Resampled001B6E26 Practical Xinas Gifts for tlic Tini'ots 12 only Rcaotifai Fine Knit Sr&ca&era, Cmmaoo, Royai Purple. Blue Maooa and G&oca. Ages 2, 3 aad I years. Goort Values &o 6L76, for 31.26 If yoo want reliable things at ccaaoaabic prices. You will be ra&icficd with the values aod service given by THIS STORF We have a aoe xeicc&ion of &hiagx suitable for & bric&mair Pm. cotr. TOiS, NOVELTIES. FANCY GOODS. Etc. E3uv in IVesi Van. nt City I'rices and IAss. GRIGOR'S Dry Goods Store To! a and Novelties Ocdcm Taken for licma&i&chias 1460 Marine Dl'IVe v(ica( rran Earache Stephen's ChurchXmAS EATABLES S(ra«on'a Christmas goods arc will known &o the people of Wcat Vancouver. Lca&» your order oii&h ux for XMAS CAKES ~ od I'UDDINGS Shortbread. Mince Pica, Sco&ch Boos, E&c. Only the purest of ingredients used in our bakcahop. WEST 27 STRATTON'S BAKERY Tcachc& of Voice Production and Singing Amblsaids Tsa Roe&msr~~ WEST VANCOUVER Camp aad Picnic SoppBaa, Tobaccos, aoe A School for Cirls KINDERGARTEN HARROiV BROS. & WILLIAMSOiV funeral Birect()rs North Vancouver Parlors 122 IVest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 We IL Ho West Boaiacaa aad Editorial Office: 1361 Mariaa Drira Mail Addccaai P. O. Box 161, Hoiiybura, R C 61.00 a year by &oaii or carrier, New stands sc pcr copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION Advent 2 (December 4th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.16 a. m.--Holy Communion. 4 p. m.--Holy Baptism. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. On Sunday evening the preach- er will be the Rev. Nelson A. Harkness, secretary of the Brit- ish Columbia auxiliary of the Canadian Bible Society. Under the auspices of the A. Y.P.A. the pupils of Mrs. F. X. EIodgson will be heard in a con- cert recital in the Dundarave Hall, Friday evening, December 9th, &vith iAIiss Phyllis Rushton, reader, assisting.J.. Or n Both football teams won lastR Satuixlay, the Junior A's by de Phoae West 173 fault from Christ Church and WEST VANCO IIV ER the Junior B's 2-0 from St. Pat- ricks. These victories place the teams at the head of their re- spective divisions. Tomorrow the Junior A's play Collingwood United at Hollyburn School at 1.30 p.m., and the Junior B'sVANCOUVER STUDIO wjll take the 1 o'lock ferry toPhone Seymour 101 proceed to Seymour School for theirxfame asainct, Eirat Cburc)Lun((ea. On Tuesday night the swim- ming team won the Leckie Cup, emblematic of the S. S. champ- ionship for schools under 200 at the final of the gala at Canadian Memorial tank, with a total of 53 points and placing third in the grand aggregate. Points on Tuesday night were won as fol- lows: Intermediate Boys, Breast Stroke, 2nd F. Cullin. Intermediate Girls, Relay, 1st Now Open at St. Stephen's (M. Edwards, H.23rd aad Bellevue Rivers, E. Beard, I. Miles). by Senior Girls'ovelty, 1st, I. blISS PHILIP Miles. Proapcctoa on Appiica&ioa Senior Girls'iving, 3rd, E. Special attention given Archer. to French. Senior Girls'0 yards, 3rd M. 5IacLeod. Senior Girls'ack Stroke, 3rd, P. Neville Smith. Senior Girls'elay, 3rd, St. Stephen's (M. MacLeod, P. N. Smith, E. Archer, M. Parting- ton). In the 100 yards B. C. Cham- pionship race for girls under 18, which was won by Irene Lamb, Ivy Miles came second. The winning of the Leckie Cup brings the second championship trophy to West Vancouver for the year, the Sunday School hav- THE ing won the Allan Cup for the second year, at the track and 8$ V++ Qe 8 field rn«t 1»t September atBrockton Point. Blustrated lecture on Bible Society's IVork. The annual meeting of the local branch of the CanadianPhones: Bible Society will be held in the363 West 412L United Church hall next Mon- day night at 8 o'lock with the Rev. Nelson A. Harkness, the head of the society for the prov- ince in attendance. The feature of the evening will be an illust- rated 'lecture by the Rev. H. fifusson on Cojportage work in China. The lecturer was engaged for eighteen years in the dis- tribution of the Bible in China and will show views which he himself took. THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CIIURCH EDIFICE 26&h aad Eaqaimai&, Iloiiyboca Sunday Sorvico ai 11.30 a. m. Subject December 4th "God the Only Cause and Creator." Sunday School ~ I IO.OO a. m. Taa(imoay Meeting ovary Wad oaaday ai $ .16 p. m. