Resampled001B6DFB October 2S, 1927. FOOTBALL Il West Van. vs. Capilano Tomorrow, Saturday, the West Van. Rangers meet the Capilano Second Team at HollyburnSchool at 3 p.m. Come out and give the boys a boost. The Rangers team will be chosen from the fol- lowing: Stronge, Reid, Colpitts, Harrison, Cullin, Neville, Seeds, Davis, Grout, Ferguson, Norm- and, Smith, Cunningham, Burns, Gray and McInnes. Reynolds-Vickery The marriage of Miss Cecil Vickery, 13th and Jefferson, and Chester Reynolds took place at New Westminster on October 10th last, the Rev. Mr. Chester officiating. Open Thursdays All day for the sale of Bread, Cakes, Home Baking Products, and Delicatessen Try our noted Pumpkin and Lemon I'ies for Hallow- e'n. Phone your orders to be sure of getting them. Mrs. Draper 8I Son 2435 hIARINE DRIVE Naut Duadarava Hall. NOTE PHONE: W at sae WEST VAN RESTAURANT 1421 Marine Drive at 14th St. IIome-Nade Candies and Delicatessen Public Phone West 611-0 PIYNAN BUSINESS COLLEGE DAY aad NIGHT SCHOOL You will receive intensive indi- vidual training. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside For West Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL GOVT. TO BUILD FOREST TOWERS North Shore to Have Two Look- out Stations Two look-out towers, one at Seymour Creek and another at the summit of Hollyburn Ridge are to be erected by the provinci- al forestry department, accord- ing to information received to- night by the municipal council. In connection with the sug- gestion of the Assistant District Forester to have two look-out stations established on the North Shore, the council have advised him that $250 will be included in the 1928 estimates, being the municipality's share in the cost of building the towers. The as- sistant District Forester is de- sirous of having these towers constructed this fall, so that they may be ready for next year. ROTARY CARNIVAL Sweet charity is praised by everybody, and when it is ac- companied to the tune of the great annual Rotary Club carni- val it means that the citizens get value for the money which will go to gladden the hearts of the kiddies. Two hundred and sixty-five business men of the city of Vancouver are bending their efforts to stage thegreatest ice event of all history at the Arena on November 1S, in order to raise money to carryon Rotary Clinic, and summer camp work, than which it is claimed there is no better on the face of thc earth. The public go wild about the carnival, and they will have more reason than ever this year it is stated. Margot, the famous in- ternational exponent of the art of figure, and sensational skat- ing, will be one of the headliners. Sh'e is straight from the high lights in New York, and Europe. Russ Jones will accompany her, and his solo acts are in the class of Superstars. Shipstad and Johnson the fun- niest clowns of all time in the ice business have been secured at a big expense. Their business is the making of fun, and they are certain of a big welcome. Several myste!T acts, Contrib- uted by many well known ice exponents will be on the pro- gmmme. The British Columbia speed skating contests, including 440 yards, 880 yards, and one mile senior; 220 and 440 yards juni- or; 220 and 440 yards ladies, and the great school relay will form the entertainment in this sec- tion. One of the biggest features will be the mass fancy dress car- nival, in which at least 500 entri- es are expected. Participants will require to register at the Arena, or the Rotary Club office, and there will be a small fee. Those par- ticipating in other acts will be given free admission to the Arena. Nothing like the programme has ever before been attempted, and it is stated to be a sure bet that the whole function will be a dazzling success. 1429 I!sdse Dries Phone West 940 Specializing in West Vancouver The new house which has been built for Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ritchie at SOth and Marine Drive is practically completed. RUBBERS KEEP THE FEET DRY aud at the same time give longer life to your shoea Tites'u-Way Shoe Repair has a good selection to choose from The Vates Building North Side of hlariue Drive THE WEST VAN NEWS PRESCRIPTIONS OI J 0 HEARN LIGHT All Prescriptions have these three parts, The Ingredients The Quality The skill to combine them Many Drug Stores can supply but the last can only be supplied by graduate druggists of experience. There are two registered druggists in this store to supply this last part. One of them has six years experience, the other has twenty-four years. Your prescriptions are safe here. %'(-'5 PiIIIL5 "The Store of Service" WEST VAN PHARMACY Phone West 37. Night Calls -- Emergency only--West 321. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The Grade XI pupils of the West Vancouver High School, gave a very interesting program at the meeting of the Students'ssociationlast Friday. 1. "Ukelele Ladies" played by M. Armstrong and 0. Chilton. "Swanee River" and "Riding Down from Bangor," sung by Grade XI girls. 2. Sleight-of-hand tricks by R. Bloxham and J. Cornish. 3. Recitations -- "The Little Scotch Martyrs'" and "Casey at the Bat" by J. Allan. 