Resampled001B6DF2 SPKCIALS This Week Ix8 iso. 3 Fir Shiplap ........SI0.00 per 31. Ix8 and 10 No. 2 Fir Shiplap 318.00 I x6 Ceiling and Flooring .. $ 12.00 No. I and 2 E. G. 123 Flooring 355.00 No. I and 2 E. G. I x4 Flooring S50.00 Ix4 Good Grade Flooring........ 318.00 Ixs Good Grade Flooring........ 618.00 and other Specials. See us first. Window Glass in All Sizes carried in stock. Am) esit e .um)er Co. Marine Drive at 16th St. West 199 Hollyburn Theatre Open hioudsy, wednesday Friday sud Su&a&day Admissiou--Eccuiugs gnc R iac Saturday his&iucc 2sc sud Ioc Friday aud Saturday Oc&obsr 21st sud 22nd. GFi&E STRATTON PORTER' BEST NOVEL LADDIE iiioudsy snd Vrcdocsdsy October 21th sod 26th, Charlie 'Al urrar in McFadden's Flats Enjoy a Game of BILLIARDS at, CHET SHIELDS 11TH STREET right at Rsiiwsy Crossing TOBACCO CONFECTIONERY Ambleside Service Station (Harry A. Farr) Between 14th and 15th on Marine TIRES -- TUBES ACCESSORIES Hours--8 a. m. to 6 p. m. CHIROPRACTOR Yates Building Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver Roberta A. Vass D. C., Ph. C. Graduate of I'simcc School &'HIROI'RACTIC WILL HELP VOU The basic principle upon which Chiropractic is founded is that every ocgsu sud tissue in the body functions under thc control of vital energy transmit& d to that organ from the brain snd through the nerves. W. G. ROBINSON GENERAL CON TRA C TIN G Septic Tanks, Basements, Lots Cleared, Etc. Phone West 478Y. THE Marcel Shop Nrs. F. Burling 1520 Marine Drive FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE West 304 l)IARCEL, WAVING, LADIES and CHILDREN' HAIRCUTTING Facial, Scalp and Skin Treatments Hours 9 to 5.30. Nellie Harrison Howard Associs&c o( the J. D. A. Tripp I'isuo School Pupiis prepared for scum¬ions, recitals sud fss&ivsi work if desired. Aii pupils inspected monthly by J. D. A. Tripp. For appointment. Phone West 479R VERNON FEED STORE "Ih;.",&i"."I'9 FUEL, FEED, CEMENT, ETC. A I9'. VALENTINE Canadian Window Bskcrics Agcuc&L 1&06 a)urine Drive FRESH CAKES AND BREAD DAILY Stale Cakes, dail&.. s& Reduced Prices. LIGHT LUNCHES Store Closes g p. m. PERSON USE YOURPHONE) Quite a large number of ladies from West Vancouver took part in the North Vancouver General Hospital tea on )Vednes&lny, giv- ing evidence of the interest aml co-operation of our residents in thi» lvorthy institution. ~ ~ ~ Christmas music is now being practiced by both the Boys'ml the Girls'hoirs, which meet every Saturday nt Hollyburn School, boys at 10 a.m., girls nt 11 a.m. ~ ~ ~ slalcolm NcFarlane &vho hns been visiting his sister-in-law. Miss Frame, 26th aml Marine. for n few days, left on )Vednes- dny on the S.S. "Niagara" for Australia nnd New Zealand. Nr. IaicFarlnne, who resides in Scot- land, is on a world tour. s s s B. Armstrong of the Royal Bank staff here, is nway on his annual tlvo )reeks'acation. He is being relieved by H. Stewart of North Vancouver. ~ ~ s )Miss Margaret Taylor of Aus- tralia, is spending the winter months with her aunt, Mrs. B. N. Grady, 24th and )Vaterfront. ~ s ~ The October test exams will start next Monday at the High School. s s s Mrs. F. X. Hodgson and the Routledge-Smith quartette are putting on a concert next Tues- day evening in Dundarave Hall in aid of the Loyal Protestant True Blue and Orange Home for children. The drawing for fancy work held by the L. O. B. A. in aid of the OI7)hanage.will take place also at the concert. All interested please take notice. C. J. Overington was out on Sunday and caught a 14 lb. cohoe and a salmon trout weighing 2 lbs. Nr. Overington has so far this year landed 14 salmon weighing 143 lbs., 40 cod and 8 salmon trout. It is the best sea- son he has ever had. 's A. Sullivan, the government inspector of High Schools, spent last Wednesday in West Vancou- ver on an official visit to the new Inglewood School. Dr. Rowan announces that his dental office at 17th and Marine Drive will be open Monday and )Vednesday evenings until 8 o'lock for the convenience of those desiring appointments. H. A. Newby, who operated the Hollyburn Barber Shop, has sold out the business to Mr. Marsh, who has been in the busi- ness in Vancouver. Mr. and Nrs. George Jackson and daughter Dorothy, 14th and Haywood, sailed last Friday from Live)~ool, England. They expect to be home here next week. ~ ~ Nrs. Tom Johnston left last Saturday to join her husband in Pasadena, California, having ful- ly recovered from her illness.s Gordon Kidd won the snooker tournament staged by Chet Shields at his billiard parlor rec- ently. Roy Brown was second and T. Snelgrove