Resampled001B6E80 A Weekly Newspaper Circulatingin the District of West Vancouver-- Ambleside, Hollybure, Weston, Dutfdarave 81.00 per year. C3Press Parle, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, g OLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FR[DAY FEBRUARY 10 h, Utilize the Waterfront Spring is here. Summer is just round the corner. These days of bright sunshine make one forget the cold, dreary winter, and turn our thoughts naturally to outdoor sports and recreations. Summer weather is seashore weather. The city dwellers think of the happy summer days they will spend by the shores of the sea. West Vancouver is a fortunate dis- trict, but in nothing more fortunate than in the possession of fifteen miles of shore line. What advantage is this shore line to us? At the present time it is not much of a practical asset. The beaches are almost useless for bathing or swim- ming purposes. We can stand afar off and admire a wonder- ful marine view, but we cannot disport ourselves on the beaches. There are practically no sandy patches, and to get into the water at all it is necessary to clamber over rocks, driftwood, and an assorted debris which cuts one's feet and causes us to be expert balancers if we are to remain in an upright position. West Vancouver is not making the most use of her shore line, indeed, West Vancouver is making little use of it at all, either commercially or as a convenience 'and pleasure for her residents. To clear the whole of the fore- shore is, of course, an unthinkable project, but there is no reason at all why beaches at certain places should not be cleaned up and developed as little sand areas. We would sug- gest that a cleared space at Ambleside, another at the foot of 17th street, and still another at the foot of 25th street, be cleared and developed in a small way as a stainer for the benefit of the public. To do this would not involve a very heavy expenditure, and it would certainly attract more vis- itors to our district. And every visitor is a prospective per- manent resident. Some action should be taken to improve the beaches in time for the summer visitors. There are many men out of work who are living in the municipality, and to clean up the foreshore would have the double effect of providing neces- sary employment for them and making a much needed im- provement. A Community Hall Opportunity It is fairly well known to the people of West Vancouver that some changes in the operation of Hollyburn Pavilion are being proposed. It appears that the matter is receiving very particular attention just now and that certain proposals are being entertained. This fact brings again to mind the endeavor that was made recently to acquire the building with a view to converting it into a community hall., The Horti- cultural Association recently held a special meeting for the express purpose of discussing the purchase. The proposal before the association was that they purchase the building themselves and use it for their own purposes, meetings, exhi- bitions, etc., and also arrange with other organizations and associations to use it as their headqu~ers on a rental basis. The result of that proposal was that the matter was allowed to drop owing to the fact that, whilst the majority were in favor, there were some who did not think it was a wise move for the Horuculturul Association to make. Hence, rather than have disruption in their own ranks, the project was allowed to drop. In bygone days the old Ambleside Hall served the needs of the municipality fairly well, but before it was dismantled it was found most unsatisfactory. We have several new halls now, but none of these are suitable for every purpose. The gymnasium in the new Inglewood School will doubtless come into the mind of many, but it should be remembered that this was built primarily as a gymnasium and for school entertainments and other school purposes. A community hall, to be satisfactory, must fulfil certain conditions. It should have an auditorium or main hall large enough to seat comfortably all those who are likely to attend public functions. It should have many small rooms for corn mittee work or for the special use of the var'ious organizations using it. It must be centrally located. The Pavilion either does or could easily be made to fulfil all these, conditions. Moreover, it can be purchased at a very reasonable price. To duplicate the building today would cost very much more than the price asked for it. The finishing of the walls und the installation of a heating plant would make the building quite comfortable. To buy land centrally located and to erect a new hall thereon would cost more than we could probably now afford, and it therefore seems to us a good stroke of business to endeavor to organize towards making some effort to take advantage of this opportunity of acquiring a property so well adapted to the needs of th ecommunity as is the Pavilion. If any of our readers are interested in furthering the establishing of a community hall, we shall be glad to hear from them, with a view to calling a meeting at un early &late with this object in view. VOCAL CLASSES FOR THE CHILDREN The young people's singing classes are still. being held at the Hollyburn School each Saturday morning. The boys'hoir puts in one hour's practice, starting at 10 o'lock, and the girls at 11 o'lock. Splendid progress is being made by the young people under the able direction of Pro- fessor Morgan, and an invitation is extended to all boys and girls to join. Be at the school a few minutes before the al&ove times if you wish to become a mem- ber. Parents are particularly asked to inliuence their children to take an interest in this splen- did exercise and education. Sing- ing not only gives'onfidence, but helps to maintain the good health of the pupils. R. W. Davies has resigned as president of the West Vancou- ver Musical Society, having held the ofFice since the beginning of 1927. Mr. Davies was vice-pres- ident in 1926, and has been ac- tively connected with the society for the past four years. Mr. Davies has always been a hard- working, enthusiastic member of this organization, and it is good to know that, while he finds it