Resampled001B6E64 January 20, 1928. THE WEST VAN NEWS The municipal election on Sat- urday principally on account of the road and bridge bylaw, caus- ed more excitement than any election, municipal or otherwise, that has ever been held in West Vancouver. Both sides had a number of autos out to bring voters to the poll, and by 8 p. m. the largest vote on record had been piled up. It was 10.30 p.m. before all the voting papers harl been separated by the election officers, and, when Reeve Vin- son was declared the winner over Ex-Reeve Gisby by 113 votes, the crowd which filled Amble- side Hall roared their applause. The announcement later that the bylaw was lost by 98 votes caus- ed even greater applause. Ex- Councillor Fiddes headed the poll for the office of councillor, se- curing 428 votes on the second count, and William Blair was elected on the third count with 410 votes. It being then midnight, the counting of the votes for the three school trustees was laid over until Monday, when Ex- Councillor J. B. Leyland and Trustee G. D. Elgar were elected on the first count, with 394 and 383 votes respectively, Trustee Mrs. M. B. Robinson winning on the fourth count. 118 Ballots were spoilt in the election for School Trustees. There was no election for the vacant seat on the police com- mission, Donald McTavish hav- ing been re-elected by acclama- tion. The following are the details of the voting, which was con- ducted under the Proportional Representation system: REEVE Reeve Vinson, 733 votes; Ex- Reeve Gisby 620 votes; majority for Reeve Vinson, 113. COUNCILLORS On the first count Wm. Blair obtained 382 votes, H. Brundrett 77 votes, J. J. Dutton 183 votes, Robert Fiddes 392 votes, IV. Mc- Quaker 143 votes, P. IVait 92 votes, or a total of 1269 votes. H. Brundrett was declared de- feated,and on the second count his 77 divided up among the other candidates produced the following result: W. Blair 395; J. J. Dutton 187; Robert Fiddes 428; W. McQuaker 147; and P. Wait 106; there being 6 votes non-transferable. The necessary quota being 424, Robert Fiddes was declared elected, and P. Wait dropped out, having the lowest number of votes. His 106 votes were divided among his oppon- ents, whose standing was then: Wm. Blair, 410; J. J. Dutton, 203 and IV. McQuaker, 161. Wm. Blair was declared elected, there being 61 non-transferable votes recorded on the second count. Considerable applause greeted the two announcements of the successful candidates for the council. The total number of votes re- corded for the by-law was 1369, 14 of which were spoilt, leaving 1355. This meant that 813 votes or three-fifths of the total were required for the by-law to pass, but, as only 715 voted in its favor, it failed to carry by 98 votes. Taking into consideration the larger number of votes polled than last October the proportion Election Results of the voters against it was ap-proximately the same as the first occasion on which it was present- ed to the electorate. It is interesting to note that in the October election 51 pe: cent. of the voters favored the bridge and road by-law, and in the election last Saturday 53 per cent favored the measure. A small increase in the number favoring the proposal. ELECTION RESULTS IN TABULAR FORM Following are the details of the elections held last Saturday: For Reeve Reeve V. V. Vinson................733 Ex-Reeve S. Gisby ...............620 For Council Fiddes ...................................428 Blair ......................................410 Dutton ...................................'...183 McQuaker ......,....,............,.. 143 Wait ...................................,...., 92 Brundrett ............................... 77 For School Board Leyland ....................................394 Elgar ........................................383 Mrs. Robinson .......................194 Small ........................................184 Nyland ...................................... 