Resampled001B6E26 Lesagehasat MANY SAVING VALUES IN DRUGS PERSONA.LS I ERR)n TO STAND Department o( I dunit Ion Refus es I'nrent-Teachers'tequest The department of educntion will not accede to the wishes of the Vancouver Parent-Tenchers'eileration, which objected to curtailment of Christmns school vacation as flxed by order-in- council recently The pnrent-tenchers took th&g, matter Io the School Bonr&l, an&i&»xi the trustees wrote to the depart- ment. The ilepartment replied thnt the or&ler-in-council sched- uling the Christmns vncation from Decemlier 22 to Janunry .'), would staml. The primnry rea- son for shortening the hohdays wns the time lost by various school centres this yenr on nc- count oi'he infantile pnrnlysis epidemic. Saturday ix the Iaxi day. Buy your Xmas presents ue&w at graauy reduced price, Seven Valuable prixex given away&~1.65 French Ivory Clock is the Ix& Mixe. For full particulars don't Cail ia get one af aur hand bit)a Fire due to an overheat«&) stove pipe broke out nn Saturday morning at the home of ikfr. an&i iA)rs. IN&F)eche, 2)29 Bellevue Avenue. The fire brigade made 0 quick run, but the fire which ivas very slight hncl been put out ivhcn they arrive&i. ~ ~ ~ Made)inc Cr&ms, daughter of eh)r. and iAIrs. S. Creme, 16th and Fsquimalt, who has been ill with pneumunin, is now on the mend. ~ a ~ Don't forget the smoker to be given by the West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion next Thursdny at 8 p. m. in Dun- darave Hall. Every member of the branch is particularly re- quested to be present. ' ~ There is four feet of snow now on I lollyburn Ridge, giving ample opportunity for hikers to enjoy ski-ing nml tobogganing there. ~ ~ L.O.L. No. 2990 &vill hold their regular meeting next Tuesday, 6th December, nt 8 p. m. in Dun- darave Hall. iAIrs. Eldridge of South Van- couver, has purchased the Nc- Bain cottage on Clyde Avenue bet&veen 13th and 14th Streets. ' a ~ Nrs. Thomas White)y of Bird' Hill, AIanitoba, was the guest of Afrs. George Gemmill, 15th and Esquimalt, on Tuesday. Mrs. Whitelyis on her way to visit her daughter in Portland, Ore- gon. Miss Catherine Harrison of Caulfeihl, is leaving for New York next Sunday, where she will be the guests of her aunts, Airs. B,iiilie Ripley aml lilrs. Iinn- iel Bartlett. and will later speml some months )n the Eastern States visiting friemls an&i reln- tives. p&eked at raudnm. Toilet Sotips 25« Waodbury'a Soap... Iae Ioc Celixcriue Sc&ap ... 4 fur 2&c 25c Bath Soap .......... 2 Car aac inc lavender Soap .. 4 Car 25c Here are a few nf uur Speciaix Christmas Presents $ 1.60 Fancy Boxed Scat)onecy $ 1.09 $3.76 Fancy Boxed Stationery azi89 $5.00 Fancy Boxed Stationery $ 7.98 65« Fancy Boxed Stationery..., aie $ 1.00 Ca&y'x Powder.......... anc $2.00 Bea Hur Perfume.. $ 1.25 76c Luxav Powder ..... 50& $ 1.50 Toilet '&Vater........... &isc 60c Jun&eat Comb&us&)ou Cream 37& $ 1.25 Paradia Toilet iVaier.... iiie $ 1.00 Auto Scrap Raaar ........ 89c $5.50 French Ivory Clock .. $287 $6.00 Military Hair Brushes $ 4.12 $8.60 French Ivory hiirror ... 65&.98 aud many others ~ ~ ~ Air. aml Nrs. G. E. Brealey, 13th and Fulton, announce the engagement of their claughter, Gln&lys to Mr. James A. Royce, son of ikfr. F. D. Royes and the late Mrs. Buyes of Vnncouver. The wedding will take pince next month. Stn tionery 16c Envelopes..... 2 for iaec 15« Linen Envelopes.............. Inc Inc Writing Pad .............. Inc 36c IVritiug Pad ........,.........„23c Baby Requisites 90c Viral, medium .......... 79& 20c Caxiaiay Se&ap .... 2 Cur 20& risc Phillips Milk of iiiaguaaia 48& 40c Caatoria ......... 33c loc Oval Baby Bottles... 4 fue 2.