Resampled001B6E77 February 3, 1928. CLASSIFIED ADS FURNITURE FOR SALE--Solid oak dining room suite, walnut bureau, kitchen range, solid oak aud leather couch, kitchen cabinet, coverings, eic. Phone West 449X. FOR SALE--3-piece mahogaay living room set. Phone West 107R. FOR SALE--New Scale Wul)arne Piano, excellent condition, practic- ally new. Phone West 437R2. DRESSblAKlNG -- hire. Bloxham, 2278 iaglewood Avenue. BOY WANTS )YORK--Good reliable boy wants any kind of work after eehool hours. Age 14. Apply 2644 Marine Drive. FOUND--On b)ac)ac Drive, North Vancouver, last Friday, a small camera. Owner can get same by describing aud paying for advt. 2123 Marine Drive. GARAGE TO RENT--Apply 2487 Kings Avenue. West 172R3. Foll SALE--Four large Whi)e Pekiu Ducks, laying, also one drake. 82.00 'each. Phone West 71Y. LOT WANTED--Good sixe, Altamout district, neer Marine Dr. Give lo cation. State price and best terms in f)rst letter. Apply Owner, cio )Vest Vau. News, FOR RENT--Unfurnished Five-room Bungalow on Waterfront at Alta- mont. Phone Leylaud, West 63RI. NEWMAN & ROBBINS -- Bui)deca aad Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging aud kalaomiuiug, chimneys built. 28th and Marine. Phone West 74 K 1. HEblSTITCHING--Plain.. white.. 5c yard; silk aud colored 10e yard. Pearce'a Drygoods, 14th Street aud Marine. Phone )Vest 144. WINDO'lV BLINDS--blade to order aud installed. Estimates free. Pearce'a Drygooda, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. VACUU51 TO RENT--See West Vau. Electric. Phone West 106. FOUNDATION, CEblENT WORK, Landscaping, Septic Tanks, Gener- al Contracting. T. Baruott, Resi- .dence Phone West 672R. GEO. HAY 1405 bfariue Drive 315 Cordova W. West 21 Sey. 1260. THE WEST VAN NEWS HOLLYBURN SKI CLUB IS TO HOLD BIG Coil l'ETITION Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club is holding a jumping competition this week-end at their hill on the ridge. This is the first jumping competition of the season, so it will give an indication of the pro- gress made by the skiers since last winter. The competition will be open to all-comers, and will be divided into classes, senior, intermediate and novice. In spite of the recent mild weather the jump is in good con- dittion, although the take-off is not quite high enough on ac- count of the lack of snow, but in spite of this some nice jumps should be made. The schedule for the winter' competitions is drawn up and posted on the notice board at the ski camp, and anyone wishing in- formation is asked to get in touch with the secretary-treas- urer, G. Billingsley, at 800 Broughton street, Doug. 1853L. THIEVES BREAK INTO ST. STEPHEN'S RECTORY Thieves broke into St. Steph- en's rectory on Sunday during the absence of Rev. A. Harding Priest and Mrs. Priest at even- ing service. A number of things were stolen and drawers ransacked and their contents scattered all over the rooms. It is not known )vho were respon- sible, but it is thought to have been the work of hikers. POPULAR RESIDENT RECOVERS FROID ILLNESS The many friends of A. A. Rerrie are glad to see him about again after his long illness. While still feeling the effects of the typhoid fever from which he suffered, he looks well and in a short time expects to be as fit and strong as ever. Mr. Rer- rie has always been very active in busines scircles, where his re- appearance is welcomed. Powdered starch rubbed over walls with a soft cloth will re'ovestains. 