Resampled001B6E3A December 16, 1927 THE WEST VAiv NEWS R. P. Clarke &k Cn. (Vancouver) Ltd. Inglewood School Officially Opened CLASSIFIED ADS. )VE HAVE MUCH PLEASURE in an- nouncing that we have sold Mr. W. Alsop's property situated on Baby 51ountain. This property is located on a magnificent site with delight- ful panoramic view stretching for miles both East and )Vest. rhe magnificent audftortuin are looked Upon as more or less o enin of the building Mr of the necessity Iof educatirig the board of school trustees, was w u or(ed startling figures as o en w o th dd lo t fh'eeve Vinson an . Principal Patterson. The c,'lief SPeakers of the evening 450 teachers, an'd pointed outwere Mr. J. IV. Gibson, SUPerintl that it ivas 'the pupils them-endent of normal schools an&1 ives who by showing interest,director of elementary agricul- tural education for the province, tunities.and Mr. A. Sullivan, inspector teachers of th municipalitbuilding was thrown open foi their efforts to bring the new weie served by the high school 'n a lengthy address Mr. patteachers and students. Those terson traced the history of th school statiiig that 'whe he had first opened in September 1923, he had only 37 studs t, He refeerred to the successes tette, and the West Vancou 'dn' f thsc ".t'f th'choolexplaining the methodsmpani ists were all in splendid form, obtain a proper tone among thand met with a ivonderfully fine scholars He explained manyrecePtio from the aPPreciativ matters and difficulties connect-audience. ed with high school training, andMr. Gibson formally opened stated that more school accomthe school in an address which modation would shortly be re-was listened to with close atten- tion by his audience. He said Reeve Vinson in moving a votehe bore the regrets of the Min of thanks to the speaker of theister and Superintendent of Ed- refer~ed t&ucation, both of whom had found f ed cation in the municipal-it ™possible to attend. Thong ity and pointed out that of 45easterner himself, he Prefer- mills taxation for the distroict of IVest Vancouver last year, 19.6witness and take Part in of this was I'r educational andthe building uP of a new Prov- school putposes and that thoughince. Organized education in 't was very nice and agreeableIC. had been started, stated Mr. to have such splendid schoolGibson, 55 years ago and had facilities and school buildings, it t - cost $40,000 the first year. Last ust be remembered that it re.year $3~250,000 had been spent quired money to pay for them,and the number of students had and that the money did notincreased accordingly. He was grow on the alder trees sur- 7 Of the Opinion that there was a iounding the building, but hadgreater necessity for education to come out of general taxation.nowada)'s than ever before, ow- The News has on previous oc-ing to the modern intricacies o. casions congratulated the boardlife. In conclusion he went very of school trustees upon the har-thoroughly mto the resPonsibili- mony, efficiency and progressties of thestate,the school staff, they have shown. IVest Van-and the scholars themselves as couver is fortunate in having asregards the coming generations school trustees a gtoup of citibeing properly equipped in an zens working so enthusiasticallyeducational way for the battle of for the development of educelife. tional matters. Now we must Mr. Sullivan opened his speech add a word of praise for the ex- in humorous vein, his quick pun- cellence of the programme given gent wit appealing particularly last wednesday, and the smooth- to the fancy of the audience. Ed- ness and ease with which tho ucationalists as a general thing programme was carried out. THE FOLLOWING IS THE PROGRAigIME "0 CANADA" 1. OVERTURE ........................................................Mrs. Knight-Hodge Trio 2. OPENING REMARKS by Chairman of Board, Mr. James M. Edingtnn 3. ADDRESS AND FORMAL OPENING OF SCHOOL, Mr. J. IV. Gibson, 5I.A., B.Paed., Superintendent oi'ormal Schools and Director of Elementary Agricultural Education. 4. SONG-- (a) "The Garden of Your Heart" ........,...........................Dorel (b) "Until".................................................................... Sanderson D.O.K.K. (Dokay) quartette 6. ADDRESS by Mr. A. Sullivan, B.A., Inspector of High Schools G. SONG-- (a) "A Sunimer Night"......................................Goring-Thomas (b) Selected Mrs. Howard Leggatt 7. ADDRESS by blr. F. Patterson, Principal of High School. 8. SONG-- (a) "Keep on Hoping"...............................,....................51axwell (b) "Lassie O'ine"..............................,...........................Walt D.O.K.K. (Dokay) quartetts 9. SELECTIONS.....................................................Mrs. Knight-Hodge Trio 10. SONG--Selected Mr. Aubrcy Clarke 11. SONG-- (a) "My Ship"........,................,....................................Barratt (b) 751y Dear Soul"...............J.................................Sanderson Mrs. F. X. Hodgson 12. CHORUS-- (a) "The Bells of St. Michael"........................... 51ackcnzis (b) "Folk Song"..................,..................................Brahms )Vest Vancouver biusical Society GET Wast Van. Electric I'rises on Radio, Vacuum, Irons and an elec- trical nppliancss. Agents Iar Mar- coni Radio. HE)ISTITCHING--Plain. white.. 