&c $ 1.00 Ciinicai Thermometers 69c ~ ~ ~ A high south-west wind nnil n 13 foot 6 in. tiile Momlny morn- ing cnused 6 very heavy sen, which roared &lown on West Van- couver beaches. A number of houses on the east and west benches had their back yards washed out by the combers, the spray dashing high in the nir. A quantity of logs were washed ashore all along our shores. A number which ivere washed in immediately east of the Amble- side dock ha&i to be towe&l out on Tuesday to prevent their dam- aging the cribbing. a ~ ~ POST OFFICE DRAWS ATTENTION TO I.ETTER ADDRESSES The postal authorities request that West Vancouver residents address their letters with the name of the particular post of- fice in the district where they get their mail, instead of West Vancouver. To use the name aIVest Vancouver" causes a tre- mendouu amount of confusion, as it frequently results in the ad- dress on the letter they receive in reply being mistaken for a city address. Thus "1762 16th Ave. West Vancouver," is often taken to be 1762 15th Ave. West, Van- couver.'rugs 60c Aspirin Tablets I Sayers) 24 tablets.............. 40c $ 1.00 Lyxai, 16 ux............. 49c anc Tincture Iodine, 4 ax........ 26c $3.00 Petrolatum Liquid, &4& gaL ... $ 1.69 75c Rubbing Alcohol, 16 ox.. 49c 76« Russian htiuarai Oii, 16 ox. 42« 40« Quinine Capsules, 6 grain, I ua....................... 2ic and many others. CHAI ET READY I'OR I'VINTEIt Sl'ORTS Grouse Mountain chalet stag- gered under the first onslaught of King IVinter last week, bug nil is now ren&ly for the hund- re&ls of winter sport seekers ex- pected on the peak during the fall and winter. On Wednesday night two feet uf snow fell within 0 very short time. The snow was wet nml its weight strained power lines almost to the breaking point. The power line was functioning again Friday night. There is now between four and five feet of snow pn the ground at the chalet, aml skiing aml to- boganning will soon be under way. The road is open. being kept clear by the new rotary snow- plow. Grouse Mountain company officials assert there is no doubt that the new plow will be able to keep the road open through- out the winter. Rubber Goods $2.50 Ia&diva'yringe ............ $ 1.39 $ 1.26 Hot Water Bottles........ 89c 3".25 Hoi Water Bottles........ $ 1.49 50« Syringe tubing ............. 29c 6'.00 Fountain Syringe ......„$ 1.49 $ 1.00 Attachments ........„........ 69c Prescriptions filled by fully qualified druggist. Lesage Drug'tore WEST 323 ~ ~ A number of illustrated signs put out by the Canadian Nation- al Safety League have been plac- ed in the Pauline Johnson school. E. A. McBain, who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. P. A. McBain, 29th and Waterfront, left Monday to return to his home in Edmonton. Nr. Warburton Young of Ag- assiz, has rented the Pattullo house at 28th and Waterfront. David Dewar, 22nd Street and Marine Drive, has returned from an extende&1 trip to Gull Lake, Sask. When he left a consider- able amount of grain had yet to be harvested, and many of the farmers consequently had not re- ceived their money from the ele- vators. He does not think that many farmers who have settled here wi:) get their money from the crops until next January. is~|' alL kinCk '. IAIDO„ 8t LL))70018l ):,)-&t - 'of,g P,FA'r)j.L ',,'=,II-- S net Rrie RESCUF SYSTEM FOR I.OST AIOUNTAIN CI.)AIBERS An organized rescue system to care for hikers lost on North Shore mountains an&I a plan to educate mountain climbers in forest lore, will be discussed nt n meeting orgapized by Chief W. W. Hemingway of North Van- couver District Police, which is to be held in Christ Church schoolroom, North Vancouver, on December 6th. Representatives from the B. C. Mountaineering Club, Vancou- ver branch of the Alpine Club of Canada and Out-of-Doors Club of the University of B. C., will attend the meeting. It is proposed to organize a number of rescue groups to be called upon by Chief