Resampled001B6E26 12? December 2, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS 6 h Us. I ion Of Irsl to ool in. ed 'd- on 3, ys ns ic. i is g- ht de le el rt id es it, Ig id ill o- ig CORRESPONDENCE FAVORS THE BY-LAW Editor, West Van News. Dear Sir: In your issue of November 25, I read an article by Mr. J. Haydn Young in reference to the By- law for the Capilano Bridge and the widening of Marine Drive. 4It must be extremely gratifyingto the voting public to find intheir midst, a gentleman who has such a sincere desire for the economical expenditure of the public finances. Most of us, if we are honest with ourselves, must confess to some little per- sonal feeling of gratification in these matters. For myself, whether right or wrong, I must acknowledge a primal feeling of vindictiveness against the voters who turned this Bylaw down, under the circumstances exist- ing this winter. I have two reasons for this, first, a purely personal one, in motoring along the Drive which is altogether too narrow for the 4amount of traffic in the sum- mer time. One likes to go for a drive or a walk sometimes, but certainly there is no pleasure in g}nein'ne's eyes to a single plank~a.. the time they are out. The second reason is of more impel%ance and concerns a num- ber of our people who can ill af- ford to await an unconsidered decision on a matter of such vital importance. I have been in a position this winter, to become intimately ac- quainted with many of our people, whose greatest desire is the simple permission and op- portunity to earn a living for their families and themselves. As a socialistic theory, this is the privilege of every citizen, but we, with our boasted 20th cent- ury civilization, have only a bread line or starvation wage, to meet the situation. This Bylaw was an opportunity to help the fellow who is not sitting as com- fortably as he might be, but no, on the plea of economy, which is decidedly open to question after all, we will have none of it. I am sure many of us have not considered it on these lines or we would have done our bit to keep a fellow man from stooping either to charity or starvation. If this Bylaw had been passed by the ratepayers, it is a fore- gone conclusion that work would have been started as soon as funds were available, and many of our residents would have found themselves in a ter position than at present. This reason alone, should, I think, incline us to reconsider our attitude on this question a- part from a purely economical point of view, though from that standpoint alone it seems absurd that we should be satisfied with conditions as they are at present. After all, for every dollar we are willing to spend on ourselves and on our own people, we get another from the Provincial Gov- ernment for the same purpose. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for your courtesy in printing this and hoping it may have some slight influence on the future destiny of this Bylaw, I remain Yours truly, V. NIGHTINGALE. WANTS BRIDGE BUT NOT ROAD The Editor of West Van News. Sir: As a Ratepayer and Citizen looking to the welfare of West Vancouver, I take this opportun- ity of protesting most strongly at the Council's action in decid- ing to put up the Road & Bridge By-law again, and am quite in unison with the Ratepayers's- sociation, and think that while we all know the Bridge is very necessary, I fail to see why we should cater to the tourist trade (what benefit are they to us), while Marine Drive is good enough for a year or two long- er. Let the council take care of the citizens they now have and make some of the roads now opened(?) passable, instead of having to spend. hourS digging cars out. I am particularly re- ferring to the condition of Gord- on from 20th Street to 22nd, 21st from Esquimalt to Gordon, and Fulton from 20th to 22nd, where all have to wallow through mud to store or church.'-'. J. CRICKMAY. Lodger: "Did you ever see any- thing so unsettled as the weath- er?" Landlady: "Well, there's your board bill." For shopping and pleasure in Vancouver City always take PACIFIC STAGES-- and use our terminus in the heart .'of the Theatre and Shopping District. The PACIFIC STAGES give you direct, com- fortable and economical transportation. For information Phone Sey. 4000 H.&. 85i3TOR ~ANSlpORTATfggi'UNSMUIR AND SEYMOUR STREETS Pacific Stages are the only direct route between the North Shore and Vancouver City WhimSiCal ReVieW "Had Solomon a favorite wife, Daddy?" "If he had, my boy, she must have been one in a thousand." Youth:"I'm looking for a job." Grocer: "Well, I like the look of you, but I can't afford more help." "But I won't be much help, sir." Conductor: "Hi, Mister! Don"t hop off till she stops. If you break your neck, I'l be the one to suffer!" Teacher: "Now children, how old would a person be who was born in 1839?" Pupils (in chorus): "Man or woman?" Guide: "This is a perfect specimen of the spiral staircase." Tourist: "Yes, perspiral, in fact!" Profiteer: "The motto of our family has been 'Never give up'." Friend: "Really! An old Scots family, of course." Conjurers are not popular in Scotland. They always start their entertainment by wanting to borrow something. Mrs. Bragg: "That is a sunset my daughter painted. She paint- ed abroad, you know." Art Critic: "Ah, that explains a lot! I never saw a sunset like that in this country." Scots Traveller: "Well, Mr. Isaacstein, I'm bound to say your race beats us hollow at trade development. I'e found a He- brew in every land except Lab- rador." Isaacstein: "Labrador? But Iceberg ain't no Scottish name, my poyiw Proud Hostess (with vegetable garden): "And these are