Resampled001B6DF2 October 21, 1927. COUNCILLOR )VATT'S VIEWS OF THE BY-LAW WEST VANCOUVER RATE- I'AYER ASSOCIATION REFUSES TO ENDORSE PROPOSED BY-LA)V (Continued from Page 1) they will classify the said Mar- they wil )classify the said Mac ine Drive as a secondary roa&1 and pay one half the cost of the above mentioned $440,000 and have submitted a By-law for ~ $220,000. Be it resolved -~That this large meeting of the Ratepayers of the Municipality held Monday, 17th October, 1927, have passed the following reso- lution:-- (1) That it is resolved that tivo separate by-laws shoukl have been submitted, one cover- ing the cost of the proposed new bridge, and one covering the cost of the proposed widening and re- surfacing of Marine Drive. (2) That it is resolved that independent expert advice shoulit be obtained as to the require- ment of the Municipality, as to the type of Bridge and relative merits of the plans submitte&i covering the construction of the proposed new bridge in view of the great spread of approximate- ly $60,000 between the estimated cost of each plan, the Council having accepted the plan cover- ing the greater cost. (3) That it is resolved that the district from Eastern to Western Boundary is at present served with the Marine Drive which is adequate at the present time for the requirements of the residents of the Municipality or otherwise. (4) That it is resolved that in view of the financial position of the Municipality and the .Apiessing necessity of other nec- i, yssary improvements for the 'community life of the residents it is resolved that this meeting is opposed to the passing of the proposed By-law in its present form and that steps be taken to advise all ratepayers of the de- cision of this meeting. (Continued from Page 1) your reeve and council have come to the conclusion that the expense is unavoidable. It mat- ters very little after all whether you decide to take their views on the subject or not as th'e power is in your own hands, but what really matters is this; that you will aml must pay in any case, either by including the same in your annual estimates or by bor- rowing the money and complet.- ing the job. Dont be misled in this matter; you cannot do bet- ter so far as I have ever heard. True, one hates to part with a huge sum like this, but is it not better to pay it out and get done with it rather than to go on pay- ing the same amounts yearly, in order to maintain something and to have nothing in the end? It is true that a proposal was ma&le to h&i&e a new boat this year and this proposal met with a reverse, not because there were any particular objections ti the new boat, but because there could not be a new boat and 1 new road and bridge. It has been said that the people should have been consulted about this, but after all how could you pos- sibly submit a bylaw to the people ivith three-fifths of the council on record against it. My views on the ferry matter are that I would re-engine the Son- risa and await further develop- ments. The Sonrisa with a Dies- el engine would not be long in paying the cost just the same as the No. 5 is doing, and, if after that it became necessary to have a larger capacity boat, the mun- icapality could afford to get one by submitting a by-law. I do not like to bring this matter into this question, but I understand considerable of the opposition have chosen this as a target, and really the unanimity of the whole council on the road and bridge bylaw should serve to con- vince. the, most..skeptical that there is no logical reason why this bylaw should be delayed at all but rather that there is every reason to expedite the matter. The matter of the annual charge has come up from time to time and in order to simplify the matter I would suggest that it be arrived at on the basis of 50c per $100.00 of value on the property owned per annum. Finally might I just say that it is not possible for this muni- cipality to remain exactly sta- tionary. Because of its beauty and location people will want to come and live amongst us and to occupy their property. We can- not stop that. But if we could and did, we would only be going backwards and it would be equal- ly as expensive as going ahead, because people could not be ex- pected to pny taxes indefinitely for nothing. A municipality like any human can wake up but