Resampled001B6DF2 Useful Recipes ( Lesagehasit CUT RATE DRUGS FRIDAY an$I SATURDAY SPKCIALS PERSONA.LS ChHdren s 1»nner 51&nu Vegetnble Omelette.--Put one rounding tablespoonful of butter into 0 frying pan to heat. IVhen hot slice the well-wnshed veget- nbles into it, In thin slices. Saute five minutes. Dish onto the plat. tcr aml put in the oven to keep warm. Brenk four eggs into a l&owl. Add four tablespoons of &cater aml beat slightly. Turn~~ into the hot pan. As this browne life the c&lge to let the liquid run under until all is cooked and the bottom a delicate brown. The top shoul&l be creamy. This shoul&l be made rnpi&lly nml watched every minute. I'ut two tablespoons of the vegetables from the oven on top of the ome- lette. Fol&l an&I serve immediate- ly on the hot pint ter. surrounded l&y the vegetal&les. Orange Salnd. Choose unblemished oranges of moderate size and good shape. Bang them on the table to make them soft, then with a smnH sharp-pointed kfufe mark out a handle and basket an&i remove the umvante&l peel. Then care- fully, so as not to damage the peel, remove the fruit, free it of p&th, stmng and p&ps, cut &t mto smug pieces, place it in with some pipped an&i chopped grapes, cherries or other desirable fruits and nuts. Garnish each basket with a bit of parsley. The salad may be sprinkled with sugar. Blueberry I'udding Sift two cups of flour with two teaspoons of baking powder, add one cup of milk, two tablespoons-~. of melted butter, three eggs beaten separately, two cups oi sugar and one quart of blueber- ries dredged with flour. Bake in a greased pan for half an hour and serve with any preferred sauce. Mrs. Grace Bowman, 16th nnd Esquimalt, has gone to Duncans with her two sons, whom she is placing in St. Anne'0 School there. After returning to the city she will lenve in n few days for San Francisco. ~ ~ ~ A son wns born on Satur&lny to Mr. and Mrs. L. Emerton, 18th aml Bellevue, nt the North Van- couver General Hospitnl. Moth- er aml son are doing well. 1 ~ Both sides of the unpnved por- tion of Mnrine Drive between 14th and 16th Streets, has been covered with a heavy layer of smug crushed rock. This shoukl aid pedestrians and motor car owners materiaHy lvho do busi- ness with Ambleside stores. ~ ~ 1 Mr. and bfrs. Howard, 22nd and Lawson, have harl an a&ldi- tion to their family. A son was born to them on Sunday at the North Vancouver General Hos- pital. Both mother and baby are making good progress. ~ ~ 1 B. M, Crane has purchased a lot on Duchess Avenue between 12th and 13th Streets, and has taken out 0 permit for a modern four room bungalow to be built thereon. &Afiss Joan Cugington of Van- couvet', spent the &reek-eml with Miss blmleiine Stone of Caul- feild. 1 ~ ~ John H, Redden of Caulfcild, has returned home after spend- ing the past three weeks in the Cariboo &list rict. ~ ~ Mr. and blrs. George Currie, 26th and Marine Drive, hail an addition to their family when a son lvas born to them at their home. If you cannot gvt to the store lust phone ss sod we wnl send any of these or any other goods yos need. Stoves Ointment 22c toc pack. Salts..., 5 pkgs, 23& $2.60 Hot Wstvr Bottles, Guar- anteed ............ $ 1.69 $ 1.26 Hot Water Bottles .... Osc 501 Ipsns Tooth Paste ..... „.. 39& fiv 7&uiol ........................ 69& 761 Hospital Cotton.......... &9c 601 Phillips SHlk Msgoesis.... &sv rioe Blois'1 Syrup of Figs ...... &31 2&iv A. B. Sc. Tsb......... 16c 26e Pvvoxkto ................ 16c $ 2226 Kspters Cou I.ivor Oit sod 61111 ....... $ 1.96 $ 1.00 Listvrioe .... 791 $ 1.00 Coty's Porn&sr ..... Soc 76e Petrolatum ............ &Ov 751 Parishes Food ...... &sc 25c Cotter's Pdls ...... 21& 601 Gio Pnls ................... Sev 501 Fvuf~-tives ................. 13& 60c Iodine ..........,.............. 29& 76& Rubbing Alcohol........... 19& $ 1.26 Scott's Emutsion .... St.os Kolyoos Tooth Paste.... 3 for $ 1.00 601 Blair's Pyorrhea Remedy.. 39& 35c Writing Psd ......... 191 $ 1.26 Carling Irons ........... 9sc 90c Vivoi ................ Ooc $ 1.00 Lavoris ........... 791 25c Cuticovs Soap. 3 for 59& ~ ~ 1 Major W. B. Bar&vis, 31st aml Marine Drive, is atony on a shooting trip at Clover&lnle. ~ ~ ~ The outside of the new Angli- can Church at Caulfeild has been almost completed. 1 ~ &I Dr. Buggms of Vancouver has rented L. Burley's house at 28th and Bellevue.\ ~ ' Major and ))irs. S. S. Penny of North Vancouver are guests of Nrs. Penny's aunts, the Miss- es Stevensons, "the Clachan." 