Resampled001B6E43 Wishes their Customers snd all the Residents oF West Vancouver A Joyous Christmas Store Open Christmas Eve. A Fine Selection of XMAS FRUITS, TOYS for the Children. You'l need Rubbers for this weather. We have a complete stock for men, women and children. Roberts'etter Meats POST OFFICE )IOURS AT CHRISTSIAS (5IOViDAY) The growth of West Vancou- ver is startlingly exemplified in the increase in the nmil handled by the local post offices this Christmas. This is the heaviest mail thnt has ever been record- ed in the district, both in letters and parcels. The tvicket for the delivery of mail and parcels on Monday will be open at Hollyburn P. O. from 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m., 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. being the hours at Dundarave P. O. The municipal hall will be closed all day on hlonday, but will be open until noon next Sat- urday. THE WEST VAit NEWS WHO WAS RKSI'ONSIBLF. FOR THK NAMIN(t OF liN(iI.KWOOD AVKiNI'E? In connection with the open- ing of the Ingletvood school, it might be nf interest to the resi- dents of West Vancouver to know how the street tvas first named. At the time the name was conferred it was given as Ingle- wood street by hir. John G. Teare, one nf the first residents in the district, which at that time was governed by the coun- cil of iVnrth Vancouver District. Mr. Tcare had purchased a considerable parcel of land in the year 190!I before the district was lai&l out in the present sub- division. I 1 is location was on the south si&le (east) of the present Inglewood avenue and west of what is now Thirteenth street, and he tvas having his boundary lines fixed by 51r. Don- ald Cameron, district engineer nf North Vancouver. He asked permission to name the street which would form the northern part of his boundary, and such permission being granted by the surveyor, the district at that time not hnving been laid out as streets aml names duly allocated, he named it Inglewood street, taking the name from a family estate in the Old Country. The name tvas duly reported at Vic- toria and by a co-incidence it fortunately fitted into the gener- al scheme afterwards adopted in naming the streets running east and &vest in the municipal- ity in alphabetical sequence, starting at a name beginnig with the letter A at the waterfront and continuing north to Z at the northern part of the district. A Christmas Story for the Children RED AN9 WHITE CHAIN STORES Smith's Grocery tre Deliver A. HARVEY SMITH, Peep. 94th AND SIARINE, Opp. I)nndereve Halt Iihene '&VEST 669 December 2(L 1027 WISHING 01'R CUSTOSIKRS AN I) FIIIENDS A Joyous Christmas If you are going to hate Turkey - Goose - Chicken or Roast Order now from JEFI'ERIES. We have the same relinble, tender and satisfying Birtls and Roasts as in former years. Phone Your Order West 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET Wishing all our customers and friends FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE l&VSURANOE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West 55 A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and iliarine LIMITED Phone West 115 Residence I'hone: West 3(&81. 0 &I t ~ 9 Vol. II Isre one Iln the 5na ing wit'f0 irs livi tlnl vst bei bei for 118 dc'si Ca We wish all Our Customers and Friends A Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year Store closed from Saturday IV&ight until 8 a. m. Tuesday. STORES CLOSED 5IONDAY All stores in IVest Vancouver will be open on Christmas Eve for the convenience of late shop- pers. The ladies, yes, and the men as well, should remember that with the exception of the restaurants and tearooms, all stores will be closed from Sat- urday night until Tuesday morning, and it will be necessary for all to buy their supplies ahead. Mrs. 5facdonald of Vancouver, moved on Saturday into a house at 14th and Argyle. Iessenger Sure, it is love who takes the basket of jellies, and pica and chicken to the poor boys and girls who have no father or mother to take care of them. "So then whenever any folks tell you Santa isn't real, you just tell them you know better. "Now before mother calls us again, maybe I can tell you something about Santa. kIe al- tvays has his messengers. Every- body who loves is Santa's mes- senger. Wouldn"ou like to be one? I'e tried to be one for a long time and it's just lots of fun." Alfred expressed his delight with a perfectly kissable smile as he nodded his head. elyell, sir! Tomorrow is Christmas and it is the time for little boys and girls and every- body too, to h'ave a happy joy- ous day. Tomorrow you will wake up early, I know. You will wake up too early for me, but since it is only once a year I'l forgive you. Anyhow, after you have found all the wonderful things stuffed in your long stockings and played with all the things hidden umler the Christ- mas tree, we are all going to be messengers for Santa Claus. "You and mother and I are going to fix up a big basket with good things to eat. We will bundle up real warm and take the basket around to the block beyond the old church. Widow 51iranda lives in a little cottage with her little girl, and we are going to surprise them with this basket. They will be so happy because they will know that Santa Claus has not forgotten them. IVon't that be fun?" "Oh, yes, daddy, exclaimed Alfred clapping his hands. "Let' be Santa messengers. Oh I can hardly wait until morning. "All right," said his father," the quicker to bed the sooner will Christmas be here. Come on.'" Alfred grasped his father' hand and they marched oif in re- sponse to the mother's insistent call. Santa's 5 "Is there really a Santa Claus, daddy?" asked Alfred, his anx- ious eyes aglow as he stood by his father's knee. It was the night before Christ- mas and the family was gather- ed together in the living room before the fireplace, whose flash- ing and dancing flames glistened on the silver and gold festoons decorating the Christmas tree. An irregular row of stockings hung from the mantle and were silhouetted against the fire. The family had had a happy time listening to the Christmas Car- ols from the phonograph, and to their father who was gifted wtih a remarkable fund of stor- ies. It is now time for Alfred to go to bed; his mother had al- ready left the room. He, how- ever, was in no hurry. "Is there a Santa Claus?" hc asked. "Yes, my lad, there is," responded his father. "Some folks will try to tell you that Old Nick is just a story and not real at all. I feel sorry for those kind of people. Do you know how old Santa Claus is?" Alfred shook his yellow head. "Santa Claus," continued his father, "is as old, as old as can be; Santa Claus was long be- fore there ever were little boys and girls. "Vow listen carefully and I"ll tell you a secret about Santa Claus which most folks don' know. Santa Claus is love. Yes. sir, Santa Claus is love. It is love who will fill those stock- ings tonight. "Course you can't see love nor can you see Santa Claus, but he is real just the same." A light of understanding brightened the lad's face. His father knew that mother would be calling for him, but who could resist continuing before such an enwrapt listener? "Now, then, let me tell you something more about Santa which most people have forgot- ten all about. Santa Claus is with us the whole year round and not just for Christmas only. 22nd and Marine Drive West 177 THE KING STUDIO ~ e Estabhshed 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop. At 311 HASTINGS STREET WEST I'hone Seymour 10.16 Extends to all THE SEASON'S GREETINGS hoping that you will have A Merry Xmas and wish to thank all customers for their patronage during 1927. Itishing all Residents g Happy Chrl'srmasof West t ancouver Have your car and Battery inspected and all necessary mechanical and electrical adjustments made by NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. OLDSSIOBII,E AND C)IEVIIOI.ET DKAI,ERS 135 First Street West, North Vnncouver. (Represented in I'Vest Vancouver by H. C. OSBORNE) Phones IVest 628Y North 1186 Khtistmas Sreetings ee For good reliable workmanship and satisfactory service come to Marine MotorS ci prl tn nf SS II re ar er In ol tc