necessary to relinquish his official duties, he will still remain a member of the society. The Court of Revision sat on Wednesday in the council cham- ber from 10 a.m. ro 1 p.m. Twen- ty-two complaints were receiv- ed, most of which were sustain- ed. A few small reductions were made, some on improvements and some on lands. Having re- gard to the fact that there are 6,787 parcels on the rolls, the list of complaints was a very light one. VITAL STATISTICS FOR JANUARY During the month of January there were recorded in the three municipalities of the North Shore 16 births, 12 deaths and 9 marriages, according to the report of the District Registrar of vital statistics. In the city of North Vancouver there were re- corded 6 births, 5 deaths and 7. marriages. In the.District the totals were: Births, 6; deaths, 5; marriages, 1. In West Van- couver there &vere 4 births, 8 deaths and 1 marriage recorded 'in January. The Passing of Felix Penne Many of the residents of this district had learned to recognize the long-haired, long-bearded man who was to be seen for brief daily intervals in the streets of Vancouver. A number of these residents used to make a point of hearing his public addresses. There was a large and apprecia- tive audience when he gave one of his lantern lectures in the Hol- lyburn School under the auspices of the Parent-Teachers Associa- tion some years ago; and there were several West Vancouver people in the gathering of last Tuesday which filled the mortu- ary chapel to overflowing. It had been known for some weeks that John Francis Bursill ivas hovering bet&veen life and death. He had been through many years of strenuous activ- ity, and it ivas a little depressing to remember that he was alone. But he mav have wished it so. It need not have been surprising if he preferred to live out his closing years in his oivn way, with few and modest &rants and freedom to abide in a world of memories. He had "«armed both hands before the fires ot life," and when they sank he ives ready to depart. His semi-public funeral was a striking testimony to the posi- tion he had ivon. He had come to Vancouver when he was no longer young; but his public spirit, &vide and varied knowl- edge, and easy flow of interest- ing speech fitted him to occupy an important and unusual place in the community. The news- papermen were prominent in the gathering headed bv the mavor of Vancouver; and there were representatives of the groups ot'ocietieshe had founded, or to ivhich he hud lent his weightv support. is(ore than a score of wreaths surrounded the coffin, which ivas draped with the Un- ion Jack. The ac&mice was sim- ple and appropriate, and at its close ive filed out to ivait in the fair spring afternoon. The band played several numbers, among them Root's appealing "Vacant Chair," and the coffin ivas car- ried out to the strains of "iNear- er, illy God, to Thee." There ivus just that touch of quiet cer- emony ivhich ivas fitting in the case of one ivho had taken part in the organizing of more spec- &uvular pageants. The proces- sion then formed and started o!i the veteran ivriter's lust jour- llei'. Council Discusses New By-Laws The council at a special meet- ing on Wednesday night, 1st February, went into the ques- tion of Marine drive highway and the Capilano bridge and oth- er urgent matters, there being some ratepayers present also who had objected to the com- bined bylaw which has recently been defeated. The discussion centred round the following questions: (a) Proposed modified bylaw for.the reconstruction of Marine drive bridge at Capilano river ($75,000 municipal share. Term, 50 years). (b) Proposed modified bylaw for improvements to Marine drive from West Bay to Whyte- cliff ($45,000 municipal share. Term, 20 years). In connection with these tivo subjects, dated new plans were tabled and examined. (c) Proposed bylaw for new ferry boat ($75,000. Term, 20 years). (d) Proposed bylaw for grav- elling Keith road from Keith road bridge over the Capilano river to 13th street ($10,000. Term, 20 years). PUBLICITY BUREAU IS PROPOSED FOR CITY President Lorne MacKenzie of the North Vancouver Board of Trade has announced that his board proposes to establish a North Shore Publicity Bureau in Vancouver. The object of the bureau ivould be to attract pros- pective investors and home- builders to the North Shore. It is understood that the three North Shore councils will be asked for money grants. St. Valentine's Day Next Tuesday is St. Valen- tine's Day, when lovelorn swains send the ladies of their choice missives expressing their undy- ing devotion. In the past they did not have a great deal of choice as regards their love mes- sages. Noivadays, however, the stores are full of Valentines to suit the taste of every sender, and ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous. They include messages from the best poets to quotations culled from the comic supplement, and the artists'on- ceptions would please a Milluis or a cubist, according to the choice made. DATA RE LIGHTING AREAS Blue prints of the new light- ing areas No. 2 and No. 3 ivere received from the B. C. Electric Company by the council at their meeting on Monday night. The council requested information as to ivhen the blue print of No. 1 area ivould be ready. A Good Move The "News" is pleased to see that the municipal council is planning to take concrete action in the matter of endeavor- ing to dispose of some of the "tux sale" lands in the munici- pality. The benefits will be many, but amongst them loom up prominently: (1) The financial advantage accruing to the munici- pality through the sale of these lands and the additional rev- enue secured through the resumption of the payment of taxes. (2) The commercial advantages to the community through the stimulus to building and the presence of in- creased population. Intelligent publicity in likely cent&vs should result in the sale of many of these "parcels," and if the price is made attractive, such action may i&esult in giving an impetus to the general development of our district an&i in making the year 1928 of exceeding importance to the municipaliti, Few Complaints at PRESIDENCY OF Court of Revision M US I CA L SO C I ETY