West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Jan 1928, p. 4

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Resampled001B6E54 "The Best Procurable" That's what you get ivhen you deal here. Our first concern is our reputation and your satisfaction. Quality is not sacrifice&i for price in this store. The Store with a Reputation Creeliwood's GROCERY We deliver %Vest 16 I Established over 7 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and aiarine Barber For appointment PHONE IVEST 135 Hollyburn Theatre Admission--Evenings 25c &5 Isc Ss&urdsy sfsiiuee 2ec sud Iec Ssiurdsy gistiuee -- Children under Ie years 5c. Friday uud Saturday January 6th uud 7th. HEBE DANIELS'EST PICTURE "Senorita" e Coming 'BIG PARADE'iND -'Ben Hur'atch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The %est Van vv'atChmaker 8 Jeweller ! 1522 siarine Drive Ambleside J. M. Morgan Phone Aves& 173 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO I'hose Seymour Iel HARRO.'&& BROS. & IVILL IA ilt SO&&I jfnnet al Qirectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 p6 'Ot'St') 'fff January G. 1928 ls fa' siiloe vel siost ss, llil (th this &obis s&O ,;,5 ss Isre w'~ meat. te bieio!t ss oFI 0 „ill s,,I casse&tie &oovcf,Oi svossbl pew w '~scils stnvva I this " yeocoovt &&&OOOO& C,OOOI) ) t'OOO &O', while m i 0 es ills& t,ioe in )I a&et w }les&)'&sdo"" which lt that Iag &o" I4 Op pe"O'&eats in slfosdy 7ke h&df gogo&sic gives OI ~ (fom 6 I sight. served t vcherlolo s&sods, I present I from We service i provefoei whlves skelter b es are 'b cosverai& into s I square h removal & lo 192i eogers s ps&ed wl iog an isi month sl )926, the . 12,000 in the gros latios a commutv bot a sul place in tickets, i to the f, tions tls been ez& traenvoi from vis Much bywsyo the equi 'fforts been &ss Cosa& credit si cipsl pr ol the &sent, s dlle te I'~ ol the I el(i&est dzl wsy ~ 'opporb » only good ie soPPort only t&O bo hspv DISCUSS BY-LAW AND TRANSPORTATION REEVE V. V. VINSO ( COUNCII.I.Olt J. T. WATr It is in my opinion just one of the providentinl happenings thnt it is possible to re-submit the by-lnw an&I I am ronfi&lent that it will get an overwhelming nin- jority in its favor, because nt this time the ratepayers will be as well informed upon its vnlue to them as to offset the organiz- ed opposition to it. tvhy such a by-law shoul&l be opposed at nil is the thing that I cannot understnn&l. It oiight to be an occnsion when n pro- gressive municipality such aa we nre ought to congratulnte it- self upon its opportunity aml for that renson I believo that your 1928 Council will require to commence this very Import- ant work at the request of the public. Even if the municipality's fin- ances should be strained to the breaking point it would still, in my opinion, be goo&i business; but fortunntely this is not the case. Figures will be available to prove that we are far from the end of our resources and we shall be able to carry on very successfully with other neces- sary things. If you vote yes for the by-law every ratepayer in IVest Van- couver will benefit undoubtedly. If you decide in the negative, then every ratepayer will most assuredly lose an opportunity and will be poorer financially for there. is no argument that can be produced to maintain the highway for less money than the Sinking Fund and interest on the new structure. It is true that one may say "yes we can allow that road to remain in its present state" but even that cannot be done owing to the road having been classi- fied as a Secondary Highway. The Provincial Government in paying 40 per cent of all main- tenance charges on Secondary Highways reserves the right to say what must be done and in providing not 40 per cent, but one half of the total'stimate a sum equal to a quarter of a mil- lion dollars for the proposed work, it stands to reason that it is good business. On January 9th your Reeve and Council meet to give an account of their stew- ardship for the past year and I hope that the ratepayers will turn out in full force- to hear COLINCILLOR W.&tI.JACI6&tlAN Reeve Vinson in reviewing the coming election stated that in of- fering himself for another term as Reeve of West Vancouver he had no apologies to offer, that his record in ialunicipnl service speaks for itself. In 1915, he said, as a strong advocate of Perman- ent Ronds he was elected to the Counci) on the roads issue of that day--IVatcr bound macad- am versus pavement on the first four miles of IVest Vancouver Highivay. That section of road has proved beyond a doubt to have been good business at that time. The same good business as to roads holds good at the pres- ent day only more so, as auto traffic has increased to such large proportions. Reeve Vinson said further: "In bringing the Road 6& Bridge By-law forward again at the an- nual election in January I feel it my duty as Reeve to give the ratepayers