Resampled001B6E14 November 18, 1927. SCHOOL. NOTES HIGH SCHOOL A very interesting entertain- ment was given by the Grade X class of the West Vancouver High School, last Friday, in the gymnasium. The programme was as follows: Readings -- The Dutchman' Telep'hone; Lavery'6 Hens, by Margaret Johnston. Latin Song--by Grade X girls. i Jokes by Gordon Grafton. Casey Court by Grade X boys. Piano Solo--Arabesque by Hil- da Wilson. "I Don't Want to Play in Your Yard„by M. Johnston and Ruth DUNDARAVE SCHOOL Class Leaders Grade I--First Term, Masao Hoskins. Second Term, Audrey Davey and Alice Tiderington. Grade II.--First Term, Charlie Manrill; Second Term, Gordon Mills. Grade III.--First Term, Bren- da Wicking; Second Term, Ian Mills. Grade IV.--First Term, Wen- dell Hayes; Second Term, Albert McLeod. PAULINE JOHNSON Football Game Pauline Johnson school defeat- ed Hollyburn on Wednesday the 16th. The game was played on the Hollyburn School grounds. Charley Neville, Bunnie Ray and Cyril Haworth scored for Paul- ine Johnson and Joe Grisdale put one between the posts for Holly- burn, making the score 3-1 in Pauline Johnson's favor. Come on Hollyburn! MONA SENTANCE, Press Correspondent. Hill. "Wanted--A Wife." Caste Batchelor ............Murray Watson Widow .......... Douglas Johnston Teacher ................... Ruth Blair Old Maid .................... Ruth Hill Flapper ................ Harry Dickson Ideal Wife..........Doris Rehberger Two basket-ball games were played by the boys team last Fri- day. Score Reid's team 2; Griev- es team 0. Ferguson's team 8; Reid'9 team 8. The score for the game on Tuesday was: Homma 16; Traf- ford 2. The score for the game on Wednesday was: Ferguson 7; Homme 6. DIAMOND JUBILEE ELOCUTION CONTEST The fust elocution contest for scholars, held last Saturday aft- errnoon in the Lonsdale Theatre, was a marked success from every point of view, when twenty-four little girls of Grades I, 2 and 8 made their bow on a proper stage with appropriate settings, and recited "A Wake-up Song" (Charles G. D. Rebels) and "while Getting Well" (Isabel E. Mackay). Many of the children had never been on a platform be- fore, yet the standard was ex- tremely high throughout. The large audience of parents, teachers, and friends got a real thrill as each child portrayed the poems, and the choice of the winners was a most difficult problem for the adjudicator, Mrs. Morgan. This lady's remarks at the close of the contest showed that her ideas were entirely in ac- cordance with the wishes of all parents, firstly, that the children be taught to speak clearly and beautifully, and secondly, that they must think of the smoothly flowing rhythm as they recite. Her advice in endeavoring to eliminate harsh sounds, and too much gesture, will no doubt be followed by all succeeding com- petitors. The judge was asked to choose the three best, but at the close of the contest she recommended four names, and the committee decided to accept them as fol- lows, to compete in the finals which will be held on December 10th in the Horticultural Hall at 8 p.m.--Miza Perry, Nina Gil- mour, Sheilah Hutchinson, Bar- bara Griffin. Next Saturday afternoon, Nov. 19th, all the boys of Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be called upon to compete in their sec- tions at the Lonsdale Theatre matinee, which commences at 2.30 p.m. The contest will com- mence about 4 p. m. Any boy who has neglected to enter his name is requested to do so at once to prevent disappointment. Phone entries to Mrs. Ward, North 584Y. Teachers'onvention This Convention which includ- es all the teachers of the North Shore will be held in the High ool auditorium this (Friday) at 8.30 o'lock. Profes- sor Soward of the University of B. C. trill lecture on Canada's part in the League of Nations. This lecture as far as the seat- ing can be arranged in the audi- torium, will be open to the pub- lic. Mr. Brealey, principal of the Pauline Johnson school, is the chairman of this year's conven- tion, held for the first time in West Vancouver. The following is the program: 4.00-4.15, Registration; 4.15-4.30 Business; 4.30-5.10, Function of the Home in Education, speak- ers, Mr. Ewing, Mr. Davidson, Mr. W. R. MacLeod, Miss Rud- dick. 5.10-6.45, The Ideal Cur- riculum, speakers, Mr. J. V. Mac- Leod, Miss Anderson, Mr. Crute, Mr. Stewart. 5.45-6.00, Address, Mr. Mor- row, President B. C. T. F. 6.00-7.15, Supper. 8.30-9.30, "Canada and the League of Nations," Professor F. H. Soward. 