West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Jan 1928, p. 2

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Resampled001B6E64 THE WEST VAN NFWS Free Lecture T1 I E GREAT PYRAMID W-.='~W~w~='~ «='.-'.-v='c «= F-'%A««M-.-%M%='m PRE-INVENTORY SALE 'ICbi&dean'e'eavy F&cooed Lined Navy Bloomers. Ail eicos, cea. 06c for ssc . Moodicz Children'e Sleepers, small aizea, ceg. 5&.'26 ............ Soc &deca'a Pum tvoo& hez&a, sites 3, 0, 9; ceg. &o $ &.60 ................ SgcChildren's Ail tvoo& Ribbed Black fi&ockioge up to size &0, &o clear 50c i»& Ladies Act Silk Hose, co&ore and black and whne 3 i'aim 2 &.00 ih&I Ladies Silk and Woo& Hose &winier iccigh» reduced &o.... ssc i'air Lad&ca Crepe House Dc&wacs, neaucy embroidered. well made, to cicac &to&y ssc ihMen's Combina&ionz in '&Vooi, fleeced and merino, reduced &o M.75, $ &.76 3&.25hiea'a Shic&a aod Drawers, Wool-hier&no, per garment $2.25 and OscMen's Sox from ...................... 20c pec Pair. op I!&Above are ~ fcw of our Bargains-- Reductions on ail o&hcc lines of hiecchandiee iI ',, Grigor's Dry Goods Store l &! 1540 hlnrine Drive between 15th nnd 16th NEhV TEI.EPHOiNE CABLE TO BE LAID FROhi VAiVCOU VER Montessori School As a result of the tremendous growth of West Vancouver dur- ing the past few years a new submarine telephone cable &vill be laid shortLY between Third Beach, Stanley Park and 17th Street. At the present time the North Shore is connected with Vancou- ver city by two submarine tele- phone cables, one 100-pair and one 50-pair, which cross Vancou- ver Harbor from the foot of Granville street to North Van- couver. The tVest Vancouver trunk circuits make their way from IVest Vancouver to North Vancouver by aerial cable, and there they meet one of the sub- marine cables, which carries the circuits to the South shore of the harbor. The new route to West Van- couver from the Seymour ex- change will be by underground and aerial cable from the Sey- mour office to Stanley Park, by underground cable through Stanley Park, and then by sub- marine cable from Third Beach to the old Hollyburn wharf at the foot of Seventeenth Street. Aerial cable will carry the ci&- cuits from there to the tVest Vancouver exchange. Following are some figures on the old and new routes from the Seymour office to IVest Vancou- ver: For Young Children &5th and Eaquimait tVINTER TERht~aaoary 3rd Terms Roaaoaabie p(IL W. D. Ftsset piece wcn 931 A School for Girls KlNDERGARTEN Now Open at 23rd aod Bellevue by httSS PHILIP Prospectus on Application Special attention given to French. BETTER BREAD We afl want the utmost in value for the money we spend. You ge& full value when yon hay "STRATTON'S» Bread, Rolls and Pastries, Better than "Home-made" our customers aay. Phone tvce& 27. and our delivery man will call. STRATTON'S BAKERY &VEST 27 Old Route: ! Miles Seymour to North Van....... 3.5 North Van. to West Van.... 4.3 7.8 New Route: Seymour to Third Beach.... 2.62 Third Beach to tVest Van. office........................... 1.82 Total distance ......... 4.44 Ambi esi do Tea RoomsF~ rm WEST VANCOUVER Camp asd P&c&uc Supplies, Tobaccos, et&z sea, , West Van Garage (MICKEY ABBOTT) hiarine Drive, between 14th and 15th GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING Open Sundays hVe specialize on Chrysler, Buick, Ford and Chevrolet Cars YOU KN0 IV "hi ICK E Yo Phone %Vest 130 WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHU&icii Ei&&F&&'E 0&h aad Eaqoimai&, &ioiiybora Sunday Service at it.uo a.m. Subject January 22nd "TR UTI I" A Free Lantern Lecture by 3IR. J. hV. I'ABNER at Ambleaide Hnll TO hi OR ROIV (Sn t urdny ) at 8 p.m. This will be one of thc most wonderful lectures ever given in West Vancou ver. It will be delivered an&i nrranged in such manner that even children will thor- oughly grasp and un&lur- stand Mr. Parker's talk. Come Yourself and Bring The hVhole Family. The Lecture is Free. Sunday School at &0.00 ~ . m. Taetimony Meeting every Wed- nesday at S.