another opportunity to express their opinion, as everyone knows that at the poll in October last a substantial ma- jority recorded their vote in fav- or of the By-laiv. In the face of an organized opposition, the feel- ing at that tirue was that the Ratepayers had not the oppor- tunity to fully consider the im- . portance of the measure. But I can assure the Ratepayers that the Council had no thought or intention of rushing the By-law'pon them. Hoivever, I have been inform- ed by a number of voters who opposed the By-law in October that if given the opportunity to vote again on the same measure they would not only vote'n fav- or but support it in every way, and oiving to the importance of the project to the Municipality the Council have decided to re- submit the By-law again in Jan- uary, feeling now that the voters have had time to reflect upon . what it means to the Municipal- ,ity.to have the Government con- tribute nearly one-quarter of a million dollars towards our Mar- ine Drive. There are sixty-five 3Iunicipalities id the Province of British Columbia, and the other sixty-four would like to be in the happy position of West Vancou- ver. All that is necessary for the people of West Vancouver to do is to vote in favor of the Road Bridge By-law in January. That will be ample time for the Government to bring down their appropriation at the next session of the Legislature which 'takes place late in January. Those that are working in op- position, I am sure, do not real- ize that it will cost less to pass the by-law than to defeat it, so in passing the By-law you save money. To maintain the High- way and keep it passable &vill cost at least 50 per cent. more than the Carrying Charges on the fin- ished product, including a new Bridge and Road. It is a known fact that all Corporations and Engineers the world over recommend that when the cost of maintenance of a highway-road or any public con- Venience exceeds the carrying charges upon a new product, by all means proceed with the new work. That is considered eco- nomical and sound business. West Vancouver cannot afford to throw away money each year on the maintenance of our Slar- ine Drive. But they CAN afford to build a permanent highway and new bridge. Even if it were necessary to economize for a year or tno if would pay tt est Vancouver to tnke advantage of the Government grant of a qunr- ter of a million dollnrs while they hnve the opportunity nnd everything is favorable. IVithnut any conceit on my part, I wish to say that there is no public body in the Province of British Columbia that is work- ing harder in the interests of the people thnn the tvest Van- couver Council. Never in the history of West Vancouver has there been so many contentious questions nrising as there are nt the present time, problems fac- ing us that require considerable foresight, such as tvater, Fire Department. Addition to Munici- pnl Hall as Fire Protection for our Municipal records, Transpor- tation, etc. The pessimist will say that we can do without these expenditures, but I want to point out to our ratepayers that tvest Vancouver has reached the stage when they cannot retard its growth; there is no room for the pessimist in tvest Vancouver. A Committee of the Ratepay- ers Association has asked the Council to abandon the present By-law and submit two By-laws --one for the Bridge and one for the Road--in a modified fo&m. At the same time a petition was presented to the Reeve signed by a number of ratepayers approv- ing of the action of the Council in re-submitting the By-law in January. So it is plainly to be seen that there are two sides to the question. It has been said that what the people want and admire in their public represen- tatives is consistency; I can as- sure the taxpayers that this Criticisnf of an adverse nnture has been and is being sc&lulous- ly formulated throughout our municipnlity on the recent action of council whereby a four-fifths majority of the Council decided to re-submit for the reconsider- ation of our ratepayers the Mnr. ine Drive nml Bridge by-lnw. Adopting the most liberal view possible, and assuming that, these critics are bona fide nml are in no wny nctunted by nny ulterior motives, is it not permis- sible to ask: "ilnil they been in the councillors'lnces coukl they have ncted otherwisey When it is remembered (I) that the majority of the votes cast in October were in the affirmative, and that notwithstanding the intensive campaign of misrepre- sentation that had. been waged against the passngo 'of the by- law: (2) that on reconsideration an&i carrying of the by-law by the ratepaydrs at the January 'elections the ni cessary appro- priation of $220,000--the Prov- nicial Board of Works fifty per cent contribution -- woul&l be placed in this year's Provincial estimates and passed by the Legislature at its Janunry ses- sion, thereby 'enabling the pro- posed work to