cs. E. REID, Alanager New Building--Corner Alarine and 14th. FAST DEI.IVERT RO ORDER IS TOO SSIALL WEST 323 J. NORMAND'8 BROTHEI) PASSES AWAY )Viuiam Normand. brother of J. Normaml, the Ambleside gro- cer, passed awny on Thursday, February 9th, at his home on Fourth avenue west, Vancouver. The funeral was held last Sat- urday. interment being at I)foun- tain View cemetery. The de- ceased, who was 61 years of age, lived for some yenrs in Kam- loops before coming to Vancou- ver. W. Ra&vkine, proprietor of the Ilollyburn Boat Station. &vas in )Vest Vnncouver yesterday. He expects to be back here in April to open his boat business. ~ ~ ~ Bob Tabor is at the Mayo Bros. clinic in Rochester, Minn., where he has undergone an operation. ~ ~ ~ The fine weather on Sunday attracted 0 number of hikers to Hollyburn Ridge, where winter sports went on mernly afl day. From now on, with the more set- tle&l weather that has set in. it is expected that the plateau will be well patronized until the snow melts. Bert Kool'8 Dance Orchestra, nf which Mr. Roy Barry is 8 member, has been engaged for the Leap Year Dance to be given under the auspices of the Dun- can Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., on )Vednesday evening, Febru- ary 29th, at lloflyburn Pavilion. ~ ~ ~ Airs. Sparrow, who hns been ifl at her home at 21st and Ing- lewood, is now much bette&'. ~ ~ ~ R. H. Bfayer has purchased n lot at Fulton and Marine Drive from F. C. Vernon nnd is start- ing immediately construction of a house on the property. ~ ~ Pearce's Dry goods Store moved to their new store yes- terday, and this morning opened the doors of the store to the buy- ing public. ~ ~ e Major and Mrs. H. T. Curtis, West Bay, entertained 0 small party at bridge last Saturday. Mrs. )V. G. )Viltshire won first prize for ladies, Dr. )V. H. Vass taking the first for gentlemen. e e Miss Mabel Donemvorth of Powefl River is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ridley of Caulfeild and will probably remain here for some weeks. Miss Donen- worth was a victim of a bad ac- cident whilst sleighing at Pow- efl River around Christmas time. e )V.B.A. )VHIST I)RIVF. NEXT WEI)NESDAY The Women's Benefit Associa- tion will hold n progressive whist drive next Wednesday nt Amblesi&le llnfl. Piny will start at 8:)5 p.m. There will be good prizes an&i refreshments will be served. The alfairs organize&I by this associntion are usually very successful and pleasing to those who nttend. A special ef- fort is being mn&le for this to be specinfly so, as it is the flrst en- tertainment given under the di- rection of the 1928 officers. Mrs, )V. Urquhart aml Mrs. )larry Thompson are the convenors for this whist drive. ~ ~ e blr. and Mrs. Stewart Armour have lensed the llarrison house at Caul feil&i. ~ ~ ~ Iilr. and Mrs. II. R. Howe of Vancouver were the guests on Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Paterson, 15th nnd Marine Drive. ~ ~ ~ The Ladies'ltar Society of St. Anthony's Church game 0 successf&il whist drive int the Fortune Club Inn on Thursday evening, 9th February. AH the prizes were drawn for, the win- ners among the ladies being: First, Mrs. Brydon-Jack; second, Mrs. Mfles; third, Mrs. )Vebber. Mr. Peppard drew the first prize among the gentlemen, the sec- ond and third prizes going to Mr. Conley and Mr. N. Gosbee, respectively. ~ ' e SUCCESSFUI. DANCE GIVEN BY LIBERAI.S The Valent)ns dance held by the West Vancouver Liberals in Ambleside Hall last Tuesday wns 8 marked success, the floor being comfortably crowded, indeed, when the time came for refresh- ments every seat around the four sides of the hall was filled, necessitatmg the bnnglng in of other chairs. The orchestra play- ed many popular, tunes, which added much to the enjoymentot'he evening, and comment was heard on au sides in congratula- tion of the committee in charge. Mrs. A. Stronge, Mrs. C. Hay and Mrs. E. Carnage directed the supply of refreshments, and J. King acted as master of cere- monies. Frank Draper, who has been ifl and in the North Vancouver General Hospital, is now a pa- bient in Shaughnessy Military Hospital. ~ e ~ L.O.L. No. 2990 gave a very enjoyable dance for its members and friends in Dundarave Hall on Tuesday evening, 7th Feb- ruary. The fifty couples who at- tended had a real good time. Colin Turner was the master of ceremonies for the evening, and the music was supplied by Mrs. T. Turner, Miss B. Nevifle, Mi$9, Baker, Mr. Baker, Mr. Tite and Mr. J. Alexander. The lodge in- tends to hold another of these dances early in March. ~ e e Mrs. R. McVean gave a party on Thursday night, 9th inst., to a number of young people at her home at 23rd and Bellevue. The evening was spent in dancing and games, following which dainty refreshments were serv- ed. Those present were Miss