Resampled001B6E3A Qm&pomrthtnij yviral Pracuca1 SuggestionS', R joyous surpnaca on Ch&iaunaa mom. ing, give useful electrical appliances. Whether for young or old these gifts are ideal and always acceptable. Here are a fe&v of the many gifts in our store Ekccr(c Curlmz I&co& $ .S9 ap Bc«tria Bc&w«»c&w Lampa 39$ Tc&y )«Ic&ccxa Icc the bc&y 16$ Bcxcria Exp«&(mental Secs lSO Bat&rid Train Seta 82$ Tea(&a&(am«&a fcc train acta l.60 up Baccric Plaabbubm 1.90 c&p Bact&(c Icaaa 2.9$ up Bacutc Tax&atm 3AS up Bmt((c Hmtcaa 3 l.oo Elc«mc Wau!a Imoa 8.9S up B«~ Rac&uca fmm 89.7$ up Bac(&ca Wack«&a Io(SO c&p B«acne CI«ance& SlJo up Ex«inc Hc&t Pads 6.9S B««mc Hair D&V«ia 11.9$ Bcxt&ic &«cd«&cr Lamps 3.9$ i Bxtc&c Pc&calam& Sct 8.9$ Decide now and shop tn one of our seven stores. Christmas tenno and special free delivery olfe&ed an all appliances. nrrrlan COIZIIDIIH ~XLE.'TRICIbIIDbvHV'CO. ~aa C«ceca accccc ical naa«iu«acacc Vaaaa«w ~ a(«w Wcaada«ac ~ t(««ca«ad W««c V««c&omcc ~ Caa&(we«a ~ «&aha«fc«d g TIIF« IVFc&T VAN NE1VS PERSONAIiS In the October examinations of the Royal Bra&ting Socibty of Imndnn, Englanil. Margaret Rnb- erts, G years old daughter of Mr. anil blrs. J. Roberts nf 1'Vest Bay, successfully passed in the Pre- paratory Division. ~ ~ a Dr. F. C. Stainsby. 19th and (Marine Drive, is suffering from bloml poisoning In one of his hands. ~ ~ ~ II. I. Svensson. brother-in-Iaw of fil. L. Norberg, 21th and Ot. tawa, has bought n lot in the 1Veston subdivision and intends to erect n bungalow thereon. ~ ~ a E&l Black and Alf. Senrle left on I'riday night on n deer hunt- ing trip to the Port Alberni dis- trict. They hunted on Saturday Ccaxa c&- ---- Dr. nnd Mrs. G. E, Hayfield an&I family, who since their ar- rival here early in the summer, have been occupying a house at 18th and Fultod, are moving into their neiv house at 20th nnil Ing- le&rood. ~ ~ ~ In spite of the very heavy snowstorm on Sunday the ferries and &nunicipnl busses were on time throughout the day. On Monday "the upper levels" bus missed the early morning run &lue to the snow on the roads on the upper levels, but the busses on the Marine Drive maintnined their schedule. This is a very creditable showing in view of the traffic disorganization caused in other localities by Sunday's bliz- zani. a ~ a December IG, IR2T. Mr snd 1lrs D A Barbour aml family, 14th nml Gordon, have moved tn their new home in I'nint Grey. ~ ~ ~ F. Il. Cooper, 22ml Street, who hns been in the North Vancouver General Ilospital with an infect- ed font. is now better, nn&l is staying with friemis in the city. I.i 1crnry Society. The meeting on Dec. 8th which was preside&l over by Sir. J. 1!uncan, vice-presi&lent, taken up with the ilelivery ot lecture by Mr. R. II. Bayhs, A. Sc., on "Bridges, Ol&l aml New." The lecture, which was specially prepnrod for delivery in 1Vest Vancouver, was illus- trnted with more than GO lan- tern sli&lns, rnnging from thc woll-known Natural Bridge of Virginin to snme of the newest specimens nf Californinn rein- force&i concrete briilges. The views, many of which were of liistoric importance, were de- scribed in an easy coqverqatinnal mnnner. The interest was well kept up, and any necessary tcchnici!Iities