Resampled001B6E80 February 10, 1928. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE--Centre table, writing desk, walnut bureau, record cabinet, kitchen cabinet, sewing machine, 610.00, piano bench. Phone West 449K. WILL TRADE--kly equity in eix- - 7 roomed modern bungalow on Kings- way, Central Park, for lot, or house and lot, in West Vancouver. Phone High 4~J56L. + FOR IIENT--Three-roomed furnished house. Full piumbiug. Moderate rent. 2663 Eaquimalt street. FOR RENT OR SALE--New four- roomed house between 23rd aud 34th on Kings. Apply )Vest 4!311. FUltNITURE BARGAINS -- Child' cot, 34.60; Easy Chair Rocker (leather), 311.96; Kitchen Tables from 33; Oak Dining Table, 38; Norman'a Furniture Exchange, Am- bleaide. Phone )Vest 396. LOST--Blgck Gordon Setter Dog. Hae brown spots on beck. Phone K. A. Ray, West 30L. FOR RENT--Unfurnished Five-room Bungalow on Waterfront at Alta- mout. Phone Leylaod, West 63RI. NEWMAN & ROBBINS -- Builders aud Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsominiug, chimneys built. 38th and Marine. Phone West 74R1. HE51STITCHING--Plain.. white. Sc yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce'a Drygoode, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. WINDOW BLINDS--Made to order end installed. Estimates free. Pearce'a Drygooda, 14th Street aud Marine. Phone West 144. VACUUDI To RENT--See West Vau. Electric. Phone West 106. FOUNDATION, CE51ENT WORK, Landscaping, Septic Tanks, Gener- al Contracting. T. Barnott, Resi- dence Phone West 672R. FOR SALE -- THREE MINUTES from the ferry; 2 fifty-foot garden lots, fully cleared, with fruit trees, berry bushes. There is a large hen house on each lot. A bargain at 3760, terms. Savory & Duval, 1429 Manna Dmve. Phone West 340. FOR SALE--Cow manure, well rotted, 2 yards 35.00; 4% yards 310.00. Phone West 74L2. 'OVILLOW DENE COTTAGE" Kings Avenue, Duudarave, to rent. Five rooms, full plumbing, open fireplace, 9 P laundry tubs, beautiful situation, Adults only, 330.00. B. R. Harrison, West 404L. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAlt BEST--Duudarave. BOY )VANTS WoltK--Good reliable boy wants any kind of work after school hours. Age 14. Apply 2644 Marine Drive. WOMAN lVANTS WORK of any kind. Apply West 74R3. GET West Vaa. Electric Prices on Radio, Vacuum, Irons and all elec- trical appliances. Agents for Mar- coni Radio. FOR SALE--hlarine Drive corner with cosy 4-room bungalow, full plumbing. Snap 32260. . Dandy 4-Room Bungalow on cleared double corner, block from bue. For quick sale, 31360. )Vest Vau. Iaveetmcut Coy. Notary Public. West 102 Large C eared Lot, in garden, 200 feet from Marine Drive. Full price only 3376. Furnished aud Unfurnished Modern Suites and Houses. We still have some very desirable modern furnished and unfurnished houses for rent. R. P. Clarke & Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. Fifty-foot lots at 3155 each to close out estate. Terms if desired. Con- venient location. Cheapest lots in West Vancouver. Seafront home, West Bay, four rooms, verandah, 33500. Terms. Third rash, balance arranged. Large waterfront lots on blu!I within mile of Gleueagles Golf Links, 75x 600. Paved road at back. Good buying at 61550. Terms. Fiscal Agents: R. P. Clarke & Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 651L A young doctor had prescribed cast- or oil for the baby. "But, Doctor," protested the young mother, "castor oil is so old-fashion- edi" "Madam," replied the doctor, "babies are old-fashioned things."--Ex. You Can Save One Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the Inonth B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY FOR SALE--Corner lot on Gordon and 13th street, 'io by 151; good view. Also attragtive modern cot- tage, four rooms, pantry, bath room, workehip, chicken house; yearling Leghorn hens (laying). Owner, Hutton, 1171 20th street, near Ing- 1405 filariue Drive 315 Cordova W. lewood. West 21 Sey. 1260. THE WEST VAN NEWS Whimsical Review Shim: "How did you enjoy the mus- ical comedy lest night?" Him: "Before the curtain went up two feet I knew I could enjoy it." Close-Shave Alibi Corporal: "Hey, you! Why haven' you shaved?" Private: "There were a:x others ua. ing the mirror, and I think I ehavei! somebody eleel" A stout woman drove up to a filling station. "I want two quarts of oil," ahe said. "What kind, heavy?" asked the at- tendant. "Say, young man, don't get fresh with me," waa the indignant response. No Trespassing The wife and daughter of Colonel Berry, camp commander, came to the gate after "lights out" and demanded admission. The sentry objected. "But, my dear mau, you don't un- derstand, expostulated the older wom- an,?IVe are the Berry'a." "I don't care if you'e the eat'a whiskers," retorted the sentry. "You can't grt in at this hour." Lady: "Yee, I can give you a job. You can gather eggs for me if you are sure you won't steal any." Hobo: "Youse ran trust me wid any- thin', lady. I waa manager of a bath house fifteen years and never took a bath."