Resampled001B6E77 B. C. GRANULATED SL GAR, 19 Ih c for ............. TOMATOES, large tins, 2 tins fnc .... QUAKER OATS (China Premium), pcr large package FINEST QUALITY COFFEE, im(coductoey price, pec lb..... WESTEILN CORN FI AKES, finest quality, 3 pzchzgcz JELLJELL JELLY POWI(ER, 4 in package, pcr package ... RED AND WHITE hIATCHES. 3 large boxes for HIS(chez will mdvanc(& PEAS, EXCEI qlOR, 2 for READY-CUT MACARONI, 2 lbs. for FINEST QUALITY TEA, pcr lb. Really Superior Tca. FINEST NORWEGIAN SARDINI.S, in Pure Olive Oil, J tins for PEANUT BUTTER, pec llx... shr 23c syc Shc 2&c 23c 2.i c 19c she 29c ihc Roberts'etter Meats 14th and Marine West 190 iVhere Service and Quality Count iVE DELIVER 9:30--East 25th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfeild 3:30--East 25th Only Saturday, Feb. 4th Butter - Butter No. I New Zealand 3ibs. $1.30 A)vzhice Bacon (by piece), lb. 28c Beef Dripping fresh, 2 Ibn .... 25c Cambridge Szuzzgcn, 2 lbs.. 25( EGGS I EGGS! From Davis Poultry Farm, 11th znd h!a(hers. Firsts, pcr dozes( ......... 35c Extras, per dozen . 38c Pork Legs, fores, lb. 19c Veal. Oven Roast, lb.. 22c Stewing Veal, lb............, Ihc Pot Roast Prime Steer Beef, lb. 15c Rolled Rib Oven Roast, lb..... 28c Boiling Beef, lb................ 1&c Oranges! ORANGES! Oranges Any size, hc dozen Og Rcg. Price C. Ci. I. T. (iltOUI'S HOLD HIKETINGi Representatives from the North Shore Tuxis Boys and C. G. I. T. groups met in the choir room of St. Andrew's Church, iVorth Vancouver, on iifonday night to discuss matters relative to their activities. Mr. Gordon Switzer presided. Among the questions which came before the meeting (vere the annual bon&1 selling campaign and the Father and Son banquet, the date of the latter being set for 1Gth Feb- ruary. ELKS iIAY BUILD NEiV LODGE BUILDING ON THE NORTH SHORE North Shore Elks may con- struct a $30,000 lodge in North Vancouver city, it is disclosed. following a special meeting to discuss plans for a new home. Although in a preliminary stage, plans for a permanent lodge on property ivhich the or- ganization owns at the corner of Lonsdale avenue and Third street are being prepared. A special committee has been ap- pointed to discuss financing of the project, and will report to the main body at an early date. A tivo-storey building of stuc- co exterior, containing club quarters, a dance floor, and probably a swimming tank in the basement, is proposed in the preliminary plan. The property has a frontage of 54 feet on Lonsdale avenue and a depth of 140 feet. APPLES APPLES The B. C. Spring Flower and Tulip Show committee met last night in the board room, Daily Province building, to make pre- liminary arrangements for the 1928 show. h!clntozh Rcdz, 40-lb. crate, $2.98 Florida Grape Fruit, Grapes, Cali- foemz Grape Fruit, Sweet Po(z- toes. Celery. Head Lettuce, Cauli- Aowcr, Cabbage. Highland Potatoes, 100-lb. sack for 81.50 BRIDGE EARiVINGS INCREASE IN 1927 At the annual meeting of the directors of Burrard Inlet Tun- nel an&1 Bridge Company last Friday, Percy iVard, manager and secretary-treasurer, in his annual report, divulged that earnings of the bridge were $33.37 a day higher during 1927 than during 1926. iIr. Ward's report showed that 60 per cent. of the bridge revenue comes from "casuals" who pay a straight fare. DurIng 1927 the earnings av- eraged $393 daily, expenditures were $264 daily, being $ 129 a day for operation and mainte- nance, an&I $ 135 financial ex- penses. In these figures no ac- count is taken of depreciation. The total number of persons who crossed the bridge in 1927 was 1,941,758, the total number of vehicles being 773,454. )IONDAY Stewing Steak, IE ... sic Pure Lard, lb.......... 21c TUESDA Y Frcnh Tripe. lb. I oc Fresh Liver, lb................ Ioc 'IVEDNESDAY Czsmbr!dge Sausage, 2 Ihn.... 25c Pullet Eggs, dozen ......... 38c THL RSDAY Pure Beef Dripping, 2 lbs..... 25c Cooking Apples, 5 Ibn.......... 25c FRIDAY Hzddicn, Ib......... Isc iIETROPOLITAX LVDUSTRIAL BUREAU PI.A xe N E D North Vancouver City. North Vancouver District and iVest Vancouver District have been invited to join in the formation of the proposed new ifetropol- itan Industrial Bureau. The in- dustrial sur-report prepared for Vancouver by C. F. Roland will be the basis for the projected organization. Hostess: "You can't imagine how bad my husband'8 eyesight is getting. Only today he mis- took me for the nursemaid."'riend: "And she's such a pretty girl, too." To remove tar stains from cot- ton material, cover the spot with butter. Allow to remain a few hours, then wash in warm water. Prompt Delivery Smith 's Grocery We Dcnrcc A. HART Eh SSIITH, Prop. 2((h AND hIARI.'