Resampled001B6E8A February 17, 1928 THE WEST VAN NEWS Formal Opening of "The Clachanys (Now under the direct supervi- sion of Miss Christison) Saturday, Feb. 25th WE HAVE ENGAGED CHILD'S ORCHESTRA which will render Dance Music from 9-12 p.m. An entrance charge is made for Refreshments only -- 50 cents. We are now in our NEW STORE 'A Block West of the OM Place Next to Stratton's Bakery PEARCE'S Dry Goods PHONE WEST 144 PITiviAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Est. 1898 Vancouver's Leading Business College Individual Attention DAY and NIGHT School Night School, 4 nights each week . Enrol at any time. 422 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings For West Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL lns Iisnse hive obese West 240 Specializing in West Vancouver People Like The 'Burrard'eople speak very nicely about the great care we take of every article sent to us. Each custom- er's parcel is treated separately and promptly returned. And our charges please everybody. Try us with a parcel this week. SUNDAY SCHOOL GYM COMPETITION MAR. 23 The Greater Vancouver Sun- day School Athletic Associa- tion's annual gymnasium compe- tition for girls, under the au- spices of the Y.W.C.A., will be staged at the YAV.C.A. gym on March 23. Competition will be in two classes, for junior girls under fifteen years and senior girls fifteen years,of age and over. Four cups will be com- peted for, two for senior Sunday Schools and two for junior con- gregations. Each Sunday school will be allowed to enter only one team of ten members in each divistovt. Correspondence Utilization of Waterfront Feb. 16, 1928. Editor West Van. News: Sir--Reading your editorial on the above matter in your pa- per of the 10th instant, I should like to make a few suggestions. With the large number of un- employed men resident in bVest Vancouver, surely there should be very little trouble in accomp- lishing something to vastly im- prove the waterfront. From Am- bleside to Sandy Cove the beach is exceedingly rough for bathers owing to the large amount of stones. My proposals are as follows: 1st: That five beaches of, say, 200 yards each at Ambleside, Hollyburn, Wpeton, Du nda rave and Altamont should be cleared as far as possible of stones to form a sandy beach. 2nd: The employment of 30 men (6 men on each beach), sup- plying their own tools, and one man with team to remove the large boulders, and one man to supervise the work for the mu- nicipality, the men and team to be paid at the present current rate per hour and to work as tides permit. In conclusion, I consider this work should be completed in about five weeks, and the cost to be borne by the ratepayers and levied with other working expenses of the municipality. Yours respectfully, AN OPTIMISTIC Q.S. TO WARN HIKERS Five hundred large posters and an equal number of smaller cards printed to warn amateur hikers against the dangers of mountaineering, and offering precautionary advice, have been received by the Hikers'afety League and will be distributed on the North Shore at advan- tageous positions. Some of these posters will be placed in West Vancouver. Rep- resentatives of the B. C. Moun- taineering Club, the Alpine Club of Canada and University Out- doors Club have undertaken dis- tribution of the posters and cards. BOND SELLING CAMPAIGN The Trail Rangers of the Unit- ed Church and of St. Stephen's are co-operating in the annual bond sellnig campaign by which the help of all interested in C.S. E.T. work for boys is sought. The bond, which is sold in de- nominations from 25 cents and 50 cents up, bears these words: "This certifies that I have taken a share in the religious educa- tion of the growing generation and am entitled to receive divi- dends in Christian Canadian Cit- izenship." DRESS PARADE BY HOME ECONOMICS CLASS The auditorium of the new Inglewood School was crowded on Wednesday night for the dress parade of the home econ- omics class, a large crowd of parents and friends avid children being present. School Trustee Mrs. B. M. Robinson was in the chair. A musical programme was run off the first part of the even- ing, composed of piano,solos by Margaret Gillett and Hilda Wil- son, a vocal solo by Ivy Miles, and a re'citation by,Margaret Johnston. Miss Ella Gentleman was accompanist. Miss McLen- aghen, director of home econo- mics for the province, gave a most interesting address on that subject, which was listened to with close attention by her hear- ers. Grades 8, 9 and 10 then gave their dress parade, wearing dresses which had been made by them since last September. The High School girls presented bou- quets of flowers to Miss McLen- aghen, Trustee Mrs. B. M. Rob- inson and Miss E. F. Davidge, teacher of home economics here. Afterwards the home economics room was thrown open to enable those present to view the rest of the work w'hich had been done by the scholars, and coffee was served by the High School girls. PARENT-TEACHERS'SSOCIATION The regular meeting of the association was held on Tuesday evening, February 14th, in the Pauline Johnson School. This meeting took the form of a Question meeting, in which a number of pertinent and in- teresting queries were brought up regarding the schools and the school system. This discussion paved the way for the presentation of the pro- posed programme for the year. Mr. Mitchell, convenor of the programme committee, present- ed this syllabus, which provided for several meetings dealing with points of present-day technique often puzzling to par- ents, such as systems of grad- ing, testing of pupils. Members present evinced great interest in this proposed programme for the "education of parents,'and in- dications point to a fruitful year. After the meeting the ladies of the association served re- freshments. With the strict immigration laws nowadays, maybe it's a good thing that some people' ancestors did come over on the Mayiiower. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE MORE Power BETTER Quality In any kind of weather-at no extra cost. NORTH SHORE STATIONS NORTH VANCOUVER Foreman's Garage-- Esplanade East Lonsdale bfotors- 15th and Lonsdale North Shore Garage-- First St., West Reliable Service Station-- Third St. & Forbes Ave. WEST VANCOUVER Ed. Black- 25th Ave. a Ifavine Driv West Vancouver Garage- Ambleside SECOND NARROIVS Burravd Service Station-- ~ Second Narrows Bridge A North Vancouver Product THE Marcel Shop 1520 Marine Drive blarcel, Steam and Finger Wav ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments For Appointment IVEST 304 A School for Girls KINDERGARTEN Now Open at 23rd and Bellevue by 5IISS PHILIP Prospectus on Application Special attention given to French. A. O'. VALENTINE Canadian Ivindow Bakeries Agency. 1406 5larine Drive FRESH CAKES AND BREAD DAILY Phone &our orders for Special Cakes LIGHT LUNCHES Store Closes 6 p. m.: Saturdays ie p. m. TEAS VERNON FEED STORE ",.';.';;;".",; FUEL, FEED, T, ETC. Northern Light (P. Q.) Winter Gas gives instant response, steady driving power, no matter how low the temperature. Produced at the North Vancouver refineries of the Vancouver Oil Co. Ltd., an All-British Columbia Company. Fill up and try it out! The Buffafi Laundif West Vancouver Conservative Assn. Limited For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phono North 1310. West Van. Representative F, RIVERS Phone West 410L LADIES HAIRCUTTING and SHINGLING, any Style HOLLYBURN BARBER SHOP E. MARSH, Prop. Will Take Place on THURSDAY, 23rd February, at 8 p.m In Ambleside Hall i"-":" Billiards ": ""'leasure CHET SHIELDS,",,"„'„",;„".,',.„„.„„.„.„,