that does not necessarily mean that it gets out of bed. Let us wake up, get out of bsd, get dressed, and get to business and enjoy the bene- fits of good things while ive are of the age to enjoy them. I am ahvays open for an al- ternative to the present bylaw. Meanwhile lacking that alterna- tive I say "vote yes" on October 26th and do your duty to the whole municipality." Yours faithfully, J. T. WATT. BIRTHS IN GREATER VANCOUVER A RECORD A total of 2843 births in Great- er Vancouver during the first nine months of 1927 created a record in the history of the city, according to court house records, and came to almost double the number of deaths in that period, which totalled 1433. The mar- riage total was 1434. Septem- berregistrations for Greater Vancouver showed 436 births, 194 deaths, and 219 marriages. June brides totalled 218. Mary MacDonald, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald, 15th and Fulton, «ho has been spend- ing a tivo weeks'holiday in Ver- non, has now returned home. CAPILANO REGISTERS HIGH MARK TUESDAY HORSESHOE BAY CLUB TO HOLD DANCE Ladies" Auxiliary to Horse- shoe Bay Boating and Yachting Club will hold its first military whist drive and dance in the Masonic Hall, First avenue and Commercial Drive,,Vancouver, on Wednesday next. Tables will be in play at 8.30 p. m., and dancing will be from 9 until 12 o'lock. Eight prizes will be dis- tributed and a four-piece orchas- tra has been engaged for the dance. Conveners for the even- ing are Mrs. D. Gorrie and Mrs. G. B. Furness. "Your daughter tells me that your wife is having her voice cultivated." "Yes! And did she tell you that the rest of us are growing '&vi id? "IVhat do you make a week?" asked the magistrate of the org- an-grinder. "Three pounds, sir." "What? Three pounds a week for gri&uling an organ!" "No. sir; for stopping and go- ing a'&vay. Capilano River and probably all of the creeks and streams of the North Shore ivere at their highest for this year Tuesday. The heavy rains over the week- end and on Monday, caused the Capilano to rise very rapidly. It is believed the winter freeze-up will come in the hills in time to pc&- $-,.~ avert exceptionally high waterfrom fall and winterrains. THE WEST VAN NEWS COUNCILI.OR LEYLAND BOOSTS THE BY-LA)V (Continued from Page 1) for tourists. In the first place of the $220,000.00, $ 158,000 is being spent between Caulfeild and the East boundary of the Municipality. Secondly, even tourists have their value:-- in the extreme West end certain citizens and corporations have invested thousands of dollars in developing our scenic resources by the establishment of splendid summer resorts. They depend on outsiders for revenue from which to pay taxes and reason- able returns for the investment which they have made in our Municipality. Without holding any brief for large interests, surely there is a measure of justice in seeing that these investors should not have their investments jeopard- ised, and if justice is given to them, others may be encouraged to consider even larger projects in our Municipality. In the same connec'lion, your readers are re- minded that for many years property holders in the Whyte- cliff area shared in the cost of the Eastern part of Marine Drive when they had no road connec- tion with it, and they also shared in the deficits ofour transporta- tion system when they did not even use it. But aside from the tourists, the writer has expressed the opinion that of the total traffic of Marine Drive fully 75/r comes from Vancouver and sur- rounding suburbs. Publicity is being given, and money is being spent in urging people to come and live in West Vancouver, and from what better source could we get them than from this 75 i'0 Hundreds of vacant lots stand idle, waiting for newcomers to build homes, assume a share of the taxation, and bring families who will support our merchants. Much has been said as to the need of a new ferry, and many would vote for the Marine Drive By-law if this were assured. No- CLASSIFIED ADS. FOlt RENT--Furuishcd blodcru Bung- DRESSMAKING--airs. Robbins, 23th slow, 23rd aud Waterfront. Phone aud Marine. Phone West 74RI. West 664L or Seymour 3733 LO'VELY STUCCO Five-Room Bung- alow with furnace. An modern cou- vcnicucca. Situated on King's just &vest 22nd. Appply George Gourlay Ivcat 2. FOll SAI.F &'uracy Oxford Range ond open heater Phone Ivcat 475R. HOUSE TO RENT--Modern, partly furnished, 19th aud Waterfront. Phone Fairmont 2336L. FOR RENT--Nice Cottage, Furnished Iyatcr. light, near Post Office. Ap- ply 1765 Duchess Street. BOARD Residence for Gentle- man in well appointed home. One minute from all transpor- tation. Terms st! ictly reason- able. Apply "Board," c~o West Van. News. SPECIALS LARGE WATERFRONT LOT at Duu- dacavc, what offers. CLEARED 50 ft. Lot ou North Side Marine Drive. Close to ferry. $600 terms. 