Resampled001B6E8A Prompt Delivery Smith 's Grocery Wa DaRuar A. HAR'VBY SGHTH. Prop, 24&k AND hiARINE, Opp. Dundaraea BalL Phone WEST ~ 66 CHAIN RED AND WHITE STORE Specials for Friday and Saturday THE hVEST VAN NEWS ARCII KEY CUir ON I'ilsl'I.AY There is on display in the of- fice window of Dr.',Vase at Am- bleside the large silver cup to be competed for by the IVest Vancouver Archery Club on Sat- urday. This piece of silver, known as "the Hotel Georgia" cup, was presented by Jack Wel- don for competition. and ivith- out the wooden base is about tivo feet high. NEW BULK DATES--S lbs. Far,........,............ 23c CREAMETTES-4 packages for......................... Syc D!SHCO PINEAPPLE--2 tins for.............., . 25e PURE PLUhi JAM--6-lb. tins FINEST NEW ZEAI.AND BUTTER~3 lbs. for 31.25 EGGS--FRESH EXTRAS--3 dozen ............... $ 1.00 10 LBS. B. C GRAiNULATED SUGAR HALF POUND RFD AND iVH!TE TEA--Boih for .........,....... 31.00 CREAhi OF WHEAT--Per package ......................, 23e BENSON'S CORN STARCH--2 for, „„,. „„... 2- MATCHES--S large boxes for . 23c FELS NAPTHA SOAP--3 cakes . GUlliEH ANI) lin(AYNIKH TO GIVI: KVTFRTAINhlKNT An entertainment is being put on tonight at 8:16 in the llorticultural ilail, North Van- couver,,by the Guiiles aml Hroivnies of the North Shore, the proceeds of wlyich ivill go to their fumls. The 2nd Com- pany of Guides, iVorth Vancou- ver, is giving a play. for which they ivere trained by Air. Rey- nol&ls. A hearty invitation is extended to all Scouts and Cuba to be present. B. C. EI.FCTRIC I,AY 67 AIILES OF GAS iilAliNS Considerable expansion in op- erations marked the activities of the gas department of the B .C. Electric Raihvay Company dur- ing the year 1927. Over 67 miles of gas mains were laid in Van- couver city and district. It is estimated that mains &vill be laid this year at an average rate of five miles per month in the territories at present being served. New holders will be erected soon in iVorth Vancouver and a main laid connecting with the existing holder in Grandview district, and will alu ospend ap- proximatebv 350,000 in laying gas mains in the cenfral business and residential district of North Vancouver. Gas sales, together ivith revenue from coal tar, am- monia and gas appliances, amounted to one and a half mil- lion dollars. Just ten years ago 13,760 customers were served ivith gas; this year 32,374 cus- tomers are on the company's books. Roberts'etter Meats PARTY AT HORSESHOE BAY A jolly Valentine party and dance took place at Whytecliif on Satuszlay. February 11th, when Aim. C. Read and Mrs. S. Smith entertained seventy of their friends. A three-piece or- chestra was in attendance. The pr'.zes for cards were won by Airs. W. AI. AlcClellan, Airs. A. G. Ross, Mr. IV. Smith an&I Nr. Henderson, while the conso- lation prizes were taken by Miss Giling, AIrs. IV. Smith, IV. H. Thorpe and Captain James. The invited 'guests were: Alr. and Nrs. R. C. Hodgson, Mr. IV. Hodgson, Mr. E. Hodgson, Mr. and AIrs. Bumstead, Mr. and Nrs. A. G. Ross, Mr. and Airs. IV. Henderson, Alr. and Nrs, H. Thorpe, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Thorpe, Nr. and Airs. Harry Wil- son, Mr. and Airs. EV. T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Smith. Mrs. H. E. AIcDerment, Mr. and Nrs. L. Lindsay, Miss Irene Smith, Captain IV. James, Air. A. Nel- son, Mr. and AIrs. G. E. Smith, Mr. 4V. IVhite, Mr. H. McDer- ment, Mr. and Mrs. IV. M. Afc- Clellan, Mr. and Nrs. Knox Huntley, Dr. Murray, Mr. E. Pratt, Nrs. Tucker, Alias E. Thorire, Alias IV. Giling, Mr. T. Pretious, Miss Vivian Jackman, Misses Clara aml Kitty Wilson, islr. John IVilson, Mr. and Nrs. E, Patterson, AIrs. F. Downey, AIiss J. Rogers, Airs. B. Egan, Air. and Mrs. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowse, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rowse, Nr. and Mrs. Grant, Air. and Airs. F. S. Jones, AIr. and Airs. I. Jones, AIr. and Airs. Allen McConnell, Miss N. Groat, Nr. and Nrs. J. Polly. Mr. W. AI. AfcClellan acted as master of ceremonies. 14th and Marine West 190 Where Service and Quality Count WE DELIVER 9&30--East 25th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfelld 3:30--East 25th Only Saturday, Feb. 18th NEW ZEALAND LA51B Shoulders, lb.. 25c Rib and Breast, ib 2ae Legs,lb.. 35c Loin, lb.....„36c AIOUNTAINEERS HEAR ADDRESSButter - Butter New Zealand 3lbs. $ 1.30 Mountaineering parties should do something besides climb peaks for the sake of the exer- cise, declared Fred Perry, Bur- rard Field Naturalist Club, ad- dressing members of the British Columbia AIountaineering Club at the O'rien Hall, Thursday night. Nr. Perry pointed out the value of botanical research work to hikers who roam mountains of the province. He showed how persons could determine their height above sea level by observation of plant life, illus- trating his points by means of lantern slides. Ayruhire Bacon, by the pince, pnr lb.. 26c Pure Beef Dripping, !b.. 1Sc Ontario Cheese, tasty, lb.. 32c Head Cheese, each . 