7.30-8.30, Sectional Meetings. Grades I and 2: Miss Angus, Convener. My Impressions of Berkeley, Miss Watson. Rhythmic Exer- cises in Music, Miss Gaunt. Lud- ford System of Reading, Miss Angus. Grades 3-6, Miss Morden and Mr. Smith, Joint Conveners. Health and Classroom Games, discussi&n led by Miss Morden. Composition, a discussion led by Mr. Smith. Grades 7 and 8, Mr. J. B. Ben- nett, convener. Practical Ath- letics, Mr. Hardwick, Idealism in Literature, Mr. MacLean. History and Opinion-forming, Professor Soward. High School, Mr. Fred J. Pat- terson, convener. The Letter System of Ranking, a discussion led by Mr. W. Gray. Objective versus Essay Type Examination, a discussion led by Mr. J. R. Mitchell. Judge: Well, John, I can give you this divorce but it will cost you three dollars. John: Three dollars, boss? Judge: That's tha fca. John: Well, boss, I ics'ell yu, Idon't b'lieve I wants no divorce. There ain't three dollars difference 'tween dcm two wimmcu. Plumber: "I'e come to ilx that old tub in the kitchen." Youngster: "hfamu, here's the doc- tor to sco the cook." CADETS A concert to be given under the auspices of the Duncan Law- son Chapter, I.O.D.E., will be held in the very near future, pro- ceeds of which will be used to purchase necessary equipment for the new West Vancouver Ca- det Cot7is. Full details of this event will be announced later. THE WEST VAN NEWS Whimsical Review "My dear," remarked the hen- pecked husband in the restaur- ant, "let us have peas at any price." "And what prompted you to propose to me, dear?" "You," said he, simply. Kisses seem to be taken for granted nowadays. At least they'e taken -- and usually granted. Present Day Version When in Rome, take a shot at Mussolini. Judge: aHow can you prove your innocence?" Prisoner: "Give me time." Judge: "Ten years." "If 3 man smashed a clock, could he be convicted of killing time?" "Not if the clock struck first." Coach: "I see you'e from Chi- cago." Halfback: "No, that's just a birthmark." "What made you flunk your Latin course?" "I wasn't in the proper mood." You re a man after my own heart," said the watermelon as the dusky darky thumped it af- fectionately. "Who brought up that sub- )set?" said the Iong of England to the elevator boy in Bucking- ham Palace. "Policeman, that ruffian took my wife's arm." "All right, sir, we'l search him at the station." The prof who flunked Oswald once taught Browning. And Os- wald says, if that is so, then Browning couldn't have known much. The kleptomaniac who had been cured got along very well until one day, in a moment of weakness, he stole a sack of ce- ment. "Refuse me fair Gwendolyn I beg it." "Why?" "So I'l be driven to drink." Wife (buying a new hat): "Dear, what kind of a bird shall I have on it?" Husband: "One with a sma!I bill." "What does your wife say when you get home so late?" "I'm not matvied." 'Then why do you go home so late?" "George is there anything in life but love?" 'Nothing in all the wide, wide ivorld--where's dinner?" Two Scotchmen have just writ- ten a very successful play. It seems that the script calls for the chorus to come out dressed in kilts and flip pennies into the audience. It"alled "The Miracle." Mae: "Bill can't come. He' in the hospital. Someone step- ped on his pipe during the game." Belle: "I don't see how that would make him have to go to the hospital." Mae: "It was his ivindpipe." H (fondly): "Your lips, your eyes." Small Brother (from behind the door): "You'e crazy." 'Tis better to have loved and lost, than merely to have loved. CLASSIFIED ADS. R. P. Clarke 6& Co. (Vancouver) Ltih ULTRA MODERN, Attractive Ap- pcuruucc, well designed home. Semi- Bungalow; stucco finish; six rooms; suu room;extra dressing room; good location; large lot; $4,900. Would take cheaper home as pert payment. HOME AND FURNITURE FIRE IN- SURANCE. Are you fully protect- ed? We will quote you lowest standard rates in first class soundly established companies. Consult Ue for Moctgagcs aud Invest- ments. We Spcciulise in this attractive grow- ing municipality. Scc ue for homes, hamcsitas, acreage, watcrfrontsgc, investments Fiscal Agents R. P. Clarke 4 Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. 823 Hastings St. W. Soy. 7483, 748.i Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. West 651L FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSES CLYDE ST. between 13th snd 14th facing south. $250, terms. 