Resampled001B6E64 fv2'LECTED Well! the Municipal Elections are over for another year. Thcv created quite ~ bi( of fooling, hut it"s soon forgotten. THE DAILY MEALS however. wc experience every every doy oud it is necessary for our hoppiocco that these hc the heat, Good mooio require GOOD GROCERIES. M Fnu buy your goods here you can hc sure of getting "The Best." Creellwood's GROCERY )re deliver %Vest 16 (Extohiishcd over 7 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and lilarine Barber For appointment I'HONE hVEST 135 Hollyburn Theatre Admission--Evcuiugx 25c a 15c So(ucdoy hia(iucc 20c aud iuc Saturday hlatiucc -- Children under 10 years Gc. TO-NIGHT Friday Only "The Prince of Head Waiters" hVith Adolph Menjou Saturday oud Monday The Volga Boatman WIth William Boyd and Eleanor Fair Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The hVest Van Watchmaker L Jeweller 1522 bfarine Drive Ambleside J. M. Morgan Phooo Wc&( 173 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO Phoae Sc&moue 101 HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON ffIIneral Qirertars North Vancouver I'arlors 122 hVest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 DUNCAiV I.AWSOV CHAI'TER I'RIPSENT I'ICTURE TO COUNCII. There was presen(ed by the Duncan La&csun Chapter I.O.D. E., to the municipal council st their statutory meeting yester- day afternoon a picture of thc Fathers of Confederation. The presentation &vas made in com- memoration of the Diamond Ju- bilee last year. the picture bear- ing a brass plate ivith an inscrip- tion giving details of the circum- stances currounding the presen- tation. Reeve Vinson received the picture on behalf of tho council, and later the council passed a resolution to be convey- ed by letter to the chapter thank- ing them for the gift. iVORTH SHORE I'Ol'UI.A- TION IHVEN AS 19,000 IVrigley'0 Directories Ltd. in their latest figures give the en- tire population of the North Shore as 19.322. The figure is divided as folio&vs: iVorth Van- couver City and District, 13,492; hVest Vancouver, 6.830. Personal R. Norman, a former resident of Alberta, ivho has been living in )Vest Vancouver for the past tivo months is opening a used furniture store on ihlarine Drive directly ivest of the hVest Van. Garage. ~ o ~ hiIr. and hifrs. IV. L. Jones, 21G1 Pellevue. are rejoicing in the birth of a son. The young man arrived last Tuesday, making his advent at the home of his grand- mother, Mrs. Edward Cooke, 22nd and Marine Drive, and by all accounts appears to fully ap- preciate his outlook on life. ihIother and babe are both in the best of spirits. ~ o o Ex-Councillor and hIrs. K. A. Ray are expected home this com- ing week, having left Los Angel- es the latter part of last week. o o Miss Agar, who succeeded Miss hIaycock on the High School staff, has recovered from a sev- ere attack of flu and resumed h(r duties on Monday. o ihlrs. Chet Shields arrived home last Tuesday night from Portl" nd, Oregon, where she had gone to see her sister-in-law, who hoivever, died of diphtheria a few hours before Mrs. Shields ar- rived. Little Lois hVaterman, the 6 year old daughter of Mr. and hIrs. IV. B. Waterman, 16th and Ingleivood, was operated on for appendicitis on Monday at the North Vancouver General Hos- pital. She is making a good recovery. o hfrs. George Childs, 15th and Waterfront, who was taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital on Monday, is improv- (.'ig. ~ o Miss hVemyss, 13th and Ful- ton, is confined to her home with blood poisoning. o o o Mr. and Mrs. Ben Taylor, both of whom have been in the North Vancouver General Hospital, have returned to their home at 12th and Duchess. THE WFST VAN NEWS FASTERN STAR DANCF. )YL(LL (TTIINDEI) The Naomi Chapter of the I.'astern Star held a very suc. cessful dance in the Hullyburn Pavilion Inst night. The