Resampled001B6E3A THE WFST VAN NEWS iiceember 16, 192i, &0 I& IlIi'uy Your Xmas Presents Here Yoo will find in our store avaaptabia presents for Mother, Sister and Baby. Give Dad a nice Shirt, some Sovka or a Tim Wa hase tham ail here. REMOVAL SALE Iva are moving at Iha end of Iha ! aav to the Kviih Bleak and ava aow offering asocial prices oo ail oor aloe@ Bov your Xmaa I'vvvanta N&IW. &VEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHI'I&&'H EDIFI&'E 20th aad Ease&malt, Hoiiyborn Sunday Service at a.m. Subject December 18th "ls Ihe Universe. Includ- ing Man. Evolved by Atomic Force7" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Teat&&pony bleating avery Ivad- naaday at n.i6 p.m. To'I'S OVELTIES FAN&V Goons Grigor's Dry Goods Store 1460 hiavina Drive. Divavu! oppoaita West 'Vao. Garage XMAS EATABLES Stvatton'a Christmas goods are will known to the people of West Vancouver. Leave your nvdar with ua for KhIAS CAKES ~ od PcnnINGS Shortbread, Mince Piaa. Scotch Bona, Ete. Only the purest of ingredients used in our bakeshop. '&VEST 27 STRATTON'S BAKERY J. M. Morgan Phone Wast I73 W EST VAN Co UVER Teacher of Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO Phone Seymour IOI St. Stephen's Church Advent 4 (Dec. 18thL 8 a.m--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday school. 11:15 a.m--hforning prayer. 7:16--Evensong. The annual Christmas enter- tainment of the Sunday school ivill be held in the Dundarave Hall Friday, December 30th. A very interesting lecture on his experiences as a C. M. S. missionary in the Soudan was given by Mr. Barton at the A. Y. P. A. at Tuesday night"eeting. Frances iVickawa is giving 0 recital under the auspices of the choir on the evening of January 10th in the Hollyburn theatre. Baptist Church Rcv. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a.m. IVcekly prayer service each IVednesday at 7.30 p. m. United Church Rcv. I'.. Burchill in chnrge Sun&lay School 10.00 a. m. hiorning Service 11.15 n. m., subject: "The Fullness of tha Time." Anthem: "Abide With Me," Thompson. Evening Service 7.15 p m. Advent address. Anthem: "Arise Shine For Thy Light Is Come," Elvey. Solo: "Crossing The Bnr," Tennyson, &%fr. Ivor Thomns. Organist, ihfrs. J. E. Durbin. Director, Prof. J. M. hforgnn. Trail Rangers each Monday 7.15 p. m., &hlr. Hin&lmarsh, lead- er. IVcekly prnyer servfce en;h Wednesday at 8 p. m. Mr. May- hew in charge. Young Peoples'ociety, each )Vednesday at 8 p.m., Miss G. Lawson, President. Choir practice each Thursday at 8 p. m. Professor Morgan choirmaster. C. G. I. T. Groups each Friday at 7 p. m., ihIrs. Chilton, leader. Missionary Society to hleet. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary So- ciety will be hald in the United Church Hall on Tuesday, Decem- ber 20th at 2.15 p. m. There will be readings by members. Amblegid0 Tea Ronnts Foray Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp asd Planta Soppliaa, Tobaccos, ato. A School for Girls K1NDERGARTEN Now Open at 23rd and BaUevaa by hIISS PHILIP Prospectus on Application Special attention given to French. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass S a.m. B. C. coal waa mined last year at the rate of 639 tons par employee; altogether there are 6443 persons em- ployed by the coal mines, 3628 of whom are employed underground. R. BLOXHAM bIASO&N, CONTRACTOR Specialty:--Fireplaces and Tile hiantaia, Sinks, atc. Phone: IVaat 497. UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTICE Sunday, December 17th, IVhite Gift Sunday, Afternoon Service 2.30. Address by Mr. IVare. A bright attractive service for boys and girls. Singing and Recitations. All friends and parents special- ly invited. A special meeting of the Wom- an's'ssociation of the United Church will be held in the Church Hall, on Tuesday, the 20th, at the close of the hIission- ary meeting. All members are requested to be present as busi- ness is important. HARROWS BROS. Ik hVILLIAiiISON jf uneral Oircctars North Vancouver Parlors 122 1Vest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 West Van Nerves Published Every Friday H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGIIOVE Publishers Phones: IVest 412LIVest 363 Business aod Editorial Office: 1361 hfarisa Drive hfaii Add&asap P. O. Boa Ial, Hoiiybora, B. C. 31.00 a year by mail or carrier, Nawa stands 6a par copy. ADI'ERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION ipi I'! No need to wander through slush and snow !'o get your iiI Xmas Presents,'Ij iii l!i You can buy here ln comfort. The WEST VAN JEIVEL- I LERY STORE has 0 splendid selection of Gifts at Reasonable P Ih Prices. IVe have gifts that will appeal to Father, hlother, Sister, '!! Ii Brother and Friend. )I'l'ECIAL TABLES OF ARTICLES FOR 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c and $ 1.00 i! See Our Window Display. II i!I 'l i" I EXTRA SI'ECIAI. fi Ladies Bracelet Watch, 15 jewelled move- $7 5P i' ment, Guaranteed .......... 