Resampled001B6E3A THE '(VEST VAV NE1VS l)ei ember Iii 1027 WINTER HAS COME SPRIihG IS FAIC AIII:Al& GET THAT BROKEiV 1VINDO1V REI'A)BEI) THIS 1VEEK AND SA VE DOCTORS'311.1 q HERE'S YVHAT IVE'LL I)O IT FOR Any size up to 48 united inches glazed for ... Any size up to 60 united inches glazed for ... Any size up to 70 united inches glazed for ............ Example--24x24 is 4S united inches. Bring that sash in this week, ive'H glaze it &chile you &vait. .......... 5 I .J .& ....... I .5(i 1.85 A. O'. VALENTINE Canadian Window Bakeries Agency. 1106 giocino Drive X S":;'IINCE)nfiAT d FANCY CAKESCi1KES. I'UDI&INGS. Buy your Xmas Candies here, a good selection to choose from. Iollyburn Theatre THEATRE OPEiV FRIDA1S 8: SATURDAYS ONLY Admission--Evenings 25c m 15c Saturday sia&incc 20c ood Ioc Saturday gfa&iocc -- Children under 10 years uc. Friday and Sotu&doy December 16th and lith. JOHN GILBERT with Monte Christo F. R. Franklin Carpenter and Contractor 2503 Bellevue Acc. Phoae West 59L2. CHIROPRACTOR Yates Building Marine Drive, Ambleside also ot Vancouver Roberta A. Vass D. C., Pb. C. Graduate of I'elmer Scbooi THE NERVOUS SYSTESI The nervous system is the most vital in the maintenance of health because it functions to transmit I.fc giving energy to every organ ond tissue of the body. CHIBOPI&ACTIC Vi'ILL HELI"OU THE Marcel Shop Mrs. F. Burling 1520 Marine Drive FOR APPOINI)IENT PHOiVE, WEST 304 iIIARCEL, 1VAVINiG, LADIES and CHILDREN'8 HAIRCUTTI&VG Facial, Scalp and Skin Treatments Hours 9 to 5.30. Ambleside Service Station (Harry A. Farr) Between 14th and 15th on hfarine TIRES -- TUBES ACCESSORIES West Vancouver Board of Trade Tbe Regular hfeeting will be held in the Canadian Legion Rooms Ferry Building On MONDAY Next December 19th, at 8 p. m. TO1VN I'LANiVING RECOM- 5IENDATIOiVS PASSED OV BY COUNCIL. Regarding the recent recom- mendations of the Town Plan- ning Commission they have been advised by the council that the suggested municipal dump will be reserved in D. L. 763 should the lot be sold, that G. S. Con- way's recommendation that the three main roads shown on top- ographical survey No. 2 be stud- ied, meets with the council'0'pproval and will be attached to the map for reference, and that regarding the granting of K. A. Rsy's application for re-classifi- cation of lot 16, D. L. 556, the council do not consider it would be wise tn grant his request and so break two bylaws. a m The iVegro race (black) com- prises the notices of Afnca south of the Great Sahara Des- ert. with the exceptinn of the white colonists of South Africa and some other parts where whites have become established. The natives of Australia, Tas- mania md some nf the Malaysi- an Islands are also inclu&jed Am ) 'esi~ e,'.um Ier Co. Marine Drive at 16th St. 1Vest 199 Residence: West (&40R PERSONALS hfrs. Conant has retired from her business on hilurine Drive at Amblesi&le, and has taken theJones'nuse nn hfarine Drive b» t&ven 13th anil 14th Streets. ~ ~ ~ i1fr. Lldster nf Vancouver, has purchnsed 0 house nt 21st an&I Esquimalt. ~ ~ ~ Mrs, Avery IVhjte, 21st nn&l Reoevue. hns left on a visit tn Victoria, &vhere she will recuper- ate from her recent illness. ~ ~ ~ Eric Al&lred of North Vancou- ver has taken the Fox house at 14th and Duchess aml will take up his residence ihere at the eilil of this week. ~ ~ ~ George Nioer, 14th an&I Esqul- malt, has moved into the Chil- ton house nt 15th and Inglewood. ~ ~ hir. James Mcgueen of Arthur, Ontario, has arrived here on 0visit to his sister-in-law, Mrs. George Hay, Inglewood Ave. o ~ ~ Miss hi. Nightingale