were luci&llv ex- plained. The great Quebec briilge over the St. Lawrence was given special treatment, nearly a dozen vie&vs of it being shown an&1 described. Principals Brealey nnd David- son of tho public schools aml Principal Patterson of the high school, were present at the meet- ing and took part in the discus- sion. They are planning to have the lecture delivered to their ser- ior pupils at an early date. The Camp In Good Order. A. Gracey, sanitary inspector ma&le a trip up Iiollyburn Ri&lgd last Sumlay aml inspected the ski camp there. In his report to the council on Monday night ho stated that he harl found every- thing in good order with one slight alteration necessary, which was being attended to. The fire danger at the camp harl been reduced to a minimum. His I findings as regards fire risk .were fotnvarded to Fire Chief Vates for his approval. Yoffe Can Save One Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY ur plant I'l know Iea such &erfectly Iat«&meta Prohibition Officer: "Sonny, d'ya wa& ta make five dollars? 1fountaineer Boy: Shore. 11ow? Officer: I'l give you five to take me up this creek to the whisky stilL SIountaineer: All right. Give me the five. Officer: Oh, I'l pay you when we come back. Slountaineer: Mister, you hain't cnmin'ack. for $1.00 11ortI) 122 Lesagehasit Lots of Beautiful Xmas Presents to pick from MONEY SAVING VALUES IN DRUGS FRIDAY Ac«c'D SATURDAY SPECI AI.S Soc Lister(oe ................. 31« $3.60 Extra largo Hat tvatar II.SO Scott'a Emulsion........ 89c Bc&ttta .......... $ 1.98 !1.00 Nojol .................. 89« Golden 3&ada! Malt . 69« $ 1.00 Coty'a Powder,.... 59« Gillette Raaora . 9.&c ia $ 2.5&i Soc Cteona ............... 29& Auto Strep Raaora $ 1.00 ta $6.OO 76c Liquid Petrolatum ....... l9« Bottle Perfume .. 25c ta 73c 60c Jargon'a Lotion . 29c Iiutham Duplex Raaora 23«c tc& r&1.50 60c Glycerine 4 Rose IVater . 29c Chrlatmaa Chocntatea an Ideal 60c Iodtae ..................... 2 c G&ft for ladies and gents 60c Eucalyptus OB ... 29« Soc io $5.09 76c Kotax Pads........ l7« YARDLEYS SETS Soc Aromatic Cascara.. 27c THREE FLOIVERS SETS 6 Ibm Epsom Salts ............ 2.c COLGATFS SFTS Toilet Paper ........,....... 8 rona 25c ARMAHDS SETS Q.36 Hospital Horltcka ........ Szsu from $3.00 ta $ 10.00 Soc Ylcka Vapo Rub...... lsc Lots of beautiful Xinaa Presents Hospital Cotton ...... 39c to choose frum. WEST VANCOUVER A(:ENTS C.I'.R. TELEGRA1IS acid Canadian Pacific Express Money Ovdevm Prescriptions filled by fully qualified druggist. Lesag'e Drug Store New Building--Corner Marine and I.lth. We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small WEST 323 Tbc sll vu rouui diBP" cp&d 'l dcr va cut 4' ~W d olida lug 8'ith '&cr le&lit tbiug wbicb aud I lfe roPP) La&M« wbol( acute( onlcr pvppc iuvlr'laat'hat the d foctb bios'1 Liliel the v( lbe I fully, erect cular load( ies o'd. l bcliei droo[ India erect I.adf of tb diffe tbro( tribu seed the i dalai To tb Dc allow valu( inter ratel like tboli Brid, mitb their wbic The This wbic ma 8 au i(l bow audi aud I doub them for 1 time Il ir aced bill'd aad I to 8 tbiol the I at tb iug, tbvtt do ui Pull( 2Peal one wort wbo Iy ti liood &'Odoi wbal I'tait advai your& lucre kweli Edit&