West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Jan 1928, p. 5

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Resampled001B6E54 oil January 6, 1928. COUNCILLOR J. B. LEYLAND Transportation In more recent years West Vancouver has grown beyond most sanguine expectations, and with this growth arise pressing problems in providing public ut- ilities and improvements to keep pace with such rapid develop- ment. Not the least of these problems is the maintenance of an up-to-date and efficient sys- tem of transportation, which will afford speedy and direct conn'ection with the City of Van- couver, under conditions that are { ' reasonably safe and comfortable. Few will deny credit to past Councils for having earnestly 8triven year by year to improve the'ervice, thus making West Vancouver more attractive for permanent residents; The 1927 Council have endeavored to con- tinue'along lines of progress, and while mistakes have'oubtless been made, their efforts have borne fruit, and have apparent- ly met with general approval. Heavy expenditures have been made towards improvements, for which it was not to be expected that immediate financial returns could result; nevertheless, the opportunities for such improve- ments were surely ripe, and have already justified themselves. The half-hourly schedule was in- augurated on April 16th, and has given service in all weathers from 6 in the morning till mid- night. A splendid new bus has served the upper levels, with a schedule to meet the existing de- mends, and by.a route to cover PERSONALS L. Armstrong of the Covern- ment income tax staff at Kam- loops, has returned to his duties after spending a week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Arm- strong, 16th and Fulton. r Charles E. Burbridge returned to Quesnel on Monday morning after spending the Xmas holi- days with his family. The Brownie Pack will resume meetings on Wednesday after- noon, January 11th, at St. Steph- en's Parish Hall, at 4 p.m. The Miliatry Whist Drive ar- ranged by the Duncan Lawson Chapter for Saturday evening, January 7th, has been postpon- ed. r Complimenting Mrs. G. McClel- land, Mrs. Gardiner 15th Street, was at home at the tea hour on Thursday, 29th January. The Naomi Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold a dance on Thursday, Jan. 19th, in the Hollyburn Pavilion. r Charles Pearce has purchased/ the business block on Marine Drive at Ambleside from Mrs. Salter.: ~ ~ o William Napier, 13th and Ful- ton, a. well known resident of West Vancouver, who has been sick with pneumonia, has now recovered and is able to be about again. e t e r I- ~ l. e g le 1. ll I lip oi al 9- e; TI is sl as I .e el tr st ge present requirements. Residents from West Bay also received bus service from every boat. Im- provements have been made to wharves and waiting rooms, a shelter has been provided, buss- es are better cared for by the conversion of the Ambleside Hall into a garage, and the ferry square has been improved by the removal of the old Fire Hall. In 1926 the total ferry pass- engers numbered 693,000, com- pared with 780,000 in 1927, be- ing an increase of 87,000. Every month showed an increase over 1926, the highest increase being . 12,000 in December. Because of the growth of permanent popu- lation a much larger number of commutation tickets were sold, but a substantial reduction took place in the sale of cash fare tickets, doubtless owing mainly to the fact that weather condi- tions throughout the year have been exceedingly bad, deterring transients and holiday-makers from visiting the North Shore. Much still remains to be done A large number of hikers went up Hollyburn Ridge for the New Year holiday. The snow there is 10 to 12 feet deep, and both toboganning and skiing are good Mrs. Avery White, 21st and Bellevue, is sick and in the Van- couver General Hospital. o, o Tuesday, January 31st, is the last date for changes in the April issue of the B. C. Telephone Co.'s directory. John and Charles Blyth of Seattle, spent New Year's with their grandmother, Mrs. G. Blyth, 22nd and Jefferson o A Portland autoist had a nar- row escape on Sunday, when his auto skidded 8 feet on No. 12 bridge east of Caulfeild, and the front end crashed through the bridge railing. Luckily it stuck, and the weight of the rear part of the car kept it from falling into the stream which is 40 feet by way of improvement, but with the equipment on hand the best below. The frame of the autowas bent and the front end bad-efforts to render service have ly smashed up. The Marine Mot- ors'ervice car took charge of the wreck and towed it to their Monday, December 26th; A party was given in honor of the event, and many friemls of this popular couple gathered to of- fer felicitations to Mr. and Mrs. Draper, and to wish them many happy returns of the day. ~ as against only 350,000 the prev- ious year. been made. Councils sometimes take much credit unto themselves for Muni- cipal progress, but in the case of the Transportation Depart- ment, any success is primarily due to the,civility and efficiency of the bus and ferry crews and office staff, and also to the splen- did way. in which citizens hav'e . supported their own system. It .is only by such harmony and ~ Mr. and Mrs. Denmson, who good feeling, and by continued support that the seawice may not only be maintained but may also be improved. .'. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMV HAS BANNER YEAR Number of passengers carried by IVest Vancouver ferries dur- ing 1927 totalled 780,187 as a- MR AND 51RS. DRAPER ~ gainst 693,029 carried in 1926, . HOLD 42nd ANNIVERSARY state. officials. The increase of over 87,000 is the biggest yet on Mr. aml Mrs. W. G. Draper of record and reveals the rapid . Dundarave, celebrated the 42nd growth of the municipality. De- anniversary of their we&1&ling on camber figures show an increase of 11,941, the total being 69,986 ~ as against 48,045 for December 1926. Municipal buses carried about 450,000 passengers in 1927 . THE WEST VAN NEWS . When You'e Sick You do upi rau just euy phys- ician aud you should select the druggist io dispense iu the same way. Oua of our registered pbarmacieis bus bud 24 years'iappuxiugexpel!rude aud the other 'I years. We du uoi ibihk. we boast unduly when we suy we know pur profession. We have dispensed thousands of pre- scriptious in West Vancouver. Let us dispense yours. WEST VAN I'HARIIIACY Phone West 37. .Night Calls -- Emergency only--West 321. CHIROPRACTOR Next io Stra&lou Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver Roberta A. Vass D. C., Pil. C. Graduate of Palmer School CONVINCE YOURSELF Chiropractic bas solved the problem of the cause of disease,'ud adjusts upi only the cause but the effects ax well. CHIROPRACTIC, WILL HELP YOU'HE- Marcel Shop hfxjs. F. Burling 1520& .hfupiue Drive FOR APPOINTialENT PHONE, WEST 304 MARCEL, , WAVING, LADIES and CHILDREN' HAIRCUTTING ~ . Facial, Scalp and Skin Treatments Hours 9 iu 5.30 Three BILLIARD -. TABLES For Your Pleasure. CANDIES aud ShiOKES CHET SHIELDS 14th STREET right ui Railway Crossing WEST VAN Restaurant 1421 hlariue Drive ui 14th Si. Public I'hone West 611-0 PITMAN BUSINESS COIIEPsE Vancouver's Leading Business College Individual Attention DAY uud NIGHT School Night School 5 nights curb week 3 months 316.00, 6 months 325.00 4 2 2 Ritharda Si. Phoua Soy. 9135. Cur. Haaiiuga 5 A'Real Winter Gas Produeedin N. Van. by Vancouver Oil Cu. Lid., the. only Ail-British Columbia Oil concern .Try it! Fill Your Tank at one of these N. Shore Stations NORTH VANCOUVER Fupemuu's Garage-- Esplanade Zasi. Lourdale hluiura- 16th uud Lousdale North Shore Garage-- First Si„West Reliable Service Station-- Third Si. & Forbes Ave. WEST VANCOUVER Etl Black- 25th Ave. gt Marine Drive West Vancouver Garage- Ambieside SECOiVD NARROIVS Burrard Servloe Siailou- Second Narrows Bridge %1II THANKS For Your Patronage during 1927 We hope during 1928 to retain all our old customers aud to make many new ones. Prompt Peruuual Service and Home-made Goods Mrs. DRAPER 2435 MARINE DRIVE Neat naadaravo Hall NOTE PHONE: Wort ppe People Like The 'Burrard'ADIES HAIRCUTTING aud SnliVGLING, any Style HOLLYBURN BARBER SHOP E. hfARSH, Prop. For West Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL People speak very nicely about the great earp we take of every article sent io us. Each custom- er'x parcel is treated separately aud promptly returned. Aud our charges please everybody. Try us tr&tb a parcel this week. 1429 Ma&isa ikire Phage Wast 246 Specializing in West Vancouver Carpenter and Contractor 2503 Bellevue Are. Phone West 59L2. For People Whu Are Particular THIRD ST. aud ST. DAVIDS North Vancouker Phone North 1310. R. B LOX HAM West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 457Y3. hlASOV, CotVTRACTOR Specieityl--Fireplaces aud Tile Mauiels, Sinks, eic. Phone: West -19L A. IF F. VALENTINE Canadian window Bakeries Agency. 1406 talariue Drive FRESH CAKES AND BREAD DAILY Phone Soup orders for Spatial Cakes LIGHT LUNCHES Store Closes 8 u, m,: Saturdays ip p. m. TEAS VERNON FEED STORE. APho IAY t9 FUEL, FEED, T, ETC. Flooring, Iong lengths .. $ 15.00 per No. 2 Shipiap .............„..„. $ 16.00 per itf No. 2 Dimension . $ 16.00 per ial. No. 3 Shipiap $12.00 per i'll. Sa d,Gael, Plate Lime, Cement Brick, Tile A nuluber of Used Sash at reduced prices. A coiuplete line of Building illaterial in Stock Phones: North 207 - 212 Nigh&Phones: North 1265 and North 1415 8 154 Esplanade lV. North Vancouver The Burrarh Launch'Y F. R. Franklin Limi iud