Heming- way when amateur mountain climbers are lost. e ~ 'I SURPRISE PARTY FOR REEVE VINSON A number of friends of Reeve Vinson gave him a surprise party on Tuesday evening, 22m) inst- ant, at his home on Gordon Ave., on the occasion of his birthday. Those present were: Miss F. Mc- Cleery, Air. and Mrs. Leggatt, Mr.and Airs. Thomas, Mr. and Nrs. George Clark, Mr. and Mrs. McVean, Mr. and AIrs. J. R. Al- len, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lundberg, Afr. and Afrs. McGowan, Nr. and Mrs. C. J. Archer, Miss Parting- ton and Miss E. Thomas. Your milk supply left on your doorstep every morning in the year is a problem perfectly met by Fraser Valley milkmen, and not only the service but the quality of the product is such as can be depended upon day in and day out. If you are not using F. V. A)ilk, try it for a week. a e Mrs. R. IV. Bryant of Vancou- ver, has rented a cottage on the east beach. F. H. Cooper, 22nd and Fulton, is confined to his house with a bad foot, due to his having trod- den on 0 rusty nail. a Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eatock have arrived from Chilliwack and have taken possession of the house AIr. Eatock recently pur- chased at 11th aml Duchess. ' ~ H. Murray has returned from the North Vancouver General Hospital, and is living with his sons at their home at 24th and Bellevue. tF'ecIrie Sil'1:s' ;)fjnppinean *"64 39eee for Christmas as some electrical gift that aJJa io the beauty of hcc ZERO 9 quits for $1.00 Phone: &Vorth 122 Some of the famous bridges of modern times are the Tay Bridge, Scotland, length 10,500 feet; Victoria Jubilee Bridge, at Montreal, 9,184 feet; Forth Bridge, Scotland, 8,290 feet; Brooklyn Bridge, N.Y., 5,990; Quebec Bridge, across the St. Lawrence River, 3,240 feet; Cal- cutta, India, 1,530 feet; Kew, England, 1,300 feet; London Bridge, 1,000 feet; Menai, IVales, 1,700 feet; Newcastle, England, 1,400 f«et; Tower Bridge, Lon- don, 800 feet; Clifton Suspension Bristol, England, 700 feet; 7am- besi, East Africa, 650 feet. CLOSE SEASON OV LOCAL FISHING STREAAIS UNTIL FEBRUARY 28 As a conservation measure, a recently-passed order-in-council at Ottawa has placed a closed season to anglers in Capilano River, Lynn an&I Seymour creeks from December I to February 28, 1928. The order followed a reciuest from the North Shore Game, Fish an&i Forest Protective As- sociation, which organization be- lieves that the restriction will considerably improve the fishing in future. home or helps hcr with hcc daily work Toaa&ccx, pcccola&oca, irons, boudoir lamps bridge lamps a«J hu«J coda of others noc &o forget &bc larger electrical )abor savers. ~ 4 Dr. E. R. and Mrs. Rowan, 31st and Travers, have moved to the city. Dr. Rowan will continue to practise here as before. ~ e ~ B. IV. Bone is buikling a house on the I&roperty he purchased at 23rd and Kings. a a ~ iAIr. and Airs. Oscar Wh)taker of Chil)iwack, moved on Monday into the house at 11th an&i Esqui- malt, they purchased recently. ~ Poc dad, coo, &hcce is the ibahhghc, cigar lighter, rad&o acc, «lcccnc hcaccc a«J reading )amp. Vuu Our A)exec&& S&mc lhunanfousnus nracnnclbmwavf0 Veeeaaee ~ New Wi ialeeeee ca&x&w i ~ AaaaecaJ Naia iea Wae Veeaa e Ne» Building--Corner Marine and 14th. We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small S)fiof ~f Sif In yo" )mad sc You&i)i I Bw fof I the w'"'I m&1St to the Ihc)f m Aaa au' Cconom P Ublic " wo afo must c sons) fe thcao whvthvf &know) vindictii wko tu under t )ng th)4 I hav f&mt, 6 moto&in, is a)top& drive oi c~)n) g)ue)ng, p)ank a Tho 1 )mpofta bef of o ford to dc&)alon imports I havl wiiilcf &)ua)nta& people, the aim portunii their fa As 3 the priv) we, wit) ury civ bread fii meet th& was an fellow w foctably on the p decided)', all, we I I ama conaidec would h,' folio&