Resampled001B6E80 2 THE WEST VAN NEWS February 10. 1028 brssi CO WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th aad Eros!mali, HoRrbars Sunday Service ~ I 11.$0 ~ . m. Subject Februnry 12th "SOUIiw BRITISH ISRAEL IVORLD FKDKRATIO)( Iver( 'I'aacouccc Breach Garden ToolsOn 'I'I'EDNESDAV EVENIVG Next, February 15th In Ihe Ambicaidc HaR at 0 p. m. SPEAKER: This is Iho time o( the year when oac'a thoughts turn Io gardens and gardening. CiARDEN TOOI S n( every description can he ob- tamed here. I'AINTS, Oit.s, RR(1SIIRS, K.I I.SODUNE, YARN(SEES, ENADIEI S The home-lover wai want Io spry up the house a bib Wa have everything you need for toning the in(or!or or oxicrioc. PROF. ODLUM F.R.GS. Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Taatimoay hicciiag every Wcd- aasday at 016 p mSubject "Israel in the World Con- lest nt the I'resent Time" United Church SEED'S GROCERY St. Stephen's Church Minister, Rev. A. 51. O'Donne)i Sunday Services: 10:00 a.m.--Sundny School. 11:16 n.m.--Morning Worship. Anthem, "flow Beautiful Upon the Mountain" (Smith). 7:16 p.m.--Evening Worship. Solo, "Angels. Ever Bright nnd Fair" (Hnmlel), Master Jack )Vatt. Anthem. "Seek Ye the Lord," J. V. Roberts. Obligato tenor solo, Mr. J. G. Fiddes. Solo, "Calvary" (Rodney), Mr. A. L. Macdonald. Singing led by Boys'hoir. Organist, Mr. J. Haydn Young. Pianist, Mrs. J. E. Durbin. Conductor, Prof. J. M. Mor- gan. Sexagesima Sunday (Feb. 12). 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Sforning Prayer. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. The first meeting of the Con- firmation Class for girls will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'lock in the church, and for boys at 7:30 hlonday night in the choir vestry. The tVomen'0 Auxiliary are holding a Valentine tea next Tuesday, February 14th, at The Clachan. AUTO EQUIPMENT We deliver. Phono Ivcst 28 OTTO AU(iHT To ('ET LIVE FOR THIS IVILD BRAIN CYCLONE Paisley, Ont., hiarch. -- Tho follow. ing amusing loiter was picked up on the a(rect by a citizen, who after per- using R, handed R Into Iho newspaper for publication: htarch dc twice Dear Old Fathead- As I have nothing Io do aad wish to do it, I thought I would (alia my pcn and battle o( ink in hand and typewrite a Ccw lines. Please ex- cuse do pcncih We are ail well ex- cept mine bruddcr, who wss kicked in dc lcg by a mule. Your rirh auntie what diedt from pa!past!one of (ho heart is uot dead yct and ia doing nicely. Hope this !inde you the sama. dollars sewed up in a buasal what ahs had left bchmd. So you are a poor man no longer, but a Dutchman. Your brudcr Ivi!1 went to work dis morn- ing. Da job will be about six months, but might gct out sooner on good be- havior. Bus!ncaa has been dull since + you lett, specially the siayon business. Your wile wont Io the insanity asylum yesterday morning. Shc was was to scc you. I aaw your little boy this morning for the nrat time. Hc looksjust like you but ia alright otherwise but I wouldn't worry about that !I I were you. I am sending by express your overcoat, and as they charge ao much a pound I cut off the buttons. Hope this will prove satisfactory. Youwiii nod the buttons in the inside pocket. I almost forgot Io tell you Igot married last week. I got a good woman. She"rom Giamis. I mighthave done better at Cargill as there isa largo stock to choose from. As disis ail I have to say I will close myface and expect you to do the same. Hoping dis will reach you before you gct it aud you will answer beforethat. I remain your confectionery secondio dc last cousm, OTTO DIABILE. --Paisley Advocate. To Hei! aad Return The various uses io which Ford carshave been put pass comprchcuslon.The latest suggestion is to usc them in return trips io Hades. We doubt the feasibility of the pion, butif anyone wishes Io try it--well, that' up to him! "The Ford car has taken more peopleto bc!i than any other thing I can mon-(ion" declared a minister from a pul-pit