Resampled001B6DF2 October 21, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VAN RESTAURANT 1421 hier!he Drive st 14th SL Phone )vest 611-0 PROGRESS Vote for the By-Law Open All the Year This store will be open the year round for supply- ing the best Real Home-made Bread and Cakes Buy here and support local endeavour. MRS. DRAPER & SON 2435 6IARINE DRIVE Neat Dradarave Hall. NOTE I'HONEl Wert See I.IFE SAVING MEDALS TO BE I'RESENTED IIIONDAY Mrs. Beatrice Cuthbert, 2155 Jefferson Avenue, announces that the life saving medals and certificates gained by members of her class last summer have now been received, and that those entitled to these may ob- lain them by calling at her house after school hours next Monday. DEATH OF C. R. IllcBRIDE The death of Chester R. Mc- Bride, 18th and Esquimalt, oc- curred last Saturday, the funer- al being held to the Ocean View Cemetery on Monday, October 17th. The deceased was in his 49th year, and leaves to mourn his loss his widow, mother, and sister. Nr. NcBride was em- ployed as superintendent of car- go for the Empire Stevedoring Company. DELIVERIES AND Wet Weather During wet weather our de- livery will supply you with your drug wants. It does not matter how small; if you want it, we'l have it delivered promptly. Free samples of Aqua Velva, the exquisite after- shave, with each Williams'having Cream purchased. "Dixie" the delicious Ice Cream tidbit, now on hand price fic. The Store of Service WEST VAN l'IARNACY Phone West 37. Night Calls -- Emergency only--West 321. PITNAN BUSINESS COLIECE DAY aud NIGHT SCHOOL You will receive intensive indi- vidual training. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings COUNCILLOR WATT DISCUSSES POSSIBILITY Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The regular meeting of the Board of Trade was held last Monday night the president iu the chair. A letter was received from the North Vancouver City Council enclosing copy of a reso- lution "that the reeves of the North Shore Councils and presi- dents of the Boards of Trade join with them in an effort to get General Sutton to address a joint meeting on his return from the interior." The meeting went on record for favorable action. The question of outside con- cerns doing business in West Vancouver without a license was discussed and ultimately turned over to tthe Retail Merchants'ureau for investigation and re- port. The meeting went on record as being unanimously in favor of the road and bridge by-law, and urged their members to do all in their power towards the pass- ing of this law. Councillor Watt on being ask- ed for information regarding the Ambleside Beach development, said that nothing could be ex- pected in this matter in the im- mediate future. When the mat- ter of industries for West Van- couver came up, though, he said that he was in favor of suitable industries in suitable locations, and that there was one thing which had lately interested him, and that was a possibility which would be of priceless value to the North Shore generally and to West Vancouver particularly- the establishment of an airport on the Indian Reserve land. Mr. Watt said: "You will, of course, have not- iced that the whole of the Cap- ilano Indian Reserve lies contain- ed lvithin our municipal bound- ies and comprises quite an ex- nsive area, being about a mile nd a half long by an average epth of say three-quarters of 0 ile. These distances are rough ut conservative. It is under the ontrol of the Dominion Govern- ent and is today practically un- occupied. First of all let me say, that I am of the opinion that we will eventually be a big met- ropolitan area, and we must be careful in our conceit that we do not allow the opportunity to slip. Those who say we can get along nicely on our own, may be quite sincere, but I contend that they have not considered the future with its natural increase in expelulitures. Realising, how- ever, that these things come slowly, I have in mind a possible source of revenue for the future which might be a valuable prize when it comes to absorbing the area which is to be Vancouver." "I mean the air port of the metropolis. Here is something The West Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside I For IVest Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL yctston ofethi~s'ee ing. BIRTHS IN GREATER VANCOUVER A RECORD A total of 2843 births in Great- er Vancouver during the first nine months of 1927 created 0 record in the history of the city, according to court house records, and came to almost double the number of deaths in that period, which totalled 1433. The mar- riage total was 1434. Septem- ber registrations for Greater Vancouver showed 436 births, 194 deaths, and 219 marriages. June brides totalled 218. Nary MacDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald, 15th and Fulton, «ho has been spend- ing a two weeks'holiday in Ver- non, has now returned home. CAPILANO REGISTERS HIGH NARK TUESDAY Capilano River and probably all of the creeks and streams of the North Shore were at their highest for this year Tuesday. The heavy rains over the week- end and on Monday, caused the Capilano to rise very rapidly. It is believed the winter freeze-up will come in the hills in time to ~bgr~era S %9pPPiitwzu't u'."