Resampled001B6E26 THE WEST VAiN NEWS RED AND WHITE CHAIN STORES Friday and Saturday Specials 1V)LD ROSE PASTR'Y FLOUR, 10 lb. Sack foe..... ... e.c SHELLFD AL)1ONii&S, 1'&novi Spun&nb, pcv 1b .... ;sr FINE QUALITY hf)NCEMEAT ............. 2 laos. for 21c SLICED PKACHFS. "Dci hiooic" 2'n, pcv aim .. 21c RED AND 'IVHITE h(ATCHES. Sao'z, Real Good him&chen 3 ibizcn for 25c SM)TH'S "h)AYPOLE" TEA, Bulk, pcr lb. ri9c B, C. GRANULATED SLIGAR...... 10 ibn. 65r SHELLED 1VALNUTS. an'n, pcc ih ....... 3nc UHnlsT51As cAKK 1&Bc&&RAT)oxs! SILVER ('ACRO(iS, per tube.. ic NONPARE)LS, pcr pkg........................ iar SERVUS BRAND FINK 1'EAS, No. 6, )ntvouocaovy Price 2 aio» sic RFGAL SHAKER SALT .................. 2 pknz. for 2ic COFFEE, (Freshly Ground), pcv ib ..... 59c E PC . ~ 'e LOCAL NEW LA1D. pca'tones .. ... 52cGGS STORAGE I')RSTS, pcv dozen &5c N EW (.'A U I.F I) I 1.1) l(FSII)ENT HONORED hire. Thomas Reed-Palmer en- tertained at tea Sun&tay at her suite in the St. Julian, Vancou- ver. in honor of Mrs. Allan Black- burn. late of Salt Spring Island, but iiow a resident of Caulfeil&i. hlrs. Gilb& rt Holt presiile&l at the charmingly appointed tea table, anil the other guests &vere: Mr. and ihlrs. John (.. C&x&te, Miss hlarion ('note, hlr. aml Mrs. Geo. White. Mr. and sire. Charles Duncnn ihlacdonnell, hlr. an&I Mrs. Harry Bray, Mr. anil Mrs. Frank G. Tinder, Sir. and Mrs. R. H. Baird, ihlr. and ihirs. T. I'. O'Kelly. 3lrs. John Manning Scott, hlrs. Watkin Boultbee, hirs. Cecil ihlerritt, bliss Bea ihler- ritt, Mrs. Helen Cochrane, Mrs. J. C. Donald). Slrs. Clement Sneyd hlr. Peter Blackl&urn, ihir. H. G. F. hluskett, Mr. Bert McPhillips of Victoria, Mr. I.indsey Crease of Victoria, aml Mrs. Enrl Mc- &Vaisi HORSESHOE BAY CI.UB HOLDS FIRST DANCE The first dance of the season of Horseshoe Bay Boating and Yachting Club was held on Tues- day evening in Vancouver, ivhen chrysanthemums were used for table decorations at supper, Ivhich was served by Ladies'uxiliaryto the club. Reeve V. V. Vinson of West Vancouver, illrs. Vinson, Coun- cillor and ihirs. J. T. IVatt, Mr. an&I Mrs, George Payne, Mr. and ihIrs. J. Leggett an&1 Mayor L. D. Taylor &vere special guests. Reeve Vinson arrived unexpectedly at supper time and was given a special reception. Mr. R. C. Hodgson acted as master of cer- emonies for the evening. Building PermitsRoberts'he ligures for building per- mits in Creater Vancouver for the eleven months ending 30th November as compnred Iviih the total for the same period in 1926 furnish some interesting read- ing. West Vancouver shoivs an increase of $87,853.. and.. with South Vancouver is the only part of.. Greater.. Vancouver.. ivhich shows a groivth. I'oint Grey is down over $ 1,000,000 due it is said, to the slowing up in house building in that district, while the city shows a decrease of near- ly $6,000,000. This latter is at- tributed by citv officials to the fact that in 192G permits were granted for Pier B.C. which cost over $4,000,000 and for tivo large department store additions. The following are the figures: Better Meats 14th and Marine West 19Q SVhere Service and Quality Count SVE DELIVER 9:30--East 25th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfeild 3130-- East 25th Only Winter Closing Hours MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED- NESDAY S FRIDAY 6 P. )d THURSDAY ... 