'I THE WEST VAN JEWELLERS;"': I I 1522 hlarine Drive Amblesidc li COOKING UTENSILS HOLOBURN HALL Cor. 14th aml Duchness Sundny 7.30 Specinl ml&lress by &lIR. IV. Illtsh of "Somerset" England &hip. Gray is 0 very inter- esting speaker. Come aml hear him. The ' it &li I sll aa hpiv 6I kctia I'sli is their I Oe&ll tipped ",~ ~&",",nol unde vpided Christ«a vha pen,t gyp(Bs shen the" Tbe 0i , 1 itig« I ghat '„Rntl l,sleigh edl)'fe'ate an gefe ew ago, vs not iop in ficta 3pnteth thing n& ,halts& were ip'ntg"pa ihg. ai haokg oi ka." Ti ever, ai mid-Vici peaple i ! such thi bete noi photagn ties it I fashion presents in "eleg ViataMa vgant." "elegant valued h In the, has hig generail! friendg i ed with often ce titnlarly if ne &ai connect&, ! the reell nipnng Undo& receive I did fifty game" p a nice pt ga long I aster ii inches lp vd to he, highly t models c ne give, airplane& air nh;,I iwamat; 6100 pr n i Today each 0th than the, and gain,'aentiy, en had I part in l ~ i . therefore the prem other ive "a&nen i &aine n'arly gi„ &nag The ( "erhap, «yg ta 'amethin 0 ar hia h I a nip„„" are na„en veiny, a in e tode atat ali th Ti&ne h'. nifit caleb gift ptopl' the 1 ni KITCHFN HARI)VVARFo DISH. FS and PANS. We have a com- p&ate stock of everything nawiad for cooking and for kitchen uaa, aa well aa general hardware. hinva importanvo than ever D placed on co&&king at this time . of the year. Gooda bought here van be ra- iled upon. Aak any of nor customers, they'l tell yoo to tvy ua your. self. HOIV I'Ol'UI.AII CIIRISThlAS I'OEhl CAhll" TO BE IVRITTEN 'Twns the night before Christ- mas, ivhcn nil through the house, Not n creature was stirring, not even 0 mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with cnre, In the hope that St. Nicholas soon woul&l be there. SL4I4 D'S G ROCL4RY Ira dot&var. Phone Ivaat 20 The best knoivn of all Christ- mas poetry is that childhood fnv- orite, "The Night Before Christ. mas." Comparatively few people though they may be nblc to ro- cita the poem from beginning to cnd, know how it came to be written. Here is the story, says a Ivriter in an eastern exchange: Clement Clarke hloore, son of a rich minister, was born near New York city on July 15, 1781. He attenda&l school aml college and graduated in medicine. In due course of time he inherited his father's property which con- sisted of a large estate near Ne&v York. Being a generous man aml desiring to assist young people who wanted to gain a good edu- cation, he donated a large block of land for the erection of a col- lege. Dr. Moore joined the teach. ing staff as professor of Greek and Hebrew, for which he was widely known as on accomplish- ed scholar. Dr. 61oore's three little girls and an equal number of small boys hung up their stockings for Santa Claus to fill every Christ- mas Eve just as children do now- adays. One hundred an&i four years ago this Chnstmas Dr. Moore was helping his wife to pack baskets to be distributed a- mong the poor families living nearby. When they were about to pack the last baskete Mrs. Moore found that she wanted one more turkey. "Clement," she said, turning to her husband, "Go down to th market and get mc another tur- key." This Dr. Moore did, and, on his way home his mind fille&l with legends of the Yuletide and thoughts about gifts, he sudden- ly fouml himself composing a poem about Saint Nicholas for his children. The words came to him so quickly that he had to stop every few 'minutes to jot down notes. He called his poem "A Visit from Saint Nicholas." On arriving at his home he recit. ed for the first time that favor- ite of all children, "The Night Before Christmas." The poem was not published until December, 1823, when it appeared in the Troy Sentinel. Then paper after paper copied it, and it spread like wil&lfire ail over the continent. Later it was translated into many foreign lan- guages, and now it Is known the world over. Carol Singing at Hollyburn Theatre Christmas Night On the evening of Christmas Day (Sunday) the Hollyburn Thentre will be the scene of a new experience for West Van- couver. On that night the hour from 9 to 10 will be devoted to community Christmas carol singing, which will bc lcd by tha boys'hoir un&lcr the direction of Professor James Morgan. Soloists will assist, among whom wio be hlaster Jack Watt. Thc 61cIntyre quartette will also be heard. Mr. Morgan has the assurance of the clergy that church services will be over at 8:45 that night, thus allowing time for church attendants tn reach the theatre in time to par- ticipate in the singing. Copies of Christmas caroN will be supplied to the audience and an evening of pleasure an joy is anticipated. Manager Fletcher would be well advised to see that the roof is fastened on quite tight as this commun- ity effort will "raise the roof." A silver collection will be taken to defray expenses, an&i, if any surplus is left the boys will bo the recipients. Community singing is one of the finest tonics for any &lis- trict,aml the effort being mado by Mr. Morgan in organizing and arranging such an opportunity for the general public to get to- gether and sing the good old Christmas carols shoul&l be ap- preciated by a very largo turn- out. JOIIN SPECK'S HOUSE DAibIAGED BY I'lltL'ire broke out at 6 o'lock yester&lay morning in the roof of John Speck's house, 29th anil Mathers. The fire brigade re- sponde&l to the call, but due to something going wrong with the chemical, a delay occurred before the l&rigade was able to operate. The roof was badly burned, anil much damage done to the interi- or and furnishings before the fire wss finally extinguished. Brass rubbe&l once 0 week with 0 piece of flannel moistened with sowing machine oil is unlikely to tarnish. M. WILLIAMS CUSTOlll 'I&AII OR ORDER YOUR WINTElt SUIT NOIV iv Coma and avo oor Pattarnm Largo palpation to choose from. Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs an&i aml Pressing Alterations CITY PRICES Wa Call Fo& aod Ha&iver. I'IIONE WEST 20