1 ~ One of the new electric clocks supplied by the B. C. Electric Co. has been mstalled in the window of Captain Edward's of- fice on the ground floor of the ferry building at Ambleside Dock so that it can be referred to by passengers or others passing there. Lesag'e Drug Store New Building--Corner blarine and 1.1th. We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small WEST 323 Lesagehasit i 1 2 1 CVC+ ghee HORTICULTURAL ASSN, TO GIVE MILITARY WHIST DRIVE The Mihtat y IVh&st Dt ive to be held on Tuesday, November 1st, under the auspices of the Horti- cultural Association will be well worth attending. Good prizes and refreshments will be sup- plied. The different affairs or- ganised by this association are always well arranged and a pleasant social time is sure to be enjoyed by those attending. Make a point of keeping open this date. 1 1 ' Nrs. B. M. Grady, 24th and Waterfront, entertained Major and Nrs. S. S. Pinney at dinner at her home on Sunday evening. 1 Nr. Fletcher has had a new and thoroughly up-to-date heat- ing system installed in the Hol- lyburn Theatre. Each chair will have its own supplyof hot air. This will prove an added attrac- tion this winter to the large and increasing number of IVest Van- couver residents who attend thetheatre.. IBSEN Nrs. 1Vigiam S. Anderson and Miss Jean Anderson of Caulfeild, were hostesses recently at the home of the fo&Tner, 5463 Larch Street, Vancouver, when they en- tertained at a cup and saucer shower in honor of their cousin, BIiss Evelyn Campbell, whose marriage takes place this month. Guests included Mrs. Warner, of Seattle, Mrs. IV. A. Anderson, Mrs. Turnbug, Mrs. Watson, Miss Margaret Baird, Miss Mil- dred Ca)der, Miss Irene Carn- wath, Miss Doris Hastings, Miss A)bura Ha&T&er aml Miss bfade)- ine Stone. 1 Nr. Sutherland IVa)ker and his sisters, the Misses Ella and Dolly IVa)ker, who have been summer- ing at Caulfeild, have left for the city, where they will spend the winter months with Mrs. A. F, Cornish, 2080 Haro Street. ' Dudley Roberts returned from Ladner on Sunday with thirty ducks and one pheasant. The pheasant and twenty ducks were his own bag, the remaining ten having been shot byhis father, who is staying on for several days longer. Twenty is the limit allowed to one gun for ducks by the game authorities. On ac- count of the wet weather pheas- ants have taken refuge in the woods and coverts, and conse- quently few have so far been shot. r results will be you bake in an n on an electric is c accuracy. You make the temperature whatever the recipe coils for and the range does the rest The same results -- the same tempera-tur~ be obtained every time, without slightest diificulty, without coaxing a fire and regardless of wind and weather'conditions. For Peopfso&o Are Psvt~feah THIRD ST. sod S'f. DAVIDS North Vnncouver Phone North 1310. IVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 457Y3. RESIDENTS ASKED TO REPORT BREAKS IN ELECTRIC I.INES )btff&sg Ibsfsoog Itscnu&1)stn&SSCQ. SS-&S The B. C. Electric Co. request that, in cases where trees fall across their lines in the streets, those residents living in the vi- cinity whose lighting will be dis- turbed by the break notify the~ company at once, when the break will be immediately repaired. If', otherwise, it will probably take the company's officials some time to locate the break with in- convenience to the residents af- fected. THE COLD DAYS ARE COMING Get your Stoves and Heat- ers in good comlition . IVO have every kiml of Stove- pipes, Elbows, etc., and new Heaters. PQl8 in B~ The death of Mrs. John Hall, mother of J. S. Hall, 2oth an&i Bellevue, took place at her home in Owen Sound, Ontario, last Friday She was in her 85th year, and is survived by her husband, who is 90 years okl, and several children, who reside in the east. R. SEEDS General Merchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 28 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER VOTERS'IST 1928 Persons desiring and entitled to have their names placed on the Voter's List for 1928 as Househoklers or Licence Holders, must file a declaration (which may be ma&le before a Notary Public or the undersigned) in the form provided, on or before the 31st day of October 1927. Forms may be obtained at the Muni&.ipM Ilail Dated this 14th &lay of October 1927. JAS. OLLASON, Hollyburn, B. C. Municipal Clerk. +Qelno'jjayo)I on eiyery street- mlerymorr)I'Iifj 1 1 J. Davies has finished the con- struction of a new modern five- room bungalow on King's be- tween 22nd and 23rd Streets. 1 1 ~ birs. Johnson, Keith Road and Esplanade, returned on Sunday from 0 trip to Victoria. 9 quarts for $1.00 North 122 THE ROOF should be put DEATH OF J. S. HAI.L'S in good repair aml we can MOTHER supply aH the material you want. Ifbgf 1 HI (Cof tb I tbsv ". ;SS 9B ,„8 ps) sbovs bsve " 6@39,66 I T)st I v ))steps beld bi'ove P )„tiou: (I) tgo ',ve b iuil tb bfk)IS ,( the su& 1st (31 iudepc be obl gent 'bety meritf &ovÃi propof the If )I 369, cost & bsv&m iog tb (3) the &) )Vest& serfs& which time i reside otberi I (4) io vie Of t) pfSSS& , I&SSSI) 'comm it &S ! 19 OPP propc form, advise cisiou BIHT At& sr V! nine Is&on SCCOI& sud c numb &fb)c) riage ber 1 Vsuci 194 d June bls 11r. I and F iug 5 uou, ) CAPI Csp Sll of the &( bigbe, The b ehd 6! Capila '3 beli "ill c& HOgg ( 4ub sbos I Club 1 &vbist bbsou Comm, on B&a )n &u dsut)u o'tbxb t&'!but trs b &)uncs "2 St& G,BF ~ Stert from i