7 COUNCIL DISCUSS ROAD AND BRIDGE PROBLE)IS The problems of the Cap)lane bridge and the keepnig of Ma- rine Drive in such shape as to make it a safe and adequate highway for motor traffic, still remains to be solved. That they will not be allowed to lapse was exemplified on IVednesday night when representatives of the ratepayers interviewed the coun- cil to discuss these matters. Nothing definite was decided upon, but as a result of the dis- cussion it appears likely that the council may put a bylaw for the construction of the Capilano bridge, another for the comple- tion of Marine Drive west of West Bay, and probably a third for improvements to Keith Road. Possibly also the voters may be called upon to pass upon the con- struction of a new ferry. Janet: "Dear Marie is so econ omical." Lucille: "She is that. Didn' she give up her honeymoon so her husband could save up for her alimony?" LOST--Three keys on string, yester- day afteroou between Classic Mil- linery aud Hollyburu P.O. Please return Classic Millinery Store, Am- bleside. FOR SALE -- Pau-American Saxa- phone, C-bfelody, complete with case and book. Reasonable. Phone West 470L. Large C eared Loi, in garden, 200 feet from Marine Drive. Full price only 3376. Furnished aud Uufurniehed blodera Suites aud Houses. We still have some very desirable modern furnished aud unfurnished houses for rent. I I o ,I' II').s . /, /) A /g /'//I . Il.'„. ,r'OR SALE -- THREE MINUTES from the ferry; 2 fifty-foot garden lots, fully cleared, with fruit trees, berry bushes. There is a large hen house on each lot. A bargain at 5750, terms. Savory & Duval, 1429 Marine Drive. Phone West 340. WOMAN WANTS WORK of any kind. Apply West 74R3. FOR SALE--Cow manure, well rotted, 2 yards 35.00; 4IA yards 310.00. Phone West 74L2. USED GOODS BOUGHT -- We buy furniture, tools, stoves, aud every- thing of value. Nothing too large or too small. Stoves and furniture a specialty. Fred Tite, opposite West Vancouver Lumber Co., Ambleside. "WILLOW DENE COTTAGE" Kings Avenue, Duudarave, to rent. Five rooms, full plumbing, open fireplace, laundry tubs, beautiful situation, Adults only, $30.00. B. R. Harrison, West 404L. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR ! I BEST--Duudarave. GET West Vau. Electric Prices on Radio, Vacuum, Irons aud all elec- trical appliances. Agents for Mar- coni Radio. R. P. Clarke & Co. (Vancouver) Lt& ')VEST BAY--MODERN BUNGA- low; good view; full plumbing, fire- place, cabinet kitchen, agreeably lo- cated. Special price, 33,500 on terms. T)VO 50-FT. LOTS, CLEARED-- Good view; and convenient to ferry. Reduced from 8400 to 8300 each to ensure quick sale; terms if desired. iVE HAVE COMPLETE LISTINGS Fiscal Agents: R. P. Clarke & Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. /L ARCHER, West 651L MONEY TO LOAN 5500.00 up No delay. West Vau. Investment Coy. Notary Public. West 102 If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month You Can Save One Dollar 'P.f ,/ ., I.,T'" '///,' 'I II'i /y \ I NOW you are anxious to get the story of the recent aerial bombardment. It heralded the most important message to automobile owners ever released in Western Canada. An all-Western Canadian Company is cn)stung its way to popularity with spectacular effect. Qow! British Columbia automobile owners can obtain a gasoline that is produced, refined and distnbuted by the Home Chl Distr)'butors Ltd (I'a:ch for the "Home Gas" Green and Rcd Flag. There are Home Chl Gasohnc stations at alj strategic points. They represent a great Western development with all Canadian Capital. They beckon to you as one Canadian to another u Demand HOME! Usc HOME' 00fp Canadian. =a new NativeXndttstry N&yWe@tern Amada-- gt hLk -'„wo o Ltbtl&SD ) vrouw C,Pa Directors of HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS LTD. W. ). RLAKS WILSON, P 4 AUSTIN C. TAYLOR GRORGR KIDD COL VICTOR SPSNCSR C V CURIMINGS W. W ROULTSER GRO. S. HARRISON hIA )OR I a I OWRRV B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY "HOM " isfri'fors mikd PIXOI) LlC'KRS REFINERS DISTRIBUTORS o/ Csasuli.te. 'brit.'ants und all Petroleum Products