Resampled001B6DF2 THE VVEST VAN NEWS Musical Festival Syllabus Now IssuedRED ANO WHITE CHAIN STORES Friday and Saturday Specials i5ir. Sam Lawrence. Secretary of the B. C. Musical Festival, hss just had issueci the syllabus for the 1928 competition, ivhich will Iie held next April. "The Blue Binl" hy C. V. Stnn- fnril and "The Challenge nf Thor" by E. Elgar are the test pieces fnr thc cnmpetition for choral societies of 60 voices nnd more. In this class North Van- cnuver Choral Snciety nnil the West Vancouver Musical Society &vill compete for the 'Icn'sMus!c. al Club shield now hei&i by the North Vancouver nrganizatinn. )Vest Vancouver Ladies'hoir &vill compete in class G for th&.'oyalCity cup, lcnights of Pyth- ias. The test pieces &vill be "The Song of Shadoivs" by Armstrong Gibbs and "The Wind" by F.. T. Swceting. The North Vancouver Iligh School Girls'horus this year iron the "iVicola Valley" Icnights of Pythias shiekl and ivill com- pete again in April. The test pieces will be (two-part) "The )Vind nml the Leaves" by C. Hubert H. Parry aml ((three- part) "Hear the Sledges )Vith the Bells" (unaccompanied) by Hugh S. Robertson. B. C. ICING SI.'GAR.. 3 lbs. (oe 25e "SERV-L!S" BRAND FLOOR WAK, Finest Quality .... I6 on. T(u 39c RED AND &VHITE MATCHES, (nose ........ 3 Bonne I e 23c CORNED BEFF, No. I Tm, pcs &iu .......... Isc CORN. Splendid Quality.......... 2 Tins (or 2(c ROYAL &'ITY PORK AND BEAVS, No. 2 Tiu .......... 2 Tins 2. e &VESTERN CORV FLAKFS ........................ 3 I'ksn 2:c FANCY BLFA&'HED SDLTAVAq, Ncw &i»eop, pcr Ib ............ I~9& RASPBERRY or STRA'(VBERRY I'1'RE,IASI, a lb. &in. pcr tiu &9c GeROL'ISE CHAI ET TO OBSERVE ANiNIVERSARYRoberts't a conservative estimate more than G5,000 persons have visited Grouse Mountain Chalet since it was opened to the public October 23, 1926, according to E. W. Thomas, acting manager of the resort company. The first anniversary of the Grouse Moun- tain High&ray and Scenic Resort company &vill be marked Satur- day and Sunday, by special ex- cursions to the chalet where a special program is being arrang- ed. )Vith a new snow-plow duo to arrive November I, Mr. Thom- as states that the motor road to the chalet will be open all winter. Better Meats 14th and Marine West 19Q 3Vhere Serndce and Quality Count 3VE DELIVER 9&30--East 25th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfeild 3:30-- East 25th Only WINTER FAIR I'ROMISES TO BE BIG SUCCESS Development of British Col- umbia's )Vinter Fair into a great marketing medium for the agri- cultural produce of the province is proceeding, and large consign- ments are promised for the func- tion which will be staged at the Vancouver Exhibition Grounds, December 7, 8, 9, 10. Special classes for groups anil singles in heavy horses will at- tract big crowds, while in the beef section record prices are being looked for. Huge numbers of beef cattle have been promis- ed from the upper country. Dairy cattle, market and breeding sheep and swine will be shown in abundance. The Provincial Poultry Show will be of no less than 3000 birds in number while the dressed poultry section will be very at- tractive. The National Apple Show will again be a thing of beauty and utility, and the ad- vent of the seed fair and potato show will give added value to these great sections, being held at the winter fair. The International Fox Show will again be held. Chrysanthe- mums and cyclamen will be shown in profusion, and the whole show will be staged in buildings heated in a high class manner with expensive heating plants. The auction sales of beef, mut- ton, pork, apples, potatoes, have become recognized mediums for the marketing of the produce of the country, and the Winter Fair beckons to the thousands of Greater Vancouver's citizens as a function which they should on no account miss. There are many features at the big fair, and the disburse- ment of approximately $35,000 to the exhibitors tv o weeks be- fore Christmas will have splen- did results for the merchants of railroads are expected to bring the city. Reduced fares on the large numbers of visitors to the city aml fair. The mining production of the Prov- ince took another jump in 1926, over 363,000,000 worth of minerals being produced. This is the highest pro- duction in the history of the province. SATURDAY Oct. 22nd. Whimsical ReviewEXTRA SPECIAL Beef Sirloin Roast pcr Ib.... 25c The University of B. C. an- nounces that it has added a Bel- gian hare to the faculty of math- ematics. The hare, it is said, multiplies more rapidly than do any of the other professors. King Apples, pcr box .. 51.75 No. I STEER BEEF'-- Boiling Beef, per iblsc (h 12c Rolled Rib Oven Roast pcr Ib ...25c BOILING AND ROASTING CHICKEN Pork Oven Roast, pce lb..... 25c Port Sausage, our owu make pcr ib .. . .. ..,. 30c Old Country Sausage Meat Our owu make, ib...... 15c Beef Dripping ........ 2 lbs. 25c. Ayczhsrc Bacon, sliced, Ib .. 35c New Zealand Butter 3 lbs. 31.33 Cottage Ham, boucle n, Ib 35c Cottage Cheese, pcr lb...... 20c FRESH FRL'ITS AND VEGETABLES Seedless Grapes 2 lbs. 25c Pomcgrauz&cz ........... 