5c yard; silk and colored Ioc yard. Pearse's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 141. I'APERHANGING, Painting, Decor- ating, ctc. Day or contract. Apply V. Hernandez, Phone )Vest 678L. This was placed with us exclusively for sale last month and we submit ted two separate all cash offers, one of which was acceptable to 51r. AI- snp. WlsIDO)V BLINDS--Made to ord« and installed. Estimates Cree. Pearce's Drygnods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144.CE51ENT BASE51ENT FLOORS, Sidewalks and Drain Tiles Laid. Rock walls, Jobbing and general T. Barnott, residence phone West G72R. DRESSMAKING--lilrs. Robbins, 28th and Marine. Phone West 74RI. ")VILLOW BENE COTTAGE" Kings Avenue, Dundarave, to rent. Five rig|ms, full plumbing, open fireplace, la%ndry tubs, beautiful situation. Adults only, $ 30,00. B. R. Harrison, West 404L. Fiscal Agents: R. P. Clarke (I Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. 823 Hastings St. W. Ssy. 7483, 7481 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. West 651L FOII RENT--Unlurnishcd Five-room Bungalow on )Vaterfront at Alta- mont. Phone Lay)and, West 63R1. FOI& RENT--A Two Roomed Furn- ished cottage, near Ferry. Phone West 310L VACUUM TO RENT--See West Van. Electric. Phone West 108. A X5IAS SUGGESTION Give a Lst for a Present A Buildmg Lnt or a Home is always a ver ywclcoms gift. Thmk it o&er and come and ses us a very welcome gift. GEO. HAY 140s i)Ianna Dmve 31a Cordova % West 21 Sey. 1260. TWO TUBE RADIO SET for sale, Complete $19.60. Phone H. C. Os- borne, West 628Y. FOlk SALE--Willis piano, almost new. Mrs. Conant, Marine Drive between 13th and 14th Streets. NE)V AND SECOND HAND Furni- ture bought, sold, and exchanged. Fred Tits, Kevill's Old Stand, Am- bleside. NEWIIIAiV &k ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining, chimneys built. 28th and Marine. Phone West 74RI. FOR SALE--12 It. by 30 It. Building, has been used for dwelling. Suitable for ch cken house; strongly built; nearly new, on skids for moving. Sell for cost of lumber. Phone West 65. 5IONEY TO LOAN $500.00 up Ns delay )vast Van. Investment Cay. iVntary Public. West 102 GARDENING by Old Country Gard- ener with Canadian experience. Rock gardening special. By day or contract. Terms moderate. P. Ed- wards, P. O. Sherman. Phone West 16531. ORDERS TAKEN for bien's, Boys', and Girls'ocks. Knitting machine. Also hand-knitted sweaters, etc. Mrs. Atkins, 18th and Marine. THIS MAGNIFICENT RESIDENCE, ONE OF THE FINEST IN VAN- COUVER, SITUATED AT 1690 MATTHEWS AVENUE, RIGHT IN THE HEART OF THE SHAUGHNESSY DISTRICT, IS GOING TO SOME LUCKY PERSON FOR JUST THAT SUM--ONE DOLLAR. The first of the series of drawings to decide the own- ership of the property will take place on the IGth day of January next, in accordance with the plan de- cided upon by the Interest Holders at a meeting held in Vancouver on the 7th dayof December, 1927. IV. V. .COUPON To G. S. HEY)YARD, Trustee, Post GG Canadian Legion Building Limited, Suite 905 Doniinion Bank Building, Vancouver, B. C. Herewith find $ .................... as paynient Inr.................... Undivided Interest Certificates in IG90 Matthews Avenue, Shaughnsssy Heights, Vancouver, B. C. For the purpose of signing the stubs of the C«tifi- cates and to enable you to represent ms at nny meet- ing of the Interest Holders, I hereby irrevocably ap- point you, George S. Heyward, my attorney and proxy. N A 51 E ........................................................... ADDRESS Directors: Capt. Harry G. )Vere, igI.C., President John Lawson, Vice-President Capt. Charles J. A&cher, G. S. Heyward, Trustee and Secy-Treasurer. Suite 905 Dominion B'mk Building 207 Ilastings S(., IVestVERNON FEED STORE "ih;.",Iv",.'I'9 FUEL, FEED, CEMENT, ETC. Vancouver, B. C.'iev mour 3733 li- Is Here is the explanation: Post 60 has been trying unsuccessfully, to erect permanentquarters in West Vancouver in which to carry on effectively the work of the Legion. Knowing this, and remembering how unselfishly the Post worked on behalf of the Mem- orial Park to their fallen comrades, friends have come forward with an arrangemsnt whereby the required monies can readily be raised under the following plan: 1. A company has been incotporated, known as Post 60, Canadian Legion Building Limited. 2. This company, of which the chief oficsrs of Post 60 are directors, has been organized to acquire the residence pictured above, and to dispose of it so as to raise the funds required 3. The property has been secured meanivhile by Mr. G. S. Hayward, well known business man of Vancouver, acting as Trustee for Post 60 Canadian Legion Building Limited. 4. The general public is invited to purchase undivided interest certificates in this property for the sum of One Dollar for each such certificate, without any further obligation whatever. 5. IVhen these certificates have been disposed of, a final public drawing will take place, as arranged by the Interest Holders, to determine the fortunate one to whom the property is to be transferred in fee simple. EVERY PATRIOTIC WEST VANCOUVERITE SHOULD GET BE- HIND THIS CA51PAIGN TO PUT POST 60 INTO PERMANENT QUARTERS PIN YOUR DOLLAR TO THE COUPON AND SEND IT IiV NO)V. IT MAY BE THE LUCKIEST DOLLAR YOU EVER IiVVESTED IN YOUR LIFE