recently, during a sermon in whirhhc charged the automobile with bringresponsible for the lack of rhurrh attendance. "Pro!so the Lord! Praise the Lord!" reverently shouted an old lady in thefront row. atvhat's the meaning o( this, sis-ter?" demanded the pastor."The Ford never went any placothat it couldn't make the round trip,"responded the old lady. "So praisethe Lord!" iVo matter how good a worknian may be, to obtain the best rwsutts up-to-date mechanical equipment is absolutely neces- THIS GARAGE IS DIODERN in every recpect. The machinery and utilities are complete for handling AUTO REI'AIRS The Best tVorkmanship and the Best of Facilities for QUICK SERVICE AiVD RELIABLE WORK Marine Motors hjarine Drive at 22nd Street hVEST 456 The Junior A team was de- feated 1-0 by the First Church Micmacs at Hollyburn last Sat- urday afternoon, while the Ju- nior B's won from Renfrew Bap- tists 4-0, and thus annexed the championship of their group. News Gleams In the evening the annual "Father and Son" service will be held. Mr. tValter Owen, the first premier of the boys'arha- ment will be the speaker. The choir will be assisted by mem- bers of the boys'hoir, and solos will be sung by fathers and sons. Special seats will be reserved for fathers and sons. This will be an inspiring s rvice. The annual congregational meeting of the United Church wan held on Wednesday even- ing. The reports presented were encouraging and inspiring. The financial statement was very good, the income for the year being upwards of 85500. Ojfjeers for the ensuing year were ap- pointed. Lantern Lecture "Through the Heart of Scotland" This will be the subject of a lecture by J HM DN YOUNG In the United Church, on Friday, 17th Inst. at 8 p.m. The lecture will be illustra- ted by beautiful limelight views and appropriate Scot- tish songs. Admission Children 25c 100 Modern marriage is like a cafeteria, man grabs what he likes and pays for it later. ~ c True art in woman is the ca- pacity to make you think you really taught her how. c Let him among us who runs the fastest throw the first stone. c c c The greatest pleasure in mo- tion pictures is to see a woman with her mouth open, and yet not be able to hear her. c A thing of beauty is annoyed forever. ~ i Some people's gifts are gov- erned by their means. Others by their meanness. c Flirtation is attention without intention. ~ c c An echo is the only thing that can cheat a woman out of the last word. ' a c People who show good form should live in glass houses. c A pedestrian is a man whose wife has gone with the car. c c c tVhen curves become circles a woman is no longer attractive. c Times change. Long ago men fought for their religion instead of about it. An egoist is a man who writes his mother congratulating her on his birthday. ~ c c Popular opinion is the great- est lie in the world.--Carlyle. ~ c I would much rather that pos- terity should inquire why no statues were erected to me, than why they were.--Cato. c c c Secret of success: Start in any chosen direction; keep going. There wouldn't be any love at first sight if the first sight was at 7 a.m. Next Tuesday evening the A. Y. P. A. are holding a Valentine social in the Parish Hall. The monthly meeting of the church committee will take place Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the choir vestry. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a. m. STRATTON'S BREAD IS Mesdames Herrin and Bald- win were the representatives of the United Church to the W. M. Presbyterial, which was held in Chown Church last Tuesday and Wednesday. The meetings were most helpful. MEN ARE D1EN Business is business, but mcn are mcn, Working, loving and dreaming; Toiling with hammer, brush or pcu, Roistering, planning, scheming.GOOD BREAD Business is business, but he's a foolWhose business has grown to smoth-er His faith in mcn and the Golden Rule, Hiz love for friend and brother. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Support Local Industry PHONE hVEST 27 And Our Delivery isjan hVilj Call Business is business, but life is life, Though we'e ail in the game Io win it; Let's rest sometime from the heat and (rife And try to be fr!cods a minute. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service 11 a m Weekly prayer service each IVednesday at 7.30 p. m. The C. G. I. T. meets every Friday night at 7 o'lock. Lead- er Miss I. Brealey. All teen age girls welcome. Let's seek to be comrades, now and then, Aud slip from our golden tether; Business is business, but mca are mcn, Aud we'e ail good pais together. --Anonymous. F. R. Franklin Carpenter and Contractor 2503 BcBcruc Acc. Phoae West 59L2. Most people when in doubt are conventional, and very few of us are ever out of doubt. The C.G.I.T. Excelsior group of the )Vest Vancouver Baptist Church held their first annual mother and daughter banquet Friday last in the church. All sat down to a sumptuous repast, after which toasts were given. This was followed by a presen- tation, Miss H. Colpitts, on be- half of the group, presented Miss I. Brealey (leader) with a beautiful picture as a token of their appreciation for her faith- ful services. Mrs. )Vard of the Vancouver Jackson Avenue Church was present and gave a very helpful talk on "My Task." A short programme was per- formed by the girls, which was greatly enjoyed by all present. A hearty vote of thanks was ex- tended iNIiss Brealey and girls on the termination of their first half year's work. One little flapper, Looking very cute; Bobbed hair and lipstick My, buc she's a beaut! THE West Van Nerves HODIE ECOiVODIIC;TROUBLE-SAVING IDEAS One hitlc ica hound Bell-bottomed pants; IVrist watch and cigarct- Oh, how hc can danccl PubRahcd Every Friday H. HODGSON aod F.F.LOVEGROVE Publishers Phones: West 412L Onion juice, applied immedi- ately, will often remove scorch marks from clothes. To clean a shiny coat collar, sponge it with a cloth moisten- ed vdth a little vinegar. To hasten the setting of jelly, place the mould in a basin con- taining cokl water in which a little salt has been dissolved. A bowl of hot water to which two or three drops of oil of lav- ender have been added will re- move all smell of cooking and render air in the kitchen pure and fresh. Now they arc marricd- Liviag In 0 fiat; Going Io be some trouble, You can bet your hai. West 363 Buaiaaaa aad Editorial O(ncc: 1361 Marina Drive Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Houybucn, B. C. One iaiic divorce court-- Bath standing pat; flomc again Io papa And Thaca Thai. --Collier C. Kirby. Selfishness has its uses. If it didn't exist, divorce lawyers would starve. ~ ~ ~ If only there was some light spring training to prepare one for the lawn mower. 01.00 a year by mail or carrier, News- stands 6c pcr copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION "How play hooker from Iha corrcspondincc school? "I sand them an empty envelope."-- Boston Tcanscrlpb Il Sewing Season is Here 'I Ie ~3UIeS See our netv lines of RAYONS, CREPES and GINGHAMS I I A large assortment of ihotions and Furnishings i I kept in stock. I 'ri or's r oo s ore '", I f'el Editor At t)I krid &'tjpns Cion of 1 le!n bnt 0 'I ',kesr sl jess np sngg kpw we rsntni In oni pvi danger so on t toes h hsps 0 outside 'cdt ibis ws) koine eii Oe 6;li ibis crowded that nII but sjso elation wko srr sfter 5 dies snd return I course I likes to 6:ii,b fortsbic pjesssnt hir. l' new( It is ob'ot 0 r ferries. tive exp to trave top of i He could ing dps veioping ache fr( or stand rail snd rain wsl 0 week his neck the No. prove tl other fe the trail graphic( Pprtstiol chespcsl tion for sliy I s any rose also 3 i The fer. for the couver I have 3 t vice. PEARCi Peart( will ncx! strstton block we Eusinets the new morning jy purck, been „ wholly 0 ceilent d Tke rc ! the p, tlon wjjj Johnson (Pebrnsi mcctlnlr'so nsaip the tu yesr. GIRL c &0 Cglee 3 fiCnPI 'rt,mon lect eqniprn " en