Sybil Chapman, Ivliss Connie Thomas, Miss Eluned Morgan, Miss Marjorie Maitland of North Vancouver, Miss Connie War- burton of Vancouver, Miss Lo- retta Bell, Miss Etta McVean, Art Foreman, Stanley Foreman, Charlie Chapman, Alee Arm- strong, Vic Dryer of Vancouver, Bill Smith of Vancouver, Errol Dickie, Earnest John stone of Vancouver, Albert Crighton and Gordon McVean. WEDDING RINGS ARE WORN DIFFERENTLY HERE SAYS GARBO American women wear their wedding rings on the left hand --nearest the heart. European women wear them on the right--perhaps because that's the hand that reaches for Friend Husband's pay check on Saturday night. This diiference in wedding cus- toms between the new and the old world is explained by Greta Garbo, scintillating Swedish screen charmer, who wears her wedding ring on her right hand in the new Metro-Goldwyn-May- er production, "Flesh and the Devil," and explains that it's be- cause she's playing a European wife. "The German custom," she says, "is for the engagement ring on the left hand wedding ring on the right--so that after marriage both husband and wife wear two rings--one on each hand." This is the custom she aml Lars Hanson carry out as hus- band and wife m the picture, coming to the Hoflyburn The- atre tomorrow (Saturday) night and Monday. It is a lavish film- ization of Hermann Sudermann's famous drama, "The Undying I'ast,o a gripping play laid about the adamantine traditions ol'ove.'and mar&iiage in the old worl&i. John Gilbert plays the hero. Miss Garbo, as a European si- ren, has to charm both Gilbert. the most famous of American screen lovers, and Hanson, fa- mous as "The Swedish Barry- more," in the big play. George Fawcett, Barbara Kent, Eugenic Besserer, )Vifliam Orlamon&l an&I other notables appear In tho cast. It was directed by Clarence, Brown, famous director. The engineer recommended to the council on Monday night that, if it was intended to put in pole guards on miles 5 and 6 on Marine Drive before 30th April it would be necessary to obtain prices on poles at once. The council laid the matter over. e The council have asked the B. C. Electric Co. what the cost of domestic service is likely to be in lighting areas No.'s 1, 2 and 3. A proposal suggested by the reeve was put before the coun- cil on Monday night by Engi- neer Duncan to close the culvert under the Duchess avenue pave- ment at the southwest corner of Hoflyburn School playground and to deepen the Duchess ave- nue ditch to take the stream along Duchess to the larger stream westerly from 14th street. The council laid the mat- ter over. EMPIRE CONCERT A GREAT SUCCESS The new auditorium of the Inglewood High School was crowded on Friday evening for the Empire concert given by the )Vest Vancouver Ladies'hoir. The soloists secre Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, contralto; Miss Anne Ritchie, soprano; Mrs. F. Stains- by, contralto; Mrs. Howard Leggatt, soprano; Mrs. C. Don- ohue, soprano. The national dances by the Misses Brydone- Jack, Doreen Elgar, Freda Rush and Mary Edington were well done, as were national songs ren- dered by Mesdames Gleam, Young Turner, Huggins, Burley, Sheifie)d, Thomson, Clarke, Bar- ber, White, Frame, Ritchie, Jack, Edwards, McLean, Hodg- son, Proctor, Dorchester, Burl- ing, Gibbs, Taylor, 51cMiflan, Donohue, Eager, Edwards and Masterman. The McIntyre quartette sup- plied the orchestral accompani- ments and gave 8 very fine se- lection of "British National Airs" to introduce the pageant. Mrs. Hugh Hodgson took the part of Britannia, and President Mrs. )V. AfcQuaker ably assisted. Margaret McIntyre was pianist, and Professor James Morgan, conductor. ~ ~ The following additions to wa terworks'quipment were re- commended by the municipal en- gineer: One only B 51uefler tap- ping machine, 6199.80, an&i one only No. H 605 standard pipe pusher, 385.60. The matter was laid over. ~ ~ e The council on Monday night passed a vote of sympathy to Mrs. R. F. Archibald and fam- ily in their recent sudden loss. ~ ~ ~ )Vest Vancouver radio fans may be interested to hear that a local resident recently got Ma- drid, Spain, on his machine. PERSONA.LS I 8bo bat the ; eQual 5 girl' Hei mcasum Tbe i T)s.pao )iy Bc Your Ic prof, stick 0 I becomo Class piof, bo bas n)fbi my cm'A fi IIBOII gpt S&0 IIAU "Is u «Np, gcniUS Befoi ppimou Amcud& politi time it grp&vu 'assing Asm close I crowdc& iug iu I Final ypu 5 h The for 5 I a dig& "Ycs, I it to st nBut yoU&'o oBca things shut oil I )U and ilo'I a I&lab, "Noo hadn' He: gvo&v b Sbe: I'e do )Iiss don't I profess say I study.!'rob live Ug Ala ored cl Poundb « the] Israel i "It b You ) flo&vs 4 Iustauc ed, hl'p&v + upi tbe am dna so Israel eben UI nBui colored blab I done li been 5 t[PU o 'YO& slee&cd rouill„ dou't I about, yeaca', iou do aetti+ younz