Resampled001B6E77 THE )VEST VAiV V&EWS February 3. 1928. Good food makes good bod- i&ws and good groceries make good food. EAT Heartily But buy youp groceries from us and you &vill get the most satisfac- tion from vnur good appetite. Creellwood s GROCERY We deliver West 16 (Extebfixhod over 3 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and blarine Barber For appointment PHONE WEST 135 Hollyburn Theatre TO-NIGHT and Saturday hlatinee CHARLIE hIURRAY aed G BORG E SYDN E Y in "Lost at the Front" Saturday Eve. eed xtondxy COLLEFN MOORE in 'Naughty but Nice'atch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Vatx Watchmaker K Jeweller 1522 bIarine Drive Axnbleside Ambleside Tsa Roams ~erry yyhexg WEST VANCOUVER Cetep esd Picnic Supplies, Tobeeeos, eta J. M. Morgan Phone West 113 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher oi Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO Phone Seymour 101 HARRON BROS & WI LLIAibISOiN funeral QIreftars North Vancouver I'arlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 blr. and lilrs. H. L. iblcLean snd daughter of Vancouver moved on Tuesday into the house at 19th and blarine Drive tvhich bir. McLean recently pur- chased from E. S. I'earce. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. )Valter ('liir, tvho have been here since Christmas, left on Tuesday to return to En- glewood, Vnncouver Island. ~ ~ J. A. Davis, 25th and Kings, who is one of the engineers on the municipal ferries. is expect- ed back here this tveek ftxtm To- ronto. ivhere he &vent to attend the burial of his mother, who died in that city on 14th Janu- ary. ' e 'v 31rs. W. Carley, 22nd and bla- rine Drive, gnve a tvhist drive at hcr home on Friday night to a number of her friends. The ladies'irst prize ivas won by blrs, F. J. Moore, Captain H. G. Ware winning the first prize among the gentlemen. blrs. F. IV. Rivers won the ladies'on- solation, and J. Miles that for the gentlemen. Following the cards music ivas enjoyed by the guests, and a jolly evening ivas brought to a close by the serv- ing of refreshments. e Councillor Fiddes was ap- pointed by the council as the West Vancouver representative on the Greater Vancouver Pre- ventorium Association. 1 L. C. bIabon applied to the council for the position of build- ing inspector. His letter was filed for reference, and he was advised that there tvas at pres- ent no vacancy. Mr. and Mrs. Rawson, 25th and Kings, moved yesterday to Victoria. i A letter tvas received by the council from H. Kolthammer of Fishermen'3 Cove asking for electric lights and phone service. The council have advised Mr. Kolthammer that they have the matter of streets and domestic lighting for Caulfeild in hand, and that possibly a phone ser- vice may be provided there shortly. Little Boy: "Papa, help me Find the least common multiple." Papa: "Good gosh, haven' they found that yet?" "KING RICHARD" AT THE HOLLYBURN NEXT FRIDAY Next Friday night, 10th Feb- ruary, Wallace Beery will be shown at the Hollyburn Theatre in "King Richard." This is the second time he has starred in this character, the first occasion being as the lion hearted king in ."Robin Hood." This latest pro- duction is put on with all the pomp and pageantry which char- acterized the period, and should prove especially attractive to scholars. WEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES Building for Sale The Board of School Trustees will receive oirerx (or the purchase of the building known as the Cy- press Park School. Cypress Park. Tenders to be addressed to the Secretary, Hoiiyboro Post Ogive, eod to be in oot Iotor then Wed- nesday, F«broory 8th, 1928. The lowest or any tender not nooexsar- iiy ecoeptou. H. B. GARLAND, Secretory Board of School Trustees The West Vancouver branch nf the Canadian Legion is giving its annunl masquerade dance on St. Patrick's L)ay, 17th blatxh, in Dundnrave IfalL Fur- thi.r details &vill he annnunceil later. ~ ~ blr. and blrs. William Crisfnrd have left their home, 1027 Duch- ess Avenue, to reside at 3237 29th Avenue )Vest. Dunbar I Ieigh ts. )HI ANil) blusi I k w FI,ECHE'S HO(ISE BLIRNS Fire,due to a defective chim- ney, broke out yesterday after- noon at the house of bilr. an&I bIrs. La Fleche, 21st atnl Belle- vue. bIr. La Fleche was away at the time, and Mrs. La Fleche and her children were outside in the garden, so that the fire had obtained a complete hold before it ivas noticed. Consequently, in spite of a quick run, the briga&lc was able to &lo little. Only the shell of the building was left, an&I most of the furniture and personal efFects were destroyed. )Vhat little was saved is due to the personal courage of IV. G. Robinson, 21st and Marine, who dashed into the burning build- ing and was successful in saving a few pieces of furniture. It is understood there is no insur- ance. ST. STEPHEN'S A. Y. P. A. ENTERTAINMENT A SUCCESS There was a large crowd at Hollyburn Theatre last night for the programme put on by St. Stephen's A.Y.P.A., which in- cluded 'wo plays and several vocal and instrumental selec- tions. The solos of Miss Ivy bliles &vere much appreciated, as were also the violin selections of Miss Irene Gracey, Miss Edna Thomas and Miss Eileen Hamp- son being the accompanists. Miss Ivy iMiles, as the clairvoyant, and Miss iblargaret Partington as bIiss Bessy Blank, played "The Crystal Gazer" with great eifect, and the humor of the sit- uation brought forth peals of