of 25th and Haywoo'd, and Miss Isal&efia Wilson have purchased from Miss McBain the business known as "The Little Shop," at Dun- &lnrave, an&i have now taken pos- session. They intend carrying 0 general stock of dry goods, mil- linery and notions. ~ ~ ~ hier. M. Campbell of Sherman, has moved to the city to remain there over the winter ~ ~ ' Nrs. Boss, Lawson and 24th. has moved to a house at 20th and Marine Drive. o The Lynn Valley Silver Fox Company of which A. R. Jenni, 14th and Waterfront, is vice- president and a director, had re- markable success at the Vancou- ver Winter Fair last week. Though they had but four entri- es, they succeeded in carrying off 15 prizes including 8 firsts, 5 seconds, I third, and I fourtli. They also gained the distinction of having the grand champion pup open to ao Canada the re- serve grand champion, and the two best pupa in B. C. o o ~ The Marcel Shop, 1520 Marine Drive, &via be busier than ever this coming week. I.udice who desire the excellent service this store offers should phone Mrs. Burhng and make an appoint- ment. IVest 304. PROGRESSIVE IVHIST TO- NORROIV NIGHT AT Ai1IBLESIDE HAI.L There's a chance for you to win a turkey to-morrow night a( the Progressive Whist Drive be- ing held in (he Amhleside Hall by the IVomen'0 Benefit Assoc- ia(ion. Turkeys and,other valuable prizes will be given. Refresh. ments will be served. I'lay will start promptly at 8.15. &airs. S. E. Itomans is Ihe convenor, and is being &Loafs(ed by Mesdames Stronge, Iiurkhar(, Ur&iuhar( and I ieaslip. A roc)-&via~I blackbird ivhicli evidently fnr snme reason or other hn&l nnt gone south with the faa migratinn nf his kind, appeare&t nn Sum(ay in the gar- &len nf I'. C. Hardman. 21st an&i Marine l)rive. iNr. Harriman, whn is 0 Dominion Game IVanj- en, has been feeding the birds since the sno&v came. aml the blackbir.l s(aycd around until Tuesday, ivhen he clisappeared. As he ivns npparently in good comlition and sirong on the wing the presumption is he has follow- eil his brothers south to a warm- er climate. o ~ ~ &Vorma Gemmio. younger daughter of Nr. an&i hirs. George Gemmio. 15th aml Esquimalt, &vho has been sick, is no&v better. o o ~ ihfrs. IVoods has rented a house at 14th nnd Bellevue, and has taken up her residence there. o ~ A. P. hiax&vell of Dundarave, who is spencling the winter in the city, was a visitor in West Van- couver on Tuesday. o ~ hir. iVorman has taken the Chinnery house at 14th and Clyde. The young people had a glori- ous time over the week end coasting. Inglewood Hill being a particularly popular place. It is not often that there is suf- ficient snow in West Vancouver for the sport. One party was to&red by an auto as far as IVest Bay, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. ~'hIr.Page, 25th and Bellevue, is having a sea-waa built to pro- tect his property. o The engineer's report on the Caulfeild water supply calling for a possible expenditure of 870,000, has been laid over to the 1928 council. D. Dewar, 22nd an&I Bellevue, was notified by the Council that, if he gave a written umlertak- ing to lsy a sidewalk on the north side of Bellevue between 24th and 25th Streets, the muni- 'ipality would supply the neces- sary planks. NEIV STREET LIGHTS TO BE INSTALLED The council on Monday night ordered new street lights in- stalled at the following places: 10th and Duchess, 11th and Duchess. 