floor being comfortably croivde&l for the event. The tasteful and or- iginal decorations were especial- ly remarked upon by those pres- ent and the good feeling and soc- ial&ility of the croivd, which is 0feature of these dances, was much in evidence. Dainty re- freshments &vc(v served by the ladies, an&i dance novelties &vere introduced during the evening. I O. B. A. TO HOI I) DANCE The L. O. R. A. held their general meeting at the Amble- side ilail last night, &chen it was decided to hold 0 dance on Fel&- ruary IGth. Further details will be gii en later. GET YOL(R NAhIE OiV THE VOTERS'.IST likr. Philip, the Registrar of provincial voters, desires to re- spectfully call the attention of the very large number of them, about 3000 in all, who are not yet on this provincial voters list. Enrolment on the Federal list is not sufficient. Application forms can be had and applica- tion can be made at ihIr. Philip's office, 53 Lonsdale Ave. for next revision up to the end of March next. As this may be general election year let no one be dis- appointed by not being enrolled. NICKA)VA RECITAL A GREAT SUCCESS Hollyburn Theatre was pack- ed on Tuesday night on the oc- casion of the Nickawa recital. Miss Frances iVickawa was in great form and it is not too much to say that her audience enjoyed every moment of her re- cital. She is a remarkably vers- atile artist, and has the capacity of making her characters live be- fore her audience. She was just as much at home in reciting Scotch poetry as in describing nature and the life of her own people. Her repetoire ran the whole gamut between pathos and humor, and in addition she gave renditions of several songs. Maj- or Lester gave two solos, Mrs. J. E. Durbin was the accompanist. iMiss Nickawa during the even- ing introduced to the audience Miss Riley, who, having adopted her when she was 3 years old, took her from her own people, and gave her all the advantages of an education. API'LICATION ADJOURNED TO PRESUME DEATH OF PROF. CLAY An application in Supreme Court last week to presume the death of Milton Clay Vancouver music teacher, who was allegedly drowned on December 24 be- tween Fiorseshoe Bay and Sun- set Beach, was adjourned by bIr. Justice IV. A. Macdonald for the purpose of enabling Mr. )Valter Ponsford, who appeared as coun- sel, to investigate the matter I'urther. His lordship intimated that he would not make an order pre- suming death in the short time which has elapsed since Clay's disappearance, but that the mat- ter could be renewed in adminis- tration proceedings. Dry Wood SPECIAL BONE DRY PLANER ENDS Good Big Loads $3.$0 Chesterfield Wood Yard Phone North 132 E)V ('ll EYR()I,ET ('Alt iVO)V OV DISI'I.AY The North Shore hilotors Lt&l. distributors of Chevrolet and Ohlsmobhe motor cars for theNorth Shore now have on displayone of the new Chevrolets attheir show-roo(n. 1st Street)rest, iVorth Vancouver. The first impression given isthat of a high grade six-cylinder car. It is certainly far superiorto anything we expected to seein a low price four. The high radiator with thenew artistic name plate and neat cap, the iong low stream line body an&I beauty of finish ex- press dignity and refinement atfirst glance, while 0 closer in- spection reveals an interior ofluxury and comfort unequalle&l. The upholstery and fiitings are of the highest grade and theneat arrangement of the instru- ments on a panel ivith indirect lighting greatly enhance the ap- pearance. Mechanically there are several outstanding improvements. The ivell tried and tested Chevrolet motor has been further improv- ed and as a result it now devel. ops forty-six horse power on road tests. making it ive believ, the highest poivered four-cylin- der car now on the market. It is also quieter and even more economical than formerly. The front wheel brakes are self-energising and