Resampled001B6E80 THE IVEST VAN NEWS February 10, 1928 BtiVB'II Grocery Values are uot always to be judged by the bulk of the goods, but by the quality, Cheap food- ctuffx are dear at any price. qUALITY is the first consider- ation in this store. If you want the utmost in value for your money. buy here. Greenwood s GROCERY hVe deliver %Vest 16 (Eotabiixbcd over 7 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and Iiiarine Barber For appointment PHONE WEST 135 HollybItrn Theatre TO-NIGHT and Saturday Matinee "Richard the Lion Hearted" Saturday Ecc. aud Monday "Annie Lanrieyy with LILLIAN GISH Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The IVest Van Watchmal(er 8 Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambi aside Amblsaids Taa Rooms Potty Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp oad Pfcufo Suppaos, Tobaccos, oto. J. M. Morgan Phone )Vest I'i3 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO I'bouc Seymour lol HhRROiV BROS. & WILLihMSON fnneriil Qirectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Mrs..l. AICLachlan of the An- nal&elle Beauty Parlors. Vancou- ver, has purchased the Hiam cot- tage at 28th and Iuwson. and is moving in this week. ~ ~ ~ George Williamson is building a house at fgir&l and King', just &vest of his own house. 1 ~ ~ Nrs. Burton Forster recently returned from Victoria with her chiklren, where they have been visiting for ten days. ~ 1 ~ IVilliam Hiam of Vancouver is staying for a few &iays at the Fortune Cup Inn nn&l is then going on to San Francisco. ~ ~ ihir. and &Airs. Peppard of Chll- liwack, who nre occupying the Armitage house at 25th nnd Bel- levue, have as their guests Mrs. Peppard's fnther an&I mother, Mr. nnd AIrs. NcLeod. ~ ~ ~ Nrs. E. J. Pierce, who has been residing at the Fortune Cup Inn for some time, Is leaving shortly to stay with Nrs. Taylor, 21st aml Bellevue. ~ ~ ~ Airs. Conant aml daughter, who have been living at 14th an&! Aiarine drive, are moving to the city, where they will in fu- ture reside. 1 1 ~ Mr. and AIrs. Colin McLean of Vancouver have taken the Hoy house at 18th and Fulton. I. O. D. E. The annual meeting of 'the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., will be held at the home of Mrs. W. B. Small, Fulton and 20th, on Monday, February 13, at 2:15 p.m. Nrs. Laura E&hvards. provin- al Beld director and deputy su- reme supervisor t'or the hV.B, , was the installing oificer at banquet and public installation officers held by Review No. 2, Aisrpole, on Wednesday, 1st ebruary. Tom Tanner is buikling a ouse on AIarine drive between 5th and 26th streets. ~ ~ ~ A delegation from the North hore Cricket Club. &vhich has n its team several )Vest Van- uver players, appeared beforo e IVorth Vancouver city coun- I on lilonday night and request- that improvements be made the citv parks for the coming ason's play. ~ ~ 1 Henry Bradley is buikling n ouse on La&vson avenue be- veen 26th nnd 2Gth streets. ~ 1 '1 F. Pascual is shortly going to ove his present house and buil&l new one on his property at the orner of 14th and Esquimalt. ~ 1 ~ Mr. and Airs. Bordessa, who ave been residing at 25th and athers, moved on Wednesday the city. liiiss Phyllis Clifford of )Vest ay is leaving this &veek for a hort holiday visit to Victoria. C. A. Dean is building a gar- age on his property at 24th and Bellevue. 1 1 Miss SuA'ield is now occupying the AIillard cottage at 24th and AIsthers. Nrs. Harris, Keith Road, af- ter being laid up for several ci &reeks, is now making slow pro- pgross 'to&card recur&&'3. A. ~ 1 1 a Inquiries have been ma&I» of of the owners of Hollyburn Peril- 2 ion with a view to renting the F building for a bo)cling alley and other similar attractions. The matter is still in abeyance, but h it is just possible that the ouild- 2 ing will be utilized in some such xcah . \ ~ ~ S A. A. Rerrie has now joined o the sales staiF of the North Van- co couver Sawmills Ltd. Mr. Rer- th rie was formerly with the Capi- ci lano Timber Co. Ltd. ed ~ ~ The North Shore Tuxis Boys se will hold a "father and son" banquet on Thursday, IGth Feb- ruary. h ~ 1 t& The West Vancouver Iiadies'hoir is giving an Empire con- cert and spectacle tonight in the mauditorium, Ingle)rood High School. The entertainment will be a combination of music and art, and should prove patticu- larlv attractive. The national costumes of many nations will be worn by the artistes. to Iihs. IV. H. Curtis of West Bay entertained at four tables of bridge on Thursday of last week. The North Lonsdale Liberal Association is giving its anni- versary dance and &vhist drive tonight (Friday) in the Pavil- ion, North Vancouver. There will be good prizes and good mu- sic, and a pleasant evening is assured to all who attend. A special invitation is extended to the people of IVest Vancouver. ~ 1 Next Sunday Percy King will again be the leader in the Bible Study meeting to be held in the Ambleside Hall at 3 p.m. Each Sunday the class has increased in numbers. and it is expected that next Sunday will see even a greater attendance. Questions are invited. Mrs. F. C. Page, 2450 Bellevue avenue, was painfully injured yesterday &chen she was struck by an automobile driven by M. B. AIeredith, Consolidated Mo- tors, at Georgia and Granville streets. She was taken to St. Paul's HospitaL SCOTTISH SOCIETY The regular meeting of the IVest Vancouver Scottish Soci- ety will be held next Friday, 17th February, at 7 p.m., in "The Clachan." The meeting is called a little earlier than usual in order to give the members an v)pportunity of attending the lec- ture to be given by J. Haydn Young in the United Church. 