70 Elgar and Leyland elected on first count, Leyland topping the poll with 394 votes. Mrs. Rob- inson was elected on completion of the fourth count. Road-Bridge By-law For ............................................715 Against ..................................640 There were 813 votes required to give the by-law the three- fifths majority and it was there- fore defeated by 98 votes. "Henry dear, could you read to me while I knit?" "Why, er--yes. But, darling --why not knit to me while I read?" ea THE ONLY ALL BRITISH COLUMBIA Winter Gas QUALITY is not sacrificed for price at this store. You eau rely upon our products. Have yau tmed uur HO5IE MADE BREAD It's satisfying and economical. Mrs. DRAPER 2435 5IARINE DRIVE Next Da sara e Hall. NOTE PNVNI t W at aaa People Like The 'Burrard'ADIES IIAIRCUTT ING aud SHINGLING, any Style HOLLYBURN BARBER SHOP E. MARSH, Prop. For West Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL Prudured in the North Vancouver refineries of Vancouver Oil Ca. Ltd., P. q. Gas is winning the approval af thousands af B. C. motorists because it DOES give quicker startiug, more power, better service for sold weather driving. Try it yourself! NORTH SHORE STATIONS NORTII VANCOUVER IVEST VANCOUVER Foremau's Garage- Ed. Black--Esplanade East 25th Ava & 5Iariua DrivlLaasdaie Mators- 15th aud Lousdaia Wast Vancouver Garage- AmbiesidaNorth Shore Garage-- First St., West SECOND NARROWS Reliable Service Station- Burrard Service Station-- Third St. Et Furbas Ava. Second Narrows Bridge [i~ m tjN .'5 I ~tts tsmt 11 «tj ~ xli I i]liI " XHKl ., People speak very nicely about the great care wa take of every article sent ta us. Each custom- er's parcel is treated separately aud promptly returned. Aud our charges please everybody. Try us with a parcel this week. 1429 Itlauns pnts Pbans Wast $40 Specializing in West Vancouser Limited For People ivha Are Particular THIRD ST. aud ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. Carpenter and Contractor 2a03 Bellevue Aea. Phone West 59L2. R. B LOX HAM The Burrard Laundry F. R. I ranIL&in '|et APPLETON COUP»T West Vancouver has the proud distinction of having the fust "Red Seal" all-electrical block in Western Canada. Charles Appleton, the genial owner of the block at Seventeenth Street andFulton Avenue, decided to erect this block early in 1926 and the building was completed early inthat year. The block consists of four suites of four rooms and bath upstairs, and one suite of the samesize on the ground floor, the latter being personally occupied by Mr. Appleton. The plans weredrawn by the owner-builder and revealed an ingenuity for combining comfort and space ivithcompactness. Each suite has a front veranda, hall, dining room, and two bedrooms. A Moffatt electric range, a refrigerator, and an electric fireplace has been installed in each suite. The illumina-tion of the block leaves nothing to be desired. Each of the bedroms, halls, and similar apart-ments have a central unit and two convenient outlets to which avacuum cleaner, stand lamp,or other electrical fixture may be connected. In the living room bracket fixtures are also provid- ed in addition to the central unit and convenient outlets. The basement contains a Mayflower oil burner furnace, which is abo electrically controlled. Convenient outlets for electric ivash- ers are also installed. Five separate lockup garages with electric light and hot ancl cold water are part of the ac-commodaiton, while two first class tennis courts have also been laid out. The block has been awardei 0 Red Seal certificate after inspection by the Electrical ServiceLeague of British Columbia, and this certificate will undoubtedly increase the value of the prop- erty should Mr. Appleton ever wish to sell. IVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 457Y3. 5IASON, CONTRACTOR Specialty:--Fireplaces aud Tile Mauteis, Sinks, ate. Phone: West 49L VERNON FEED STORE Pho bv t9 FUEL, FEED, T, ETC. A. Ct F. VALENTINE Canadian Window Bakeries Agency. 1406 hiariua Drive FRESH CAKES AND BREAD DAILY Phone &aur orders for Special Cakes I.IGHT I.UNCHES Stare Closes 0 p. m,: Saturdays 10 p, m. TEAS 3ohn Nyland wishes to thank his friends for the support given him in the election last week. Concert-d Dance By CANADIAN LEGION, bVest Vancouver in Dunclarave Hall Saturday, Feb. 4th, 8 p.m. Tickets 50 cents Refreshments Phones. It orth 207 212@"- Night Phones: North 1265 and North 1415 g 154 Esplanade bV. North Vancouver of ocb