4. Jokes by D. Reid. 5. "Believe It or Not" by L. Partington. News GleamsSHOWER TO 51ISS TABOR The local staff of the B. C. Telephone Co. gave a cup and saucer shower last night to Miss L. Tabor, who is soon to be married. The shower, which was in the nature of a surprise. took place at her home on 13th and Inglewood. She was alan presented with a cut glass bowl from the B. C. Telephone staff. of which she has been a mem- ber for sime time. The gifts were presented in a decorated wagon, and the evening was very pleasantly spent in music and singing. It takes two to make a bath ing suit immodest--one to wear it and one to look at it! a A man is miserable without a wife, and seldom happy when he gets one.--Kant. The man who doesn't believe in devils during his life will prob- ably never be visited by devils on his death-bed. -- Herbert Spencer. The contractors have complet- ed their work on the new Ingle- wood School. A. O. T. S. CLUB a The statement that man is the noblest work of God was never made by anybody but man.-- Kant. IVhen a man allows his &rife to drive the car it's a sign that he's contemplating either a new car or a new wife. a a IVe are told that God made man in His own image, but the remark was probably ironical.-- Kant. IVomau's morality is only a kind of prudence. -- Schopen- hauer. Nolvadays they'e joined in holy deadlock . Does death end all? No, there is a litigation over the estate.-- Kant. A banquet was held in con- nection with above in the United Church hall, on Thursday, Octob- er 13th, 1927. Rev. Harding Priest gave an address on Recreation and Ath- letics. The boys of the West Van. Junior baseball teams were the invited guests and Mr. Edwin J. Lane, convener of the league, made the presentation of medals to the members of the winning teams. Captain Stan Stronge of the winning team, reIIlied, thanking the Club for the interest they had taken in the development of the league. CONTRACT FOR WATER MAIN LET The contract for the Queen' Avenue lvatermain was let by the Council last night to Barth- olomew Montgomery & Co., who were the lowest tenderers. The price was $10,800. The pipe used will be of high tensile cast iron, and the work will be completed not later than 15th February, 1928. The seeming delay is due to the fact that the pipe must be imported from Europe. 51onthly Meeting Next Thursday The monthly meeting of the A.O.T.S., West Vancouver, trill be held in the United Church hall on Thursday next, November 3 I'd. A banquet will be provided at 6.30 p. m. shaty. The address will be given by the Rev. Dr. IV!lliams Ogden, subject: "One Hundred Per Cent for Life." WEST VAN. RESTAURANT ADD NEW LINES Delicatessen and home made candies are now on sale at the West Van. Restaurant. A. IV. Lunn the proprietor, has re-ar- ranged part of the store and window for the sale and display of these new lines, by the way, a public telephone is nolv located in this store. An optimist is a man who falls down with a pmt m his hip pocket, and feeling the liquid running through his fingers on the sidelvalk assumes that it is blood. The love tve lose is the love we keep. hIUSICAL SOCIETY CONCERT ON NOVEhIBER 10TH HAVE YOUR NAhIE I'LACED ON THE VOTERS'IST Persons desiring and entitled to have their names placed on the Voters'ist for 1928 as Householders or Licence Hold- ers, must file a declaration (which may be made before a iNotary Public, or the undersign- ed) in the form provided, on or before the 31st day of October 1927. Forms may be obtained at the hiunicipal Hall. The above notice under the signature of James Ollason, hlunicipal Clerk, is given in the a&lvertising columns of this pap- el'. The IVest Vancouver Musical Society will hold a miscellaneous concert on Thursday, November 10th in Hollyburn Theatre, start- ing at 8.15 p.m. Tickets 50 cents. ihIore particulars in our next issue. Keep this date in mind. A sentimentalist is a man who acts like a gentleman when in the ptwsence of women. a 5Iost speed records are mad by people who are not going any- &There. L. O. B. A. 51 EETING The regular meeting of the L. O. B. A. will be held on Nov- ember 3rd in Amblesi&le Hall. All members are requested to be present for the official visit of the Right Worshipful Grand 51istress. The winner of the fancy work ma&le by the children of the True Blue and Orange Home is G. Acheson, 697 East 7th Avenue, Vancouver. The insane, for the most part. reason correctly, but from false principles while ther do not per- ceive that their premises are in- correct.--Tryon Edwards. a Heaven lies not in the arriv- ing there but in the going there. B. C. is uow far ahead of the other Provinces so far as timber produc- ing is concerned, having manufactur- ed last year over 41 per cent. of the lumber sawn in Canada. Mr. and hlrs. George Holden, 21st and Bellevue, have moved to a house at 23rd and Bellevue. HE new sensation in gasoline is here! P. q.T Winter Gas meets the eall for the coldweather fuel that every motorist needs. This real winter gasoline is produced by a patented ufractiouatiugu process, by which the lighter aud heavier contents (found in a!I gasoline) are so proportioned ss to give quick action in cold temp eratures. Use it! It will be a revelation to you. Produced locally by VANCOUVER OIL CO. LTD. An AB-British Co!umbia Concern FILL UP AT THESE NOitTH SHORE STATIONS NORTH VANCOUVER WEST VANCOUVER Foreman'3 Garage- Ed. Black-- Esplanade East 25th Ave. & h!anne DnveLousdaie 51otors- West Vancouver Garage-!5th and Lousdale Ambleside. North Shore Garage-- First St., West SECOND NARROWS Reliable Service Station-- Burrard Service Station-- Third St. & Forbes Ave. Second Narrows Bridge.