&6 p.m. United Church ibIinister, Itov. A. hii. O'Donnoil Sundny Services: 10 a. m.--Sumlay School. 11.16 a. m.--blorning Worship "The Encampment of Go&i" Sermonette: The First Christ- ian Missionary to Europe." Anthem--"The Spirit nn&l the Bride sny Come," Prout. 7.16 p.m.--Evening Worship. The Sixth Annual Community service will be hei&I in the United Church next Sumlay evening. Invitations have been sent to the Reeve and Council, Municipal staff and employees, to the mem- bers of the School Board, teach- ers nnd pupils. The citizens of IVest Vancouver are cordially in- vited to this service. Special muo&c has been prepared by the choir and an address appropriate to the occasion will be given by the minister. The following is the program &n the evemng. Anthem--"From i.he Rising of the Sun," Ousoley; Solo--"In the tVilderness I Stray," Dichmont; Mr. A. J. Addy. Anthem--"Break Forth into Joy." Barnicott. Organist--J. Hadyn Young. Pianist--Mrs. J. E. Durbin. Conductor--Prof. J. M. biorg- an. St. Stephen'8 Church Epiphany 8 (January 22L 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.16 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7.16 p. m.--Evensong. The twenty-fourth annual meeting of the IVomen's Auxil- iary is in session this week at St. James'arish Hall. Several members of the local branch are attending the meetings. The A.Y.P,A. meet next Tues- .day evening in the Parish Hall, when a paper will be be given by bfr. J. Porter on an interesting literary subject. Final arrange- ments wiII be made for the pro- duction of the two playlet "Ici on Parle Francais" and "The Crystal Gazer," at the Hollyburn Theatre, February 0th. Both football teams wo» their games last Saturday, the Junior A's defeating Renfrew Baptists 4-0 at Hastings School and the Junior B's beating Zion United 6-3 at Alexandra School. Satur- day the Junior A's face River- view United at 2 p. m. at Holly- burn School and the Junior B'0 will meet at the Rectory at 1 o'lock sharp to go by motor to Tecumseh School to play Secord United, the only team that has beaten them this season. The tVomen's Auxiliary are holding a Valentine Tea Tuesday February 14th at "the Clachan." The first meeting of the year of the Mission Circle was held in the United Church Hall on Tues- day afternoon. There was a large attendance of members and friends. Miss DeWolfe of the Oriental Mission told of the work carried on among the Japanese of the Lower Mainland. Mrs. J. T. Watt sang a help solo. Re- freshments were served at the close. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School 10 a m Church Service, 11 a.m. Weekly prayer service each IVednesday at 7.30 p.m. The C. G. I. T. meets every Friday night at 7 o'lock. Lead- er Miss I. Brealey. All teen ago girls welcome. A.Y.P.A. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH The Young Peoples'ssocia- tion are presenting the well- known one act farce entitled »Ici On Parle Francais" at the Hollyburn Theatre on February 2nd. A ve&~ good caste has been selected from the Young People, and they are under the capable direction of Mr. Sparrow, who is well known to all Little Theatre goers. A good programme has been arranged including as a curtain raiser, a dialogue entitled "The Crystal Gazer." Tickets can be purchased from the members of the Association, and also from most oi'he local dealers. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. H&gh Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benediction 7 30 p m IVeok Days--Mass 8 a.m. BY-LAWS Little Willie had accompanied his father &o the &aiiorka When hia fath- ed had selected the ma&aria& for hia Come and go and "so'o 'Shoes, but 'the bhocs don't go so fast if repaire&l at am&, W i!ha asked the tador if h might examine the sample. The lan+ appraised the goods very carcfufly, being interrupted by the tailor, who told him he waa looking at the 'wrong side." "i know it," caid tvflflc, »bu& hthis ia the aide that'l be turned oot when bio&her makes i& over for mc.» TITE'S Nu-Way Shoe Repair Adcao&agc of Wee&&6 "hiommie, why does Uncle John ea& off hiz koifet" ooked little Joan. "Hash, dear!» replied mother, io an agonized whisper. "Uncle John ia rich enough io eat off the coal shovel if he pretcra it." Yntes Block hmblcslde Januarv 20. 1928 REPEAT ORDERS That ia the &hing we like moat about our bo»!ncaa Oar cue& orner» a&ay with uc-- &ha& mraoa we g&ve catiafac&ion. A Full Stock ot Ii A && D &V A R E i'A&NTS aad (&ii.s Come here for your &V&ndow Glace. The best grades of I:ROCE&&IFq aad FOO&& STI!FFS. SEED'S GROCERY tve deliver, Phone tveet 23 Fruit pico have a ton&lency to boil over. To prevent this place a straw through n hole in the centre of the tart. IVhen making fruit roll or jam roll pudding, sprinkle 0 handful of sifted brcndcrumbs in the paste b fore adding the fruit or apron&ling the jam. This takes up the jam and prevents it run- ning out when cooking. Lemon juice a&lded to jam &vhen boiling improves the flavor gan&I helps the jam to jelly. When beating eggs for cake- making or omelcttes, add a little water and the eggs w&ll beat up easily aml more hghtly. If your hair is limp and lacks lustre, add a couple of drops of ammoma to the rins&ng water after the shampoo. Paintwork is greatly improved by a wipe over with a cloth dip- ped in ammonia. Save old stiff linen collars. Boil the starch out, then uao them as rubbers for polishing metal taps. The less fat there is in pastry the quicker it will cook. Ink stains on silk, woollen, and colored articles should be treat- ed with salt and lemon juice, and warm, not boiling water. After the copper has been emptied it should be rubbed over with soap while still warm. This will prevent it rusting, and will help to form the suds when the copper is filled again. Eucalyptus oil will remove grease sta&ns from any kmd,of maternal w&thout &niunng &t. Butter should be kept in a well-covered Jar, as &t eas&ly ab- sorbs odors. The test of a nutmeg consists m pnck&ng the outside w&th a pin or needle. If the oil spreads immediately the nutmeg is good. To keep chamois leather gloves from losing their color, wash them in water in which orange rind has been soaked over night. THE West Van News i'obiichcd Every Friday H. HODGSON aod F.F.LOVEG&&OVE Publishers Phones: IVost 363 West 412L Boaiaeae aad Editorial Oft&ca& i35& bio&isa Drive bio&i Address: i'. O. Box &0&, Hoiiybora, B. C. 9L00 a year by mall or carrier, News. a&ands ac per copy. A D V Ei&T&S&NG RATES ON Ai'I'LICAT&ON 2 J~snu SI 8oatd oi Amblesi ep ye~ ((b 19» imoose pe pres sty . p~tden 3svofy 'luabet'l Son' I'ntim'ca sos flugb I from the te eie council: gmitb I borne i and Dr Repot mcn oi in stt t the yc'olonei dcntisl though or gams'nst no's tati( &ve worl and &I Ignis bo [ui org service Dr. mcetinl of sub& as tens ver Ci! that b'ainst cisimed Vancou regard& of 5 I Cert been I very in purpos &toss: ventio! orchid macha our iei len of the le son&eu chain bee is mount out as The which their& bewild seems &chem and p& Insect, vide ti tion, Son velop& the st own I sts&niI tscies pollen Iibe I ~ the I this u vents& meth( litend Vo& km & smat up or ma ai vents Mlf I Tbts I tbe I& in tb, n&c o& of tbi into sembl