third. NISL 8, Dean, 17th and Duch- ess, is away on n trip to Senttle. ~ ~ ~ The wedding of Ikliss Ihhlry Iaiilis, siarine and 21th, daughter of &Sir. aml Nrs. Mills of Nelson, B. C.. to Christopher H. John- eton, 27th and l&ings. will take place tomorrow. In honor of this event the local Ornnge Lodge is holding a dance tomorrow even- ing in Dundarave Hnll. The we&l- ding brenkfnst will be held at &sire. Bourne's. The couple will make their home at 27th nn&l Icings. ~ ~ ~ hir. William E. G. Crisford nnd Nrs. Crisfor&l, lvho have been spemling the summer in the Old Country, have taken up their residence at 1027 Duchess Ave., in a new bungalow designed an&I built by Mr. Crisford. ~ ~ ~ Nr. F. R. Adams, Caulfeil&l, suffered a severe nccldent last lveek, when cranking his car the engine back fired on him, brenk- ing his right arm above the wrist. He was taken up to St. Paul's Hospital an&I there treat- ed for compouml fracture. It will be several weeks before he can use his right aisn and han&l again if all goes well. A few words over the tele- phone will bring the family food. Order your groceries over the phone from us. Our service consists not only of free delivery, but gunran- teed quality at lowest prices Greeliwoolls GROCERY )Ve deliver West 16 Established over ii&/I Years C. J. OVERINCTON 11th nnd l)iarine BARBER I or the convoniouco of the iud&os of iho District I have hsd the isiophons Installed I'HONE WEST 135 sod moke on sppoiuimout. People Like The 'Burrard'ANADIAN I.EGION TO I)IEET TONIGHT The regular monthly meeting of the)Vest Vancouver bianch of the Canadian Legion will take place Friday (tonight) at 8 p. m. in the Legion rooms ferry build- ing. Arrangements will be made at this meeting for the sale of poppies on Armistice Day, also for the deferred annual memori- al service. Every member of the branch is earnestly requested to be present and a very hearty in- vitation is extended to any ex- service men who have not joined to attend the meeting. People speak very n&coiy about the grout cars we ioko of svocy sriicio sent to us. Each oust' cr's parcel is treated scpsrstciy sod promptly returned. Aud su~ o charges picoss everybody. Try us with s pnrcci this week. The Burrard Laundry Limited For Pcopio )Vho Are Psrncuisc THII&D ST sud ST D )VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. ROSE LECTURE NEXT TUESDAY Next Tuesday at 8 o'lock tho )Vest Vancouver Ilorticultural and Agricultural Association has arranged a lecture on "Ros- es" by J. Fyfe Smith. The lect- ure will be in Ambleside Hall. Nr. Smith is an authority on this subject and was formerly president of the Greater Van- couver Iiorticultural Associa- tion. This is one of the series of lectures arranged by this asso- ciation. It will be remembere&l that the last one on "Gardens and Gardening" drew a very large audience, snd it is expected that the coming one will be even better attended. The work the association is doing in beautifying the homes in )Vest Vancouver is worthy oi'pecialnote. The different speakers they are bnng&ng to our district for these meetings are men of outstanding ability and a vast amount of knowledge in the subjects in which they specialise. Mr. Smith will be found a specially interesting &peaker, and his lecture will be &yell worth any of us going to considerable trouble to attend. The meeting is free to adults, the association defraying all ex- penses in connection with it. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 457Y3. THE COLD DAYS ARE COMING Get your Stoves an&i Heat- ers m good condition )Ve have every kin&i of Stove- pipes, Elbows, etc., and new Heaters. 'I HE ROOF shoukl be put in good repair aml we can supply all the material you want. R. SEEDS General Merchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone )Vest 28 WEST VAN GARAGE Now under management oi H. E. INNES-KER IGNITION SPECIALIST PHONE WEST &3&S PARTICULARS FROM GORDON GRAY Office --Seymour 4991; 1002 Credit Foncler lildg. IIARRON BROS & WILLIABI SON gIIIIEIIII Blfet toI9 North Vancouver I'arlors 122 )Vest Sixth Street I'hone North 134 Vancouver I'arlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 IS THAT CAR INSURED AGAINST ALL RISKS? I 21 ll'IS'i )is pi Qptp I Thi'bo I& ng I" I Buf I endea AIRS Il 6 Ills 91) Ycu s Wat Jew Wptl I I ) West S BIRT At& cr VI nine 1 fo&or& a&co&I and c numb ski&i riage ber I Vane 194 d June Ila Mr. I and I ing a non, i I I CAPI Cap all of the 8 highs The b end ai Capila la bali ing togo uboa boon „, entcrhu, , Rady In Rop Pi&dictj& Rome aiiinioe I kno& tcnda, ella&ps b tbcm lap