be started early this year. (3) Prompt co-oper- ation with the Department oi'ublicWorks at Victoria was ad- visable while it was in this gen- erous mood (and Mr. Editor, $220,000 is some token to be handed to the Baby Municipality of Greater Vancouver) and it'as figured no opportunity should be missed to avail our- selves of this handsome donation for our municipality when one considers the many and insist- ent claims of the many aml other municipalities in the Province.. Had Council interpreted the October vote as decidedly in op- position to the proposed scheme, it would have been justified in putting this matter aside and al- lowing the Municipality to con- tinue this ruinous maintenance ~ arrangement of a forty-sixty per cent. The cost to the ratepayer of the permanent road and single steel span bridge will be less than five mills, or a little less than tive dollars on one thous- and assessment'hese, Sir, are. the chief rea- . sons which influenced the Coun- cil in deciding to re-submit the Marine Drive and Bridge by-law at the January elections. If the adverse criticism of the Council's action is to be sustain- ed; the result of the poll on Election day will amply demon- strate it. Our residents and rate- payers will have every opportun- ity during the coming week to hear this great question (a ques- tion the forthcoming decision on which is fraught with such vital consequences to )vest Vancou- ver)debated from every angle; an&I, having heard -- as good West Vancouver citizens it, is their bounden duty to do--tocast their voted on polling day as their respective matured judg- ments shall conscientiously dic- tate. yea&'5 Council are consistent, and are working for the best inter- ests of the 5Iunicipality, and in perfect harmony with the Pow- ers-that-Be at Victoria. I have given freely of my time in the service of the Municipal- ity, beginning in the year 1915 as Chairman of Finance. Retir- ed for two years, then Reeve in 1918, 1919 and 1920. Retired, but was persuaded to again come for ward in 1922; elected, and se- cured the Electric Lights for the Municipa)ity. Again as Reeve in 1927--'elected by acclam'ation. I am now offering myself for the year 1928, t&s carry out the program that has been started. IVith my.past experience I feel that I am in a position to guide the Municipality, further its pro- more about this all-important issue. The question which seems to fit those who are out as it were "agin the Govern- ment" is "WHY PAY MOIIE FOR LESS?" If that can be gress, and carry to a successful conclusion such works as the Nelson Creek IVater System, now under construction: the Queen's Avenue Water Line that will serve the higher levels, and which also is under construction and also the Road and Bridge By-law that I feel sure the rate- payers will pass on January 14. I, myself, am a large ratepay- er and have been since the year 1906 an&i am car&~lug my share of the stock in our Company, the Municipality of. IVest Vancou- ver. In asking our Ratepayers to vote for the By-law and to sup- port me in my policy of Good Roads as Reeve for 1928 I can- not undertake to straddle a ques- tion for fear of offending, nor chn I make all kinds of election promises knowing full well that they cannot be carrieil through, but I can assure them that I will devote my time nnd attention to the best interests of the 51uni- cipality in an honest and upright manner, and without fear or fav- or, as I have during the six years I have had the pleasure of serv- ing them." satisfactorily answered. I am willing and ready to apologize for any support I may have giv- en. In conclusion I thank you for the opportunity of writing on be- half of our position and would like to say that the by-law will pass not only because of its sup- porters in the first place but be- cause the opposition are to my mind in an impossible situation in as much as they have no con- structive alternative which will cost less and 'fill the bill to the satisfactir&n of the Municipality of West Vancouver. There is no disgrace in chang- ing one's mind and if one attends with a perfectly'open min&i de- void of personalities and with confidence in your representa- tives, then I have no fear at all that there will be a heavy major- ity in favor of the by-law on January 14th. After all has been saiil and done why PAY more for less when you can GET more for less money. Tit&t 3&3 NEW TREASUItER I'OR NOItTH VAN. CITY Henry R. Straw of North Van- couver, was appointed treasurer to succeed C. R. Lane at a meet- ing ol the North Vancouver City Council Tues&iay night. The treasurer reported that expenditures of the various com- mittees for the year amounted to $ 183,900. The estimates were $ 183,900. )turn) by w„ iog 192 iraisst i state I over 67 recent 'ro'wth co&oker qf ll 04 19 sgsii sb&nt 6& + sgsio lo'~ yes f ~ -I ~ THF WEST VAN NEIVS REEVE AND COUNCILLORS REVIEW PROGRESS