Resampled001B6E14 Lesagehasit CUT RATE DRUGS FRIDAY aggd SATURDAY SP 25c Mrna&4'n Liniment .. 1st $ 1.$6 1VIocoroto Wine $ 1.09 $ 1.00 BR&dock Blood Bitters. 69c $ 1.00 Scott'o Emoloton .... Roc $ 1.25 Hot 1Votiv BotUcx..... Soc $ 1.00 Noiol ................ 69c 26c Mecca Otntiocot ........... 22c 45c 1Vitltnmo'ink Pills ...... SSc 60c nlotr'o stcntbo SulphurOintment................... 29c 25c Liotcrtoc Tooth Paste .... . 19c 60c Gtn Pills .......................... SSic $ 1.00 Coty'o Powder ......... 69c Ssc Cotvx Cuticle Remover. 29c $ 1.00 tavovto ..................... 79c $ 1.00 Ltotcvtoe .............., . 79c 60c Blair'n Tooth Paste ......... $9c 25c Snap .............. 19c 76c 1)oop.tot Cottow ....., 49c $ 1.$6 Follows'yrup Invxo. $ 1.29 76c Liquid Petrolatum .. 49c 26c &'actor'n Ltvcr Pills ....... Isc soc Tincture Iodtoo, 4 ox..... 29c soc Camo«A, 6 ox ........... 29c $ 1.00 Alopbeo Pills ....., .. 7sc 26c A. B. S, rk C. Pills ..„„. 16c fi Ibx Epoomo Salts .. 25c fioc OII Eucalyptus. 4 on..... 29c Ssc Tooth Brush ...... 19c fice Cvcolto. 16 on.........., 29c Soc Wc(LIRE Pnd ...........,.„., 21c Isc Envv)open ................9c fice Zam Bub........... Ssc tpc Black Band Given away Cree one box Soothn Salvo with each 60c Rtoc.......... Fruit-~-ttvcn for .......... $ 4c io& 9. Good Light Means Good Sight Tgrc National Safety Council says: 1. Light should shine on the object, not in the observer's eyes. 2. Glare, which is light out of place, should be overcome by the use of diflusing glass shades. 3. Avoid the glare of reflcctions from polished surfaces. 4. Both too much and too little light strains and fatigues the eyes. Irritation also results from unsteady, Aickcrjng or streaked light. gums fosu&mix grz(smcgrmwsyfa HEAD OFFICE VANCOUVER, . B.C. iooWAVi~ Ah -ms+ Vw.LD' ILK for 5afety A Cree)mo ttjagon on e)fefystfeet e[)ef)j morning Prone the Plant or catt the milhman 9ruser llaQeg JHiih. 9 quarts for $1.00 Phone: )&&'orth 122 Lesage Drug Store We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small WEST 323 THE WEST VAN NEWS November [8, 1927. hl I (.TR)C q)CV I OR Dp~ I,A)D p'VER Tp 1928 1 KR.SO1VA~S i l ii ol IA oli Alex. nnd Bob Steivart, who Co)one) K, W, Savpry 27)) words o)Vest Vancouve have conducted a mitk route in and Ottawa, who has been con, stnfled nt the enden6 nf A mb) «olde Best an&I North Anncouiir for Aned to his home thiough sick j ters were to be of a n imber of tears kft for Chil ness Is no(o back at his office such n sjse as to he visible withI'. where they intend to ~ o ~ j the naked eye from Stnnlcy Park.Iwac seed the mat-fnrm. They are old timers in Miss Josephine Daughinee en[ The Council iliscussed IV t Vancouver, having resided ertained members of the orchei ter ngnin on i[iinilay here for 14 yeaim. traofthe VancouverBusinessan'akl It over to the 192 'es 1928 CounciL ~ ~ ~ Professional )Vomen's Club 0 I J. F. Tiderington, 2i&th aml Saturday afternoon and ev«nln J I, N LpGG)VC Cp. OFFFR B«Bevue, has ags his guest a at her home, "Tolowa,o at Alt& igp RU'Y T[MBFR bis&ther from Cowirhnn Lnke, mont, West Vancouver. A mu(j cal programme was enjoyei [. tables b«ing arranged about the An offer has b en received by Hnrvey Dnwney, who has been fimP)ace. Guests included Miss the Council from the I. N. Log- nwny for some weeks harvesting Amy E'I'vnrds. President of he ging Co. of Vnncouver to pur- his crop at Gull Lnke, Saskntch- club: Miss Arlettn Mack)in, Mrs. chase th ~ tlmb r on Lot 4, Block ewan, recently return«&l to his A. B. Robertson, [lies E. O'rien 816. also Lots 4 nn&l 6, Block home nt 21st and Fulton. A " 'ss D. Miller, Miss lintel Frem- 786, on the following terms: y faH pf snow suspended Hn, Miss M. Bonn«it ani) hiss 6[00 per M.R.M. Riiimpage pn threshing operations in that dis- t ~ ~ ~M. Shover. logs; I cent per foot on piling trict when