West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Jan 1928, p. 7

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Resampled001B6E54 January 6, 1928. thereon of such grave concern to the future ofthe Municipality that I would appreciate publica- tion of some reasons why, I be- lieve, a majority of the resident taxpayers consider that in its present form it should be defeat- ed. FIad the Conucil submitted n by-law on a sound financial basis (say 15 years) in keeping with the estimated life of the under- taking and having due regard for other necessary improvements, and well within the ho)Towing power of the Municipality, most of those now opposing would have been favorable to a reason- able by-law. However, since the by-law is unchanged, I believe for the following reasons it should be defeated. 1. The Municipality cannot af- ford to spend $220,000.00 of its small remaining borrowing pow- er (its credit) on one undertak- ing however worthy, and thereby prevent other more urgent im- provements. 2. The 30 year bond issue on a 15 year job is unsound Municipal financing. This is not a concrete roadway. 3. The argument that a wide speedway will eliminate the danger of accidents is shattered by the record of Kingsway. 4. Only one year ago the new portion of Marine Drive was op- ened up, and it is a good average highway. The remainder com- pares favorably with Marine Drive east of the Capilano Bridge. 5. It will endanger. our credit and deflate our future bond issues to- wards former low prices. 6. The alternate Bridge propos- als involving a saving of about $60,000 should have been seri- ously considered by the Council and the advice of competent in- dependent Engineers secured. This has not been done. 7. The needs of permanent resid- ents should be considered before the desires of pleasure seekers, real estate speculators and fran- chise holding Transportation Corporations. Should the by-law carry, only $35,000.00 present borrowing power remains. The Council es- timate 1927 building permits at par, and claim this will mean $100,000.00 added assessment this year. This looks like juggl- ing with the assessment. Actu- al building values rarely equal permits. However, assuming the $ 135,000.00 to be correct, let us place against it some of the more pressing by-law require- ments. 1. A New Ferry (Revenue pro- ducing) say $75,000; 2. A New Ferry Bus (Revenue producing) say, $ 10,000; 3. Water IVorks, (Revenue producing) say $25,- 000; 4. Local Roads, (as inaug- urated) $50,000; 5. North Shore Hospital, West Van. share, $40,- 000; 6. Fire Protection (badly needed) say, $30,000--$230,000. Borrowing reserve (say only) $60,000--Total $290,000. Fire protection is sadly need- ed, but has been ignored. In proof of this ourrate is $ 1.40 on a 60-ft. clearance space be- tween buildings; against Point Grey's $ 1.00 with a 35 foot clearance between buildings. The members of the Couucil refer to their unanimous stand for the by-law, but have failed to tell us that while two or three previous Councils ended each year with a respectable balance they have permitted us to face a deficit of over $ 17,000. In the by-law they have camouflaged a 16 year work under a 30 year boml aml thus make the annual cost appear less than was spent on the road last year. All that is required, and all that the Municipality can afford on the road is, v. idening the sharper curves, improving low RECORDINiG SECRETARY OF RATE PA Y ERS'SSN. SUI'PORTS BY-I.A W The Editor )Vest Van News: In regard to the coming Muni- cipal elections for Reeve and Councillor, and the Marine Drive and Capilano Bridge by-law. Permit me, as Recording Sec- retary of the West Vancouver Ratepayers Association, to say that, our Association has never been unanimously against the by-law; in fact, those members of the Association in favor of the by-law and progress in West Vancouver, have often been too busy with their personal affairs to attend the meetings. Under the circumstances, the voters who have the best interests of West Vancouver at heart will not, I am sure, be influenced by any Resolutions passed by any Association which does not rep- resent the taxpayer in the full- est sense. It has been said by some op- - posed to the by-law that we can- not afford to spend this money now--that our borrowing power will be exhausted: THIS IS NOT THE TRUTH--our borrowing power on February 15th (if the by-law is passed) will be approx- imately $175,000--some $90,000 less than it is today, which sum, viz: $175,000 will be sufficient to carry on any pressing work in the Municipality for another year or so. In the meantime we will have a new bridge and a first class Marine Drive complet- ed, which will be a credit to our people. Greater Vancouver, and the Province of British Columbia all of whom are paying their por- tion of the cost. It may not be known that IVard 1, due to the opening up of Marine Drive to its IVestern ter- minus, causing an increase in the assessment value, will pay the entire cost of the interest and sinking fund on the $220,000 bond issue. This is a fact and I defy anyone opposed to the by-law to refute this statement. The benefits which will accrue to the 5Iunicipality on account of this project in the increased value of the land owned by it, will be immense. In regard to the life of the road and the bridge, the bridge bonds could easily be floated for fifty years, as the durability of the structure will be much long- er than the life of the bohds, therefore, the happy medium for the whole project of thirty years IS SOUND and will work no hardship on us now, or those who follow after. It is sound