Resampled001B6E43 &s~~-. AA%-. ~- v VRV~B&n-v -v Ww~p~A WW Vf~-9& i'! i)! ti ,I ir! ~ b! b! kv b! Aim l esic e .um)er Co.;: I) 1 iii Ic "i i) I)& Ihi Ih i,t I) 'I in 'I i)tHARRY JONES. Local hlanager. ii i~i Marine Drive at 16th St. Vrest 199 Residence: IVest 640R 'Q)ishes alii t~ Qustotueu aud Fsi et@Ps g'he Cojapli I@eats of the geasoa Q@R Hollyburn Theatre Admission--Evenings nnc R 15c Saturday niatiucc 20c oud 1st Saturday blotiucc -- Children oudcr 10 years 5c. Friday oud Saturday December 23rd oud 23&k RICHARD DIX in Man Power A story with o Xmas Tree. e btoudoy, December 26th. bfatiucc aud Evening. 3. 31. Barrie'o world famous pantomime Peter Pan F. R. Franklin Carpenter and Contractor 2503 Bciicvuc Avc. Pbouc 1ycot 59L2. CHIROPRACTOR Yates Building Marine Drive, Amblesi&le also at Vancouver Roberta A. Vass D. C., 1'b. C. Craduate of Palmer School IVishing aH the residents of )Vest Vancouver THE COMPLIMENTS OF TH E S E AS 0iV CHIROPRACTIC WILL HELP YOU .e jl THE I'. Marcel Shop',"; slrs. F. Burling I! 1520 hlarine Drive i! ,Ii ii wishes its II! I! PATRO&VS and FRIENDS .i&i. A 'i'\ ii II Merry Xmas &iIVe appreciate greatly .'( Ii.'; the custom with which the oiii!l. ;i; ladies of West Vancouver .iiii!1'! 0.rr'ave favored us. '!ttc i. ',',! LONSDALE MOTORS LTD. I '&Ir 15th and Lonsdale.........................Phone North 1338 &i (Special Xmas Bargains in Good Used Cars'; &I 1924 Star Touring, full price............................................ $400.00 Ii 1923 Star Touring, full price........................................ $300.00 1926 Star Touring, full price.......................................... $675.00 .,'i Above prices include interest and insurance. i r Terms--one third down--balance 18 months. &! I i! &1 We also have the following cars upon which we will give prices i! &C and terms upon application: ir 1926 Chevrolet Coach I. 1927 Star Coach Q Q XVe bvish you a Merry Xmas and Jr' Bright and Prosperous Yew Year !i'; THE WEST VAiN iVE)VS Dtcember 2 i PERSONALS )pinking NH my Customers and Friends 5CII&) IIII 5 Stce1IIIgS and hoping that the holiday so&Loon « ifl bring ) ou much hnppineso. This is ihe sincere ivlsh of CreBIIWOod'S GROCERY West 16 1'HONE YOUR ORDERS. We deliver. C. J. OVERINC&YON 11th nnd r)lnrine BARBER )Vlshing my Friemls nnd Pntrons A Happy Xmas People Like The 'Burrard'eople speak very nicoiy about the great caro we toke of every article sent to uo. Each custom- er'o parcel Is treated separately oud promptly returned. Aud our charges please everybody. Try us with o porcoi this week. The Burrard Laundry Limitod For People Wbo Aro Particular THII&D ST. oud ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van Representative F. RIVERS Phone )Vest 457Y3. Mrs. Shiel&ls and I )o&n in wishing the people of West Vancouver A Merry Christmas CHET SHIELDS 1&&11 STREET right ot Roiiwoy Crossing Three Billiard Tables for Your I'leasure PITPIAN BUSINESS COLIECE Voucouvcr'o Leading Business Co&logo Iudwuiuoi Attest&on DAY ood NiCHT Scbool Night School 5 nights each week 3 months $ 15 00 6 months gon 00 3 2 2 iticbordo St, I'hone Scy. 9133. Cov. 1&ootiogo bVest Vancouver L.O.L No. 2990 MASQUERADE DANCE Hollyburn Pavilion SATURDAY, DECEiblBER 31st, 1927 TICKETS 75&. REFRESHMENTS PR&ZES DANCING 0.30 ~ 12 Ambleside Service Station (H&trry A. Farr) Between 14th and 15th on Marine TlltES -- TUBES ACCESSOItIES llours--8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Leslie %atra, accountant of Mr. aml ihirs. C. iV. Barton.the Royal Bank at ChiHiwack. who have been operating the is spending the Christmas holi- Clonguinie rnbbitry here for days with his parents, rrlr. and some time, are leaving this week Mrs. J. S. Yates. 16th an&i hla- for the Fraser Valley. wherernie Drive. they will engage in the fur in- dustry in a large way. As re- hiiss hiabel Donneivorth, finnce ported in our columns some of Art Ri&lley nf Caulfeild, now tveeks ago, Mr. Barton has sold nt the ihinrine ihiotors, was badly out his )Vest Vancouver inter- injured in a rieigh accident in cuts her home to&TO, Powell Itiver, ' ~ ~ last Tuesday &reek. She was ihiiss B. Currle of the Holly- one of a large party enjoying burn School stniT. left today tothis &Tinter's'xercise &chen the spend the Christmns holidays nt nccident occurred. Two mern- her home in Vernon. hers of the party &vere killed and ~ ~ many &vere injured. Miss