Resampled001B6E14 N i 20, 1022. THE WEST VAN NEWS LEFEAUX ADDRESSES RATEPAYERS'EETING W. W. Lefeaux was the special speaker at the Ratepayers'eet- ing last Tuesday. 51r. Lefeaux gave in great detail an explana- tion of the method of voting nown as P. R. (proportional representation). The audience istened very carefully and atten- tively to the speaker as he un- folded the reasons and methods of this mode of balloting, which is used in the local elections. The repetitions which could not well be avoided by oral explhnation could, we think, have been made much simpler and been more quickly understood, had the speaker used a blackboard and written the figures as did Mr. King aml Dr. Telford, who visit- ed West Vancouver several times to educate and guide the people at the inception of this style of counting the ballots. After Mr. Lefeaux's address the meeting took up the regular course nt business. The road anrl bridge by-law was again dis- cussed and the meeting went on record as condemning the atti- tude of the Council in its de- cision to again submit this by- law to the electors in January. A strong effort will be made by the association to have a ferry by-law submitted for the approv- al of the electors in January. The different speakers urged the ne- cessity of the construction of a new boat in time for the heavy traffic expected next summer, it being claimed that the present fleet is totally inadequate to properly care for much increase in the number of passengers. Resolutions covering these two matters were drawn up to be pre- sented to the council by a strong delegation of members. Mr. P. C. Chapman, the president, was in the chair. Apple Marmalade Pare, quarter and core apples l and put on to cook just enough water to prevent burning. Cover l k closely and when soft, put . through a colander. Measure the I I pulp and to each cupful add three-quarters of a cup of sugar and the juice of one lemon. Stir ~ and conk until when a little is dropped on a cold plate, it does I~ not separate. Green Tomato Relish One peck green tomatoes, six cups sugar, one pound chopped raisins, two teaspoons salt, two tablespoons cinnamon. One cup vinegar, one cup chopped apples. Nutmeg and allspice to taste. May be used now or sealed for winter use. Creamed Cabbage with Cheese Chop cooked cabbage finely and put a layer in a buttered baking dish. Cover with cheese sauce. Repeat these layers until the dish is full. Spread with butter- ed bread crumbs and serve hot. The cheese sauce may be added to the cabbage and served with- out putting in the oven or with- out adding bread crumbs. Sliced Cucumber Pickle. One dozen medium sized cu- cumbers (about seven inches long), three large onions, one teaspoon white mustard seed, one teaspoon celery seed, one tea- spoon tumeric, one cup vinegar, one cup sugar. Without peeling the cucumbers, slice them and soak for two hours in cold salt +water. Drain, add the sliced on- ions and cook slowly in the vine- gar mixture until the cucumbers become transparent. The spices may be tied in a cloth. Seal while hot. A number of West Vancouver young men, who have been en- gaged in the halwest fiields in Alberta and Saskatchewan for some weeks, have now returned to their homes here. Among those who have come back are Jack Stratton, Frank Kastner, Morris Emerton Court, Art Creel- man, and Arnold Malpass. While good wages were paid, they re- port that operations generally were much delayed by heavy rain from time to time which made work intetnnittent and re- sulted in their having to do con- siderable travelling from place to place in order to keep them- selves steadily employed. Harvesters'ot Pie In a casserole or baking dish place three large onions cut in rings. Add a'enerous table- spoon of bacon drippings or drip- ping from the original cooking of the meat. Over these place the meat, whether it be beef, lamb or veal, cut in cubes. Dust lightly with pepper and salt. Stuff in halves of cold boiled or baked potatoes and two or three small whole tomatoes. Cook for about two hours or a little long- er. Shortly before serving add a can of little French peas, or the left-over peas from another dinner. A crisp salad and a cold drink with this dish makes a whole dinner. This makes a deli- cious pot pie if (for the last half- hour of the baking) a rich pastry top is put over the dish and the stew allowed to brown. 51RS. A. ROBINSON ENTERS NEW BUSINESS Mrs. A. Robinson, who former- ly operated the Ambleside Beau- ty Parlor, is opening a business in part of the West Van. Jewel- ler's store for the sale of hand- painted specialties. Mrs. Rob- inson advises the public that a the window of the store of hand- painting on materials and other display will be made tomorrow in special ivork. Mrs. Robinson has a host of friends in West Van- couver ivho will be interested in this new branch, and an invita- tion is extended to all the ladies of the district to call, and see the samples of this work. CHINABIAN WANTS LICENSE FOR FRUIT STORE A Chinaman asked the Coun- cil for a license to sell fruit and vegetables in the store in the Ross block on Marine Drive at Ambleside, which was formerly occupied by the Lesage Drug Store. The Municipal solicitor was asked to give a written opin- ion on the Council's authority in the matter. THE CORI'ORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Court of Revision of Voters'ist, 1928 NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Voters'ist will sit at the Municipal Hall, 17th and Esquimalt, District of West Vancouver, B. C., on Saturday the 10th day of December, 1927, at 10 o'lock in the forenoon, for the purpose of correcting and revising the Voters'ist for the year 1928 and to determine any application to strike out the name of any person, which has been improperly placed thereon, or to place on such list the name of any person improperly omitted there- from. Dated at the Municipal Ilail, IVest Vancouver, B. C., this 18th day of November, 1927. JAS. OLLASON, Municipal Clerk. Dollar Bills for 98c. Would be a bargam, bat 91.60 hot water bottles for 99c would aot be for two reasons. If they are sold for 93c they'ce aot 91.60 bottles, they'e 98c ones, and as such would not be guaranteed aad you would risk your 98c against ao sure value. Oar bottles are made by a finn of national repute aad guaranteed by them aad our- selves. They are priced at 91.60, 91.76, 92.00 and 92.50 EVERY- DAY m EVERY WEEK. Bottles we sold five years ago are still going strong. 