our own cabbages." Astonished Visitor: "Well, I should hope so." Husband (who has married a cinema star): "If I should die, would you marry again?" His Beautiful Wife: "You fun- ny man. What gives you the ideaI'l wait for that?" The Girl: "Oh, don't some people get offensive when they own a car?" The Man: "Well, some certain- ly do get the habit of running other people down." Teacher: "How many elements are there?" Robert: "Five--earth, fire, water, air and brandy." "Brandy?" "Yes, teacher; father says when he has brandy he's in his element." Guest: "May I introduce my friend, Mr. Jones, who has just returned from a holiday in the Canary Islands?" Hostess: "So pleased to see you, Mr. Jones. I do hope you'l give us a song." Even the grave and dignified Civil Service Commissioners could not resist being amused at an answer given at a recent examination. The question was: "Give, for any one year, the number of bales of cotton export- ed from the United States." The applicant wrote: "1491, none." Molly and, John ran into a neighbor's house and asked if they could play with Marjorie." "Yes," said Marjorie's mother; "but does your mother know you are here?" "Oh, yes," was the reply, "and we can stay to tea if we are asked." CLASSIFIED ADS. R. P. Clarke R Co. (Vaacouvcr) Lld. WE TAKE THE PLEASURE of An- nouncing io our many clients and friends, that on account of general expansion in all departments, the Real Estate, Insurance and Mort- gage Department haa taken over larger offices and are now located at the Corner of Dunzmair and Howe Streets, just one black West of Granvfilc Street. Will our cficnla please note this. Fiscal Agents: R. P. Clarke gi Co. (Vaacouvcr) Lid. 823 Hastings St. W. Scy. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 651L I lih AND ESQUIilIALT YOU ARE INVITED lo inspect oar Subdivision of large homcsiies in this fast growing area. Lots from 5350 to 5500. Terms 540 cash; 520 per month. GEO. HAY 1405 Marine Drive 315 Cordova W. West 21 Scy. 1260. GIRL To HELP IN HOSIE--Chlldrca, Phone West 600. RADIO FOR SALE--or your present act rccoadiiioncd. I can save yoa money. H. G. Osborne. West 628Y. CHEVROLET COACH haa been used for demonstration. Perfect condi- tion. For sale at greatly reduced price. H. G. Osborne. West 628Y. YEARLING White Leghorn Hens. Good layers. Through moultiag. Huiion, 1171 20th Sl., near Ingle- woad. WOULD PARTY who picked ap boy' brown gauntlets at 3 p. m. on No. 6 ferry, kindly phone West 461L. Val- ued as gift. FOR QUICK SALE -- South.west (double corner) 16th aad Gordon Avc. 5450 cash, 5550 terms. TROUGHToii}4} BARROW Exclusive Agents Phone West 83. GET West Van. E)cciric Prices on Radio Vacuum, Irons aad afi elec- trical appliances. Agents for Mar- coni Radio. MONEY To LOAN f500.00 ap No daisy West Van. Iavcstmcat Coy. Notary Public. West 102 R. B LOX HAM MASON, CONTRACTOR Specialty:--Fireplaces and Tile Maatela, Sinks, ctc. Phone: West 497. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC- TION ACT R.S.C. CHAPTER 115. The British Columbia Telephone Coiapany hereby gives notice that it haa under Section 7 of the said Act deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of Land Reg- istry District of Group I, Ncw West- minster District at Vancouver. British Columbia, a description of the site and the plans of the laying of a submarine telephone cable proposed to be laid across English Bay from the foot of Tallow Walk in Stanley Park to the foot cf 17th Street, in the Muni- cipality of West Vancouver. And lakcnotico that after the ex- piration of one month from the date of the Rrsl publication of this notice the British Columbia Telephone Com pony will under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at hia office in the City of Ot- tawa, for approval of the said site and plans, and for leave to lay said aubiaarinc cable. Dated at Vancouver, this 25th day of November, 1927. BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE COMPANY. MoiNEY Immediately Available Ior Morlgagcz. Apply, Savory aad Du- val, 1429 Marine Drive. Phone Weal 340. PAPERHANGING, Painting, Decor- ating. ctc. Day or contract. Apply V. Hernandez, Phone West 678I CESIENT BASE51ENT FLOORS, Sidewalks and Drain Tiles Laid. Rock walls, Jobbing and general coniractmg. T. Barnolt, residence phone West 672R. DRESSMAKING--blra. Robbins, 28th aad Marine. Phone West 74RI. FOR RENT--Unfurnished Five-roam Bungalow on Waterfront at Alta- mont. Phone Lay)and, West 63R1. VACUUSI TO RENT--Sce West Vaa. Electric. Phone West 108. NEW AND SECOND HAND Fera}- toro bought, sold, aad exchanged. Fred Tits, Kevfil'a Old Stand, Am- b)eaidm NEW5IAN 4} ROBBINS -- BaBdcra and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalaomining chimneys built. 28th and Marine. Phone West 74RI. HEMSTITCHING--Plain.. white. 5c yard; silk and colored Ioc yard. Pcarcc's Drygoods, 14th Street and hlarine. Phone West 144. WINDO)V BLINDS--5}ado lo order and inalaUcd. Estimates free. Pcarcc'a Drygooda, 14th Street and Marin. Phone West 144. GARDENING by Old Country Gard- ener with Canadian experience. Rock gardening special. By day or contract. Terms moderate. P. Ed wards, P. O. Sherman. Phone West 165RI. IS THAT CAR INSURED AGAINST ALL RISKS? PARTICULARS FROM GORDON GRAY Office--Seymour 4991 1002 Credit Foncler Bldg. M. WILLIAMS 16ih aad lilARINE, ASIBLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR WINTER SUIT iNOIV Come and see our Patterns. Large selection io choose from. Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs and and Pressing Alterations CITY PRICES We Call For aad Deliver. PHONE )VEST 20. VERNON FEED STORE "'" " FUEL, FEED, CEMENT, ETC.