Resampled001B6E80 February 10, 1928. SUNDAY SCHOOL TEAM WINS CHAhIPIO!VSHIP I,ANTERN LECTURE THE WEST VAN NEWS MRS. J. D. AI.LAN ENTERTAINS The St. Stephen's Sunday school team of boys under 12, having won their group cham- pionship with but a single de- feat, will play on Saturday against Knox Kerrisdale at Fair- view School at 2 p.m. The team has scored 47 goals to 11 made against them, and will play hard to bring home the medals to hvest Vancouver. The following are the players: Goal, G. Mas- terman; full backs, M. IVard, P. Farmer; half backs, D. Timbrell, C. Partington, T. Reid; forwards, P. Murison, G. Faulkner, W. Tearoe, M. Stephens, J. Bell; spares, J. Murray, H. Montgom- ery. MILITARY WHIST DRIVE BY MUSICAL SOCIETY The IVest Vancouver Musical Society will hold a military whist drive next Wednesday, the 15th inst., at the "Clachan," foot of 25th street. Play starts at 8:15 p.m. prompt. There will be good prizes and refresh- ments. MOVING Next Friday, February 17, to our new home next to Stratton's Bakery -- just half block west of our pres- ent store. PEARCE'S Dry Goods AMBLESIDE PITMAN BUSINESS COLLECE Est. 1898 Vsucouvcr's Leading Business College Individual Attention DAY sud NIGIIT School Night School, 4 nights ecch week Eurol at any time. 4 22 Richards St. Phone Ssy. 9135. Cor. Hastings For West Vancouver Properties sse SAVORY DUVAL 142$ Iluisc Brin rhsss Wat 340 Specializing in West Vancouver People Like The 'Burrard'eople speak very nicely shout the great cars we take of every article sent to us. Each custom- er'3 parcel is treated separately sud promptly returned. Aud our charges plssss everybody. Try us with 3 purest this week. The Burrard Laundry Ltmttsd For People SVho Are Particular TH1RD ST. snd ST. DAVlos North Vancouver Phone North 1310. hvesi Van. Representative F. RIVERS I'hone West 410L "Thro'he Heart of Scotland" will be the subject of a lecture by J. Haydn Young in the Unit- ed Church on Friday, 17th Feb- ruary, at 8 p.m. The lecture will be illustrated by beautiful limelight views and appropriate Scottish songs. Admission, 25 cents. Children, 10 cents. J. Allan, 20th and Esquimalt, is building a house at 17th and Gordon. LIBRARY BOARD ELECTS OFFICERS The Hollyburn Public Library Board held their firsf meetnig of the year on Monday night at 8 o'lock in Hollyburn School, when the annual election of of- ficers took place. The follow- ing were elected: President, H. T. Curtis; secretary, IV. J. Hil- ton; treasurer, Mrs. W. Gour- lay. LEAP YEAR DANCE The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., announce a "Leap Year dance," to be held on Wed- nesday evening, February 29th, at Hollyburn Pavilion. Mrs. E. H. Jupp, convener. Mrs. Charles Donohoe and Mrs. Peter Wait are arranging the altair, and an interesting evening is assured. P. G. E. OFFICIALS RETURN FROM TOURING LINE Splendid general conditions and a feeling of optimism among the people are to be noted in North- ern British Columbia today, it is reported by Pacific Great East- ern officials svho.have returned from a tour of the company's lines. The party, which includ- ed Willard Kitchen, director; Robert Wilson, executive assist- ant; J. A. Quick, superintendent; C. L. Bates, engineer, and E. C. Kyle, master mechanic, made Quesnel the terminus of their trip. Traffic, say the officials, ts much better now than it was at this time last year owing to the good prices being obtained for beef. Filling of bridges accord- ing to last year's permanent pro- gramme, was completed on Jan- uary 31, and equipment is now being repaired. The Williams Lake water- works improvement, which was completed at considerable expen- diture, has proved most satisfac- tory, and despite low tempera- tures, at no time has the water frozen. A new well has been sunk and the water from it, ac- cording to government analysis, is of a desirable quality. Snow conditions, report the officials, were bad in the north this year, but, strangely, in the summits between Squamish and Clinton there has been less fall of snow than at any time or re- cord. A