West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Jan 1928, p. 3

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Resampled001B6E54 I 3 January 6, 1928. THE WEST VAN NEWS New Anglican Church Opened ~ Despite inclement weather, the new Church of St. Francis at Caulfeild .was crowded Sunday afternoon for the opening ser- vice of dedication conducted by his Grace Archbishop de Pencier. Set in a most picturesque loca- tion the new fallen snow rather added to the beauty of the ex- terior of the little church and within bright lights set off the charm of the simple furnishings and decorations. The lesson was read by the Rev. E. M. Searles, rural dean of North Vancouver and evensong by the rector, the Rev. A. Harding Priest. After a brief word of thanksgiving and congratulation on the effort which has resulted in this latest church of the diocese, His Grace preached a timely and helpful New Years'ermon from Jere- miah 6 and 16--"Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls." During the winter months services will be held every two weeks, the next ser- vice being Sunday, January 15 at 3 p. m. The first annual ves- try meeting will be held Thurs- day, January 12th, at 7.30 p. m. at the home of Mr. R. M. Mac- donald. NO TRACE IS FOUND OF PROFESSOR CLAY No trace has been found of Professor Milton Clay, music teacher, 1035 Granville street, who has not been seen since he left Horseshoe Bay, Howe Sound in a small rowboat to visit a friend at Sunset Beach, three miles north. Provincial Police Sergeant James Cunningham has left for the scene. He will make a thor- ough search of the locality in the hope of finding the nhissing man or his boat. Professor Clay's two sons, Reginald and Harold, returned Tuesday evening from Horse- shoe Bay after a fruitless search for their father. "MICKEY" ABBOTT NOW AT HARRY FARR'S GARAGE "Mickey" Abbott, auto mech- anic, formerly with the North Shore Motors and lately with Marine Motors, has taken over the repair shop of the West Van. Garage from Harry Farr, an an- nouncement to this effect being shown in this week's issue. Mickey is one of the best known auto men on the North Shore asid expects to build up a nice business here. Harry Farr, the genial pioneer auto man of West Vancouver, finds that the condi- tion of his health is such that he cannot attend to the repairs and accessory part of the busi- ness, and has therefore decided to confine his attention to the gas,. oil and accessory part of the business. HOLLYBURN SCHOOL Class Leaders Division 1--Grade 8 1. Margaret Gillette....... 83% 2. Jack Watt ...........:.;,....... 77/~ 3. Olive Knipfel:..............'4% Division 2--Grade 7 Senior ~ 1. Marguerite Edwardes .. 80% 2. Jessie Hoyle ................ 76%a 3. Gordon Edwards ........„.. 74/e Junior 1.'leanor MacRae ....;..... 74% 2. Hazel Brealey ................ 68/c 3. Archie McKenzie .... '..... 66/c Division 3--Grade 6 Senior 1. Barbara Gamage.:.......... 68/c 2. Barbara Ford .......,........ 67/c 3. Jeanne. Lloyd ..............:: 66% Junior 1. Marjorie Paton .............. 787c 2. Effie Vickory ........., .... 72% 3. Dorothy Boshier .....'.... 70/c Division 4--Grade 6 Jr. 1. Mary Bradshaw ......... 72/c 2. Ida Allan .............,...:...... 68/e 3. IValter McClintock ...... 66% Grade 5 Sr. 1. Joan Jefferies .........„.... 89% 2. Carroline Marsh.......... 82% 3. Enid Clements ................ 80% Division 5--Grade 5 Junior 1. Doreen Palmer ................ 87/c 2. Eunice MacRae,......... 86% 3. Alton Grafton .............. 81/o Division 6--Grade 4 Senior'. Mary Currie 2. Hertha Leth-Paulsen 3. Irene Clarke Junior 1. Sydney Blaney 2. Doreen Elgar '8. Jessie Edington Division 7--Grade 3 Senior 1. Agnes Gray 2. Marion MacRae 3. Jean Hill Junior 1. Constance Jenni 2. Alan Fraser 3. Betty Taylor Division 8--Grade 2 Senior 1. Natalie Radcliffe 2. Elaine Kissick 3. Sophie Zielski Junior 1. Muriel McCulloch 2. Sheila Edwards 3. Jack Kearns Division 9--Grade 1, Sr. 1. Margaret MacMillan 2. Robbie Perry 3. Dorothy Chappell Division 10--Grade 1, Jr. 1. Donald Howieson 2. Dick Sager 3. Clifford Hill. Hilton House School FoR Bors 29ih Street aad P.G.K Railway l)sy Bo&s aud Boarders. Taken Neat Term Stares Jauuary 9th Headmaster, H. H. FOTSTEli - =i FRAMAR Montessori School For Youhg Children 19th and Esuuimalt WINTER TER91--January 3rd Terms Reasonable III9. W. D. rraser Phoae west 68 WEST VAN. WINS ARCHERY COMPETITION Captain Barwis High Score. Outings Ltd. held a team match on the new range install- ed on the fifth floor of their building in Vancouver on Dec. 31st. Teams composed of three members c'ompeted, and the West Vancouver team carried off first prize. Captain Barwis, son of Major W. B. Barwis, 31st and IVaterfront, was the winner of an 18 lb. turkey for high score. A School for Cirls" KINDERGARTEN Nuw Open at 23rd aud Bellevue by MISS PHILIP Prospectus uu Application Special attention given to French. Auxiliary will take place on Fri- Hospital Auxiliary will be. held next Tuesday at 2 p. m. The ar.