Resampled001B6E14 Roberts'etter Meats 14th and hlarine West 190 Where Service and Quality Count iVE DELIVER 9:30--East 25th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfeild 3:30-- East 25th Only Winter Closing Hours HIISS Sl'ECR E&VTERTAI&VS ihIiss hfa&lge Speck, 29th and hfathers,&vas hostess nt a tea re- cently honoring Nim. Alan Heas- lip, vvho vvas before her marri- age Miss Evelyn Fleming. Hfiss Speck was assisted in giviug the tea by HIrs. Peard, HIiss hi. Speck hliss F. )vestwood and hfiss V. Garde, 51rs. Speck and iilrs. Holds&vorth presided at the tea table. The invited guests &vere: ihlrs. S. Hurst, Mrs. R. Fleming, Mrs. H. Lvhite, Nrs. D. Heaslip, Miss Rose Garde, ihiiss Edith Lemon, Miss Jessie Davidson, Miss Peggy &Vapier. ihfiss Inez Delmage, alias Erie Jagger, Miss Hilda Marr, Miss Evelys& Saltmarsh, Miss Helen Speck, Miss Eva Hazlitt, Miss Ida Speck, Miss Alice Mur- ray, Miss Gertrude Head, Miss Queenie Graham, Miss Edith Alty, Miss Sylvia Roach and hfiss Rossie Nay~vood. hioiNDAY, TUESDAY, WED NESDAY dh FRIDAY 6 P. hi THURSDAY .... 1 P. 31 SATURDAY...... 8.30 P. hi Mrs. HfcBride, who has been residing in the city, has returned again to her home at 17th and Esquimalt. SATURDAY ANDERSON AND LEAR PROMOTERS OF MOVIE COihIPANY ARE FREED Nov. 19th. PRihiE STEER BEEF ONLY Boiling Beef, pcr ib loc amd &2&. Poe Roast. pcr lb. 12c aod 15c Rolled Rib Oven Roast, lb.. 26c Rump, 1st omd 2nd cuts, ib 23c New Zealand Butter 3 ibu. $ 1.38 Ontario Cheese, pcr lb... 32c Ayrnhivc Bacon, Home cured, sliced, pcr lb......... 3ic Fresh Beef Dripping .. 3 i bc 25c Bead Cheese, home made each ....... isc Pure Pork Saunogcu, our owm make, per lb............ 30c Cambridge Sausage, oor owh make ........ 2 lbs. 25c Old Country Sausage hives 2 ibn. 25c Vm&y. Oven Roast from lb.... 20c Veal for Stewing. lb.... 15c Pork Ovca Roast. lb... 23c Potatoes, Highland, 100 lb. sack ...... $ 1 ohi Ributohc Pippch Apples, eat- img amd Cooking, box'... $ 1.05 JONATHAN APPLES, Wrap- ped, Box... $2.25 Grmpcn, Dessert, lb .......... 15c SVVEET POTATOES 3 lbs. 25c Hut House Tomatoes Florida Grape Fray& California Lettuce and Celery htoNDAY Pork Steak. ib .......... 22c Pure Lard in 1 lb. pkg... 22c TUESDAY Liicr. ib ............ isc Bacon, sliced, pcr ib ...... &ac WEDNESDAY Shoulder Steak....... 2 lbs. 25c Tripe, Fresh, pev lb............. iac THURSDAY Vcai Loaf, ib .................. 25c Cooking Onions....... 8 ibu 25« J. Andrew Anderson and F. M. Lear, promoters of the Lions Gate Cinema Studios project, were given suspended sentence by Mr. Justice AV. A. Macdonald Tuesday on a charge of conspir- acy to defraud the public in con- nection with the sale of shares in the movie project. A petition signed by 100 of those vvho purchased stock was presentod to the judge asking for leniency, particularly for J. A. Anderson, who it was said had nothing to do with the selling of the company's stock but that he was the man who originally evolved the idea of establishing a motion picture production plant in British Columbia. Nr. Ander- son is a resident of Lvest Van- couver. FIGUREHEAD FROHI "E&SIPRESS OF JAPAN" TO BE UTILISED The figurehead which for many years adorned the dis- mantled steamer Empress of Japan, recently presented to the Parks Board, by the Vancouver Daily Province, will probably be placed in Stanley Park facing the Lions'ate. This was de- cided at a meeting of the board on Thursday. The commissioners will deter- mine the location for the histor- ic figurehead. It is suggested that it be erected between Brockton Point and Lumber- man's