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. IVcekjy prayer service each IVednesday at 7.30 p.m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. Iiigh Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m'. United Church Rev. E. Burchill m charge Sunday School 10.00 a. m. Morning Service 11.16 a. m. Evening Service 7.16 p.m. Rev. N. Harkness, Di- visional Secretary of the British and Foreign Bible Society will give the morning address. Morning Anthem, "0 Lord, My God," Malan; anthem, "Lead Me, Lord," Wesley. Evening anthem, "Abide With Me," Thompson; solo, "The Liv- ing God," O'ara, Miss Anne Ritchie. Organist, Mrs. J. E. Durbin. Directorr Prof. J. M Morgan. Momiay at 8 p. m. a lantern lecture illustrating Co)portage work in China will be given by Mr. Muosen, a Colporteur who has spent 18 years in that Coun- try on liehalf of the B. & F. B. S. Mr. J. Porter at the lantern. Trail Rangers each Monday 7.15 p. m., jiir. Hindmarsh, lead- er. IVeekjy prayer serv(ce ea h IVednesday at 8 p. m. Mr. May- hew in charge. Young Peoples'ociety, each IVednesday at 8 p.m., Miss G. Lawson, President. Choir practice each Thursday at 8 p. m. Professor Morgan choirmaster. C. G. I. T. Groups each Friday at 7 p. m., Mrs. Chilton, leader. AGAIN DISCIiSS BYI A)V (Continued from Page I) large bodies of public opinion op- posed each other, it was the duty of the reeve and council ns the representatives of the people at large and trustees of all equities to reconcile these two bodies, The proposals they put for- ward &vould they said, effect such reconciliation. anil that the full- eat opportunity of expressing judgment wouhl be given by havmg the bylaw split. The del- egation asked the council to re- consider its decision towards this end. Reeve Vinson produced a pe- tition which he said was signed by 63 resident ratepayers living in close proximity to the munici- pal hall. In this petition the ratepayers had expressed their approval of the one bylaw being submitted for the ron&i nnil bridge and the reeve sal&l he un- derstoo&l other similar petitions would follow. He pointed out that the ratepayers'ssociation did not represent all of the rate- payers of the municipality nor the general opinion of all of the ratepayers. The reeve referred to a move- ment on foot years ago in the municipality to divide the muni- cipality and after much serious consideration and careful dealing this agitation had been relegated to the background. To submit the measure in two bylaws would result in the same agitation a- gain appearing on the horizon he thought and the reeve stated he would not be party to any action that would have that result. "I went through that trouble before," he said, "and special legislation was required at that time to smooth things over." Councillor Jackman pointed out that the $ 19,000 mainten- ance charges called for next year would amount to six mills on the tax rate and the fixed charges on the new road and bridge ascalled for in the bylaw would only call for four and one-half mills. He informed the delegation that maintenance charges on the road for the coming year had been estimat(kt at $34,000 of which the municipality would BRITISH ISRAEL WORLD FEDERATION West Vancouver Branch Oe 1VEDNESDAY EVENING Next, December 7(h, PROF. E. ODLUM, iii. A., B.Sc., F.R.G.S. will deliver a lecture on December 2, 1927. have to pay $24,000. Councillor Leylan&l said he understood re- vised figures of maintenance charges had been brought in. Engineer Duncan then submitted the revised figures which called for an expenditure of $ 19,000 but did not provide for any im- provement work on the existing bridge over the Cnpilano. The revised maintenance totnl was made up as follows: Mile 1~ $614: Mile 2 $922; Mile 3 $ 1400;g Mlle 4 $ 1106; Mile 6 $ 1281; Mile 6 $ 1702: Mile 7 $ 1332; Mile 8 $ 1732; Mile 9 $3799; Mlle 10 $ i1660. No figures were given for Miles 11 an&i 