only 75 p«r cent. of and 76 cents p«r cori) for shingle the i«heat had been threshed, Mrs. Scribner, 1)th and Belle. bo)is, payments to be mnde as and considerable cokl di.y i«eath vue, ivho has been nivay iii Ciih Iind when scale Is receive(i, The er wiH be necessary before the fornia on an extern)ed triP, is Councii repfle&i [hnt the timber rcmninder wi)1 be in a fit condi- exPected home next week. was not for sale. tion for this operation. General- ly sPeaking, threshing through- Mrs. Idifstrom, who hns bees The Vancpuyer School Bpatd out the fall hns been delayed )iving in one of the suites in thc jni'jted the Cpuncj) tp attend from time to time by hedvy Ross block, has moved into n opening of the flrst and second suite in George Hay's new build)- units of the Tompleton Junior ing at 14th aml Marine Drive. High School. The Council has written that as mnny members couver the proprietors of Dun- Mr. M. Corlan, who has been as possible of the Counci'ill darave Hall are guests at «the engaged in logging up the cps, attend. Clachan," i«here they expect to has renled "the Bungalow" a. sta for some time 12th aml Marine Drive. r. Cor- Ian has purchased property on IVO!)IEN AND VOTES Marine Drive near 10th Street,Thieves recently broke into d tt eady tp erect n The main reason nowadays forthe house of G. A. Coney at 20th b ) [h,.e the failure of so many electorsand Palmerston, and stole alarge, 'o ~ to exercise the privilege of the linoleum which had Just been Theatre Proprietor Now Resi- franchise is the female voter.put doivn on the kitchen floor. dent hefe The women, of course, as a largeConsiderable physics) effort as J L F) [cher P„pprjetor pf ody, did not really seek twell as time were required to the'Hoj)&burn Theatre has tak- vote. A certain faction demand-carry the linoleum to Mathers en the Hyam house at 17th and ed it and Professed to rePresentthe nearest Point it wou)d be Puchess 170 nnd hais wife and aH women. There was no harmpossible to reach where a vehicle famj)y mpyed jn [bete tpday in allowing women to vote. Therecould be used. might be some good in doing sn. The cause was never worth allFiank Diapet of the Dunda. [he fuss made about It and It isIt is requested that aH mern- ave Home Bakery, who is a pati as certain the majority of womenbere of the Hoflyburn Pubhc ent in the North Vancouver Gen- harl no wish for the vote. NowLibrary who have taken out anY eral Hospital, is very much im there is equal franchise womenbooks belonging to the Govern- proved, but will probabty hav exercise the privilege of not vot-ment Travelling Library return to remain in the hospital for ing more even than indifferentsame to the library as soon a some time yet. possible. ib[embers are also ask- Donald McTavish, 21st and tp determine whywet weather with library books Bellevue, who is under treatment vote unless there ito be returned'o enclose t e at the Shaughnessy Hospital, is in which they are especially co-books in some sort of wraPPer. a little improved at the time of cerned at stake. Thi t dRecently a number of books have writing. Though suffering with of the voting of wo en i Chbeen returned much the worse an abscess on the bladder, he has cago at the mayo it I tionfor exposure to heavy rain. so far been able to escape an of 1923 and the general election operation. Mr. McTavjsh iviH, of 1921. The percentages areMrs. Smith, who has been iH however, be kept at the hosp~)~) quite ifluminating. with flu at her home at 15th and for some time. For the mayoralty election It Duchess, Is now much Improved. was fouml that 33.4 per cent. of o o o W. B. A. Tp GIVE the women entitled to vote failed Gordon Ross, 24th and Law- MAS()UERADE to do so because of general in- son, was home for the week-en&1 difference For the general from Shaughnessy Hospit I, but W B. A. Review No. 24 Is giv- election