Arch. FRIDAY Sweet hdinccmcae. vcg. 20c, !or, pcr lb............... &sc Finnan Huddles, pcv yb .. &8c "Do you know what happened when the ancient mariner stop- ped one of three?" "The other two were insulted." College Senior: "1 would give hvc doiisvn for just one kins from o nice little innocent girl like you." Innocent Co cd: "Oh, how terrible." C. S.s "Did I offend you?" Co-ed& "No. I won just thinking a- bout the fortune 1 gave sway last night." Joe& "Ivhy do you always take a drink before you go to bed?" Sherman: "Oh, it always makes me sleep tighter." The next in line for the four- teen carat gold moustache cup is the girl who thinks peanut chews are small Hebrews. The vocal chords of women being shorter than &bouc of mco less energy is required for a woman to talk than for a moh. RED AND WHITE CHAIN STORES Friday and Saturday Specials TOMATOES, Packed in B. C., iavgc nine .................... 2 Tioa for 25c SERVUS BRAND PUhiPKiV. large tin............ 2 Tins 2&c PURE STRAY&'BERRY JAM ...................... e ik Tia 62c BAKER'S PREhiiUM CHOCOLATE, au Coke..... 26c VVESTERiV CORN FLAKES............................ 3 i'kau. 2uc LiBBY'S CATSUP, 12 oa. Rot&re, pcv bottle................... &ac CARNATION MILK, tall tin, Pev &ih............................ &hc FELS NAPHTHA SOAP ................................. 3 Cnkcu for 2&c FLNFST SiiREDDED COCOANUT, pcv ib ..........„... isc B. C. GRANiULATED SUGAR ...................................... is lbs. Sic SERVVUS BRAND COFFEE, introductory price......... i lb. Tio sic RED AND WHITE TEA, introductory price ............. i'cv lb. 60c JONATHAN APPLES. pcv crate ...................... $ 1.85 Smith 's Grocery Wc Deliver A. HARVEY SMiTH, 1'rop. ae&h AND i&IARLNE, Opp. Dondavacc Hail. Phone WEST 660 THE LVFAT VAiN &VELVS School Pupils Issue Paper Under the mlitnrship of C. B. Lane a typevvritten school publi- cation has been conceived by the pupils of Hollyburn School. The first issue has just come to our desk and &ve hasten to congratu- late the editor and his many sub- editors on their first attempt as publishers, editors, an&i report- ers. Thc path of journalism is a thorny one. Sane constructive criticism aml ability to report th&thfuliy aml yet attractively the doings nnd happenings of the interests rcpresente&l. as well as a well balance&i imagination are necessary attributes to success- ful periodical pnblishing, wheth- er it be 0 small class publication or one that &lenls vvith &vorkt affairs. Re-writes &n "re~pro- duction," as Editor Lane calls it, are invited from the school pup- ils but these shoukl, we think, as far ns is possible be kept to a minimum, and originality em- phasised aml encouraged. It is the best foundation on which to buikl any periodical or newspap- er. Every publication worth while has a soul. that intangible character which is stamped on all its contents and vvhich dis- tinguishes it from its fellovvs. Ivithout this it is a des&i thing, an&I it has little attraction for its readers, even though the lat- ter may not be able to analyse this. There must be lots of interest- ing pen pictures to be obtained in the school life of hvest Van- couver. Ive would suggest for instance the recording of the soc- ial interests and recreation pur- suits of the pupils, and a brief resume of the school history, vvhilst some particulars of the at- tainments aml interests of the teachers in charge might be writ- ten up. Then in each issue the editor could give a short editori- al on important subjects that affect school life, such as for instance, team