Resampled001B6E64 A Weekly Newspaper Circulatingin the District Of West Vancouver-- Ambleside, H0llyburn, teston, Dundarave Cypress Park, Caulfei ld, Whytecliff, Etc. Newsstands 5c per Copy Vol II EIGHT PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 20th, 1928 ~ No. 42 Reeve Vinson's Inaugural Address to the 192S Council GENTLEhlEN OF THE COUNCIL:-- It is with a feeling of satisfaction that I have again beau rcturuc to serve as Reeve of 1vcat Vancouver for the year 1928. For the cou- iidcnce placed in me by the Ratcpayera I feel highly honored aud will cudcavor tu maiutaiu that coufidcuce aud au guide aud direct the destiny of the liluuicipalit& aud further ita progress aud harmony, ao essential tu the development of uur District. TO THE NE1V hiEihIBERS OF THE COUNCIL:-- I wish tu congratulate yuu upon being elected to the offices of Coun- ciuara aud trust you will ao devote your time aud attcntiou ta your duties ao that at the cud of the year you may be able tu give a good account of your services to those that have placed thAr coafidcuce in you. TO THE OLD hlE111BERS OF THE COUNCIL:-- It is needless for mc to aay huw pleased I am to again be with you for the year 1928. !ilay the same good feeling aud cooperation continue during this year as it haa in the past. I trust I will enjoy the whole Council'a coufidcuce aud their cooperation throughout the year. I feel it my duty to call your atteutiuu at this time tu some of the problems that this year's Council will be called upon to give their con- sideration: (I) The hlariue Drive:-- It will be necessary to carry out the maintenance as authorized b& the estimates brought down by government. This highway is the main artery throughout the length of uur Municipality aud for the good name of uur District it is important that it should be kept in a good state of safe repairs. I would urge that guard rails be placed before the eud of hlarch as authorized by the Government Engineers last year thereby tak- iug advantage of Government assistance. It is indeed unfortunate that the program as submitted by last &car'a Council regarding this road was uut ratified by the ratcpaycra. However, it becomes the duty of thia &ear'a Council tu study this question aud endeavor tu find some aolutiou for improvement. Keith ltuadi- It will be necessary tu complete this road ao as tu have an alternative entrance tu the District. This is very important. Finances:-- I recommend that our Tax Sale Liat be re&duad aud more lands added to uur List along slathers Avenue aud other places, aud prices placed upon them. That will insure a ready sale. By ao doing the overdraft at the Bank can be taken care uf without interfering with ouc current revenue. I would urge that the estimates be considered as early as possible aud economy be the keynote. The chairman of each committee to so guide himself that the over-expenditure of estimates be uut indulged in. I will look tu the chairman of Finance to keep a close check upon expenditures. Transportation:-- Our Transportation will receive the attention of the whole CounciL I would ask the Chairman to go into the feasibility of improving the service au as to take care of the traffic during the peak hours Firc:-- Efforts should be made to establish the nucleus of a permanent Fire Department for the several sections of our District. Information is on hand from the 1927 Council aud should bc followed up this year. hluuicipal Hall:-- Provision should be made to preserve our Municipal records from 6re; I would urge my Council tu give this consideration. Health:-- Our District waa free from auy contagious disease during 1927 aud our Board of Health should acc that this Department is properly looked to for the &car 1928. Owing to the resignation of our Health Officer it wiU be necessary for the Board of Health to appoint one in hia place. Buard of Worka:-- Economy is the watchword. Keep wcU within your catimatca I would recommend that the services of uur Engineer bc dispensed with from this Department aud if new work should require the services of an Engineer that a Consulting Engineer be employed. Ouc prcacut Engineer to be placed in charge of the Water Dcpartmeut aad tu devote hia whole time thcrcto. Nuw As To &Vatcr:-- There are cautcacta guiug on that require attcutiou. The caaaulida- tiuu of the Caulfeiid aud Cypress systems should be brought about which will require tact aud skill. It will be the duty of the chairman to uae hia endeavors tu accomplish this uudcctakiug. I consider this the largest problem facing the Council this year. Thure are many uther matters that I will recommend from tiaic to time and I trust you will ail accept yuur duties aud rcapouaibilitiea, cu- upcrate aud aaalzt me tu further thc hest interests u( the hluuicipality. Just a word regarding the press: I have found fruui experience that the presa la always willing tu work iu cooperation with the Council aud I wuuid urge that avery assistance be given the Press regarding the obtain- lag of uewa. I The following scat uauied Cuuucinor will be tha Chairuiau of the several Committees:-- Fiuauce & I'ublicity--Councillors Watt aad Blair. Board of Works ik Parks Councillor Blair aad Whole Council. Water ik I" ice--Cuuuciilur Fiddcu aud Whale Council Truuapurtatiuu 4 Light--Cuuucinur Jackmau aud IVhula CouuciL Board of Haaith--Recce aud &Vhule CuuuclL No Flowers--Please! REEVE VINSON THANKS ELECTORS I desire