the following year 33.8 has since had to go back'or ingamasqueradedance tonight perceiit gave thesamereason. further treatment. in Ambleside Hall. A good or In 1923, 11.3 per cent. of the chestra will be in attendance and ei'gibles Eave disbelief in women The Ridley Ice and Milk Co.'here will be refreshments. suffrage as their reason for re- have purchased the old establish- Dancing 9 to 12. Tickets 50c. maining away from the polls and in 1924 this reason was advanc e&l by 13.4 per cent. IgnoranceBob Stewart; t e ea emg n- I,FC[PN CPNCERT ANP or timidity was the explanationally consummated last Wedne~ 'ANCE A BIG SUCCESS of 9.6 per cent. In 1923 and ofday. 10 per cent. in 1924 In the 1923 The concert and dance given mayoralty election 7.7 per cent.APPRESS ON TOC H by the )Vest Vancouver branch gave illness as th'eir reason for Mpb Fh[ENT WEDNESDAY of the Legion on Saturday»ght not voting and in 1924, 13.4 per in Dundarave Hall was a great cent. gave this as their reason Rey Harry EHison will ad- success. Every seat was taken for not voting. public meeting in the for the concert, and a number Other reasons, none totalling p HEH Nprth Vancouver, of other residents came in I"t«so much as any of the above, ac- next Wednesday, November 23rd for the dancing. The concert was counted for the remainder. A- at 8 p.m., his subject being the excellent. and those present bout one-half of I per cent gave mpyement. This move- thoroughly enjoyed the various dislike for disclosing their ages ment is an international family number~. The artists ivho con- --Iiecessary jn registration--for pf men whjch js rapidly becom- tributed to the programme w«e their reason and about 2 per cent. ingworldivide. Itexiststoleep Mrs. Douglas Deiyar of New that their husbamls objected. a)jye, and to hand on to those York, b[rs. F. Barbour, Mrs. The political observers who have coming ~It~~, the g~~~te~t tra- Rennedy pf V~~~~~~~~ J studied the m~tt~r slue djtjpns of 'those years of the Low&Ion, Mr. Lee (humorist). suffrago has been in effect linil Great )Var, as expressed in the Joe Ward (humorist). of that in nineteen cases out of spirit o ro ef brotherhood between North Vancouver, aml G. twenty a family will vote as a If aH classes aml sections Childs (one string violin), Mrs. unit--husband and wife or adu t and of self-sacrificing service. J. E, Durbin, Mrs. )Vatk[ns and sons aml daughters. The ferns eI )Vhile it ~was born of the broth- IS[ra. Gawthorne were the ac- vote has made virtually no dif- f th trenches, its mern- compauists. Foflowing the con- ference in politics. In the long bership is not confined to ex- cert anil refreshmcnts dancing run the result of the election oof service men. was imlulged in until midnight officials is not changed. The Rev. H. Eflison has come out to the snappy music provided by number of ballots dropped is a- from England to tour Canada on Child's Orchestra, the floor be- bout twice as large, but the pro- lf fth mnt. ing cro vded for every dance. portions remain about the same. bcf ~[do(cm A ocff si [cst wM cjsm U,b(H'gh,m ~moss( ) orssss o Ucsdili[ Tclcpbos'[sflp, )st)66'do)os b Csss)i ( pjsuo ds )Vj)sos ,7 pos'mdv b)r HiU i')Vsoti Ustchciof )Vjdow " Tcscbcf 0M 1[old F)sppcf I[ ides) )Vi 'oro b')sysdby ss )corn 0 Fcfgus toms 8 The 6( Tuesdsg ford 8 The I( )Vcducsd Homms i Teacb This C cs s)i th& Shore wi bool si I sof Uows H. C, Ri part in i This lect iug can b tofium, 1 Uc. Mc,l Pauline chsirmst tiou, hei )Vest Vs The ic 4.004,)6 Business the Hoa ofs, I)If. Mf. )V. dick, 6 yiculum, Leod, M Mr. Ster L46 6 fow, Pfi 6.00-7 8.80-0 Losgus F. H. 34 7.80-8 Gfsd( Couvcu& My I bh )V ones In [ofd 3y Angus Grads bk su Hcslt discuss) Comp hp Mr. lotto'6, I iu Ljt Hktofy Pro[~ Igh tcfson, 3ystom lcd by versus j 6 disco , "'khoi Ik Mso;J Io dtv'ou,n 'oin', Jodso. dorm.l don'I 571 nrnt @ don& b,r