Resampled001B6E26 December 2, 1927. le ,l. Xmas Presents orders taken for HAND PAINTING on any article From 26c 3 spray. (washable) MRS. A. ROBINSON Upstairs over B.C.Electric Office Phoae West 116 or at West Vau. JeweBera. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Duval, who have been occupying a cottage at Caulfeild, have taken an a- partment at the Snowdon, Bar- clay Street, City, for the vvinter monthfu OIL PAINTINGS ON VIEIV The Classic Millinery Store has on display a number of very excellent oil paintings and draw- ings by the late Sidney. Clutter- buck Vick, husband of the pro- prietress. Mr. Vick gained for himself quite a reputation as a gifted artist, and those interest- ed in this class of work should view the works which are now offered for sale at very reason- able prices. Mrs. Vick's daughter, Madame Rochon, formerly of Calgary, has also inherited her father's artis- tic genius. LADIES CHOIR HOLD MILITARY WHIST DRIVE NEXT WEDNESDAY A Military Whist Drive will be held next Wednesday at "the Clachan," foot of 25th Street, under the direction and for the benefit of the Ladies'hoir. The ladies are doing their utmost to make this a vev~ pleasant even- ing and it is hoped there will be a very large turn-out. The price of tickets, 35 cents, is a very moderate one. Refreshments will be served and there will be a short musical programme. tt e. iy ar DAVIS--GREEN. At the Manse, Dundarave, on Saturday morning the marriage took place of Miss Catherine Gladys Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Green, 2046 Mar- ine drive, to Mr. Carl Cornwall Davis, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis, Twenty-fifth and King Avenue. Attendants were Miss Hazel Green and Mr. Lewis Theodore Green, sister and brother of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Rev'. A. M. O'Donnell. After the wed- ding Mr. and Mrs. Davis left for their home in Seattle. DR. VASS MOVES TO LARGER PREMISES Dr. Roberta A. Vase, chiroprac- tor, who opened an office here recently in the Yates building, has been obliged by the fast growth of her chentele to ar I} Q range for more commodious premises, her present quarters being found too limited for her service to her clients. Dr. Vase has therefore taken the store a- cross the street m the Stvatton block which was formerly occu- pied by the West Van. Jewellers. Patients will be received in the new office next Monday. CANADIAN LEGION The IVest Vancouver branch, Canadian Legion, held a special meeting at the Legion rooms last Friday at 8 p. m. to discuss i.he Christmas activities of the branch. A large number of don- ations for the annual Christmas raffle was reported as received by the committee in charge, and the raffle gives promise of being bigger and better than ever this year. It was decided to give a Christ- mas entertainment for all veter- ans'nd ex-service men's child- ren, in connection with which the following committee was P~ pointed with power to act: Com- rades Archer, Camp, Rivers, Moore, Carley, Lawson and Childs. The actual date of the entertainment will be announced later, but it is hoped to hold it between Christmas and New Years. SUPERINTENDENT OF P.G.E. AT. SQUAMISH HONORED AT DINNER H. M. Graham, son of Mrs. Graham, 18th and Esquimalt, and who has been superintend- ent of the Pacific Great Eastern Raihvay at Squamish since 1916 and retired because of ill health, was honored at a farewell dinner given by his staff at Squamish on Saturday night. Robert Wil- son, assistant to the executive, and several of the staff from Vancouver were in attendance. The retiring official was pre- sented with a gold watch and a silver tea service was given to Mrs. Graham. J. A. Quick, chief clerk and acting superintendent made the presentation. Mr. and Mrs. Graham will stay with Mrs. Graham, Senior, at 18th and Esquimalt, but expect to return to Squamish in six months, to again resume resid- ence. VINSON AND WATT ON HOSPITAL COMMITTEE Reeve V. V. Vinson and Coun- cillor J. T. Watt will represent this municipality when the pro- posal to establish a joint North Shore hospital is dealt with by the North Vancouver Hospital Board. A meeting of this Board was held in North Vancouver last Wednesday night, when the West Vancouver representatives were present. TO ABANDON REFUSE GROUND NEAR AMBLE- SIDE PARK A recommendation of Council- lor J. B. Leyland, chairman of the health committee, that the present refuse ground adjoining Ambleside Park be abandoned has been confirmed by the Town Planning Commission. It is believed that, in its pres- ent location the area is detrimen- tal to the health of adjacent resi- dents and it is proposed a new refuse area be established in D. L. 763, east of Third street, and south of the cemetery. It is also suggested that a new system of motor truck garbage collection be established next year. The time haa come to speak of many things. There's cards and seals for gift parcels, cough syrup, etcu for colds, ice cream from our Frigidaire for dessert, baby combs in any of four colors for 16 rents each, four sizes of pow tier puffe in five colors, 16 cents each. We deliver anything anywhere anytime aod we have two regiat- ered druggists at afl times to serve you. WEST VAN PHARMACY Phone West 37. Night Calls -- Emergency only--West 321. COUNCIL MAKES SINKING FUND INVESTMENT Royal Financial Successful Tend- erers --100'i, HE most thorough flushing formerly removed onlyT 32'7o of foreign matter in your crankcase. Nowthere is a new process which removes every particie of grit, metal, ete. Norlite Crankcase Cleaner does this, in a few minutes, without dropping the crankcase. With this remarkable machine. Noviite cleaning lubricant