laughter from the audience. "Ici on parle Francais," the second play, was also thoroughly enjoy- ed by all. Art Foreman as "Mr. Spriggins," a board house keeper at a seaside resort, did very well, and Miss Sybil Chapman, who took the role of his wife, was the typical lady who has seen better days and can't forget them. Doug. Reid as "Victor Dubois" gave a good represen- tation of a Frenchman abroad, and Connie Thomas as "Angel- ina" played up well to him. bIa- jor Rattan, the blustering army major, was in capable hands in the person of Eric Allan, and he received full support from Miss Myrtle Gracey, who took the part of his wife. The play would not be complete without Anna blaria, the maid-of-all-work, and no mistake was made in giving the part to Miss Evelyn Cullin. Her acting was entirely natural and she was there every time to supply the fun of the play. THE L.O.B.A. will hold a Dance in DUNDARAVE HALL THURSDAY, FEB. IGth 8.30 to 12 p.m. Good ibfusic. Refreshments --35c-- PERSONALS SCHOOL NOTES NEW I'UPH28 ENROt,I.EI) AT HOI.I.YRURiV SCHOOI. I,AST WEDNESDAY John Patrick Gregg. Alice blary blcClennen, Audrey Cor- lan, Alice Nelson, blargaret Al- len, Jessie biuriel Dnvies, Jac- queline I'ntterson, Ernest Say- ers, Dorothy Sayers. Philip Al- fred. I'hyllis Taylor, blalcolm Russell, Edwnrd Zielsky. Ray- mon&l Norman. Fred Judson Armstrong, George Brealey, Lloyd Bryant. WEST VAN('OUVER HIGH SCHOOI, NOTES On Thursday last the West Vancouver High School boys'ootballtenm played Britannia Iiigh School team on the liolly- burn grounds. The )Vest Vnn- couver team won the game with n score of G-l. The boys'antam team has played two games on the home floor, Friday last against King George Bantams, the latter win- ning by a score of 25-8, aml Tuesday with Kitsilano, when the visitors won with a score of 14-11. Final arrangements are being made for the tournament on the evening of the 11th, fuller an- nouncement of which will follow later. CLASS LEADERS DUNDARAVE SCHOOL Grade I--First term, Martha Von Zuben; second term, Alice Tiderington. Grade 2--First term, Dorothy Davis; second term, Albert Hug. gins. Grade 3--First term, Brenda IVicking; second term, Sydney Kerslake. Grade 4--First term, Joseph- ine Allen; second term, Albert McLeod. News Gleams The man who says more than he thinks is apt to make others think more than they say. What we call confidence in ourselves we call conceit in oth- ers. In one's latest love one at- tempts to discover the outstaml- ing charms of all of one's an- cient loves. Of all the paths that lead to a woman's love, pity is the straightest. Members of the younger gen- eration are alike in many disre- spects. In any well-balanced romance the trivial and important imme- &liately change places When better literature is sup- pressed, it will be read by Amer- icans. The trouble with the average man is that he seldom increases his average. That a man be a superb suitor does not in the least indicate his qualities as a husband. Man spends three-fourths of his time seeking romance and three-fourths of the remaming time seeking to extricate him- self from it. The bigger yott are the harri- er they fall. The way of the transgressor is hard so they are able to make pretty fast time on it. Dissipated men are all right as long as their fortune isn'. If You Must Gamble Don't do it in drugs You have to rely on the honest)&st eou knowledge o( the Dvuggiet Io'( give you what you novii. This ix vxxentieiiy the Fnmiiy Drug Stove--where you ven hevrT the utmost coogiivo&e in anything you buy. Quality comes nvet. P.S.--Came in end weigh the baby tye send Telex&erne. vithrr C. I'. It. or C. N. IL Dispensers to the C. P. R. Medi&xi Axxoviotion WEST VAN PIARNACY The Stove of So&vive Prompt Iiviivvry I'hone &V. 37 CHIROPRACTOR Next to Stvettoe Bokory Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver I'hone irvxt 383 Roherta A. Vass D. C., I'Ii. C. Grndoote oI Palmer School 51ovementx o( the limbs call into play the co-ordinated sorvi&ox o! thousands of nerves. The will to move ond the power of motion eiiko depend upon these nerves. CHII&OPRACTIC WILL HEI P YOU THE Marcel Shop Mrs. F. Burling 1529 51oviee Drive FOR A I'I'OiiVT)I ENT PHONE, WEST 304 liIARCEL, WAVING, LADIES and CHILDREN' HAIRCUTTIN(v Facial, Scalp and Skin Treatments Hours 9 to 5.30 Three BILLIARD TABLES For Your I'ieexeve. CANDIES oou SMOKES CHET SHIELDS 11th STREET right at itaiiway Crossing WEST VAN Restaurant 1121 Marine Drive et Itth SL Public Phone West 011-0 PITMAN BUSINESS COLLECE Eet. 1898 Vancouver'9 Leading Business College Individual Attentioo DAY eod NIGHT School Night Sihooi 5 nightx ooih weak 4 2 2 ftichxrdx St. Phoae Sey. 9135. Cor. Beatings Editor ibI ssy' the re& defest delved 1 fiftks ul have e" As ou& worked I thst 9 I &lestru« snv ' ill I us wl periu Vsucuu tume " be sd council i I[svlh rsteysyl might '<u I) us lstt the fol'ktr& the 1st'wo byl l. F new br River 2. F prove I'ri that et bo keP'epair l within clsl sbi aud cui tabling for tki r ity of'ort tli to es&k Your econom Editor Sir- ticle in 27th, I with t exprts. will all congrs it 3 ve bylaw, opinion past, b remain snd it can hoi ity tot all sux Youi estsblil here w very 9 persoui strong in adv grets i We& couver 3 resid are of the mu the pr& to get 4eveloi 3mouui I Iet on the bir. Ed of 3 vt their 3 will m, tiou iu puper i Cililt their 9 their 4 FIIF &Lgol, Dixit, gikh g lith v&t, Bivyti N0$ Nvi "ehl&