2 for 15c 3fcINTOSH APPLES GREEN TOMATOES Quiuccn ............... 2 lbs. 25c California Lettuce........ 2 for 25c A Scotsman, off on a business trip, called back as he was leav- ing the house:-- "Good-bye, all; and dinna for- get to tak'ittle Donal's glasses aff when he isna'ooking't any- thing." She was just a gardener's daughter, but she knew all the rakes. "Thanks for the buggy ride," said the precocious child to its mother. They say that a little bit of vinegar knows its own mother, but it's a wise cork that knows its own pop.3IONDAY SHAMROCK LARD 3 ib. Pails............... 63c SWEET MINCE SIEAT for picz . 2 Ibn. 35c TVESDAY Employer (to new apprentice) "And has the foreman told you what to do?" Apprentice: "Yes, sir. He told me to wake him up when I saw you coming." Cooke&, pcr Ib ................... 21c Shoulder Steaks ......... 2 lbs. 25c WEDNESDAY Guest (angry at having been kept waiting at the station): "So you had difficulty in finding me, eh? Didn't your master de- scribe me?" Chauffeur: "Yes, sir; but there are so many bald-headed gentlemen with red noses." Golden Roy Haddie Fillets, 2 lbs. asc Boneless Corned Beef a Ibn 50c THVRSDAY Beef Sausage, pcc ib ..... Ioc Stewing Beef........... 2 lbs. 25c FRIDAY FRESH S SMOKED FISH "Yes," drawled the great man "lslany are the wonderful holi- days I have spent abroad, andI'e had a good many adventures too. While I was in America I hunted bear." "Good heavens!" cried out his pretty companion, "but didn' you get awfullv col&1?" Suceieocd Vcxe&zblcn Ail summer vegetables have o u'.cce taste if from one io four tablespoons of augur is added &o the boiling wuicr. 1)eiiciouz Corn Corn on the cob is twice as tender ond sweet if it is boiled in the husk, of&or the silks have been removed oud the husk &icd up ngo:u. I'ulvcriz&d Siiu& Pulverized dried mint leaves give an unusual flavor to meat ezuccn aud salad dressings without dcfiniiciy tasting like mint. For Sale -- Essex Coach Brand New Enecx Coach, 1923 model fuuy equipped. This car hzn re&or bccu used ood will be a good buy at the price asked. %'rite P.o. Box 305, Hoiiyburo, for full particulars. "So you are the survivor of a shipwreck? Tell me how you came to be saved?" "We)l,you see, I missed the boat!"Sour milk will often remove iron rust from white fabrics. BUTTER rIv.piT v E»"Jy.E,«",&iie ....... 3 lbs. $ 1.35 Smith s Grocery IVe Deliver A. HARVEY SII 1TH, I sop. zaih AND SIARINE, Opp. 1)uudnracc HniL I'homo WEST 469 Detobes 21, 1927. LUMBER~ Peiccz are seduced in oil grodon from 33.00 io 3&Los pcr 1st. Toke odvoniago of the peczcut low priccn uud suiicipate futuro needs. High Ilnaiiiy Lnmher is Cheapest in the enf. West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LIMITED Phone 3Vest 115 Residence I'hone& West,'IGSI. FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property IIOUSES TO REiVT, FHCE INSUI3ANCE, ETC. 17th Street see JOHN LAWSON Phone West 55 Marine Motors West 17722 Hiamne Dnve If you are bothered with oil pumping or piston slap in your cos bring it &o un. We guuenuicc to stop the trouble. Old cylinders modo like new through o cyidincr houcing process which stops loss of com- pression and gives your car more pcp. No Job too Big. No. Job too Small. Ask 111ickie. Isui nud hIARINE Mo WILLIAMS Ah(BLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR FALL SUIT NOW. Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose from. Dry Cleaning and Pressmg We Call For aud Deliver. CITY PRICES Dyeing, Repairs and Alterations PHONE WEST 20. 4 4 4 @ 4 4 4 &C' 4 NORTH SHORE CANADIAN CLUB Membership in this Club is open to men and women. Every speaker is sponsored by the Association of Canadian Clubs. Those wishing to join are requested to notify the President--J. B. Leyland ()Vest 63RI) ns soon as possible. 4 4 ej&5 4 ki'4 &I"«4 g+ e»&5 dg» NECESSARY KNOWLEDGE Through the kindness of General Motors of Canada Ltd., our Service Superintemlent has completed a thorough practical and technical course, instructe&1 by the General Motors staff of Automotive Engineers of Oshawa, Ont. Every known device for greater accuracy aml speed has been employed in this train ing, and all Super Features on the latest designed Cars have been thoroughly explained and taught, so that we feel confid- ent that all our work will be efficiently aml accurately super- vised. It is our greatest desire to maintain a service unequalled an&i to have our customers'ars operated at the lowest possible cost Chevrolet and Oldsnsobile Dealers North Shore Motors Ltd. 135 First St. W. North Vancouver Phones: West 628Y North 1186i. II. C. OSBORNF., West Vancouver Representative M 4 ~ Your dailv or&ler will be rareful- ly atten&lcd to if ynu send it here Prompt &lelnery. Courteous treatment anil reasonable prices and--above all--the very best quality of meats ls &chat you cnn be a.'isis('ed of when you deal here. Phone Your Order 1%est 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET PHONE WEST 3 CLOSED Te&DRSDAV AT I O'LOCK WE DELIVER