non-locking, and have been used for the past two years on higher priced cars where they have proved them- selves satisfactory in every way. The f(e&v shock - absorber springs improve the riding qual- ities of the car fifty per cent. hilany other features too num- erous to mention here have been incorporated in this new car. It will interest many to know that prices have been reduced, and are as follows, delivered to your door: Touring and Roadster, $808; Coach and Coupe $931; Cabriolet and Sedan $ 1030; Landau $ 1086.Almost immediate delivery is promised, but we are advised that as many orders are being received they will have to be filled in rotation and it is advis- able if you wish early delivery to place your order as soon as pos- sible. Anyone interested in automo- biles should certainly take the time to see this new car. Mr. H. C. Osborne represents North Shore Motors Ltd. in hVest Van- couver aml will be glad to drive. you to the show room at any time convenient to you His phone number is )Vest 628Y. High School Notes The meeting of the Students'ssociationof the West Vancou- ver kligh School was held last Friday. Murray Watson, vice- president, took the chair. Very interesting speeches were given by Stanley Boshier, "Denicotized Tobacco," Billy Gardiner on "Limlbergh's Flight to Mexico," snd James McGlechan on "A New Way of Reservmg An&- mals.'hese speeches were followed by a debate "Resolved that the bridge and road by-law should be passed" in which the follow- ing students took part'ffirmative--J. Summerfiekl an&i B. Hamilton. Negative--G. Gray and J. All- an. By the vote of the students it was decided that the negative side presented the best argu- rnentm The Senior ami Junior girls'asketballteams of the )Vest Vancouver High School played against the North Vancouver High School teams in the gym- nasium on Tuesday January 17. Score--Seniors, W. V. 18, N. V. 11. Juniors--W. V. 12, N. V. 15. January 20, 1928 Dunng the Election Di&l you notice the disturb- ance caused at the different me& tings by the au&/ienre clearing the throatT I'Vampole'9 Throat Ease woukl have reme&lied that. It will for you. 25c and loc Officio( i&lcpnuceco (o (ho C. P. R. hiciiicoi Assn. WEST VAN PHARMACY Phono hVest 37. Night Calls -- Fmergency only--)Vest 321. CHIROPRACTOR Next lo S(coi(ou Bokccy Marine Drive, Ambleside oleo at Vancouver Roberta A. Vass D. C.& 1'il. C. Groduo(o of Polmcc School FUTU((E EASF. Pcclodlcoi onoiycix of (ho Spine io the best pro(out(ou u- goiuc( dio-cooc yc( diccovccod.It prevents poin oud xuffcnug m years (o come. CH(l(O('1(ACT(C '(V(LL I(EL('OU THE Marcel Shop ihlrs. F. Hurling 1 i20 hiarmo l)rive Foi( APPO(NTG(ENT PHONE, )VEST 304 MARCEl., WAY INCc, LADIES and CFIILDREN'8 HA IRCUTTINfi Facial, Scalp and Skin Treatments ilouco 9 &o tk30 Three BILLIARD TABLES For Your 1'icooucc. CANDIES oud Shioi(ES CHET SH1ELDS 1((h ST((EET cigh( at Roiiwoy Ccoooiog WEST VAN Restaurant (12( hiocluo l)civo o( (i(h 8( I'ublic I'hone )Vest i&II O PITNAN BUSINESS COLLECE Voocouvvr'o Leading Business College iodividuoi A((cation 1&AY oud Nioi(T School Nigh( School 5 nigh(o each wouk 3 months 3(3.00, 0 months 325.00 4 22 Rlchocdo S(. 1'houo Scr. 9(35. Coc. 1(oo(logo Tba sill ufd d 3( the d mom'(os,m I+I bsa 0that vef Vaucouresumiw vote(a io iba Ia(Pda Mcu piled bcfpfe 3 ll been 3(p'lice(hi 300 'swahdc S&& Bcava tba «ow aide Ilail Tbe aaaou byia ,d even g Couucillor for tba I (ufiug "I count 4iO votes Ii heine (ouatiug '(b& vcf sat(i rouucill« Trustee 6 os the fifa egg votes 'II(3. M. B. ibe fouftb warn Roll School Tf& There w vacant aea mission, 0 iug been 1 tioa. The folli ol the vol ducted uai Ecpfeaeuta lpc( iu iyeaii Ful(ou &( that yca The a»out draws bi «mpacti Eacl nluge 3 tiou of I manta b, or othe( (din ad, 'll barm era are 1 Fiv( commod Tile League & cay aboi joh "(abca I& or tbe 1 i0 tha el,