1 P. 51. SATURDAY ..... 8.30 P. SL HOLI.YBURN SKI CLUB HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING A report of last season's activ ities of the Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club was presented on LVed- nesday at the annual meeting of the club, when 33 members were present. The program for this season Ivas outlined and the members expressed themselves in favor of joining a proposed western branch of the Canadian Amateur Ski Association, to Ivhich the club were the first in the west to affiliate. Monthly competitions as well as tournaments will be held dur- ing the winter, and an invitation Ivas received from the Revel- stoke Ski Club to send two ski- iers to their tournament, which takes place 7 and 8 February. R. J. Verne, vice-president of the Canadian Amateur Ski asso- ciation, made an announcement that he ha&1 been asked by the association to name a qualified skier proficient in both jumping and cross-country running, with the view of having him repre- sent the west on the Canadian Ski team at the Olympic games at St. Moritz next Feb&i&ary. Reeve V. V. Vinson, of (Vest Vancouver, was named as honor- ary president for another year. The following are list of officers elected: President, J. C. E. Walk- er, of New IVestminster; vice- president, P.. J. Verne, Vancou- ver; secretary-treasurer, G. Bill- ingsley. SATURDAY 192G $15,093,087 1,220,370 1,060,160 5,673,950 392,323 548,673 1997 Van.....„..$9,718,782 S. Van. 1,273,13:3 Burnaby 1,052,975 Pt. Grey. 4,551,900 W. Van... 480,176 N. Van. 466,730 Dec. 3rd. New Zealand Butter 3 ibn $ 1.33 Beef Dripping 2 ibu. 25c Pure Pork Saonngcn, our own make, per lb...... 30c Cambridge Szouzgc, our own make . 2 lbs. 25c Old Comuary Sausage meat, per lb.......... 15c Hund Cheese, each ........ 15c New Zealand Lamb, should- ers, pcr lb............... 25c New Zealand Lamb, Rib ood breast, pcr lb........... 25c New Zealand Lamb, loins, pcr lb................ 32c New Zealand Lamb, legs. lb. 35c Pork Legs ifovcu) lb.. 19c Pork, Oven Roast, lb......... 2.'ic Veal for stewing, ...... 2 Ibn. 25c PR15)E STEER BEEF best money ran boy. Soiling Beef, pcr ib ............ 12c Poa Roast. pcr ib ... 12c znd 15c Oven Roast pcr lb.. 20c eh 2ic Rib Rolled Oven Roast, lb. 26c Ez&ra SPECIAL En&en Sirloin Beef Roast, lb. 28c Regular 38c pcr lb. Beef Kidney Suet chopped. pcr ib ..., 20c SWEET POTATOES 3 ibn. 25c King Apples, eo lb. crate $ 1.95 Potatoes, Highland, 100 lb. nock .................... $ 1.(5 Hoa House Tomnaocn, lb..... 30c Bronze) Sprout, Cauliflower Cabbage. Cater&'od Cali- fornia iw&aocc. Lemons, pcr dozen.... Sac h)ONDA Y Pork Steak, pcr ib......... 23cCooke&1... 2 ibn. &3c TUESDAY Shoulder Steak. lb.... 13c Pure Lard, rcg, 25c lb. 2 1bz. for S3c 'I'VEDNESDAY Tripe, pcr 1 b .... ......... . 1 ac Dripping, pcr ib .... lac THURSDAY Head Cheese, home made 2 for 25c FRIDAY Finnan Haddie. pcr ib 1nc Total $ 17,543.696 $23,988,563 For the period in question 139 houses valugd at $353,350 were constructed in West Vancouver in 1927 as against 15G houses for $283,730 for the first eleven months of 1926, so that while there is a slight decrease in the number of houses built. the con- siderable increase in value shows that a much better class of house is being erected. There is a slight decrease in the value of the permits issued in West