is forced through, over aud ov«r again, leaving your motor absolutely clean. This Serfjice is Free/ NORLITE CRANK CASE SERVICE Noriite Crankcase Cleaner aud Noriite Oils are distributed in B. C. by Vancouver Oil Co. Ltd., the only afl-Britiah Columbia oil concern; manu- facturers of Northern Light P. II. Gasoline. North Shore Station for Norlite Crank Case Service LONSDALE MOTORSTenders were recently called for by the council for securities for sinking fund investment. The Royal Financial Corporation were successful, their tender be- ing the highest out of a number received. The securities in their tender were 21,000 Province of Nova Scotia 41/2% bonds due March 1st, 1964 @ 94.83 to yield 4.82, and $4,500 C.N.R. 3 /o bonds (guaranteed by the Do- minion Government) due 10 July 1953 @ 73.43 to yield $4.82. NORTH SHORE CANADIAN CLUB A meeting of the North Shore Canadian Club will be held in the K. P. Hall in North Vancouver on Wednesday, December 7th, at 6.30 p. m.'he guest of honor will be Sir Herbert Ames, K.T., LL.D. Sir Herbert, for the last quarter of a century has been one of the outstanding figures in Canadian public life. He served the City of Montreal as Alderman until elected to the Dominion House in 1904, being re-elected in 1908, 1911 and 1917. In 1911 he was chairman of the select commit- tee on Banking and Commerce and also of the special committee on the care and treatment of re- turned soldiers in 1917. During the War he was Honorary Sec- retary of the Canadian Patriotic Fund, and made several trips through Canada, resulting in subscriptions to the fund a- mounting to over fifty million dollars. In 1915 Sir Herbert was created Knight, and also receiv- ed high honors from the French Government. From 1919 to 1926 he was fin- ancial director of the secretariat of the League of Nations, and with Sir George Foster repre- sented Canada at the Geneva conferences. The subject of the Speaker' address will be "The Changing Spirit of Europe." DEATH OF MRS. E. L. PERRY 15th and Lonsdale HERE ARE A FEW SCHOOLBOY HOWLERS A selection of schoolboy "howlers" is given in the "Uni- versity Correspondent." In the general section are the following: Guy'6 Hospital was built to commemorate the Gunpowder Plot. Joan of Arc was cannonized by Bernard Shaw. Lipton is the capital of Cey- lon. William III, on his way to Hampton Court, stumbled over a mole and broke his collar-stud --which was fatal to a man of his constituency. Sir Walter Scott wrote "Quen- tin Durwood," 'Ivanhoe" and "Emulsion." A talisman is a man who calls every week for the furniture money. A prospectus is a man who finds gold. The Old Gentleman '.means Gladstone. Fallacy is another name for suicide. Under the heading of Mathe- matics and Science the following appear: A pollygon is a dead parrot. A triangle with equal sides is called equatorial. Sodium nitrate is the chief chilly sauce of nitric acid. A short time ago a Chinaman applied to the council for a lic- ense to run a fruit and vegetable business in the store on Marine Drive at Ambleside formerly oc- cupied by the Lesage DrugStore. The council referred the matter to the municipal solicitor for a ruling on their authority, and have now received a reply to the effect that they cannot refuse a license on the score only of nat- ionality. North Vancouver XMAS Old fashioned English Plum Puddings, Cakes aud DIiucemeat. Leave your order with ua. We guarantee your satisfaction. Real Home-made Bread 9c a Loaf Mrs. DRAPER 2436 DIARINE DRIVE Next Duaeevave Hdl NOTE PHONE: Weet 3BB Watch, Clock Mid Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker 5 Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside For Ivest Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL 1429 Iieviee Drive Pkese West 940 Specializing in IVest Vancouver Wellesley: "Doctor, why does a small cavity feel so large to the tonguef" Dentist: "Just the natural ten- dency of your tongue to exag- gerate, I suppose." THE WEST VAN NEWS Ae the Walrus said 'lfialls Y0111'Ot01'HE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Court of Revision of Voters'ist, 1928 NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Voters'ist will sit at the Municipal Hall, 17th and Esquimalt, District of West Vancouver, B. C., on Saturday the 10th day of December, 1927, at 10 o'lock in the forenoon, for the puv7yose of correcting and revising the Voters'ist for the year 1928 and to determine any application to strike out the name of any person, which has been improperly placed thereon, or to place on such list the name of any person improperly omitted there- fr'm. Dated at the MuniciPal Hall, West Vancouver, B. C„ this 18th day of November, 1927. JAS. OLLASON, Municipal Clerk. Mrs. Elizabeth Lucy Perry passed away at her residence, 2227 14th Avenue IVest, Van- couver, at the age of 60. She had been a resident of Vancou- ver for over 30 years. The fun- eral took place from EIarron Bros. J: IVilliamson'3 last Friday November 25th. It was a large funeral, about four humlred old timers and friends being pres- ent. Mr. IVilliam Alexander had charge of the service. She leaves to mourn hcr loss six daughters and two sons, of whom Mrs. D. Wellington, Jr., 1472 Fulton Street aml Mr. H. IV. Perry, 1370 Esquimalt Street West Vancouver, are a &laughter and a son. Flooring, Iong lengths.. $ 15.pp per No. 2 Shiplap ................... $ 16.00 per Af No. 2 Dimension...... $ 16.00 per iaaf. No. 3 Shipfnp $ 12.00 per iaaf. Sand, Gravel, Plaster Lime, Cement, Brick, Tile A number of Used Sash at reduced prices. A complete line of Building isfflteriai in Stock Phones: North 207 - 212 Night Phones: North 1265 aad North 1415R 154 Esplanade IV. North Vancouver