(E, Opp. Dundzrnie Hall. Phone IVEST ~ 69 cHAIN RED ANO WHITE STORE Specials for Friday and Saturday THE WEST VAN NEWS I OST Gn To AI'I'FAI. HIAGISTIIATE'S DF('ISION Steps are being taken to ap- peal from the decision of ilagis- trate H. C. Sha(v, (vho held in Police Court that the method of disposing of Glen Erne in Shaughnessy Heights in aid of I'ost GO Canadian Legion buil&l- ing fuml, was n lottery an&1 therefore illegal. iilr. Ilnmilton Iteail. Counsel for the defense, states that he is endeavoring to hnve the appeal heard at the present sitting of the Court of Appeal in Victoria, and, if that is not possible, then the case trill be argued at the next sitting in Vancouver in March. In the meantime the promot- ers of the enterprise hnve dis- continued their advertising cam- paign, said iilr. Rem&I, an&I have stopped selling tickets. Funds already collected have been banked and will be kept intact, he explained. A. iil. STKI'HEN MAKES RECITA I TOL! It Under the auspices of the Ca- nadian Authors'ssociation and the Native Sons of Canada, Mr. A. M. Stephen of Dun&larave has left for nn extended tour of the Northwest aml the Eastern provinces. He will fill engage- ments, giving readings from his oivn poetry aml prose, in the leading cities from here to Mon- treal. Colleges an&i universities along his route have also retain- ed him to lecture upon Canadian literature in relation to educa- tion, and to business organiza- tions he will speak upon Cana- dian public affairs. Mr. Stephen, whose recent volume, "The Land of Singing Waters," has placed him in the front rank of contemporary poets, is making a distinguished place for himself as a novelist. NEiV SIGNALLING DFVICE FOR AUTO HEADLIGHTS A Vancouver resident, iV. G. iVarn, 4324 Prince Edward Street, has invented a signalling device for auto headlights which received the approval of the patent oifice in the first applica- tion. The device is planned in such a way that it can be easily adjusted to headlights now in use. The neiv signal consists of a red circle around the headlights, red for left han&l turn to be shown on the left headlight; green for right hand turn on the right headlight, and the same signal shoe(ing at the back in the "stop" light. For parking purposes the red light will show both back and front. The con- trol of the light is at the driver' hand. Traific men who have seen Mr. Warn'8 plan have expressed approval aml see in its use the elimination of many difficulties at road intersections. Mr. iVarn is a motorman employed by the B.C.E.R. and hopes shortly to make arrangements for manu- facturing his invention. CITY I'RECII'ITATION IN JANUARY GREATER 'fHAN I.ONG AVERAGE Precipitation in Vancouver ex- ceeded the average in January, according to the Dominion me- teorological service. Total preci- pitation last month was 9.4 inches, of which 3.25 inches was snow, whereas the average for the last twenty-two years was 8.50 inches. The highest temperature for the month was 53.4 inches. The lowest point was 20 &legrees. iiIean temperature was recorded as 40 degrees, compared with the average of 35.7 degrees. iiean relative humidity is re- ported as 92. He: "IJ(st dance?" She: "You'e had it." February 3, 1928. P r k ah ~ ~ BUY AT JKFFERIKH, iYHERII THE ilEAT IS OF TIIFi FINEST (IUAI.IT Y iiiVI) TEIE SEItvl('ll IS A.I. A Relinble Store Hacked lly Yenrs of I.ocnl Service Phone Your Order %Vest 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET PHONE IVEST 3 CLO520 THURSDAY AT I O'LOCK '(VB DEI IVER L U IVI B E R f~ FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, PIRE INSUI(ANOK, ETC. see 17th Street JOHN LAWSON Phone West SS Phone %Vest 130 This is Not a Girl's Telephone Number, But the West Van Garage You Mny Need Us Some Day GAS - TOWING - OILS Buick, Chrysler, Ford and Chevrolet Service Concert-8 Dance By CANADIAN LEGION, West Vancouver in Dundarave Hall Saturday, Feb. 4th, 8 p.m. RefreshmentsTickets 50 cents Oroqsy to309 inRashHours B.. C. Electric service is nearly doubled inthe evening rush hours. Excluding the Frascr Valley line, we operate 309 cars between 4.30 and 6.30 p.m. each weekday, compared with 168 in the forenoon. Every available piece of rolling s(ock Is pu( in service in the rush hours ms the home- bound crowds emerge Barry Coxmsra ~ EtzcrmcRmcwmCo.v A e(coo vsix VICTORIA I'r!ccz mrc reduced in zll grzden from HJ.OU (o Hsi.oo pcr M. Tnhe advantage of the prone(&( Icw prices snd mn(icipz(c future nccdn. ! High Hneli(y Lnmher is Cheepes( in the en(. West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LIMITED Phone iVeaL 115 Residence Phone: iVest 3681. vol. ds', gi'UI cit by if( ni lis sn Uii CU hc in( dc cs UP Un (ln ph sh re ch I( oi h( h( h( it~ m ti W tl sn pl tl Sl Y( s nl 8 e. b tl b s. T I( f; f( tl sl m U( di d( tl IU i c( tl Sl el 8( es fs Ur