Resampled001B6DFB Roberts'etter Meats 14th and 5farine West 190 )Vhere Service and Quality Count IVE DELIVER 9730--East 25th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfeild 3:30-- East 25th Only Winter Closing Hours hIONDAY, TUESDAY, WED- NESDAY &5 FRIDAY 6 P. 51 THURSDAY ......... I P. hi. SATURDAY .... 8.30 P. 51. Poultry for Thanksgiving Wc have been lucky &o secure a quantity of Local Turkey, Geese. Chicken sud Ducks. AII A-I condition for which we are now taking orders. Place pour order with us early ao make sure of s real Thanks- giving Dinner. SATURDAY Oct. 29th. New Zealand Butter 3 lbs. 51.38 Beef Dripping, pcr lb... Ioc Shamrock Lard. pcr lb.. 22c Cambridge Ssussgcs, 2 Ibs 25c A)vsbbc Bacon, sliced, lb. 35c Cottage Hsm, sliced, lb.... 35c Cottage Hsm, by piece, ib ... 32c Local Spring Lamb, Shoulder pev I b .... . ........ .. . 27c Stewing Veal. pcr lb..... Boiling Beef, pcr ib loc snd 12& Pot Roast. pcv Ib ... 12c sod Isc Rolled Oven Roast, lb.. 25c Higbisnd Potatoes 100 Ibs ...51.&5 )IONDAY Sweet )nunc hiss&, Ib.... 15c TUESDAY Shoulder Steaks .... 2 lbs. 25c W EDN ESDA Y Cambridge Ssussgcs, Ib .. 10& THURSDAY Boneless Corned Beef 1 Ibs aoc FRIDAY Loggic Huddle, Ib .. Inc iNORTH VAiiCOUVER CHURCH fil'LIT BY SIODERN 1ST Dlfil'UTE The Fundamentalist-Modern- ist dicpute in the Baptist Chu)Th )vhich recently split the Toronto convention of that faith and has echoed in virtually every coun- try in the )vorld, has divided the congregation of the First Baptist church in North Van- couver into two camps. Those who have withdrawn from the church assert that Rev. A. )V. MacLeod, pastor of the church, is a modernist. Rev. Mr. MacLeod denies this, and chal- lenges anyone to prove that he does not preach according to the fundamentals of the Bible. Sought New Church The chu)wh has a congrega- tion of about 125. Recently 30 of this number appeared before the Baptist board of missions at Vancouver and requested f)nanci- al assistance in building a new church. It is said they are led by S. T. Bfiller, who was form- erly with the North Vancouver Presbyterian church beforeunion became a fact, and has since joined the ihiount Pleasant Bapt- ist chun:h. In answering his critics, )vho accuse him of "modernism," Rev. MacLeod said from his pulpit: "Being an incorporated body with their Confession of Faith set out in the constitution, which is nearly word for word the same beliefs they had ahvays adhered to as Baptists, 1 challenge any- one to say that 1 do not abide by that constitution. Outlines Belief "Our belief covers the funda- mental truths of the Bible, the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Deity of the Saviour, being both God and man, His Crucifixion and Resurrection, the sending of the Holy Spirit on the day of the Pentecost and His coming again to take over the throne of David. 1 believe that God can and does heal the sick as in the olden days. "Many times have 1 anointed with oil and called on the Lord to heal the sick." The pastor quoted much scrip- ture in giving his authority for divine healing and asserted that a member of his church was al- most instantaneously healed of foot trouble after carrying out the commands given in the Epistle of James5; 14 and 15. Irish Professor in Chemistry --"The substance you see in this phial is the most deadly of all poisons. A single drop placed on the tongue of a cat will kill the strongest man. There, Harry, 1 have made you some of the oyster patties your Nother said you were so fond of. Thanks dear, but she never cooked them in their shells. That's not the shells, silly; that's the crust. They met by accident in a bank and evidently there was an old grudge between them. "You looked down on me when 1 was poor," said one. "Today'1 can write my cheque for a million." He wrote a cheque for a mil- lion. "Now 1'l show you what 1 think of a million." And he toro up the cheque. Mamly: "Doan ferget, nigger, dat yo'arried me fer betteh er wuuser." Nose: "Dat's all right, brow!) baby. but how come yo'-all keeps gittin'usser 'n wusser." RED AN9 WHITE CHAIN STORES Friday and Saturday Specials WHITE BEANS ............................................... 5 ibs fov aac SPLIT PFAS ................................. 3 Ibs for aac SNAP, HAND CLEA)SER............................ pcv Tin 19c THOMPSON'8 SEEDLESS RAISINS. new crop .. 2 lbs. 27e DEL hIONTE PRUNES. Good sixe ... 3 Ihc fov 2&ic DEL )IO):TE LARGF. PRUNES. Extra Fsucp...................... pvv lb. ).c ROYAL CITY PUhiPEIN, 2WL -.... pcv Ti«). c FANCY HALLOWE'EN CRACKERS, 12 in Box, Ivcg. 51.25) pcv box 7.ic SARDINES, Pure Oiiiw Oil ............ 2 Tins fov 21c CAI6PBELL'S TOMATO SOUP, New Pock ......... 