15c Lmgn Pork, fore.!b.. 16hhc Veal Oven Roast, lb. 22c Pot Roast, prime steer beef, pur lb... 15c Oven Roast, prime steer beef, froub lb. 20e EGGS! EGGS! Firsts, local new!aid. don..... 35c POTATOES! POTATOES! Netted Gem from Chase, B. C.. 100-lb. sack.. 51.60 Rhobrerb, local, 2 lbs.. 25ic h!ONDA Y Shou!der Steat. !b 15c Lard, 1-lb. pk 22c TUESDAY Cookeit, lb........... 21c Cambridge Snuuagen, 2 lbs. 25e 'WEDNESDAY ORANGES 6c pur dozen ory, any size THURSDAY Pork Steak, lb..... 22c FRIDAY Haddie Fillets, lb.... 22c JefFrey: nSo your arm hnu been in jured and is coming home from col- !ege? n Briggn: nYen, he sprained hiu ukulele finger." "Little zir!,.why are you uo inter- ested in these birds?" "Well, 1 just learned that there ain't no Santa Claus and I'm out here ro investigate this stork proposition." NUAIBER YOUR HOUSE R. J. VERXE PRESIDENT SKI ASSOCIATIOiV Last week a Western Canada Ski Association was formed at Banif to further the interests of this particular kimf of sport in the West. R. J. Verne of the Honyburn Pacific Ski Club was elected president. and a Vancou- ver man, G. Billingsley, secre- tary-treasurer. Stage Door Johnaie: "Pretty little girl I was out with last night." Mr. Ditto: "Yeah, she was pretty little." (Continued from Page One.) if we have to go outside these localities, a similar experience awaits us. The fact that our homes are, generally speaking, scattered. and that few streets are built up, is an additional reason for having all our houses numbered. In very few places is it possible to calculate from the number on one home, even if it bears a number, the exact location of the particular house we may be seeking. It is a matter for wonder, consirlering the great progress made by IVest Vancouver in so many ways, that we have allowed such a condition of agairs to exist so long, particularly when it can be rectified by the individual expenditure of a few cents. It is to be hoped that each of our residents will take imme- diate steps to have this numbering done. There are a variety of signs to choose from, and they can be obtained from any hardware dealer at a small expenditure. Let each and all of us have our houses numbered now, and so do away with a condition which may be alright in a small country town, but which is certainly entirely out of place in the best resi- dential section of Greater Vancouver. The question of this house numbering was a matter for discussion at the council meeting of the Board of Trade on Wednesday, and it is expected that it will be brought up for further consideration at the general meeting to be hekl next Alonday night. February 17, 1928 'Ll ' 4 F /~i ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 aI ~ ~ FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE liVSUICANOE, ETO. 17th Street see JOHN LAWSON Phone bVest Oa IS YOUR CAR O.K.? If not see "MICKEY" EVERY BRANCH OF AUTO REPAIRS Work Right Prices Right. West Van Garage Ambleside Phone %Vest 130 M. WILLIAMS 16&k snd Ii!A!r!NE, Ah!BLES!DE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR SUIT NOiV Come and nee our Patterns. Large selection lo choose from Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs and and Pressing Alterations CITY PRICES iVe Call Fnr and Deliver. PHONE TVEST 20 I y;l -"., OIIroaily Lives OTHING enters into our dady hves so much as pub-N lic utility service--eyecrriciry gas transportation. As your public utility company, we are fully aware of our duty ro maintain ihese services without interruption, for without them communities could hardly exist. Our railway fares are among the lowest on the continent, either ori :.I III city or on interurban lines. Our lighting rates have been reduced six times since 1917 until now they sre (in Vancouver) only 03 per cent. of what they were at rhai date. Ta urw dni peupk wdl and cheaply u rhe rmuram aim af du 0m uh Ca(nmlna nicerra sar!nay Campuny Hzmsnferrnnnrs srzcnucsnuaar0h BUY AT JKVVKIIIES. WHKltK TIIF. AIEAT IS OF TIIK FINEST QLIAI ITY AVD TIIK SERVICE IS A I. A lteliahle Store Backed By 'Years of I.ocnl Service Phone Your Order West 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET PHONE WEST S CLOSED THURSDAY AT 1 O'LOCK WB DEI.!VER LUIVIBER~ Prlrau nra reduced in nll xrnduu from 63.00 io 65.00 par 51. Take advnninga oy the pranuni low prices send anilrlpnie Future needs. ! High Quality Lumber is Cheapest in the en&L West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th nnd Alarine LIMITED I'hone West 116 Residence I'hone: West 368K 6 6 pi I!cm przci ibcfr pnup t,mn. Il bgn ~ bren rritb cernr ficzii 5 in 01 vslu& .I pron wbnl ung ing l woul thin& I nbnr re@ deal chil& stun sboi CUltl ssnn tcre 6 tr oi t lllid at t geni dist life on'rol the the gnd moi firn! But 30 1 nuti the ngvi bjl I our znd nbsi stre I gnd be i ucci COln und wnu uzi& to 6 gt i Un& keel nuni 1 dnv 1