Vancouver for last month as compared with Nov- ember 1926, but $2:),025, the fig- ures for November 1927, is &veil up to the average. In this con- nection it is worthy of note thai last month I'oint Grey showed a decrease of over $300,000. ELECTION CANDIDATES (Continued frnm Page 1) nection with water supply, which is certain to be one of the most important iiuestions to be handled by the 1928 council. Both have a host of friends, aml, if they stand, can be relied upon to receive a large number of votes. Itobert Fiddles is an ex-councillor and at present a school trustee, having headed the polls at the elections last January. He is a man thoroughly experienced in municipal matters and wil) have the backing of a large number of followers. I'eter Waite has had experience in council work and was a member up to two years ago. 31r. Waits will have the support of many personal friends especially in the east en&I of the municipality. There is talk of still other camlidates offering themselves, and we fully expect that other names will be put forward within the next week nr two. It is quite certain, though, that this is going to be an inter- esting and an active election. Linoleum will not crack if cleaned with oil and vinegar in equal parts. Smith 's Grocery We Deliver A, HA)iv KY Shi(TH, 1'rop. 2&&k AND h(AR)NE, OPP. Doodavavc Hall, 1'hone WEST S69 West Van Leads in December 2, 1927. CHOICE MEATS FOR . WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO REiNT, Ii'IRE INSURANCE, ETC. 17th Street see JOHN LAWSON Phone West 55 COLD WEATHER IS COMING Have your car put in good shape to withstand the rigors of winter. If we fix it, it will be done properly. Marine MOtorS 22nd and Marine Drive West 177 What Shall We Give for Christmas? A few photos of yourself or baby--better still a family group --will solve the Christmas problem. It is the only present that your friends cannot buy, but you alone can give. Remember, photographs live forever. Make your appointment today with THE KIN(". STUDIO(S 9 At 311 HASTINGS STREET LVEST I'hone Seymour 1016 CHRISTMAS Sl'ECIALS NOW ON DISPLAY Everybo&ly Knows THE KING STUDIO Established 1902. V. V. VINSON, Prop. FOR EASY STARTING" Have your car aml Battery inspected and all necessary mechanical an&i electrical adjustments ma&le by NORTH SHORE MOTORS LTD. OI,DSSIOBH.E AiND CHEVIIOI.ET DEAI.ERS 135 First Street )VC&it, &syorth Vancouver. (ltepresented in West Vnncouver by H. C. OSBOltNE) Phones West 628Y North 1186 Our meats have n superior tenderness-- liavor--that's what counts, Buy aml try nur ments just once an&I you'l be con- vinced. Everything Ive sell is wholesome an&I healthful. We never sell anything but the l&est. Phone Your Order West 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET L U M B E R pw Prices are rc&)uccd in eii grades from $3.00 to Sfi.aa por hi. Tnko ndvnnizgo of the present low prices and ooiicipoio ye&ore needs. ! Sigh Quality Lumber is Cheapest in the eni. West Vancouver Lumber Co. '6th and Marine LIMITED Phone West 115 Residence I'hone: West 3681. 'roj ' nsm insie hnai ter I )saul mst shsl defe hsvi i ihe rase ape& the ave& tire snd via& aut Pfg far cern feei bec rstl &lais hsd uns sbh imi tha vie Ssli as Thl nil ma tel the fra an nni Cil ini nn 9) dii tei da vel cli da dii bu cai scl sb pa He Ivh th& cri i&i& kn in& rca vni eel ai scil