2 Tins fov 27c SHITH'8 )IA\ I'OI.E TEA ................... Pcv lb. 59c COFFEE, Ground «hi)& you «si&,......... pcv lb. 59c Smith 's Grocery We Deliver A. HARVEY S)IITH. Prop. 2e&b AM) 51ARINE, Opp. Duudsvsvc lisiL I'bono )VEST S69 RlufiULT Reeve Vinson made the follow- ing ctatement after the result nf the aote was made known: "hvhile the bylnw received n favorable mnjority. it lacked 7&i votes required to mnke Ihe three- fifths acres&cary Io carry money 8) ln)vn. "lt means n greni l&xcs Io the municipnlitv nc it )vill n&»v he impossible to secure Ihe appro- printion of $22)0.000 fron) thc provincinl government nt the Jnnuary s&msion. The result )vill be a delny of permanent work for a year or more and in the meantime ihe municipality &vill be compelled to nmin tnin the high)vny and bridge in n good stnte of repair regardless of cost. "1 am satisfied the raicpnyers )vho opposed the bylaw were ill- advised und will regret (heir ac- tion in a very short lime. ns ii )vill no doubt hnve n reverse ef- fect upon the progreicc of )Vest Vnncouver." Weston Lots Offered R. D. Bre)vis is offering for sale fifteen lots each 50 feet by 142 feet, at )Veston on Fulton, Gordon and Haywood Avenues. The lots are exceptionally well located, being situated in close proximity to the Pauline John- son school, the )vest Vancouver Tennis Club's courts. aml the newly equipped children's play- ground. All the lots are cleared and it is said have excellent garden soil. They are being sold on a cash payment of $25 and $ 10 per month, and there are no taxes for 1927 to be paid. An adver- tisement relative to this appears in this issue. It is anticipated that the lots will be quickly tak- en up, as there is no question at all but that )Vest Vancouver property is rapidly increasing in value, and that the coming year will fi&)&1 values very greatly in- creased. GENERAL SUTTON DISCUSSES I'ROPOSALS )VITH PRESIIER "General Sutton will receive all co-operation and assistance the British Columbia govern- ment can give him in his Peace River development project, pro- viding he meets three condi- tions," declared Premier J. D. MacLean Thursday night, fol- lowing a conference attended by the premier, General Frank A. Sutton, G. G. McGeer, K. C., and Noel Humphreys, engineer. The three conditions enumer- ated by Premier MacLean were: First, substantial assurances that his financial backing )vas sufficient to carry out the pro- ject. Second, guarantees as to abil- ity to carry through the project io a successful conclusion from a physical standpoint. Third, enforceable guarantee that the railroad would be con- tinuously and satisfactorily op- erated following its completion. Premier MacLean was silent in regard to land subsidies in- volved in any transfer of the Pa- cific Great Eastern Raihvay or construction of any extension thereto into the Peace River country. That, he sai&l, was a subject upon which first the government aml then the legislature of Brit- ish Columbia must pass. He in- timated, however, that providing General Sutton produced the as- surances asked for, assistance in the way of substantial land grants would be forthcoming. Premier MacLean declined to make any estimate as to terms of transfer of the existing I'.G. E. property, declaring that such action must first be decided by the government and ratified by legislature. L U M B E R pw Prices svc reduced in sli gvsdss from 53.Ou &o 65.0U Pse hi Tsks sdvsu&sgo of Ihc present low prices suu suiicipsis future needs. ! iliih Quality Lunha& is Ches)est in the end. West Vancouver Lumber Co. Recidence I'hone: )Vest iii)81. FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSUIIANOE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West 55 Marine Motors 22 5larine Drive )Vest 177 Service that Satisfies No Jol& too Big. No. Job too Small. Ask Mickie. VERNON FEED STORE "i';.".)v"I'9 FUEL, FEED, CEMENT,, ETC. 16&k uud MARINE M. WILLIAMS A)dBLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR FALL SUIT NO)V. Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose from. Dry Cleaning and Pressing )Vc Call I"ov sud Deliver. CITY PRICES D) emg Reps)rs and Alterations PHONE )VEST 20 IS THAT CAR INSURED AGAINST ALL RISKS? PARTICULARS FROM GORDON GRAY Off«~e) mour 4991 1002 Credit Foncier Bldg. Oldsmobile and Chevrolet DEALERS 11. C. OSBORNE, West Vancouver Representative North Shore Motors Ltd. 135 First St. W. North Vancouver I'hones) LVest f&28Y Noy Th 1185). M your &iaily order will be caseful- ly attended to if you send it here Prompt delivery. Courteous treatment and reasonnl&le prices nml--above nil-- the very best quality of meats is )vhnt yon can be assured of when you & en here, PhOne YOur Order 1VOQt 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET I'HONE WEST 3 CLOSED THURSDAY AT I O'LOCK WE 1&EI IVER 1 Vol. 11 IV& m iiu poa elopm auywi mere ncctio uo do the V gyes I Ui waa 9 the 9 Stree en&up in or touyn uevei prod& ever) as m 7 be fo beau that the I able, whic be fi OUI'een acti& thos bow& ary I in vi I data app& roqu 1 wbh peri crun tbei wbi up mus Re&I uo'9 rati nut& Pol tioi n)U are wil au& sau the big est ud. tbe of wa we co& ii) u nei tb( ad pu& ba ac( sti we an it wi au 4 by un In) W