12. The question was askeil wheth- er the government woukl pay for the bridge without taking the road into consideration. Council lor Jackmen sai&l that the gov- ernment ha&i made no stipulntion on that matter. To Councillor Leylan&l's ques- tion as to whether the govern- ment in approving a certain type of briilge had given the impres- sion that they considered the road and bridge as one project, Reeve Vinson said the govern ment at that time ha&I intimated that their bridge appropriations for the year ha&i all been allocat- ed so nothing could be secured for improvements to the exist- ing bridge this year. Reeve Vin- son further pointed out that the government was most interested in the road for that was where the heavy maintenance charges emanated and conditions were getting worse an&I maintenance charges were continually mount- ing. The bylaw was being sub- mitted in January so that the government's contribution of'220,000would still be available in the current year"6 estimates which closed in March. GROCERY SPECIALS window &I&splay Jf Xmas Fruits and Grocery speciale. We carry only the BEST QUALITY of goods. )Vhen you buy here you can rely upon this absolutely Our prices are the lowest you will get anywhere, con- sistent with the BEST qual ity. See the goods and get our prices. SEED'S GROCERY Ambleside I'hone IVest 28 We deliver. UNITED CHURCH SALE OF WORK Under the auspices of the IVO- men's Association of the United Church the annual sale of work and home cooking will be held on Friday, December 9th, from 3 to 6 p. m. in the Church hall. Many special features will be arranged amongst which will be a novel- ty store conducted by the young people. There will also be a fish pond. Afternoon tea will be served. R. P. CLARK & CO. SHOIV EX I'ANSION filo&e Real Estate Office. R. P. Clark & Company, as a result of general expansion in all departments, have found their offices on Hastings Street )Vest too small. They have therefore moved their Real Estate, Insur- ance and Mortgage Departments tn the corner of Dunsmuir and Howe Streets, just one block u est of Granville Street. They ask their friends to make a note of this change of address. "What Is the Foundation Teaching of the British Is- rael People. In the Ambicaida Hall at 6 p. m. Ail are hcar&iiy welcome. The Ladies Auxiliary will hold a prayer meeting at the home of Mra R B Harrison Kings and 26th, on Thursday, the 8(h at 2.$0 p.m. THE CLOW (bi&a. J. A. Bradioy) Opposite Manna Motors Tho home of the Home-Made Pies Phone Your Orders WEST 1$8 "To be well dressed is a big asset to any man." GREAT SALE OF Men's Tailored Suits 20 Oz. Genuine Indigo Dye Navy Blue Serge Regular $65.00 for.................................................--.. The Best Scotch Tweed and English )Vorsted Suits, Regular $60 to $60 at the Special Price................ 40 Fjt and Quabty Guaranteed Ray Bros. Tailoring Co. 80 Hastings Street West eo (otto(( Ifbe losoi iow» „m ibo ikP.imsiis rect litt.' to eb'ii 'oo sfjj vcklP( lc fo(((~elf d t& (lt ( oom( 'ieo ss oloo o bMO resP moot st voloP Poi tboi ib so4 towoo c„o sjjt(N'tfoggjjoj( „mmos pc(boPO o to coohjs (of pj „ to the b oetjt tbote In ibe (ei 6 de(ioite ( (jj((eros osis o( 6+9 meodoos e (( ( ibe (iiieo dofo +' ~ ( msf bove b'ofosod dei cflies of tbo provldd (or ment of the'f d(mm fcodsl Itroc bso left oo 'reedom. )V sire t«to nevertheless opjog 6 new sod duties o tis(t from tj djyjdoaj. lf 6 new order societY io ('laceof the 'SefItI Pa )lake 6 (oi eggs, their w sugar, ood i their weight i Turn into ei butter-tins 6 minutes. )Vj little o( the I pot in 6 tea, or any favoi this pot 3 lit 8roob i,he ed o( an (gg, c with chopped sent moss,aoi the basket wj ca which bavi to make then Carr Apor( f(on o»d one tob owder, one sl one sour op ~bjespoooo w l opooo (jour t emoo, a cop I Tbo usual sn mbbit into jo Pkse jo the them in tbe hthe rabbit (rothe same fat 'ithe grated apiog, etc. )Vhe replace the raIjmvly till cooroeoi in the cdeeP diob, an(over all. 86rv Sobooa, Drain awwsy flesh sdd onsolm abtt tter, 6 Popper, a Ibh, bod visogor, Ib totwoes tbibutter, ut io i tiil(l gs