work, esprit de co&7&s, truth, ambition, etc. It is unfortunate in some ways that the first isue was put out without a name. IVe under- stand, however, that the christ- ening &vill take place before the next issue is printed. LVe shall watch with great interest each copy of this new school organ, and anything THE NELVS can do to further its interests by suggestions or practical assist- ance we will at all times be ready to perform. CHANGES TO BE MADE IN STREET CAR SCHEDULE Commencing LVednesday, Nov- ember 16, several changes will go into effect in the Greater Vancouver street car system ac- cording to officials of the traf- fic department of the British Col- umbia Electric Railway Comp- any. After that date the first early morning car on week days will leave Powell aml Main at 4.47 a. m. for Victoria Road. Passeng- ers for points on Fraser Ave. will be able to connect with the first car for Marine Drive via Fraser at Broadway and Kingsway at 4.49 a. m. On and after Sunday, Novem- ber 20, the following changes will also go into effect in the Sunday schedule. The first ear- ly cars on 16th Avenue will leave Main street at 10.15, 10.35 aml 10.55 a. m. Early cars will leave Broad v;ay and Oak at 10.2i, 10.45 an&i 11.05 a. m. Later cars will operate on existing Sunday schedule. The last car on 16th Avenue line will leave Main Street on Sundays in future at 10.55 p.m. and Broadway and Oak at 11.05 p. m. Last Sunday night cars on Oak-Narpole line will leave Hastings ami Cambia streets at 11.00 and 11.35 p. m. LUMBER~ Priccn orc reduced In oil grndon yrooi $3.00 io ssi.oo pcv hh Toke advantage nf the preach& low priccn ood uniicipoie futuro needs, ! High Quality Lumber is Cheapest in the end. West Vancouver Lumber Co. Residence I'hone& iVest ISSL FOR WATERFRONTAGE anal other property HOUSES TO RE&VT, FIIIE INSURA&VCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West 55 Marine Motors 22 Marine Drive ivest 177 Service that Satisfies No Job too Big. No Job too Small. Ask slick&a. VERNON FEED STORE "I ho'v "t 9 FUEL, FEED, CEMENT, ETC. issh uhd h!AR&NE M WILLIAMS AMBLESiDE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR FAI I. SUIT NOiv. Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose from. Dry Cleaning and Pressing ifc Cuit For uod Deliver. CITY PRICES Dyeing, Repairs and Alterations PHOiVE WEST 20. IS THAT CAR INSURED AGAINST ALL RISKS? I'AR'I'ICULA RS FROM GORDON GRAY Office--Seymour 4091 1002 Credit Foncier Bldg. WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK For Iielpyul Hints on Tvintcr Driving of interest to ail car owners. NORTH SHOICE MOTOICS LTD. Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Dealers 135 First St. W. North Vancouver Represented in West Vancouver by II.C. OSBORNE I'bones: West 628Y North 1186. November 18, 1927 If you want the Best Satisfaction in Meats Buy from JEFFEHLHES Yoo'io goi &o bring coo&on&men& io your oppoiuc ihicc times a iioy «i keep it eotinhcd nod the owoiu you buy hove goi Co moke good withyour dimension. JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET 1'HONE &VEST 3 CLOSED THURSDAY AT 1 O'CLOCK WB DELiy hit 6 'oj. ti vs ps dc hs E& sil p& tr he lp hi si h& Oi H& h& b& tl'i tc it si tl C B tc m b& si th a V hi A Buy'at itis mas, ai to ihiu puddih season ta bai made, faciliti Vaieai Lvkcry at Am A Suh'n'c ar their c hinny, theau kiiche& special Greem side ar Graces lh 6 Cr ihe 0& rabin i spleen, Hredier seanaa, ha sce Vahcal or any ihsrcdl icle, I vice, ( the'pn at, I&ah 'hill He gouda year, I iioa 1, hum, I 70d A dc ia aid appn a view IOrhar, reevcal