Resampled001B6E80 RIGHT AT VOCR DOOR--AND ia E CHARCE FO MORE I CUT RATE DRUGS SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALS 86c Dcxtri h(shoes ............. 81c i 60c Dc. Was& Tooth Brushes 29c V6c Lavnbcv&'s Hair Grow&h gsc I Ioc Toilet RnBs. 'I for . 29c 60c Glvccrius and Rose Waicv, i Goc Tbcrmogcnc )Vnnl 8 os..................... 26c ) ioc Baby Mussing Bo&iics, 4 2.ic 60c Ex-Lax Figs ............. 28c ioc Baby Nippins, 4 for....... 25c 60c Murins Fbs &Vs&sr...... Isc 26c Rnyai Sootbeca ...,,.... 18c 60c Blaud's Iron Pills .... 29c ~ hoc Jan&col Combinaiinn Cvnsm 29c 26c Lis&cciuc 'pooih pasic .. 19c, TriumPh HnPs, Malt aud Gcla- tine ....................... 95c Fvossi'a 21y--100 tables .... 51.50 40c Rx Delicious Huinbugs, Rx 29c shc Horiick's hfaitcd biiik . 71c 26c Nail Clippers ........... 16c hoc Pcrfum& (Pavsdisi ..... 29c 60c Day Dvoam Rnugo ..5lc 60c Pcpsodcui Tooth Paste. Isc 60c Sanitary Tooth Brushes ....24c SLOO Grass( ............................. 89c 76c Kvuscbca Salts .......... Sic 40c Sold(i&a Powders. 10's ....... 24c Ssc Orange Blossom Ta(c ..... 19& ORPHEGh( THEATRE RFuERVATIONiS )Vcs& Vau. Agcnis C. P. IL Telegraphs and Can. Pac. Exp. Sinucy Order Lesage Drug Store Prescriptions Filled By Fully Gun(if(ed Druggist at City Prices G. E. REID, hlanager iVew Building--Corner is(urine and I lth. FAST 11ELI'1'ERV No ORDER IS TOO SMALL WEST 323 Money to Loan on First Mortgage at current rates. Let us finance the building of your new home in (Vest Van- couver. We would like You fo phone for a Demonstration THE NEW CHEVROLET NORTH SHORE MOTORS, LTD. OLDShIOBILE AND CHEVROLET DEALERS 135 First Street West, North Vancouver. (Represented in West Vancouver by H. C. OSBORNE) Phones IVest 628Y North 1186 A Creamo 'Wagon eerystfvet- eOery morning -PASE )VMLEY V, ILK 9 Quarts for $ 1.00 Phone North 122 London & British North America Co., Ltd. hlortgage -- Insurance -- Findhce and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street West I'hone Sey. 6285 Local Representative;--F. X. Hodgson, 1Vest 665R THE WEST VAN NEWS Mr. and h(rs. Is Fleche, &chose home at 21st and Bellevue ivas burned down last week. have moved into a hmise at 14th aml Clyde. ~ ~ ~ IV. C. Thompson. '20th nml IVaterfront, left on h(on&lay for San 1)iego, Californin, where he expects to spend the next few weeks. ~ ~ ~ The little 10-year-oki ilnugh- ter of Mr. aml ihlrs. IL W. Jeffer- son sprained her ankle badly on ihlomlay afternoon while skip- ping anti hnd to be taken home from Hollyburn School in nn auto. n n ~ Iilr. and ih(rs. R. Long hnd n new daughter born to them IVed- nesday, 1st inst., at their home at 14th an&i Haywood. Both mother and daughter are mak- ing good progress. o n ~ Mr. Johnson, 21st nnd ih(arine drive. is moving next &veek to a house at 16th and Nathers. ~ s Friends from IVest and North Vancouver of Mr. and hlrs. A. Valentine gave them 6 su)7)rise party oo h(onday night at their home nt 11th and Esquimalt. The evening was spent very pleasantly in cards, music and games. s Barbara, the 7-year-ol&l daugh- ter of Mr. and hlrs. R. P. Blow- er, 2'En&1 and Bellevue, is sick with an attack of Bright's dis- ease. s s 1 Daniel Elill, 21st and Bellevue, left last week for Port Towns- end. Little John Sherriff, the 3- year-old son of Nr. and Mrs. R. Sherri(I', 26th and Bellevue, had a very narrow escape on Friday from being run over by the mu- nicipal bus. He ran across in front of the bus on Marine drive at the westerly end of Altamont bridge, and to avoid running over him the driver ran the bus onto the sidewalk. The child was struck, rolling under the bus from one side to the