sou at college wrote to his father: "No mon, uo fuu, your sou." The father answered: "How ssd, too hsd, your dad." Mrs. J. Dodd Allan was a luncheon and bridge hostess at her new home on Radcliffe ave- nue, West Bay, on Wednesday, February 1st. The invited guests were: Dr. Roberta iVass, Mrs. E. Davis, Mrs. R. Squires, Mrs. IVm. Her- ger, Mrs. Frank Patrick, Mrs. Homer Mor,re, Mrs. Mackenzie Bowell, Mrs. E. F. Allan, Mrs. hlorley Johnston, Mrs. Ceperley and Miss N. Bowell. The rooms were tastefully decorated with daffodils and lillies of the valley. SKI-JUMPING AT HOLLYBURN RIDGE Out of a field of nineteen en- trants Axel Sneiss of Vancouver was high man in the ski-jumping competition held by the Holly- burn Pacific Ski Club on Holly- burn Ridge over the week-end. The results of the contest, ac- cording to classes, were as fol- lows: Veterans: I, J. C. Johnson; 2, G. Larsen. Seniors: 1, Axel Sneiss; 2, Ralph Morris. Inter- mediates: 1, C. Lauritzen; 2, H. E. Knight. Novices: 1, M. Pogue; 2, IV. Kennedy. The judges were Uno Hilstrom and A. Gotaas of the Camrose Ski Club of Alberta. R. Fraser acted as starter. This is the second of a series of skiing competitions conducted by the Hollyburn Ridge Ski Club. The next event is sched- uled to take place on February 19, when a cross-country run will be put on. About 300 spectators witnessed the ski-jumping Sun- day. MITCHELL-MILLER Miss Eleanor Miller, youngest daughter of Mrs. Miller and the late Mr. I. F. Miller, and Mr. Herbert John Mitchell, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, were united in marriage at a pretty wedding last Saturday af- ternoon in St. Andrew's Church, Vancouver, Rev. J. S. Henderson, D.D., and Rev. A. E. Kerr, offici- ating. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Geo. C. Mil- ler, wore a frock of poudre blue georgette and overblouse of vel- vet in deeper shade, with cloche hat of silver lame, and corsage of Ophelia roses. Her only at- tendant was little Annie Louise McAllister, as flower girl, wear- ing a frock of lace of pink silk, and carrying a basket of pink carnations. The ushers were Mr. Peginald Galloway and Mr. John Buddin, while the wedding music svas played by Mr. Phillip Saw- ford and Mr. Ernest Caldwell singing during the signing of the register. Immediately after the cere- mony the happy couple left for Seattle. Mrs. Mitchell, who is a sister of Mrs. IV. Inman, 14th and Inglewood, has been a frequent visitor to West Vancouver, and will take up permanent residence at Altamont on return from her honeymoon. CHET SHIELDS 14th StreetRight at the Raihvay Crossing Basket Ball Four-Game Tournament by High School Students Inglewood School Auditorium TOMORROW (SATURDAYL FEBRUARY 11. AT 7::l0 l'.hl. West Van. Iligh vs. North Van. High Teachers vs. Ex-lligh Adults 25c Children 15c bli"-":" Billiards '""""'leasure MORE Power BETTER Quality In any kind of weather-at no eztra COSt. Northern Light (P. Q.) Winter Gas gives instant response, steady driving power, n3 matter how low the temperature. Produced at the North Vancouver refineries of the Vancouver OII Co. Ltd., an All-British Columbia Company. Fill up and try it out-i NORTH SHORE STATIONS NORTH VANCOUVER Forcissu's Garage-- Esplanade East Lousdslc hfotors- 15th snd Lousdsls North Shore Garage-- First St., West Rchshlc Service Ststiou- Third St. di Forbes Avs. ~ WEST VAiVCOUVER Ed. Bls«k- 25th Avc. di Msrius Drivs West Vancouver Garage- Amblcsids SECOND NARRO1VS Burrsrd Scrvicc Station-- Second Narrows Bridge A North Vancouver Product COOKIES AND CAKES for VALENTINE PARTIES Our Pies Are Ahvays Popular Mrs. DRAPER 2435 hfARliVE DRIVE Naxi Dvodaravi Hall. NOTE PNONEi Wert soo A School for Girls KINDERGARTEN Now Open at 23rd sud Bellevue by htISS PHILIP Prospectus on Application Special attention given to Frsuch. VERNON FEED STORE Pho i~v t9 FUEL, FEED, CEMIB4Ts ETC. of A. Is'. VALENTINE Csnsdisn TVisdow Bakeries Agency 1406 hfsrins Drive FRESH CAKES AND BREAD DAILY Phone pour orders for Spccisl Cakes LIGHT LUNCHES Sloro Closes 6 u. m.i Saturdays ts u, m. TEAS