Resampled001B6DF2 THE \VEST VAN NE)VS October 21, 1927. li. I'. Clarke A Co. (Vancauc r) L.'&I. A( RE I.OT Alismont. Selec( location, paved r&md, excellent home site, unusual bnrgnhi, 6760. FliV B FA Sill.Y HOSIE nl)ove fo ~ line, har&hvoo:I floors, furnace, large open ilreplnce, wired for range. brenkfast nook, four bedrooms, i acre. excellent value 66,(100(b terms, 61000 cash, bnlance nrrangeil. FI Y I: A('Rll BI.OCK--Offere 1 for sluirt period at $ 1000. (.ooil speculative investment. )Vld Hpecinlise in this aitraciive growing municipality See uc for homes, homssites acreagr, waierfrontage, investments. D Bit l'\ Iq I» A(»(le&c&T TH(I ll'Y.I,A W (Continued from I'age I) damage 1 et ii i(bin 8 fe» months after the liri&lge was in pince, it went by the board. Only those who wen! in the munici- pality at (hat time know how inconvenient «nd costly thi» mis- hap ivas. Apart from the location, the road to the west of the river runs through low lying Innil, which makes it costly for upkeep of the highway. &)Ioreover, &lur- ing winter, the heavy mists are as bnd ns fog. There is much danger in driving. But the prin- cipnl point I'rom n municipal point of view is that the high- way runs for a consiilernble ilic- tance through the in&lian i&eserve land that ivill never bring nny revenue io )Vest Vancouver. It is too ba&l that an arterlnl high- wny, such as Marine Drive is, shoukl improve property which means nothing to anyone. In the early days, when engin- eers laid out a rond nlong the North Shore of Burrnrd Inlet, they had no interest to serve other than the public need anii convemence. Where &lid they build? The Keith road extemled from the farthest west portion of what is now West Vnncouver right to Deep Cove on the North Arm. It stands today as a through road. It leaves the pres- ent Marine Drive at Thirteenth Street and joins it again below Pemberton Heights, North Van- couver. It dodged the low-lying land through which bIarine Drive at present runs. The eng- ineers at that time saw the dis- advantages of a wide channel of the river and at a point where the water had full sweep. They foresaw the wiping away of banks. They left the Indian re- serve below aml built in a safe locality. That location I would suggest for the new bridge--where Keith road crosses the Capilano. There the river has a well-defined channel. No matter how high it rises, the water will never en- danger any bridge. Should the bridge be built there, there would necessarily be a slight diversion of Marine Drive. It would then run through land which woukl improve in value and the munici- pality would get more and more return from the higher assess- ments. The total cost of 0 bridge at that point, including any nec- essary road improvement, would not exceed the cost of the pro- posed structure. Moreover, while it was being built, there woukl bs an alternative route by the present road. It might be said that if this suggestion were carried out that I woukl gain personally. I can- not. I have no property on the Keith road, I have none on Mar- ine Drive at any point. My only interest is as 8 resident of the municipality, where I have my home. It might be argued that we shoul&l not turn down the present by-law. iVo harm will be done, if the by-law is defeated. It will only give more time for consider- ation. )Ve need the new bridge. It will have to be built. Very few ratepayers of )Vest Vancouver but who are in favor of it. I am, (VEST VAN&'OUVER DIES'EADY TO WEAR Christian Science SocietyCOATS. 81'ITS and l)RESSES We have made arrangements to take o&clers for Ladies'pecialReady to Wear Coats, Suits and Dresses. Come in and let uc talk it over. This ic a cervice that &vill give you better goods at a big saving. &'HI'1&CH EDIFI('E 20&6 ooa Ecaoimen, Holi)burn Sunday Service at 11.30 e.m. Suliject October 23rd "I ' H) I I AT I O N AFTER 1)EATH" Sunday Scbool ei 10.00 ~ . m. Taciimaoy hicciing every Wcd nccdey oi 8.16 p.m. Eieryihing in Dry Goods The best at ihe lowest prices. Grigor's Dry Goods Store HAI.I,O)YI" EiV DANCE Keen interest is being & vid- enced in the Gth Annual Hallow-e'n Dance ivhich»ill take place on Wednesday evening, October SGth at llollyburn Pavilion. uml- er the nuspices of the Duncan lwwson