2 LOTS on Esquimalt, near 12th St. Good view, easy clearing, $226 ouch, terms. LARGE VIEW LOT near High School $450. terms. IVATERFRONT LOT near 15th St. For I week only, $ 1600, terms. GEO HAY GEO. HAY 1405 Marine Drive 315 Cordova W. West 21 Scy. 1260. UNFURNISHED 4-Roomed House for rent. Moderate rent. Phone West G29L. HOUSE FOR SALE--New modern four-room house with attic. Lot cleared und cultivated, withiug five minutes of ferry. Goad street, splcndul view. Price $3.400, on easy terms. Address owner, P. O. Box 305, Hollyburn, B. C. CHINCHILLA RABBITS, brcodmg doc snd buck four young six mouths old, good stock. also hutchcs. Will scil the lot cheap. 2168 Bellevue. Phone West 473L. WANTED--Rc6ucd young woman as general Plum cooking References required. Phone, West 164L2. SNAP FOR CASH--Two cleared foot lots between 23rd aud Streets Lots 11 uud 12 Black 9 D.L. a54. $560 for the two or $650 on easy terms. By !owner. H. Crates, HoByburu P.O. &O&IAN WANTS Practical Nursmg or housework. Vicinity of Csulfcild. Apply "Work," West Vun. News. FOR SALE--Child's Kiddic Coop. No mutt&asm Large black English pram, rcw style. Phone West 157Y. SALE af Polychrome sud Pins&cd Christmas Novelties at the home of Miss Casey. 2061 Esquimalt. TO RENT--Nice Furnished Bungalow. Possession at once. With fuel, $20 pcr month. 29th Avenue snd Marine Drive. Apply to owner, Henry Pcn- nell. 610 10th Avenue East, Vun couvcc, or phone Fairmont SSSX. FOR SALE--New small Billiard Table comp!ctc $20; also Electric Oven (ucw) never been used, $4. Phonetvcst 310L. SIDNEY TO LOAN $500.00 up No delay West Van. Investment Coy. Notary Public. West 102 Trouble-Savmg Ideas. Turpentine is sometimes used to relieve rheumatism. A little sprinkled on a warm flannel helps to ease the pain. Here is a simple method fcr cleaning a saucepan in which milk has been boiled. After pouring out the boiling milk, re- place the lid before the steam has time to escape, and allow the saucepan to cool. Then put the pan in cold water to soak. Always rinse woollens in water of the same temperature as the water in which they were wash- ed. Fruit stains on tablecloths should not be allowed to dry in. As soon as the accident happens stretch the stained part of the cloth over a basin and pour boil- ing water through till the stain disappears. Glycerine will remove tea or coffee stains from white or col- ored table linen. Apply with a soft, clean cloth, leave for an hour or so, then wash the article in the usual way Use a lather of warm water, a few drops of ammonia and a soft brush for cleaning cut and moulded glass. Rinse well in clear cold water before drying. A piece of bread tied up in muslin and put into the water in which vegetables are cooking will prevent an unpleasant smell. AUTO--Bix Snap. Late model Rco Touring Car at a gift price if sold in next fcw days. E. Rsthjc. Phono tvcst 356L. LOST--Near West Bay Terminus on Saturday, November Sth, havcrsscks containiug survcyors field book, plans, ctc. Reward for return or information regarding return. Room 6 at 525 Pander Street tvcst or phone Scy. 511 or Point Grey 737L. PAPERHANGING, Painting, Decor- ating, ctc. Day or contract. Apply V. Hernandez, Phone West 6781 CEMENT BASESIENT FLOORS, Sidewalks and Drain Tiles Laid. Rock walls, Jobbing aud general contracting. T. Burnott, residence phone Wast 672R. DRESSSIAKING--hire. Robbins, 28th and hfaziuc. Phone West 74R1. FOR RENT--Unfurnished Five-room Bungalow on Waterfront at Alta- mont. Phone Lcyland, West 63R1. VACUUM TO RENT--Scc tvcst Van. Electric. Phone West 106. NEW AND SECOND HAND Furul- turc bought sold and exchanged Fred Tits, Kcvill's Old Stand, Am- blesidc. NEIVSIAN 41 ROBBIiNS -- Builders aud Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging sud kulsomining, chimneys built. 28th und Marine. Phone West 74 RI. HEJISTITCHIIGG--Plain.. white Sc yard; silk and colored loc yard. Pcarcc's Drygoods, 14th Street aud hfuriuc. Phone West 144. WINDOW BLINDS--hlade to order and installed. Estimates free. 'carcc'sDrygoods, 14th Street aud hfuriuc. Phone West 144. GET )vast Vau. Electric Prices on Radio, Vacuum, Irons aud ull elec- trical appliances. GARDENING by Old Country Gard. cuer with Canadian experience. Rock gurdcumg spcciaL By duy or contract. Terms moderate. P. Ed wards, P. O. Sherman. Phone 'West IGSRI. Voters'ist now in course of preparation. See that your name is included if entitled to vote. SPECIAL ATTENTION -- None but register- ed deed-holders and registered agreement for sale holders are placed on list. IVhere agree- ment is registered, deed holder can not vote on same property. Agreements or deeds must be registered at the Land Registry Office, Van- couver, B. C., on or before 30th ivovember, 1927, on which date list closes. JAS. OLLASOiV, Municipal Clerk.Hollyburn, B, C 11-11-1927. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VAiNCOUVER VOTORS'IST, 1928