Resampled001B6E43 192? Vice iuy tb ICO serv ' I~?st Ir io ut 8 s I. al,„' tbs 'nday r d~ 'esujs 'nncou- bjosido ~ wjlj 5 Psst ogujar 9 city sncq . 4. ?TEE IVest Relief "d on ferry lnsde Iinted chsp. ?nein. jorsl egjon work v or Pend. Ital+ sp. P, cr of jntcd dttee )avid Itlsy, ac. owed Fund . will food, the f by l re- OI'hall OI'ind I'um. ncsn the Islly resi- seds 'OXI- few hss his &int lith tcr- Iklc. December 23, 1927 "CHRISTMAS GLORY" RF NAMING LITTLE SIOUNTAIN Editor Wast Van. News: The occurrence of the name "Baby Mountain" in one of your news para- graphs last week suggests the possi- bility of having a useful discussion of the permanent name, for I take it that no one wishes "Baby Moun- tain" to become permanent. Personally, I should have preferred ta scs the original name retained, if it had been possible. But the exist- cucs of a hill in South Vancouver with a prior claim, and moreover of one which is so well known in Greater - Vancouver as the site of its main high land reservoir, makes it certain that a change will be made some day in the name of ouc own hilL I have not got the knack of discov- ering good names for places. Like Thoreau, when asked at the dinner- table what dish hc would prefer, I should be disposed to answer, "The nearest." The name of "Amblcsids Hill" has been suggested by a local man who refuses to allow his own name to be mentioned. As I have had nothing to do with inventing it, I may per- haps be allowed to say that it looks as if "Amblsside Hill" might slip quietly and acceptably into uss. I should like, however, to scc the mat- ter d'cussed in your columns. It is one which is thoroughly in place in a local paper. Yours truly, J. PORTER. Disillusioned "I'm getting up a little poker game, Major," invited the friend. "Would you like to join us?" "Sir, I do not play poker." "I'm sorry. I was under the im- pression that you did." "I was once under that impression myself, siria MONEY TO LOAN 3500.00 up No delay West Van. Investment Coy. Notary Public. tvcst 102 With the utmost scorn she said: "I wouldn't marry you if you were the last man in the world." "No," he replied, "you would not. You'd get trampled to death in the first rush." "I see some one has suggested a statute to the man who in- vented rubber tires." "IVouldn't a bust be more ap- propriate?" "Your letter will receive my unremitting attention," wrote the man who was broke, in ans- wer to the dunning letter from his tailor. Old Lady--I suppose you sail- ors are very careful when you go to sea? Sailor--We try to be as wreck- less as possible. "They tell me you have a mod- el husband, Mrs. Hicks." "Yes, sir, but '0 ain" a work- in" model." 'Did you hear what Casey got for his tin wedding?" "Sure, now, and Oi did not." "Well, they do tell me he ban got tin days."'or years there had been a bitter feud between MacGregor and MacTavish, but at last Mac- Gregor decided it was time to bury the hatchet. So he approached MacTavish, and they shook hands and made peace. Then MacGregor sug- gested a drink. "An'oo," said he, as they reached the village hostelry, "what'l ye hae?" "A double whisky." "There ye go. Startin'he row all over again!" Buffaloed Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing 1'h Wast Van Watchmaker & Jeweller 1622 Marine Drive Ambleside "Look," said the American, point- ing to the Statue of Liberty, "there' New York and Liberty--as American as the bison itself." "niy word," exclaimed the English- man, "do you rlaim the jolly old bison as your own, toa?" "Surely," replied the American, "the bison is a species of American buf- falo." "Ho, ho," laughed the Londoner, "if I didn"lways think that the bison was something to wash your 'ands in." Flash Christmas glory over all the world, Spread out your banners, starlit clouds unfurled; Just as you did on that first Christmas night, When angels'inions dimmed your splendour bright. Flash Christmas glory in this heart of mine, Paling earth's tapers with your light divine; Tapers of self and greed that fade away, Lost in the radiance of your heavenly ray. Flash Christmas glory lest I dazzled be, Draw me, oh Christ child, very close to Thee; I would be close beside the manger bed, Rough resting place for King to lay His head. Flash Christmas glory tho'he way be dim, Blaze us a trail that leads us straight to Him; Straight to the manger where the Baby lies, Welcome for all the world within His eyes. --Honotda Traill, West Vancouver, B.C. THE WEST VAN NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. GET lvrst Van. Electric Prices on Radio, Vacuum, Irons and an elec- trical appliances. Agents for niac- conl Radio. PAPERHAiIGING, Painting, Decor- ating ctc. Day or contract. Apply V. Hernandez, Phone West G?SL. DRESSMAKIrVG--sire. Robbins, 28th and niarinc. Phone West r4R1. FOR RFVT--Unfurnished Five-room Bungalow on Waterfront at Alta- mont. Phone Lcyland, West G3RL NEW AND SECOND sIAND Furni- ture bought, sold, and exchanged. Fred Tits, Kaviql's Old Stand, Am- blcsidc. NEIVSIAN & ROBBINS -- Builders aud Contractors--Painting, paper- hang'ng and kalsomining, chimneys built. 