14th and Clyde, 20th and Bellevue, 20th and Esciui- malt, 21st and Esquimalt, 22nd and Fulton, 22nd and Gordon (lane west of 22nd street), 23rd and Kings, 23rd and Lawson, 27th and Mathers, Altamont Park Road west of P. G. E. sta- tion, 31st and Marine. The following changes were authorized outside the lighting areas: I lamp at 29th and Pal- merston to be moved to 30th and Nathers, I lamp in D. L. 558, opposite lots 10 and 11, Block 23 on Marine Drive, to be moved to opposite lots 14 and 15, and one new lamy to be installed nearly opposite "C" in the same block; 2 lamps to be taken away, nne from opposite lot 8, Block 10, D. L. 5S2, and the other from northeast corner of lot 2, Block 11, D. L. 582; three new lamps to be installed, one nppos- ite Int I, Block 10, D. L. 582, another at the north end of lot I, Block 11, D. L. 582, and thc third just west of lot "F", Block I, D. L. 559. In addition to these changes one new lamp to be installed on the Pilot House Roail, Caul- feild, opposite lnt 20, Block 2, D. L. 811. Grease can be removed from the hair by washing it in warm water to which a teaspoonful of borax has been added. Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive A mbleslde @ jir&c&(liiiln & omcx bo& once o year I& wnl bo bc&e owoio next week Doo I take ebooccx on having poor qooii&y groci rico. Buy o& GSFEN'&VOOD'S ond be co&ixfiod. &(moo gcoi&x ood I oofcc&iooi Creeljwood's GROCERY West 16 PIIONF 1OU)i OBI&LBS &vc dc)iver. Established o&cr 7 hears C. J. OVERIN('gTON I lih and iNarine BARBER For &bo convcoicoco o( &ho Indigo of the Dix&rict I hove bod Iho tolcpbooo inc&oiled I'IIONE 1'VEST 135 ond make on oppoioimooi. &VEST VAN Restaurant I &21 giorioo Drive at I I&b S&. i)05(F Ni)DE CANDIES AiVD DEI.ICATESSEN I'ublic I'hone 1Vest i)1 1-0 People Like . The 'Burrard'eople apeak very nicely obou& the great care we &okc of every ar&icio sent &o ux Focb co&corn er'x parce) is &roe&cd xopocotciy ood promptly returned. Aod oor charges please everybody Tiy ux wi&b o parcel &bix week. The Burrard Laundry Limited For People Ivbo Are I'or&ice)or THIRD ST. ond S'I'. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phono North 1310. IVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS I'hone &&Vest 457Y3. GiIVE A Box of Cigars or Cigarettes FOR XMAS We can supply you AH Brands CHET SHIELDS Pjrj0Ajg BUSfj&jESS coLLEGE Vancouver'x Leading Box)oooo Co))cue Individual A«co&ion DAY ood NIGHT School Nigh& School 5 nigh&i cork week 3 months 315.00, 0 months 525.00 4 2 2 Incbo&do S&. I'hone Scy. 0135. Con Hag&)ego IVhen making a rice or othermilk pu&ldfng use equal quanti-ties of milk and water an&I add ateaspoonful of grated suet. mug& hg neoft g ~ A'i'0, Ing 0it Jan)" „(of Illa,hgjf, jn the lutfc on thc ps Sohjng ~ g ', prjnc&P, ISan&i ,peahe1ief'f wg«I;f n Indent o f Itor o .dj(N gucafj& In&a an Ighm of hig Them wag (cocher) g"'. tahinif p'mmnlg0 wore gc lnoi 'III.P y Gfgrhe, "„,(,,and th Iiugi&al Smjc hjn wag ac&0 jgtg were gll and met with reception f«n audience. 1i, Gibson the school in wag listened t'ion by hia a ho twrc (hg" inter and Sup& ucation, both c lt impossible t easterner I living in fi witness the building u ince. Orgaoizi G, had been 3! Gibson, 55 ye cog( $40,000 th year 53250,00& and the numhe increased a&co! of the opinion greater necegg nowada)a than ing to the mod life. In conclu. thoroughly inti heg of the stats and the gchola regards the co hcillg properly educational wa) life. Ifr. Sullivan & in humoroug vg gent wit appea« the fancy ofi ncationaliala aa THE ( VERTUR) 2. OPENING I R ADDRESS "& z. ')v. Scbcoii „ &. SONG (x) (II) inb bTB' d 7 Mes fnr I Ieasure I ADDREss lg. SONG-fa) (b) 7. ADDRESS bg. SONG (4) (b) g. SELECI(ON IO. SONG-Sciw I I. SO.NG-(a) 'b) )2.CRORUS (&