Don- Sliss Rathleen Yates, R.V.,neworth's injuries &vere very dnughter of J. S. Yates, 16th and serious aml she was unconscious hlarine Drive, hns accepted 0for several days,but is now mak- position on the nursing stniT of mg good progtess. the hospital at I'enticton. nn&l will be leaving next Thursday toThere will be two perform- take up her new duties. nnces at the Hollyburn theatre next hlondav, matinee as &veil as BOARD OI'IIADE HEARSevening performan«e, showing ABOUT TRANSI'ORTATIONJ. M. Barrie's world-famous pan- tomime, "Peter Pan." A IVilson snipe was seen on Tuesday wading in the ditch on in & th t. t t.tbe north side of Marine Drive an&I discussed various propo«ls the flats at the mouth of the th» f r t ferry service, a vote of hers are genera y increasing his attendance ami for the able the operations of the migratory the subjectbirds act. This act or treaty Various other municipal mat- States forbids the shooting in sion by the members recentthe spring of migratory birds on their passage north to their breeding grounds in northern The Old Custom of Singing Canada. At the Boar's Heado o o IVest Vancouver L. O. L. No. In mediaeval times the head of2990 met last Tuesday, when the a &vdd boar crowned the Christ-following officers were elected mas feast in the baronial halls ofand installed for 1928: IV™~ the Old Country, and the customBro. J. Duckivorth; D.M.. Bro is still kept up in a few placesN. H. Rodgers; Chap., H. M. in Fngland, one of which isBruton; Rec. Sec., A. B Ma" Queen's College, Oxford. )VIldners; Fin. Sec., M. C. Hu I)oars have long disappeared, ofTress., V. B. Ferguson; Marshal, course, and at Queen's CollegeJ. A. Bradley; 1st Lect., J. A. the head of a boar from one ofBritton; 2nd Lect., -- Johnston'he college farms is used instead.Committee, J. G. Teare, J. Fer- On Christmas night, when theguson, W. Carley, W. Croome, provost and fellows have takenJ. G. Fiddes. One candidate was their seats for dinner on theinitiated. The lodge finished the dais, a flourish of trumpets isyear with an increased member- sounded and the boar's head isship, and altogether in better liorne up the hall on a huge sil-shape than it started. The year ver &lish by four men preceded1928 is looked for&vard to with by the college choir singing theconfidence and a hope that it old Latin hymn of thanks usedwill prove the best in the history on such occasions. The boar'of the branch. head is put down on the table in front of the provost, and the GOURLA'Y'S FATHFR bay rosemary and.colored flagson the head are distributed by Mrs. )Valter Gourlay, 23rd and him to the public who have come Bellevue, has just received word to see the ceremony. It is consid- of the sudden death of her crud good luck in the old univer- father, E. Andrews, in his 77th sity town to obtain one of these year, at Oxford, England. The decorations. At one time the hall deceased is survived by his wife was open to any of the public an&1 three other children, aH liv- who wished to be present, but oi ing in England, in addition to late years admission has been by Mrs. Gourlay. ticket only. LIBRARY l)IESIBEILSHII'UGGESTED AS GIFT The ofFicers of the Hollyburn Public Library are carry- ing an advertisement in this issue suggesting a membership card in the library as a singularly appropriate and useful Christmas present. The library carries a large number of books on a wide range of subjects, which will appeal to all readers. Recently a big consignment of new books has been received, including several of John Buchan and Oppenheimer, and that latest much-&liscussed book, "hiother India," byCatherine Mayo. ~em& pili i tghst ffitll did )'Yell,'hii like lglg. &less~'& hnd 0 "I I wore cvlfy ml yes&3! hi of twice g 8 in i~-L Hstefi lfs&SP tghen I'o beg )yond'e bett& A mnn wh ~ lite, nt iic-I 8he gain hu home in He (& fof 1«1 suppene. She i&Ting t It Dorot each ew baby nix mother, exclaim& hso 6 li "How mamma "It 3 dear." "Read Her 1 July 2m 6 dnugh Dorot nnd ther going tc praying It wn. the Chi been eal to digei were co tones ni sion. 8 "I'e charm, loves yoi 'flyhnl tently fi. ring, "You named 0 know, I] ntOVO, m rm he dist& ol know i "Do y& "Yen, i tnke one him on I turn the ililil, nnd then if I know it'nn on t Tht pfi hnd rect more on thun his Ktlng wa ollnd n&Pher ot mo doy, dreamy thouifhts '"o nir, lnn." ,+ UbmsCI'fore ygg bill is 1 .Y4wyer ound k 'm the gl