business economy to undertake this work now. It is good business to accept the Government offer of $220,000, and--better still it will prove to Greater Vancouver that West Vancouver people are progress- ive. In conclusion, may I urge all voters to come out and vote for Reeve V. V. Vinson and the BY- LA)V--by doing so, IVest Van- couver wi)1 go ahead as never be- fore. By voting for the by-law you are favoring a project that is of second importance to the FIRST NARRO)VS BRIDGE, and No West Vancouver taxpay- er was against the Bridge. WM. BLAIR, 15th and Gordon St., IV. R. HAMH.TON Ol'POSES BY-LAW Editor West Van. News: Sir--In view of the unusually large vote polled when the resid- x ents of )Vest Vancouver recent- ly rejected the $220,000 Marine Drive & Capilano Bridge By-law, it is regrettable that the Council should have decided to re-submit the measure unaltered, at the coming Municipal E)ection. This by-law is of such magni- 0 tude and the result of the vote CORRESPONDENCE THE WEST VAN NEWS Classified Ade. USED GOODS BOUGHT -- Wc buy furniture, tools, stoves, aud every thing of value. Noth.ug too large or too small. Stoves and furniture u sf cciulty. Fred Tite, opposite.West Vancouver Lumber Co., Amblecide. WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER& Building 10 fhx18 ft. in Al shape. Painted inside aud ouh Will trade . for furniture or piano. Fred Titc, Furniture Store, opposite West Vuu. Lumber Co., Amblcside. FOR LOIV RENT--Store next to West Van. Garage. Apply, Fred Tite, Furniture Store, opposite West Vuu. Lumber Co., Amblcsidc. fIVII,LOW DENE COTTAGE" Kings Avenue, Dunduravc, to rent. Five rooms, full plumbing, open fircplacc, laundry tubs, beaut.ful situation, Adults only, 630.00. B. R. Harrison, West 404L. IVEBlfS SHOE REPAIRS WEAII BEST--Duuduravc. WEST VANCOUVER MUNICIPAL ELFCTION JANUARY 14th, 1928. For Councillor Wm. MCQuaker Solicits Your Vote and Influence PROGRESS and EFFICIENCY To the Electors 'n coming forward again as Candidate for Coun- cillor I feel that I can be of real service to the com- munity and in asking for your first choice vote I do so assuring you of conscientious service. G ET West Vuu. Electric Prices on Radio, Vacuum, Irons aud all elec- trical appliances. Agents for Mar- coni Radio. FOR RENT--Unfurnished Five-room Bungalow on Waterfront at Alta- mont. Phone Leylaud, Ivcst 63RI. 22nd and Bellevue J.J. DUTTON Res. Phone 81R NEIVMAN 3& ROBBINS -- Builders oud Contractors--Painting, paper- haug.ug aud kulsomiuing, chimneys built, 28th ond Marine. Phone West 74RI. To the Electors of West Vancouver HEhISTI'fCHING--I'luis.. white.. 5c yard; silk aud colored loc yard. Pcurce's Drygoods, 14th Street and hlariuc. Phone West 14 l. IVINDOIV BLINDS--blade to order aud installed. Est.mates free. Pcarcc's Drygoods, 14th Street aud Marine. Phone IVest 144. VACUU51 TO RENT--Scc West Vau. Electr c. Phone Ivest 108. Your First Choice Vote is respectfully solicited as one of your Council representatives at the commg elections. My record of municipal service is well known to you. I have served you conscientiously and to the best of my ability. If you elect me to the Council I shall continue to give you my best services. Robt. Fiddes Res. Phone West 51L14th and Gordon FOUNDATION, CEMENT WORK, Landscaping, Septic Tanks, Gener- al Contracting. T. Baruott, Resi- dence Phone West 672R. I)IONEY TO LOAN 8500.00 up No delay West Vuu. Investment Coy. Notary Public. West 102 GEO. HAY 1405 hiariuo Drive 315 Cordova W. West 21 Scy. 1260. LARGE VIEIV LOTS in good locality und on paved streets. Prices ranging from 6300 to 6550.00 Terms 825.00 cash Balance 620.00 pcr month. Wc cfil) have some very desirable modern furnished aud unfurnished houses for rent. R. P. Clarke 8: Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. ONE ACRE--Kcith Rd.. Attructircly located aud very inviting homcsitc, 6850. BUILDING LOT on Essuimalt, be- tween 11th aud 12th, for 6250, terms or 3225 cash. Fiscal Agents: R. P. Clarke & Co. (Voucouvcr) Lid. 823 Hastings St. W. Scy. 7483, 7481 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. West 651L WEST VANCOUVER Board of School Trustees The Annual STEWARDSHIP MEETING will be held at 8 P. M. Next Wednesday (January lith) in the Auditorium of THE NEW INGLEWOOD SCHOOL West Vancouver Municipal Elections A PUBLIC MEETING will bq held at AMBLESIDE HALL, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10th, at 8 P. 51. Under the auspices of the WEST VANCOUVER RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION at which all candidates for REEVESHIP COUNCIL SCHOOL TRUSTEE POLICE COillifiIISSION are cordially invited to address the meeting. EVERYBODY WELC051E A young barrister had been retained on behalf of a farmer who was claiming damages',a- gainst a raihvay company for killing 24 of his pigs. He was extremely anxious to impress the jury with the magnitude of his client's loss. "Imagine 24 pigs gentlemen," he said. "A large number, twenty-four--twice the number there is in the jury box!'ORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VAiNCOUVER NOTICE A PUBLIC MEETING will be held at the HOLLYBURN THEATREplaces, ditches, etc. and ordinary repairs to the remainder. Believing the foregoing to be a fair statement of facts, I con- sider it the duty of the taxpayers to defeat the by-laiv, and permit the 1928 Council when elected, to consider all urgent neeils ami submit by-laws accordingly. Yours faithfully. IVALTER R. HAhllLTON Hollyburn, B.C., on MONDAY, JANUARY 9th, at 8 p.m. When the Council will give an account of their Stewardship for the year 1927. JAS. ()LLASOiV. Municipal Clerk.