Chapter, I.O.D.E. Gay, with thc black nnd ornnge colorings of cats. lanterns, pump- kins an&i other Ilallowe'en motifs the pavilion will be transform- ed into 8 setting of unusual at- tractiveness while a witch bent over a glowing cauldron will draw the lucky number which will entitle the holder of the cor- responding number, which each one will receive upon entering the Pavilion, to a "half a ton of coal. Ghosts and skeletons will peer out from dark corners. The Grand March will take place at 9.30 p. m. Sha17). Prizes &via be aivarded for the best fancy dress, best original and best comic costumes, both la&ly and gentlemen, also a special prize for the best costume rep- resenting anyone of the Provinc- es of the dominion of Canada. Fancy dress is optional. Novelty dances have been arranged which will add considerably to the merriment of the evening. AIrs. P. C. Chapman, bIrs. Harry Burns, and Mrs. )V. B. Small are acting as general con- veners. AIrs. A. E. Young is in charge of the decorations, Mrs. Thomas Cutler is programme convener, blrs. David Morgan, Prizes; Mrs. R. A. Ogilvie and Mrs. E. H. Jupp refreshments.- A committee has also been ap- pointed for the introduction of guests. The Edna Haywwod five-piece Orchestra will be in attendance. 1460 MariIIe Drive nl c y o~pacno TOYS and Orders Taken for iVOYELTIES Hemstitching. Fiscoi Ascoio: St. StepIIen's ChurchH. PERRIN, R.o. OPTobIETRIST ood OPTICIAN Wednesdays from 2 p. m. Every Evening from 7 p. m. Ro!.oi Book Bldg. Hoiiyburn R. I'. &'laika (1 &'o. ('Vnocooccr) I.i&l. 823 Hastings 8&. IV. Scy. 71HS, 7 &HI Local Rcprcccnioiiva C. J. ARCHER. Ivcci 6.&IL Trinity 19 (Oct. 23rd.) 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.16 a. m.--ibforning Prayer. 4 p. m.--Holy Baptism. 7.16 p. m.--Evensong. Dr. Hiltz, head of the General Board of Religious Education, is addressing a meeting of Sunday School teachers at St. George'6 Church, Laurel St. tonight. The A. Y. P. A. &via entertain St. John's A. Y. P. A. at a Hal- loive'en Social in the Parish Hall next Tuesday night. The junior A football team travelled to Carleton School Sat- urday afternoon and defeated Collingwood United team by 9 goals to nil. Tomorrow they play Renfrew Baptists at Hollyburn School at 1.30 p. m. A junior B team, ivith ibfr. A. J. Gleam as mznager has also been entered in the league and will play its first game tomorroiv. SIDNEY TO I.OAN 3500.00 op No delay Wc»& Van. In&co&mon& Coy. Notary Public. Wast 102 R. B LOX HAM )AASON, CONTRACTOR Specialty:--Fireplaces eod Tile Hostels, Sinks, cic. Phone: Ives& &97. an&I everyone I talk to is in favoi'f it. But I would like to see it at a point long ago selected by engineers as the most feasible crossing of the Capilano. Not the quiet Capilano as one sees it from day to day, but the raging river when mountain storms son&I torrents of uncontrollable water down its channel. Should the by-law be turned &lown at this time, it can be re- introduced again after six months'terval. Surely, when~ we have waited so long for ag goo&i bridge, six months would not be long to wait for a gooil location? Then our money will be spent with the knowledge that the bridge is permanent, free from future danger from flood. Ratepayers, think it over. The cost now will be aH the cost, without future expense for dam- age; more revenue will accrue to the municipality, this amount to increase as time goes on; the road will be out of the low-lying land, aml more of a tourist high- way, enabling visitors to see more plainly the beauties of which we are so proud. There is everything to be sai&l for the Ifcjth road crossing. This is the time when we must make decision. Standing the by- law over for six months will give us time to consider the matter fully. Then we can vote again. After full discussion of the two locations, we can make our choic ~ knowing then that we have over- looked nothing. Think it over, before you vote. R. D. BRE)VIS. J. M. Morgan Phono IVaii I i3 WEST V ANCO UVER Tcocbcr of Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO Pbonc Seymour 101 LOCAL MADE BREAD 8L CAKES delivered right to your door. S. S. Football League, Junior A --St. Stephen's Games Oct. 22nd -- Against Renfrew Baptists at Hollyburn School. Oct. 29th -- Against