'The Store of Service" WEST VAN PHARMACY Phone VVest 87. Night Calls -- Emergency only--West 821. ELKS CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND Each year the B. P. O. E. (Benevolent Protective Order of Elks) make it their business to anticipate Christmas and to pre- pare themselves so as to give as much pleasure and happiness as possible to the needy and friendless. It is an endeavour which should have the whole- hearted support of everyone, and it needs only that our attention be drawn to this for it to receive whatever assistance we can give. The Elks endeavour to raise a fund for this purpose by giving value in kind for money received. They ask you to attend a dance. The money received from the sale of tickets goes almost whol- ly to swell the funds, as the members of the organization do- nate their services free of charge. Musical concerts, draw- ings, and other pleasurable hap- penings are arranged as patt of their programme for this pur- pose. The North Shore Elks are a live bunch. They are determined that this year not a single case of want on the North Shore shall be allowed to spend a bare Christmas. Hampers filled with good things to eat will be pre- sented to every such family, and the Elks need your assistance to make their Christmas Cheer Fund big enough to do the thing properly. On Friday December 2nd you are invited to a dance in Holly- burn Pavilion. It will be a good dance, and you can be sure ot having a fine old time. You will get real value for the price of your ticket. Don't forget to keep this date open. The follow- ing Friday December 9th the North Vancouver Elks will put on a musical recital at the K. P. hall, North Vancouver, starting at 8.15 p.m. Here is another chance to help the fund and still receive a 100 cents on the dollar in personal pleasure. Don't forget your own Christ- mas will be made much happier by giving ivhat assistance you can to those who are less afflu- ent. All ihe world's a stage, and most of us merely stagehands. West Vancouver Board of Trade The Regular hfeeting lvill be held in the Canadian Legion Rooms Ferry Building On MONDAY Next November 21st, at 8 p.m. A Revolution in the cleansing of motors! ERE at last is a process that will clean your motorH 100 per rent. without the necessity of dropping the crankcase as formerly. With the Nocnte Crank case Cleaner ALL of the grit, metal particles, etc., are removed, leaving your crankcase absolutely clean. This thorough cleansing will give more power to your motor aad save many repair bills. This Service is Free! NORLIGHT CRANK CASE SERVICE Norlite Crankcase Cleaner aod NorNte Oils are distributed in B. C. by Vancouver Oil Co. Ltd., the only aB-British Columbia ofi concern; manu- facturers of Northern Light P.Q. Gasoline. North Shore Station for Norlite Crank Case Service LONSDALE ilIOTORS 15th and Lonsdale North Vancouver News Gleams The most common impediment in the speech of the American people is chewing gum. Nowadays a father cannot tell whether he has married a daugh- ter off or a son-in-law in. a Many a motorist is guilty of driving in a state of extreme in- fatuation. In the olden days when a man was run down he used to take a tonic. Now he takes an ambu- lance. Any considerate motorist will give a woman half of the road if he knows which half she wants. An optimist is a man who of- fers odds of ten to one and will bet on either side. A man waits until he is thirty to get matTied and a woman re- mains thirty until she is married. The present day young man seems to know how to hold on to a girl better than a job. He who laughs last is the one man who hadn't heard the joke before. a The broad and gilded highway that leads to destruction is often only a narrow, muddy country road. Donut trouble about making your owa X5IAS CAKES PUDDIiiXGS aad Itl I tsICEhl EAT Leave your order with as. We guarantee your satisfaction. REAL HOIlIE COOKING Mrs. Draper & Son 2435 IHARIiNE DRIVE Neat Duadarave HalL NOTE PHONE: Wert aea PIT(SIAN BUSINESS COLLKCE DAY aad NIGHT SCHOOL Yoa will receive intensive indi- vidual training. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey. 913K Cor. Hastings I Watch, Clock and Jeweler3f Repairing The %vest Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside For West Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL Flooring, long lengths $ 15.00 per Itti. No. 2 Shiplap .„„„...,... $ 16.00 per IS01. No. 2 Dimension... $ 16.00 per 111. Ne. 3 Shiplap Sl2.00 p r St. 0 d Ga 1, Pl. te Lime, Cement, A number of sr '2, sr0tbs Used Sash Tile at reduced prices. A complete line of s„lldl 0 Sl:te lal ir St I phones: North 207 - 212 Nlaht Phones: North 1265 asd North 1415R 154 Esplanade Stv. North Vancouver Half the literary world doesn' know how the other half sells its stuff. e 1419 Iisriae Bliss fhsae Wtst 940If you get all your knowledge out of books you may as ivell Specializing in leave it there. Meat Vancouter