--Implement Record. Fashionable Friends "When you were abroad did you see the Dardauellea?" "Yes--we had dinner with them." "What did the boss say to you for being late on Friday?" "He gave me the D.C.M." "What's that!" "Don't come Monday!" Mo)lyi "Are you sure Fred loves you, and you alone?" Kathleeni "Oh, yes; more then than any other time."--Truth. The cycle is like this: When he is a little boy hia father knows more than any man in the world; he is a walking encyclopedia. When the boy becomes teu or twelve years old, hia father begins to go back, and by the time he is seventeen years old hia father is absolutely dumb and knows nothing at all. Then comes a change, and the father begins to pick up. By the time this young man is twenty- one hia father is almost normal again. --Christian Register. HelplVauted, Female Found--Ladies'andbag, left in my car while parked. Onwer can have same by identifying property and pay- ing for this ad, or if ahe will make satisfactory explanation to my wife, I will pay for ad.--Ad. in a Couroe (Texas) paper. Mary had a little skirt, Latest style, no doubt; But just when she got half way in, She was more than half way out. --Sanatorium Sun "Ah, Mary, you'e just as beauti- ful as you ever were, and I have never forgotten you!" "And you, Denny, are just as big aliar as ever, aud I believe you just the same!"--Exchange. Business aud'life are like bank ac- counts--you can't take out more than you put in. CO51PLETE IT! 'Tis what we finish--not what we be- gin-- By which we rise; To try is good, but uot enough where- by To gain the prise. We win by what we do--uot by the thing IVe meant to do; 'Tia where we atqud--not where we ought to be, That makes our view. For power is given everyone to be The man he would; A mere intent will count for naught though it Be fine and good. But effort must be folloived by work Accomplished, done; For only by completed tasks is life' Great victory won. The dignity of labor depends not on what you do, but how you do it.--Ed win Oegood Grover. The flow of the Capilano river was unusually large last month, according to the Dominion Wa- ter Power and Reclamation Ser- vice, Department of the Interior, who report a discharge of 1340 second feet dunng January. The Capilano average for the last 14 years was 782 second feet, mini- mum flow 230 second feet, aml the maximum 8580 second feet. It is thought that the unusually mind weather in the )atter part of January, with the consequent early melting of the snow on the North Shore mountains, is chief- ly responsible for the heavy dis- charge. "Let me stop and.look at the man that's been run over by the motor, ma," said a small boy in New York to his mother. "No, no," she said, "come right along. There'l be another one presently." "I did what I could, Tony--I told her you had more money than sense." "And what did she say?" "She asked me if you had any money." Even As You and I IVhen Noah sailed the well- known blue, He had his troubles as well as you. For days and days he drove the ark Before he found a place to park. Percy Andrews, 18th and Ful- ton, was very seriously injured yesterday at Fisherman's Cove. IVhj)e iron pipes for the new water line were being unloaded from a truck, some of them slip- ped, and in trying to save an- other man Mr. Andrews was badly crushed, a number of his ribs being broken. He was taken to his home, where he lies in a serious condition. HOLLYBURN RAINFALL FOR JANUARY 192S Issued for comparison purposes Inches Inches Jan. 1.....53 Jan. 20....51 2....1.31 " 21.....44 3.....37 " 24...05 4....1.39 " 25 ....07 5 ....26 " 26....04 6.....02 " 27.....07 7....2.21 " 28.....13 8 ...45 " 29 ...79 9 .42 " 30.....82 10.....46 11... 1.40 13 ....01 Total........11.75 Three-quarters of an inch of snow fell on January 1. The lowest temperature reach- ed was on the night of the 16th, 22 degrees F., or 10 degrees of frost. In January, 1927, the rainfall was 10.23 inches and the snow- fall 10.6 inches. The minimum for that month was 14 degrees F., or 18 degrees of frost. Your ..=. agt 100 per cent. Canadian Industry Follow the dictates of your national pride. "There is no Gas like HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS LTD. Producers, Reiiners and Disiribulors of Gasoline, Lubricnnls, and All I'ctrolcum I'roducls 576 Burrard Street, Vancouver, B.C. Phone: Seymour 6780 CAPILAiNO DISCHARGE PERCY ANDREIVS SIEETS HEAVY liV JANUARY WITH BAD ACCIDENT