Resampled001B6E64 THE WEST VAN NEWS January 20, 1928. ('OUiNCH. TOAIEET AI,TERNiATE SION DA YS The next regular meeting of the council will be held on ikion- day night, 30th January, aml meetings &vill take place every alternate Monday thereafter. starting at 7.30 p. m, W. II. A. REVIEIVS CoiVSOLIDATE &hire. Laura Baker, provincinl field director, presided at the meeting of the new IV. B. A. Re- view No. 9. &vhich is composed of three reviews thnt have con- solidated namely the Vancouver Heights Review No. 16. Grarul- view Review iVo. 6 ansi Hollister Review iVo. 9. CHARI.ES 1VOODIVARD ATrACKS GoVT'S. I'. Ci. E. I'OLICY At a smoker given by the North Vancouver Board of Trade last night in the Palace Hotel. North Vancouver. Charles IVood&vard, M.L.A.. made a sen- sational attack on the present government, condemning its P. G. E. policy and making several disclosures regarding the ap- pointment of the road's present directorate. "The government of British Columbia," sai&l lhlr. 1Voodward, "has been neglectful of its duty, despite the fact that the people have been willing to see the P. G. E. completed. The govern- ment has squandered money on the P. G. E. and piled up a debt of more than $30,000,000 in 11 years. "Isn't that a serious state ofaffairs?" he asked. "Millions have been spent on immigration the settlers have not been taken care of and so millions have been lvasted. "The men at the head of our government today are not men of vision--they have neither the energy nor knowledge to care properly for our country. "For instance, at the last elec- tion the government promised to build the road or to offer a land grant to attract capital to it. The grant was voted. Worth $6 per acre or more, 17,000,000 acres were offered. It was proposed to give away $ 100 000 000 "1Ve should build the P.G.E., keep the land and speculate with it ourselves. On the question of the land grant I voted against the government even though I was supposed to be one of its supporters an&1 am a Liberal. "Then when the government got panicky or crazy--I don' know which--it hid behind the reports of civil engineers. Not independent engineers, but one from the C.P.R. and another from the C.N.R. Can you imag- ine such a thing? No big busi- ness house would do such a fool- ish thing. IVould the Bank of Montreal ask for a report from the Royal Bank officials? Alberta Contract "When we view the dilatori- ness of our government, compar- ed with the Alberta government, the contrast is striking. One is neglecting its railway--the other is making the most of its rail- way, the E. D. & B. C., which I hope will be acquired by the C.N.R., and not by the Canadian Pacific," he said. Describing his solution for the P.G.E. problem as he gave it at the meeting of the legislature, Mr. 1Voodward said: okVe should keep the road ourselves, set a- side 10,000,000 acres, use the revenue to pay the road's &lebt, and name two outstanding busi- ness men to run the road, the four men to be independent pol- itically and under the chairman- ship of a manager of the road, all to be subservient not Lo tho cabinet but to the Legislature, which would act on the commis- sion'0 recommendations and re- ports by vote." Prompt Delivery Smith's Grocery 'lvc Deliver A. HARVEY ShiiTH, Prop. 24&k AND hIAI&INE, Opp. Dondornvc HniL Phone WEST 409 CHAIN RED A59 WHITE sl'oRE Specials for Friday and Saturday FREE I.ECTURE OV GREAT I'YRAAIID J. W. Parker is giving a free lecture on the Great Pyramid to- morrow night (Saturviay) at 8o'lock. in Ambleside Hall. The lecture will be illustrmted &vith lantern slides and &vill be of great interest, as 51r. Parker is a lvell- knolvn authority on the subject. The Great Pyramid is the larg- est edifice e&er erected by man, but in spite of its huge size is mathematically perfect. A hearty invitation is extend- ed to all IVest Vancouver resi- dents and particularly children, for lvhom the lecture has been specially arranged. Roberts'etter Meats 14th and Marine West 19Q Where Service and CJuality Count WE DELIVER 9:30--East 20th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfeild 3&30-- East 25th Only Saturday Jan. 21st EGGS! EGGS! LOCAL NEW LAID- Puiicer, pcr dou.. 35c First, per don.... 30c Pork Legs &fores), pcc Ib IS!'ec Pork, Butts. Pcr lb. 23c Veal Oven Roan& Ib, from. 22c Veal Stewing, lb............. Isc cw Zealand Spring Lamb- Shomideru, per lb....... 25c Rib and Breast, pcc lb.... 25c Loins, pcr lb... 37c ilfrs. J. L. Davidson and ihirs Stewart Cameron were at Caul feild for the week end. 