Resampled001B6E80 THE WEST VAN NEWS Hollyburn RidgePrompt Delivery Smith 's Grocery Ws Deliver A. HARVEY ShnTH, Prop. 24th AND MARINE, Opp. Daadatsvs BalL Phono WEST egg CHAIN RED 09 WHITE STORE Specials for Friday and Saturday On the North Shore about \Vest Vancouver is that great timbered hogsback knoivn as Hollyburn Ridge. The beauties of this close-in mountain, with its lakes, forests and streams, have been repeatedly set forth on this page of The Province. l(ollyburn Ridge is oivned in part by the 3(unicipality of IVest Vancouver aml in part by the Provincial Government. Little. if any, of it is in private hands, though quite a number of timber licenses have been granted. The timber is valuable i( it could be taken out, but several companies have tried it and have demon- strated that it costs more to take the Hollyburn logs doivn to tidewater than the logs nre worth. For residential, for in- dustrinl, for commercial, for ag- ricultural purposes, the lan&I is of no value. But if it were pre- served aml developed it could be made a park such as no one of the workl's greatest cities can boast. But if the best is to be made of Hollyburn Ridge, action must be taken before it is too late. If, as experience has shown, the ridge cannot be logged profit- ably, the forests should be pre- served an&i not exploited, van- dals should be restrained and fire guar&ied against. All this, how- ever, will be in vain unless the ridge is made more easily acces- sible. It is useless to have a playground unless people can reach it. The provincial minister of lands announced recently, on his return from Strathcona Park, that it was his intention to go into the parks situation gener- ally, in the province, and to for- mulate a broad parks policy for submission to the Legislature. As Hollyburn is largely provin- cial property, as it is eminently fitted for parks purposes and fit for little else, we suggest that the minister do not e&verlook its great possibilities when he is making his survey of the situa- tion.--Vancouver Province. Valentine Cakes Roberts'etter Meats The Queen of Hearts Cake I&. cupful butter. 11th cupful sugar. sth cupful milk. 3 cupfuls pastry. Flour. I/4 teaspoonful salt. 1&0 cupful ivater. 1 teaspoonful vanilla extract. I/d teaspoonful almond extract. 3 egg whites. 3 teaspoonfuls baking-powder. Cream butter, sugar, milk, and add flour, baking-powder, salt and extracts. Fold in beat- en whites of eggs. Bake in a deep pan about 8 inches in di- ameter. Bake for 40 minutes at temperature of 325 degrees F. Cover cake with boiled icing made with I cupful sugar, I/» cupful water which is cooked until it threads, cool, and into it one egg white is beaten and 0 tablespoonful of cream of tartar. Sprinkle the cake liberally with shredded cocoanut and decorate with red candy hearts. In top center of cake insert china doll bust and head. Love-Hearts Make two layers of cake for which you may use your favor- ite receipt. Cut into 24 hearts of any desired size. Make boil- ed icing and divide into two parts. Leave one part white. Color the other part red and flavor with I/» teaspoonful of raspberry extract. Ice 12 cakes with red and 12 cakes with white. Spread a thin layer of almond - paste filling on the white hearts and then press the red hearts on top. Cupid's Cakes I/& cupful butter. I cupful sugar. I/2 cupful blanched almonds. 2 eggs. I/2 cupful milk. 13/I cupful flour. 21/» teaspoonfuls baking-powder I/2 teaspoonful salt. Cream the butter and sugar. Then add the well-beaten eggs. Sift the baking-powder, flour and salt together. Add to the first mixture in small quantities. alternating with the milk, and blanched almonds finely ground. Bake in small heart-shaped tins about 15 minutes in a 350 de- gree F. oven. Cover with con- fectioners'rosting which has been colored red, and on each cake set a tiny heart made from almond-paste filling and rolled in granulated sugar. Almond-I'aste Filling 4 ounces almond paste. I tablespoonful cold water. 2 tablespoonfuls confection- ers'ugar. I/2 teaspoonful almond extract. I/s teaspoonful rose extract. Mix all the ingredients to- gether until a very smooth paste is formed. This can be done bet- ter with the hands than by using a spoon. 