4-ROO51ED COTTAGE, Close to Fcr. ry on paved road. $ 1200 cash. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSES TO RENT. We wish to announce that i&IR. R. P. BLOIVER Late of Savory di Duval is now cou- ucctcd with this office. GEO. HAY 1405 Mariue Drive 315 Cordova W. West 21 Scy. 1260. body in )Vest Vancouver could be more cognisant of the neces- sity for a new ferry than the writer. If the Marine Drive By- law ls passed our borrowmg power at the early part of next year will be much more than is necessary for a new ferry, aml I ivill pledge myself not to sup- port any further By-law, in Council or out, until one has first been submitted for a new ferry. Further, I do not think that the taxpayers will support any candi- date at the next election unless a similar pledge is made. Yours truly, J. B. LEYLAND. TAILORING--Children a Clothes. Alt- cratious. Phone West 63R3. FOR l&ENT--Unfurnished Five-room Bungalow on tvatcrfcont at Alta- mont. Phone Lcyland, West 63Ri. VACUUM TO RENT--Scc I'Vcat Vaa. Elcctcic. Phone Wast 103. NEW AND SECOND HAND Furul- turc bought, sold, aud exchanged. Fred Tite, Kcvill'a Old Stand, Am- blcaide. I.AWNS iIADE--Cement Floors aud S.dcwalka laid; Rock Walla built. T. Baruott, Residence Phone 672R. iVEW5IAN Ik ROBBINS -- Builders aud Contractors--Painting, paper- aud kalaomiuiug, chimneys built. 26th aud Marine. Phone West 74RI. CHILDREN COACHED in Arithmetic History aud Geography Terms moderate. Phone Iycat 333. HE5ISTITCHING--Plaiu.. white.. 5c yard; silk aud colored lsc yard. Pcarcc'a Drygooda, 14th Street aud Marine. Phone West 144. IVINDOIV BLLVDS--iladc to order aud installed. Estimates free. Pcarcc'a Drygoods. 14th Street aud bfariuc. Phone Wast 144. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE-- Majestic Range, table. two beds, ctc. Apply corner 14th aud Duchess GET treat Vau. Electric Prices on Rad.o, Vacuum, Irons and all elec- trical appliances. FOR SALE--A Boy's Grey Chinchilla Overcoat, fit boy 7-9 years. Phone West 332L. LOST--Would lady, who, the last Suu- day in July picked up tau and green crepe dc chine scarf between 15th aud 23rd Streets. call Ivcat 332L. 51ILITARY KETTLE DRUM in good couditiou. Will trade or swap. Ap ply F. Titc, Kcvdl'a Old Stand, Am- blcaidc. IVANTED by Young Lady--Domestic or Store, work by day. Phone West 4S. The road and bridge are now dangerous to human life, and are not wide enough for present traffic. The Bridge is unsightly as ivell as unsafe. The maintenance cost is now $ 11,000 a year. Sinking Fund and Inter- est Charges for the new construction would amount only to $9,724. The present road will be increasingly costly to maintain. The neiv road is guaranteed free from maintenance charges for at least ten years. The Provincial Government would not make a grant of $220,000 to- wards the cost unless such expenditure was necessary. The whole district ivould be developed as the result of a better road. Your own property ivould increase in value. The 30 Year Bonds that will be issued under the By-laiv ivill raise taxes 4.93 mills, but the maintenance of the present road is now responsible for 4.01 mills. A good road would attra&t more visitors with the result that more people would make their homes here. The By-law is being supported by the Board of Trade. It receives the UNANIMOUS approval of the Councillors. It is favored by a big majority of the business people. Apathy--not Opposition-may endanger the passage of the By-Law. IT IS INDISPENSABLE TURN OUT AND VOTE This advt. is published and paid for by ivell ivishers of the Municipality ivho iioulil like to see )Vest Vancouver make progress and ilevelop asher natura) beauty position entitles her to. TURN OUT and VOTE for the Bridge ... Road By-Law WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2 6th. REASONS WHY