'AYO IYEST VANCOUVER WOJIEV BENEFIT BY WILL Five beneficiaries are men- tioned in the will of the late Lucy Ann Howell, who died Oc- tober 27, 1927, leaving an estate of $9,989.54. Under the will, Florence Mary Sfoffatt, daught. er-in-law, West Vancouver, re- ceives $500; Evelyn Gertrude Halliday Howell, adopted daugh- ter, IVest Vancouver, $200. Legs, per Ib... 35c Butter - Butter No. 1 New Zealand 3tbs. $ 1.30 C.P.R. AND C.N.R. SIAY TAKE OVER "PEACE" LINE The latest development in the railway situation in Northern Alberta appears to be a joint of- fer by Sir Henry Thornton, on behalf of the Canadian National, and President E. LV. Beatty of the Canadian Pacific for the pur- chase and control of the E. D. & B. C. and Alberta Great IVater- ways railways. It is learned upon good author- ity that the proposal of the two lines would be to construct ap- proximately 50 miles of branch lines this year, but no attempt would be made to commence con- struction on a coast outlet. IVhtle neither president will commit himself on the subject, it is open- ly argued that there is no neces- sity for the construction of a coast outlet at present. The extra returns which the two principal railways get for hauling grain east instead of west apparently will continue to play a part in the construction of a coast outlet. Great interest is shown in Ot- tawa however, in the prospect of British Columbia extending the Pacific Great Eastern rail- way north from Prince George to tap the Peace River country, thus securing for the provincial road the immense revenue to bc derived from hauling Peace Riv- er grain to the coast and at the same time ensuring a rapidly in- creasing volume of business for Vancouver. No. I STEER BEEF LOCAL SPIIING LASIB LOCAL ROASTING aod BOIL- ING FOWL Pork Sausage, our own make, pce lb............ 30c Cambridge Sausage, our owm make, ........-- . 2 lbs. 25c Ayvehire Bacon, sliced, lb.. 35c Aycnhirc Bacon, by piece, lb. 30c FRESH LETTUCE. CELERY RHUBARB, GRAPES, GRAPE FRUIT. SWEET POTATOES. BRUSSELS SPROUTS, SAVOY CABBAGE Cooking Apples...... 5 Iris. 23c SIONDAY Shoulder Steak, lb.... Isc TLESDAY Tripe, Fresh. Ib ........... roc IVEDNESDAY Fresh Liver, pcr lb........... Ioc THI:RSDAY Pure Lard, I lb. packet .... Zoc FRI DA V Loggic HaduHrcn, ycr Ib sac A schoolmaster asked his children to write something a- bout sheep. One boy wrote: 'The sheep is noted for its wool- ly coat an in a St. Luke'." Read it aloud and you may perhaps gather what he meant. Our curiosity yeas aroused rec- ently by observing a man who uas walking ahead stretching out his arms whenever he took a crossing or turned down a street. We ventured to stop him and inquired why he did this. The man made no secret of it."It's all I have left of my mot- or car," he replied. BENSON'S CORN STARCH .... 2 ror 2vc SERV-US FLOOR WAX. Is ou. Tin. each .............. 39c CLARK'S CATSUP, )2 ou., pcr bottle ... rue B. C. GRANULATED SUGAR ro Iks. 05c SERV-US RICE &In&rodoc&ovy Price), pcr bag 2&c DISHCO PINEAPPLE, Toil Tin,.............. 2 for 2Sc RECTOR FINEST a&GLASSES, 25c Tin, pcc &in .................. &9c FEL'S NAPTHA SOAP................................ 3 Cakes for 2&c "QUAKER" PORK AND BEANS, Sino 2's, ...................... 2 Ior 19c RED CUTLET SALMON. lh'n, pcc &in...................., .......... Ihc hIALKIiN'S BEST CORN ............................................. 2 Ior 29c "SERV-L'S"-- I Tin PFAS, I Tin GREEV BEANS, I Tin TOhIATOES, 2&h'u ....--......--...-............ 3 Ior 4nc p ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ I ~ 0 15th and liiarine LIMITS D Phone HVcst 115 Residence I'hone: IVcst 368L FOR WATERFRONTAGE an&1 other property HOUSES To RENT, FIRE liVSURANOE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone Yvest SS Auto Repairs AND ACCFbboRIES You can be assured of reliable, conscientious service when you bring your car here. MARINE MOTORS 22nd and Marine Drive IVest 177 M. WILLIAMS IO&h ood hiAI&INE. Ahii&LESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR SUIT NOIV Come aod ncc our Patterns. Large selection to choose from Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs and and Pressing Alterations CITY PRICES We Call For nod Der&vcr. I'IIOIYE WEST 20. yg+K% of'O',eN O QKIHMREH7pe ~OR the year ended June 30, 1927, the L British Columbia Electric Railway Co. broke all irs previous records in passengers car- ried, power generated and gas manufactured. 1f carried 75,112,022 passengers; generated 403,086,536 kilowa&r hours; manufactured 1,052,320,700 cubic feet of gas; paid our $5,366,356 in wages ro 3800 employcom Rluyrun Corvmnrs 1racrarcRmnmyIh Quality - Service - Satisfaction Phone Your Order West 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET I'HONE WEST 3 CLOSED THURSDAY AT I O CLOCK WS DELIVER LUMBERING I'riccu oro reduced in oil graslcn from 93.00 &o tmi.oo Pcc hi Tnko odvonrogo of the nrouonr Iow prices ond an&in&porc furore neodn. ! High Ilueli&y Lumber is Cheapest in &he end. West Vancouver Lumber Co. v.i t' IORowl Ci A Tl Ti Fl E Fl Hi R meciirl work l nuirinl Si, which hundre obtain& hint fil poU&cdl made I in 179i Tl ory of fourth logicw Tl A. Fraf, "Sclkir "Hagg Addre! The I vGod i "The I Song 3 "Cane& "Bonni Rcciiai The I Song "Our ( Pins fol Rc I P oAuld I Sp levels. ihe fur, 12. S& ROGSR Iluenlio 1 ihc 6 arc their rta of I opp not aiw ln h wai ,2 yl„ Connc~ 't