14th and Marine West 19Q hVhere Serudce and Quality Count WE DELIVER 9:30--East 25th Only 11130--from Capilano to Caulfeild 3:30-- East 25th Only Saturday, Feb. 11th Butter - Butter No. I New Zealand 3ibs. $ 1.30 Ayyshiyc Bacon, by the piece, psr pound ..28c Pure Beef Dripping, lb.... 15c Cottags Rolled Hsm, by the piece, psr Ib ....30« Ontario Cheese, tasty, lb....32c B. C. INCO3IE TAX ARREARS 51,021,925 Income tax arrears at Decem- ber 31, 1927, are shown by the finance minister to have amount- ed to 51,021,925. Income taxes written OIT as non-collectable during the 12 months amounted to $9178. NEW ZF tLAND LASIB Shoulders. pcr lb..25c Ribs and Breast, lb...Mc Loins, pcy Ib .3Tc Legs, pcr lb. 35c HOSPITAL PLANS BEFORE BOARD PRISIE STEER BEEP LOCAL SPRING LASIB LOCAL BOILING FOIVL Legs Pork, fores. Ib ....... 19c Veal Oven Roast. from, lb. 22c Stewing Veal, pcr lb...... Isc Rolled Rib Oven Roast, lb. 29c Florida Grape Fruit, California Grape Fruit, Celery, Lettuce, Sweet Potatoes. Cauliflower, Cabbage. Eating aod Cooking Apples Lemons Highland Potatoes, Ioo-lb. sack . ......51~0 Tomatoes, pcy lb.......30c FRESH AND CURED FISH Preliminary plans for the new hospital laid before the board last night showed a two-story building with an operating room on the roof. Dr. R. V. McCarley aml Dr. H. Dyer were placed on the board to represent their pro- fession. City Engineer Nance was instructed to begin clearing the site. Weary IVillis (in bath tub): "Lumme, mate, I'd forgotten I was tattooeed; 'adn't you?" ED. BLACK Sweetheart Cake &Rake a large heart-shaped cake. sfark the center of thecake lengthwise by drawing aline of white icing. Cover theright side of this line with white icing. Color I/2 cupful of icingred and put in a decorating-bag. In the same bag put 1/ cupful ofwhite icing, and then with thetube make a very heavy edgearound the top of the cake. This will give a very pretty ei?ect, as the red and white icing will be mixed together. "Are you going to take a va- cation this year?" aNo, the wife's going along this year." For GALT and IVcllington Coal Stove Wood Planer Ends Slabs "Service Our Motto" Phone West 68 SIVANSDO'WN CAKE FLOUR, pst large package.......... Syc CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS, prr pound Ssc HUNT'S CRUSHED PINEAPPLE, Id-ou. cans. tall, prr tla .................&nc 2 tins for ....... Ssc BUTTER, New Zealand, 3 pounds for.............................. SI.L% PURE SPICES, afl sar&sties. best quality, 3 tins for .....................Syc RED ARROW SODAS, large package............................... IT&sr ICING SUGAR, 2 pounds for..........................................19c CANADIAN CORN, »~, 2 for.........=...., .......,... 29c SERV-US No. 4 PEAS, CHOICE GREEN BEA&NS, CHOICE TOSIA- TOES, 3 for ..., Ssc I"el&ruary 10, 1928 pJ 4 ~ I, ~ ~ FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANOE, ETC. see 17th Street JOHN LAWSON Phone West 55 IS YOUR CAR O.K.? If not see "MICKEY" EVERY BRANCH OF AUTO REPAIRS Work Right Prices Right. West Van Garage Ambleside Phone West 130 M. WILLIAMS 16th aad SIAIIINE, AhIBLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR SUIT NOW Come and scc oor Patterns. Large ss!oct(on to choose from Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs and and I'ressing ~ Alterations CITY PRICES We Call For ahd Deliver. PBONE iVFST 20. 1 =! I Tf', Ottta &8 Roll'" &i ills i 'L.& & It «a ~'Oh, Ihst man&" compt&&ord Mte. A. Neggrr. "Hr goer around lotolng on ughts bitt slwrli~ to&gris to lots them os" Wlwt odds, Mta Nagger! It probably won't owrrser your ughi bdl tro cents ~ moo&is leo'I it wonh tm crt&tr Io soot ort'vre to qolt worry&os shoot wee&- log hght) Electr(city ir thr cheap- est thing that comer into yoat hasta BUY AT JEFFERIES, WHERE THE &VIEAT IS OF THE FINEST QLIAI,ITY AND THE SERVICE IS A Reliable Store Backed Ily Yenrs of I ocul Service Phone Your Order 1Vest 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET PHONE &VEST 3 CLOSED THURSDAY AT I O'LOCK 'IVB DBLIVER L U M B E R (L& Prlcss srs reduced ia sfl grades Crom 93.00 to 05.00 psy 51. Take advantage of ths present Iow pr(css ssd antic&pats futuro needs. ! High Quality Luabet is Cheepest in Ihe eni. West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LIMITS D Phone West 115 Residence I'hone: West 358(. I »r I 9 I Voi. (I RERI(L I 0F Rl The m'Veet Trade wll st 8 Pm The 0'eel the h&w" we(i gltel In&9 o( il will meeting hoped Ih &nake a I out (or tl CEI(ETE The cs vlsed the cipated sinking f stion chl year WO $2,000, w by '1st J them to entimatei question entimgten Es'f(1(A'A&qD,'he c&s iug ton(I o'lock, ( cussing e tiou Of t'ected at mill rate CoiNTRA The c& meeting & ed Bnrtht Co» the Queen's I tension 0 to compk Fel away, iudital nay go act go, where hhle ji gea(n I usual 0( Un. the HT, IRH SH 4u more SU&urn& 10 mal matter Oug gl of our nouleW have a ting I Couver garden clety tiful p «eeful lu col„ Nol aud iw People ration W(th I gumuu uow I,