other, but luckily only sufFered a few bruises. s Mr. and ihlrs. Peter Webb are moving shortly from IVest Van- couver to Burnaby, where Mr. IVebb has purchased a home. Captain Kettle is building 0 house at Caulfeild. hIr. Gunn is building a new house at 23rd and Haywood. ' s Mr. and Mrs. James Tait, who have been spending the winter at the Devonshire Apartments in the city, have moved back to their home at 29th and Nathers. s n s h(rs. Beemer, ivho has been sick and in hospital, has recov- ered sufficiently to be l&rought back to her home at 14th and Clyde. TEN.MINUTE FERRY SERVICE PRO('OSED FOR NORTH VANC'R There is a prospect of North Vancouver's having a 10-minute ferry service in the rush hours. The suggestion was made by Al&lerman Tolmie at a meeting of the North Vancouver city council last Mom(ay, an&I caused considerable discussion. If such extension was made, the figure $60,000 was mentioned as being sufficient to pay for the extra boat necessary. The matter was referred to their ferry commit- tee to bring in 6 report. sblr. and hlrs. John Clement are here from Portland, Oregon, visiting hlr. and Mrs. G. Bulk- ley, "Dreamy Nook," Wing'6 I'oint. ~ ~ ' Mrs. R. II. Whitson entertain- eil a number of her friends on IVednesday afternoon, 1st inst.. nt her home nt 29th and Pnrk street. A very pleasant time was spent by all. ~ ~ ~ Miss Doris Bulkley is lenving West Vancouver'or llonolulu on the S.S. Niagara, having given up her position as a sten- ographer in Vancouver. n ~ ~ Dr. G. E. Hayfield hns moved into his new office in the (lay block, 14th nnd Nnrine drive. ~ ~ ~ I'eter Webb hns sold his house at 14th and Clyde to Mr. Beem- er, IGth and Ottawa. ~ ~ ~ ihlrs. Rackyleft of Vancouver has been appointed to the stnff of the Pauline Johnson School and has assumed her duties there. ~ ~ ~ The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., is shortly going to have the grounds put in or&ler at the Memorial Arch. The chap- ter is responsible for the recent improvements made to the arch itself in the building of a flight of cement steps and a stone re- taining wall in the foreground. Mr. and hlrs. H. A. Millan, who have been living at 29th and Palmerston, have moved to 25th and Mathers. s ~ Nr. and Nrs. E. Birtwistle, new residents of West Vancou- ver, now living at 1490 Hay- wood, have bought a lot at 27th and Nelson and intend erecting a home there in the near future. Mr. Birtwistle is well known in Vancouver business circles, hav- ing operated stores in the city for some years. s s Mrs. K. A. Ray received news a few days ago of the death of her father, aged 87, which oc- curred at Mount Lebanon on January 17th. F. F. Lovegrove, secretary- treasurer of the IVest Vancou- ver Branch of the Canadian Le- gion, was presented with a case of pipes this week in apprecia- tion of his official services to the organization. The I'auline Johnson Senior Team Defeats Hollyburn's Best On Thursday, February 2nd, the Pauline Johnson footballers again defeated their rivals in a har&l-fought game on the Paul- ine Johnson school grounds. Ne- ville opened the score for the winners in the first half. A few minutes later he again found the net on a fine centre by IVhite. In the second half, Grisdale, 6 tower of strength on the Holly- burn team, managed to connect with the ball and score the best goal of the game. At the final whistle the score was 2-1 in fa- vor of the home team. Mr. Kirk handled the game to the satis- faction of both players and spec- tators. On IVednesday, February 8th, the Pauline Johnson junior boys'ootballteam went down to de- fest before the Hollyburn aggre- gation by a score of 