- nual ball under the auspices of the North Vancouver Hospital Auxiliary wil ltake place on Fri- day, 20th January, in the K. of P. Hall, North Vancouver. Danc- ing 9 till 1. Orchestra Nulli-Se- cundus" will be in attendance. Miss Frances Nickawa He: "Anne, I'e a great piece of news for you. Betty Bruce has promised to be my wife." 'nne:"You call that news? Why, a month ago she asked me to be her bridesmaid." ST. PATRICIA At Hollyburn Theatre TUESDAY, January 17th.. KINDERGARTEN AND J GIRLS'CHOOL wHl re-upeu Monday, January 9th Miss J. Durbin Phone 29th aud Haywoud West 97II ARTHUR PEARSON MARRIED "FROM FOREST TO YOU"A quiet wedding was solemniz-ed last Saturday evening at St. Stephen's Church, when Miss Nancy Pratt of Vancouver, and Arthur Rothwell Pearson, son of.AIrs. I. A. Pearson, 14th and Waterfront, were united in mar- riage by Rev. A. Harding Priest The bride, who was g'iven in marriage by. Mr. J. Burkhart, was attended by her. sister, Mrs. Nellie Harden, while the groom was supported by his brother-in- law, Mr. William Hart, of Britan- 'nia Beach.. Only immediate rel- atives and fr'iends were present: Mr. and Mrs. Pearson left for Victoria and Seattle and after their honeymoon will reside in Vancouver HUGH 5IURRAY OF'r DUNDARAVE PASSES Was Pioneer Resident of B. C. Timber from our own'amps in the Capilano Valley. Lumber cut and finished in our mills in North Vancouver This means lowest possible price to you Hugh McMillan Muiway, pion- eer building contractor of the west, died at the home of his sons, 25th and Bellevue on New Year's Day. Mr. Murray was born at Ren- niston, Ontario, in 1855, went to Winnipeg in 1880 and built the first C.P.R. station in that city. In 1888 he came to Vancouver and built many of the old land- marks of the city, including the'arlyNews-Advertiser plant on this site of the present Daily Province building. He went north at the time of the Yukon gold: rush and erected many buildings there. Returning to Vancouvei, he resumed his busi- ness here and constructed many of the largest buildings in the 'ity'.He retired from:business in 1920. Mr: Murray was predeceased by his wife some years ago. He is survived by his sons, Charles aml Herbert of 25th and Belle- vue, a brother, John Murray, and a daughter, Carol, both of Los Angeles, a daughter, Gladys, of Winnipeg, anil another daughter Marion, of lUIinneapolis, The body was forwarded to Winnipeg for burial. Funeral ser- vices were held in Vancouver on Wednesday morning at the Nunn dr Thompson chapel at &0.30 o'lock, Rev. A. liL O'Donnell of- ficiating. Fir - Cedar - Hemlock SCOTTISH SOCIETY Common and Finish Lumber for all building requirementsThe fourth annual Burns'up- per will be held on Saturday evening, January 28th, in the auditorium of the Inglewood School. A very elaborate pro- gramme is being arranged and, as the seating accomodation this year is much larger than in pre- vious years, all friends desirous of attending this memorable event are asked to communicate with Chairman Edington, West 31; Convenor Mrs. J. Allison, IVest 96; Secretary Mrs. McVean IVest 625Y; W. McQuaker, West 89L The regular meeting of the a- bove society will be held on Fri- day, January 20th, in "the Clac- chan" at 8.15 p,m. President McGowan requests a full atten&l- ance. Syecials i.....a20.00 per 5I. 16.00 per M. ...... 10.00 per M. 1x4 Cedar V Joint Shorts ............ si/iix3 Hemlock V Joint, Shorts........ 1x8, 10 or 12 Hemlock Shiplap...... Ir O. D. E. The nomination meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., will be held on Monday aft- ernoon, January 7th, at 2.15 o'lock, at the home of Mrs. Chas. Donohoe, Bellevue and 25th. I'embertua aud Wat«rlrout Residence I'hone: West 316 The Capilano Timber Company LIMITED MAIN OFFICE PHONE NORTH 306