1 cl The Misses Stevenson, late of "The Clachan," but who are now living in the city, have been spending this week the guests of the hfisses Frame, 26th and Marine drive. 1 R. H. Tiderington, who has been with the B. C. Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd., Port Alberni, for two years, arrived here IVed- nesday evening, and is visiting his father, Nr. Tiderington, 25th and Bellevue, for a couple of weeks. BURNS'UPPER COMMITTEE MEETS NEXT MONDAY A special meeting of the Burns'upper committee is be- ing held next Monday, 13th Feb- ruary, at 8:15 p.m., at the home of the president, J. McGowan, 26th an&i Bellevue. Special mat- ters will be brought up for dis- cussion, and it is particularly asked that all members .of the committee be present. AIRS. GILLETT ENTERTAINS Nrs. D. Gillett, 15th and Ful- ton, entertained a number of la- dies at the tea hour yesterday in honor of her guest, Miss L. Ross of Vancouver. Those pres- ent were Miss L. Ross, Mrs. J. M. Hill, Airs. F. Marsh, Mrs. D. Hill, AIrs. M. Cunningham, Mrs. Smith and Nrs. Harry Hodgson. During the afternoon Miss AIar- garet Gillett delighted the com- pany with selections on the piano. Miss Ross returned to her home yesterday evening. IV. B. A. INSTAL OFFICERS The IVomen's Benefit Associa- tion, Review No. 24, held an installation meeting last Wed- nesday in the Ambleside Hall. Deputy Supreme Commander Nrs. Laura Baker wss in charge, being supported by several Van- couver members, who acted as guard of honor. The officers of the local for the ensuing year were installed in their offices with all ceremony and ritual. During the evening Aowers were presented to the past president, Nrs. Laura Edwards, and to AIrs. Baker. OfFicers installed were as fol- lows: President, Nrs. W. Urquhart. Vice-President, Airs. D. Mc- Tavish. Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. H. Thompson. Chaplain, Afrs. H. Rivers. Lady of Ceremonies, Mrs. Smart. Press Correspondent, Airs. S. Romans. Sergeant, Afrs. C. FIay. Inner Hostess, Afrs. Mchfillan. Captain of Guard, Mrs. Den- niston. Color Bearer, Airs. IVebster. Financial Secretary, Afrs. A. Stronge. CHILD FRACTURES SKULI The 5-year-old son of Mrs. Breeden was the victim of a ser- ious accident on Wednesday, when, in clambering .over the parapet of the cement bridge on Marine Drive over the old bed of the Capilano, he slipped and fell over, fracturing his skull. He was taken home, where he is doing as well as can be expected.Announcement Some pcopio grow under rcspouxi biiity; others merely swell. Dr. G. E. Bayfield M.D.C.M. Announcement wishes to inform the public that he has opened a downtown oiFice in the NEW HAY BUIIDING corner inarine Drive and 14th Street. Dr. Dorothy Miller AI.B., Ch.B. (Glasgow) L.M.C.S. has now opened an office in the Royal Bank Bl&lg 17th and Alarine, ln the suite formerly occupied by Dr. Stainsby. Hours: 2 30 to 5 pm., or by ap- pointment. Phone )Vest 393 Phone )Vest 313 (Res. aml OIF.) Office Hours: Afternoon - 2:30 to 4:,'10 Aiorning - - 11:00 to 12:30 I'hone hVest 313 at any time PERSONA.LS Most People &equi&1 1 touic at this tlmo of the your. ivo recommend W A hi PO I. E'S I'ItEI'AIIATIOiV OF COI) I.IV ER OII 11 the yeor-around tonic foc adults 11 well as chil&i&co. iro wend Tciegramo, olthcc C. I'. It. or C. N. R. Dispcuccco to the C. P. R. hiodicoi Association WEST VAN I'HARMACY The Store of Sccvico I'compt I)cilcery Phouc iv. 37 CHIROPRACTOR Next to Strut&on Bnkccy Mar(ne Drive, Ambleslds oixo ot Voucouvoc Phone ivcot 303 Roberta A. Vass D. C., I'h. C. Gcoduoto oi"olmcr School Intelligence Study the ouotomicoi chort. You will sco how the spine couucctc every part of thc body. This is the koyuotc to health. CHHIOPRACTIC )VILL HELP YOU THE Marcel Shop Mrs. F. Hurling f520 Marine Dmvo FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE, WEST 304 51ARCEL, WAVING, LADIES and CHILDREN S HAIRCUTTING Facial, Scalp and Skin 'reatments Iioucx 9 to 5.30 WEST VAN Restaurant I42I hfariuo Drive at 14th St. Public Phone West 611-0 L4DIES HAIRCUTTING cud SHINGLING any Styio HOLI.YBURN BAIIBER SHOI'h MARSH, Prop. VALENTINE DANCE Umler Auspices of West Vancouver I.IBERAI, ASSOCIATION to be hei&i in New Amblesid«Hall NEXT TUESDAY (I"ebruary I iih) DANCING 9-12 Refreshments Special Orchestra 50c I teI hs)ioil " looohip01'vi fest isot083 Bh, vie« hso gc lsgt t s~h (08r ifest ™ ro tho termso'armer ' ratio F'hiurl Tcsng'I SPsrcx orf IIILITI 6 The I'0&ietf whist "r 16th io foot oi't 8:16 I 890& mcotg Next to OU BUstl hsff I t sies PI Dl BUi Vm&11 I Dh Night Phom IVcst S [ Pea rh( Pco thc xrti 1)'1 ~ Ild chx Ul I The ] Po) P, TIIHI Wiat