to extend to the Elect- ors of IVest Vancouver my thanks for the gratifying evid- ence of their confidence that my endeavors to forward the best interests of the Municipality dur- ing the year now opening will equal those of the past. I naturally sympathize with the increasing majority of the ratepayers in their disappoint- ment at the defeat of the im- portant Bridge & Road By-law, but it gives us ground for hope that those improvements will yet materialize when &ve note that the percentage of those in favor of them is increasing. Our Municipal tasks grow greater yearly and I know of no better way to lighten the burden than by that of co-operation, and that I look in confidence for from all of our ratepayers. V. V. VINSON, "DRESS PARADE" POSTPONED The Dress Parade announced on Page 3 of this issue as being given next Friday by the School Girls has been postponed since the notice was printed. The School auditorium is not avail- able for that nighL The correct date will be given later. )Veil! Ladies and Gentlemen, the By-law was beaten again. There was, to be sure, an increase in the percentage of votes in its favor; 537c voted for it last Saturday as against 517u in October, but the increase is infinitesimal. To all intents and purposes the vote was the same. Nevertheless it was "some" election, and it produced a record vote. No good can be produced by holding a post mortem, but there is no question about the COMBINED By-law being dead or at any rate relegated to the dim and distant future. Reeve Vinson"s inaugural address makes no mention of any specific intention or proposal regarding the Marine Drive except to say that "it is the duty of the Council to study the question and endeavor to find some solution for improvement." Since the combined by-law has fallen short of the required three-fifths majority on two different occasions it cannot of course, be re-submitted in its present form, but it would seem a great pity if these much needed improvements are to be permanently shelved. We would respectfully point out to the reeve and council that those opposing the combined by-law did so chiefly for two reasons:--First and foremost was the thought that the bridge and road should have been submitted in two separate by-laws. Second, that the district was not in a financial position to undertake a work of such magnitude. We would suggest then that the new council very seriously consider the proposals embodied in the resolution from the Ratepayers'ssociation in October. This resolution or rec- ommendation was as follows: Re THE ROAD & BRIDGE BY-LAW "This Deputation from the Ratepayers Association respect- fully submit the following proposition for the consideration of the Council. (1) Tl".at the old Road & Bridge By-law be perman- ently discardetL (2) That the Council make a genuine effort to reconcile all interests in this outstanding issue. (3) That this reconciliation can be effected along the following lines:-- (a) By the Council bringing down two separate By-laws--one for the Bridge and one for the Marine Drive Im- provements. (b) The By-law for the Marine Drive Im- provements should only make provi- sion for the bfunicipality's share of the cost of satisfactorily completing the Marine Drive Extension which was started two years ago. (c) Any further improvement to SIarine Drive Roadway should be left for future solution. The passing of a by-law for the construction of a new bridge has all along been conceded. It was the reconstruction of the road that caused the objection. Now that an expression of opinion has been obtained, without the possibility of either side being able to say that the matter was not fully discussed, why not submit a by-law for the Bridge alone and another for the completion of Marine Drive as it now stands (and not the widening) from the end of Mile 4 (IVest Bay) to the westerly limits. This action would meet with the wishes of those responsible for the resolution as detailed above, and, if adopted, would make some improvement on this highway question. The Council should, we think, ascertain from the Government at Victoria if their offer of 507c of the expenses of such work would still hold good, and if they can be persuaded to assist on such a programme. COUNCIL!.OR WM. BLAIR the new man in IVest Vancouver municipal politics, who was elect- ed last Saturday by a good ma- jority. Mr. Blair, who has been a resident of West Vancouver for some years, is u department manager for Evans, Coleman & Evans, Social Evening hlonday The regular iveekly practice of the West Vancouver Choral Society will be held next hlon- day at the Ambleside Hall in- stead of, as is usual, in the Hol- lyburn School. After the prac- tice a social ivill be held, the oc- casion being a very interesting one, as being an expression of good will to one of the ntembers. Old and new members are cordi- ully invited to be present espeei- ully on this occasion Trustee George Elgar was el- ected chairman of the West Van- couver School Board at the in- auguration meeting held Janu- ary 19th. Committees are as fol- lows: Finance, Robert Fiddes and Mrs. 5I, Robinson; manage- ment, Mrs. Robinson and Fiddes; building, James Edington and J. Leyland; grounds, Leyland and Edington. The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, the 26th instant at 7.30 p.m. at Ingle- wood School. CHORAI SOCIETY TO MEET EIgRI liN AhIBLESIDE HALL of School Trustees