28th and nlarinc. Phone Wast 74 R1. APARTrMENTS FOR RENT--One 3- room suite aud one 2-room suite in Kcith block, 1540 Marine Drive. Hot water heating, electric ranges, bath, full plumbing, wash room with electrical appliances for usc of tenants. Moderate rent. Apply Savory & Duval, West 340, or Mr. Kcith, on the premises. IVINDOW BLINDS--Made to order and installed. Estimates free. Pcarcc's Drygoods,'14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. HESISTITCHING--Plain.. white. 5c yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pcarcc's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marina. Phone West 144. TIVO TUBE RADIO SET for sale, Complete 519.50. Phone H. C Os- borne, Wast G28Y. FOR SALE--IVnns piano, almost new. Mrs. Conant, 51arinc Drive between 13th and 14th Streets. FOR SALE -- 12x30 buildmg, nearly all No. 1 lumber; strongly built with intention of moving. Material cost $ 156.90. IVill take $ 150.00. Phone West 55, Mr. Pride. FOR SALE--Ford touring in perfect condition, with four new tires, at bargain price, or w.ll exchange for vacant lot. Apply Savory & Duval, West 340. VACUUini TO RENT--Scc W«t Vaa. Electric. Phone West 10S. FOUNDATION, CEMENT WORK, Landscaping, Septic Tanks, Gener- al Contracting. T. Bacuott, Resi- dence Phone West 672R. ORDERS TAKEN for 51cn's, Boys'ndGirls'ocks -- Handmade or Knitting machine. Also hand- knitted sweaters, ctc. Mrs. Atkins, 18th and Marine. Wc sincerely wish our clients, R. P. Clarke & Co. (Vancouver) Friends aud all citizens of West Van- couver A fftrrru ILhristmas onh o ilrosprrouo onh Hopuu Nrm gear ONE ACRE--Kcith Rd Attractively located and very inviting homcsita, 3850. BUILDING LOT on Esquimalt, be- tween 11th and 12th, for 5250, terms or 5225 cash. R. P. CLARK Fiscal Agcutsi R. P Clarke Si Co (Vancouver) Ltd. 823 Hastings St. W. Scy. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. West 651L GEO. HAY lsos Ma«ac Drive 31s Cerdeva W Wast 21 Scy. 1260. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT--We have several fur- nished houses, with all mod- ern 'conveniences, which w' can rent to good people for long or short periods, reason- ably. Also some unfurnished houses. Wishing our friends and clients A 51ERRY CHRIST5IAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEIV YEAR. GEO. HAY. THIS MAGNIFICENT RESIDENCE, OiVE OF THE FINEST IN VAN- COUVER, SITUATED AT 1690 MATTHEWS AVENUE, RIGHT IN THE HEART OF THE SHAUGHNESSY DISTRICT, IS GOING TO SoitlE LUCKY PERSON FOR JUST THAT SUM--ONE DOLLAR. Here is the explanation: Post 60 has been trying unsuccessfully, to erect permanent quarters in West Vancouver in which to carry on effectively the work of the Legion. Knowing this, and remembering how unselfishly the Post worked on behalf of the Mem- orial Park to their fallen comrades, friends have come forward with an arrangement whereby the required monies can readily be raised under the following plan: 1. A company has been incoITIorated, known as Post 60, Canadian Legion Building Limited. 2. This company, of ivhich the chief oficcrs of Post 60 are directors, has been organized to acquire the residence pictured above, and to dispose of it so as to raise the funds required 3. The property has been secured meanivhile by Mr. G. S. Hayward, well known business man of Vancouver, acting as Trustee for Post 60 Canadian Legion Building Limited. 4. The general public is invited to purchase undivided interest certificates in this property for the sum of One Dollar for each such certificate, ivithout any further obligation whatever. 5. IVhen these certificates have been disposed of, a final public drawing will take place, as arranged by the Interest Holders, to determine the fortunate one to whom the property is to be transferred in fee simple. EVERY PATRIOTIC WEST VANCOUVERITE SHOULD GET BE- HIND THIS CAMPAIGrV TO PUT POST 60 IVTO PERiaIAN ENT QUARTERS PIN YOUR DOLLAR TO THE COUPOiV AND SEND IT IN NOIV. IT aIAY BE THE LUCKIEST DOLLAR YOU EVER INVESTED IN YOUR LIFE A. tp'. VALENTINE Canadian lviadaw Bakeries Agency. Wishing Our Patrons and others 1406 Marine Drive A MERR Y XMAS y clients and friends ampitments af the Seasan, ing them for their patronage during the year. ! '\ II Il 'I tu "e WILLIAMS Ambi«ldc I Custom Tailoa I We Call For sad Deliver. PHONE lVEST 20. Il The first of the series of drawings to decide the oivn- crship of the property will take place on ths 16th day of January next, in accordance with the plan de- ci c upoidcd upon by the Interest Holders at a meeting held in Vancouver on the 7th dayof December, 19 7, W. V. COUPOiV To G. S. HEYIVARD, Trustee, Post GO Canadian Legion Building Limited, Suite 905 Dominion Bank Building, Vancouver, B. C. Herewith find 3.................... as payment for.. Undivided Interest Certificates in IG90 iqatthcws Avenue, Shaugluicssy Heights, Vancouver, B. C. For the purpose of signing the stubs of the Ccrtifi- rates and to enable you to represent mc at any nisct- ing of the Interest Holders, I hereby irrevocably ap- point you, George S. Hayward, my attorney and proxy. NAME .... ADDRESS Directors: Capt. Han) G. IVare, M.C., President John Lawson, Vice-President Capt. Charles J. Archer, G. S. Heyivard, Trustee and Secy-Treasurer. Suite 905 Doniinion Bank Building 207 Hastings St., West Vancouver, B. C.Seymour 3733