2-0. The Hollyburn youngsters tallied in the first half, and added another counter to their lead early in the second. Although the home team pressed up till the final whistle they were unable to firn( the visitors'et. Mr. Brown was in charge of the game. 1~L&RSONA.LS February 10, 1928 School Notes PAl'I.liVE JOHiVSTON SCHOOI, REI'ORT The following pupils are. re- spectively, the leaders of their hnlf terms in the January ex- nminat iona: Grade I: I'irst term--Betty Mernw, Duncan McTnvish, Alice Grn&ly. Second term -- Billie Barker, Joyce Burbri&lge, I lu- bert Cunningham. Grade II.: First term--Moira Jones, Dorothy Sharman, Peggy Arm(erson. Second term--Jessie Ritz, Kenneth Vernon, Shirley Ware. (irn&le IIL: First term--Ken- neth Davidson, ih(Orlon Sparrow, Pat A(bin. Second term--John I lenman, llugh Farmer, Geof- frey Brndley. Grnde IV.: First term--Jack ih(cLeod, Stuart Lefeaux, Betty I lenman. Second term--John Moe, John Brn&lley, Norn Dent. Grade V.: First term--Frank Ilodgson, Teddy Sheffield, Phyl- lis Watt. Second term--Helen Ritz, Donald Mills, Mndeline Ec- clcstone, Edith White. Grade VI.: First term--Elean- or Eager, Margaret Snun&lers, Robert Allan. Second term-- John Kendrick, John Sheffield, Naisie Busst. HOI.I.YBURN SCHOOL Class leaders, term examina- tions for January: Grade 8, Division I: Margaret Gillette, 83 pcr cent.; Jack IVatt, 79; Barbara Hadwin, 7G; Olive Knipfel, 76. Grade 7A, Division 2: Gordon Edwards, 76; Marguerite Ed- wards, 75; Jessie Hoyle, 73. Grade 7B, Division 2: Elean- or hlacRae, 72; Hazel Brealey, 69; George IVatt, 69; Jean Gar- rett, 67. Grade 6A, Division 3: Barb- ara Gamage, 73; Barbara Ford, 72; Doris Cullin, 72. Grade 6B, Division 3: Marjor- ie Paton, 79; Dorothy Boshier, 75; Eifie Vickory, 73. Grade 6B, Division 4: IValter NcC(intock, 71; Mary Bradshaw, 67; Ida Allan, 66. Grade 5A, Division 4: Joan Jefferies, 821 Olive Childs, 77; Caroline Marsh, 77. Grade 5B, Division 6: Eunice MacRae, 88; Doreen I'almer, 84; Alton Grafton, 78. Grade 4A, Division 6: hlary Currie, George Ross, Hertha Leth-Paulsen. Grade 4B, Division 6: Sidney Blaney, Jessie Edington, Doreen Elgar. Grade 3A Division 7'gnes Gray, Marion MacRae, Verne Taylor. Grade 3B, Division 7: Alan Fraser, Connie Jenni, Anna Pearson. Grade 2A, Division 8: Elaine Kissick, Sophia Zie(ski, Natalie Ratcliffe. Grade 2B, Division 8: Muriel McCullock, Sheila Edwards, Ted- dy Meglaughlin. Grade 2B, Division 9: Douglas IVatt, Alister Grigor, Alexander Bell. Grade 1A Division 9: Robbio Perry, Dorothy Chappell, Bud- dy Fitzpatrick. Grade 1B, Division 10: Susan 'cLintock, Donald Howleson, Dick Sagar. HIfiu SCHOOI, On Saturday last the (Vest Vancouver I (igh School boys'aslfetba(lteam played hIagee High School team in the King Edward Iligh gym. It was 6 close game throughout, but Ma- gee won with a score of 25-23. Cooking lessons have begun at the Inglewood School for the girls of grades 7-10. Arrangements have been com- plete&l for a basketball tourna- ment to be held tomorrow, Feb- ruary 11. at 7:30 p.m., at th&! Inglewood SchooL I i( ~rcbfu foll '«lu IPP~P, P 9'(LL ~ mss f 'sm Cesin wsy is dl EST(FOR" ' bsuss III FOR g bi'" ssb ~I&&8 ss FDRNff 14 (is csi, " Gus&bc&)'vsm rb's&mss'sl ~bivs'dv. „osv Si Rss b 6 Ass) FOS SA ssd IRSL msw A mgv [sur usibsbiP Lcgbsiu Iiu&ms, I lswua( FOR SALI lom (usy bvv&y bmi burns sll pybp mia b(srins Dr FOR SAL(L 2 yards l phone W& ~WILLOW I Avenue, I rooms, Dd laundrY 1 Ada(is ssd West 444( 6ESS'S 6 SEST-D Soy WAN) toy «suL scbssl bsi b(arise D Apply We Ggr Wc&i Radio, Vs i&lail spp ccui Smlii FOR SALl with csc, plumbisg . Dssdy 4.14 double m &pdcb ssl West 'otaryPui B.i