-DT ing together the two celebrities, whose individudj efforts have been respons'ible for so much entertainment in the past. Early showings of the picture in Hollywood resulted in many predictions that the two would become one of the famous fun affinities of the screen. I know a young man who at- tends church regularly, and clasps his hands so tightly dur- ing prayer that he cannot get them open in time for the offer- ing. In the human race the butcher holds the steaks. that has no smoke nuisance and is one which defies prophets to forecast its future, owing to its immensity of possibilities. Air transport the modern and pres- ent method. Your mind can con- jure up that place with its sea- planes, air liners, taxies, mail carriers, forest rangers, etc., etc. "I claim it is our duty, know- ing the possibilities, to courage- ously present a comprehensive scheme to our Federal Govern- ment to set aside this area for this purpose and to commence now to develop it into what seems to me to be the vety best situation for this air port oi Vancouver: Some of its advantages are: I.--Its Huge Area. II.--Its Natural Flatness. III.--Its Abundance of Fresh Water. IV.--Its Immediate Adjacency to Navigable Salt IVater. V.--Its Proximity to the City. VI.--The Possibility of Rail Terminals on Its East Boundary. VII.--The Wireless Positions on its North on the Ridge. VIII.--The Convenience of El- ectrical Energy Right on the Ground. IX.--Its Outlook to the Com- ing World's Markets in the Far East. X.--Its Strategic Position from a Naval and Military Point of View. XI.--Its Already Established Signal Station. XII.--Its Unintenxtpted Ap- proach from all Sides, even from the North Down the Capilano Valley. "These are twelve reasons giv- en at random, and I cannot find one objection. I do not believe there is one site anywhere To anything like compare with its possibilities unless it might be the filling in of False Creek and there are now too many obstruc- tions surrounding that area." "I would be pleased to act on a committee which would en- deavour to find ways and means of presenting the possibility to the proper quarters." A committee consisting of Col- onel W. K. Savory, J. T. TVatt. and IV. McQuaker was appointed to go into the matter tvith potver to act. Another committee made up of A. Ridley, Dr. J. E. I&nip- fel, Colonel W. K. Savory, and Hugh Nay was appointed to in- quire into the matter of indust- ries being permitted to operate in the municipality. There are 13 plants in British Co- lumbia turning out sheet metal pro- ducts. Over 32,100,000 is invested in those plants which employ about 662 tvorkers aud produce 33,700,000 worth of goods per year. indian Reserve Proposed as Airport At Board of Trade Meeting ASK THE MAN WHO USES IT! The maa who uses Northern Light P. IL GAS will tell you of the greater mileage, the extra power he gets from this superior locally produced product. IL TL ts 100 per cent. pure gasoline; all foreign mat- ter, including dangerous corrosive compounds. have been excluded by a new fractiouating process, leaving only the pure gasoline to give you consistently better service. Fill up with P. TL aud watch results! A North VaaL Product NORTHERN LIGHT Produced locally by VANCOUVER OIL CO. LTD. An All-British Columbia Concern FILL UP AT THESE NORTH SHORE STATIOVS NORTH VANCOUVER WEST VANCOUVER Foreman's Garage- Ed. Black-- Esplanade East 25th Ave. & 61ariue DriveLousdale Dlotors- )Vest Vancouver Garage- 16th aud Lousdale Ambleside.North Shore Garage-- First St., West SECOiVD NARROTVS Reliable Service Station-- Burrard Service Station-- Third St. dt Forbes Ave. Second iVarrows Bridge. JOIN THE CHORAL SOCIETY Rehearsals Now Being Held Arrangements for the Musical Society's concert which is being given early next month are going apace. Rehearsals are being held every Monday at 8 p. m. in the Hollyburn School. There are still a few vacancies in the choir and a hearty invita- tion is extended to all West Van- couver people interested in chor- al singing to join. -ar ~ ~a W. B. A. TO HOLD MASQUERADE DANCE The TV. B. A. Review No. 24 is giving a masquerade dance on Friday, 18th November. There !vill be good music and prizes. Further particulars of the dance will appear in our next issue. A cow may live on grass, but it takes a butcher to make both ends meat. Wl a Football League Hollyburn and Pauline John- son School have formed two Junior and two Senior football leagues. The teachers in charge hope to obtain a trophy for the winning team. Games are held alternately at the Hollyburn and Pauline Johnson Schools every other TVednesday in the month. School Paper The grades 6, I, and 8 of Hol- lyburn School have started a school paper. This paper is to be published every 3rd week in the month. All news, jokes and stories appertaining to the school will be published. It will also boast a lost and found column and a space will be devoted to edltotual work. Football lllatch On Wednesday the 19th, Holly- burn defeated Pauline Johnson school at football. The score was 3-1 in Hollyburn's favor. --NONA SEiVTAiVCE, Press Correspondent. WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL ASSN 1 I t to he held lo the lit s I'I.ID. retro i TICKETS SOG, RaraarHaaarr t Military Whist Drive NEW AMSLESIDE HALL TUESDAY, NOVEiNIBER 1st, 1927 GooD Palter IIB INI 4'UNCANLAIVSOIV CHAI'TER, I. O. D. E. IVill hold their Sixth Annual HALLOWE'EN DANGE Dancing in the HOLLYBURN PAVILION WEI)iVESDAY. OCTOBER Slilh Refreshments Edna Haytvood's Orchestra Tickets 75c. Prizes West Vancouver Agricultural and Horticultural Association invite you to attend A PUBLIC LECTURE ON ROSES" by J. FYFE-SMITH Next Tuesday, October 25th, at 8 p.m. AisIBLESIDE HALL Admission Free Come and bring your friemls to hear this interesting lecture.