Know Ker- risdale at Kerrisdale School. iVov. 6th -- Against Riverview United at Moberly School. Nov. 12th--Against FirstChurch at home. Nov. 19th -- Against St. Savi- ours at home. Nov. 26th -- Against Christ Church at Bayview School. D&c. 3rd -- Against Collingwood United at home. Dec. 10th -- Against Renfreiv Baptist at Hastings School. Dec. 17th -- Against Knox Ker- risdale at home. Dec. 24th -- Against Riverview United at home. Dec. 31st--Against First Church at Seymour School. Jan. 7th-- Against St. Saviours at Britannia H. S. STRATTON'S B&kEERY boo o reputation for making goad things io cai. We ucc only the purest ingredients ood work under the most sanitary condi- tions. Phone ood have oor delivery mon call doily. )VEST 27 FACTS AVorth Knowing STRATTON'S BAKERY Corks of bottles containing glue and other sticky substances should be rubbed over with glyc- erine to prevent them sticking. To preserve furniture uphol- stered in leather, rub occasion- ally with linseed oil to which a little turpentine has been added. Polish with a piece of soft rag. If you put a piece of sandpap- er, rough side out, between clamp and table before screwing the mincer into position, it will prevent the latter from sliding. Jsms and pickles should not be on top a shelf, as hot air rises, and heat is apt to cause fermen- tation. The bristles of hair brushes that have become soft thruogh repeated washing may be stilT- ened again by dipping them in a strong solution of alum and then drying quickly. Mjx a little aminonia with the beeswax and turpentine used for floor polishing. The wax will then dissolve quickly. If a milk pudding gets burnt, remove the burn skin, add some milk and a little butter, and re- bake in a slow oven. )Vhen silk is being washed, a little salt added to the water helps to fix the color, an&I also keeps the material soft. If s large lump of soda is kept in the sink and the water allowed to run over it, the pipes will nev- er become choked with grease. Amblesid0 Tea Roams Perry Wkecf WEST VANCOUVER Camp ead Picnic Soppiioe, Tab&laces, eic. A School for Cirls K1NDERGARTEN Prison visitor "And what brought you here, my man?" Convict: ?IVelj, sir, my father snivel when I was a boy that ho hoped I'd marry beauty aml brains, an&i I wanted to please him." "Yes?" "So I committed bigamy" United ChurchNow Open at23rd ood Bellevue by bIISS I HILIP Prospectus on Application Special attention given to French. Sfr. A. L. Burchell, acting min- ister of thc United Church, will officiate at both services next Sunday. Communion will be ad- ministered after the morning service. THE AnnouncementPublished Every Friday IL HODGSOV ood F.F.LOVEGROVE Publishers Phones: West 412L Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. IVeekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. West 363 DR. ROWAN announces that his Dental Office at 17th and Marine Drive will be open l)londay and )Ve&jnesday evenings until 8 o'lock, for the convenience of those desiring evening appoint- ments. Boo&oooo ood Editorial Office: 1361 bio&foe Drive bio(i Address i P. O. Boc 101, Houybura, B. C. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass. 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--bfass 8 a.m. 61.00 o year by mail or carrier, News siondo 5c pcc copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION Residence: )Vest 430X2Phone West 78. IVest Van News Baptist Church bcf Sl 0~&(abc IjO) St Stei uief Vsu&au afsted wb isut abfy ~tat jug& I S&di"g I bjftef 0 ' Sclievuc'bjf& sau, A icsafl 'cf.A by slv,I la tba cbafsl. bcf fstbe cd ve'y Iwhite m lonI "" worn in lliiwefs 'ufssw )Im Jas~ bauaf w Rscb Pu Ojjbaft 'atts 'tyle, su bfaufe i )ijss H& taffeta I sutbeiuu Sutb Ai wss d« with bsi silver bi ItlSSS dl The gfa brother, usbafs 'rother Leaky, Mf. Isn Dufju register osccsuf mony 6 home i "iyesiw '~Wait Vi &c suutof 'sau, m& sjstcd ii Pfesii Ilfs. J,j H. Spar jiifs, Lc groom, while I Wfsy, I W juana fred Gi ts, )lisi Scott. Late) left fa South, costum with b, cast wl A took I Hugbc& C. Cfi riage I bifs, Tweut) Vsuca& sau af Crisfaf Du&bc& vcr. On & Octobe bride'3 took p dsugbt Clarke ver,su, esi sa„« bijjjf Dawu, lius af & ver, al Jay lai sud wjj at Csul CRT y )laud t ds) lice their as )lusjcip